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  1. While we have discussed many great things you can expect to see coming in IP.Content 2.3 already, we've got a few miscellaneous changes that we wanted to let you know about, but that weren't necessarily grouped into a single "theme". Still, we felt you would be interested to hear about these changes, so I've taken a moment to compile... View the full article Zobacz cały news
  2. While we have discussed many great things you can expect to see coming in IP.Content 2.3 already, we've got a few miscellaneous changes that we wanted to let you know about, but that weren't necessarily grouped into a single "theme". Still, we felt you would be interested to hear about these changes, so I've taken a moment to compile... Zobacz cały wpis
  3. Skins with only basic functions Many images have been removed Complatible with ALL apps Useful for administrators who need to check the website during working hours Useful for smart phones are not compatible with the old mobile skins Installation instructions. If you have not installed a skin before and are unsure what to do, follow this guide: 1 template edit needed: Look&Feel, template, Global Template, globalTemplate find: {$footer_items['copyright']} <h5> <a href="{$this->settings['board_url']}/skinchange.php?id=1"> PC version </a> <a href="{$this->settings['board_url']}/skinchange.php?id=4"> - Mobile Version</a> and change the 2 ID with yours ID of normal skin and RAW2 skin (you need to upload file skinchange.php in your forum root, you can find it in ip.board package) Pobierz plik
  4. Battlefield 3 Rank pins for your forums. These images are freely available as a web kit. This kit contains 22 images up to the rank of colonel Pobierz plik
  5. Here is the Collection Smiles collection for your forums. Pobierz plik
  6. Size: 125px/27px Format: .GIF (Rainbow Ranks matted included within download package) Pobierz plik
  7. Size: 160px/35px Format: .GIF (Rainbow Ranks matted included within download package) Pobierz plik
  8. Anyone that runs a lively and thriving community knows that now and again you have to make the hard decision to ban a member. IP.Board has a powerful set of tools built in to manage this for you and you can ban a member for a set number of days or permanently with a few clicks via the warning system or the ACP member management system. Currently, there are... View the full article Zobacz cały news
  9. Anyone that runs a lively and thriving community knows that now and again you have to make the hard decision to ban a member. IP.Board has a powerful set of tools built in to manage this for you and you can ban a member for a set number of days or permanently with a few clicks via the warning system or the ACP member management system. Currently, there are... Zobacz cały wpis
  10. Size: 100px/26px Format: .GIF (light & dark matted included within download package) Pobierz plik
  11. A Black & Mauve Theme Supports 3.2.3 and all latest versions of add-on applications including blog-download manager- nexus- gallery- IP Content- Chat also 3rd party links directory & shoutbox Includes blank logo banner Also Available Free on my site a new 3.2.3 Theme done in plum and purples. Check us out today. Nothing required to get the free theme except to register and validate your email. That simple. I offer a Free design every month of the latest version @ GMM Skin Themes Pobierz plik
  12. As part of our goal to improve the usability of IP.Content, particularly for non-coder administrators, we've used the 2.3 release to look at ways of reducing or eliminating the amount of code that needs to be written in order to create great websites. In the current version of IP.Content, blocks require individual templates (entered as part of the... Zobacz cały wpis
  13. As part of our goal to improve the usability of IP.Content, particularly for non-coder administrators, we've used the 2.3 release to look at ways of reducing or eliminating the amount of code that needs to be written in order to create great websites. In the current version of IP.Content, blocks require individual templates (entered as part of the... View the full article Zobacz cały news
  14. So, are you tired of those useless topics that tells you nothing and has thousands of posts in one day ? This hook will allow users (from selected groups) to ignore topics (of select forums). Ignored topics won't appear in search results (View New Content and Member Content). Pobierz plik
  15. The Calendar Template System allows you to customize your calendars and create forms for the user to fill out when posting a new event. Create custom fields - supported field types include text, text area, checkbox, radio button, dropdown, multi-checkbox, and multi-select Mark individual fields as required - members cannot start a topic unless required fields are populated Add field validation - numeric, date, email, and URL Group custom fields into Templates for individual calendars Customize template views for the Post Screen, Event View, and Calendar View Allow members of specific groups to enter HTML and/or BBCode in custom fields Allow multiple templates per calendar to give users a choice of how events should be created Field values are stored with the event content and are therefore included in any Search. Pobierz plik
  16. Upload these bbcodes to add Torhead tooltips. All they need to do is add is just the name of the item inside the BBCode. Examples: http://boards.blackv...orhead-bbcodes/ You must go to the Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> (Skin) -> Manage Templates & CSS -> globalTemplate Add the following above </head> <script src="[url=""][/url]"></script> To have tooltips modify the colors of links on your site and add icons where appropriate place this before the normal tooltip code: <script src="[url=""][/url]"></script> <script>var framehead_tooltips = { "colorlinks": true, "iconizelinks": true }</script> Only want to do one of those things? Then include just the option you want, like so: <script src="[url=""][/url]"></script> <script>var framehead_tooltips = { "iconizelinks": true }</script> Big thanks to Michael for the help with the schematics. Pobierz plik
  17. Red Dragon 3.2.x - Standard skin with red color Files Include: Skin Files Screenshot PSD Logo Installation Instruction Tested with: IP.Board 3.2.3 IP. Download 2.5.0 IP. Blog 2.4.1 IP. Content 2.2.2 IP. Gallery 4.1.1 IP. Calendar 3.2.2 Pobierz plik
  18. Čeština pro IP.Board 3.2.x .Bylo přeloeno více jak 10 456 poloek.Je přeloena jak veřejná část tak i administrace, zakoupením překladu zároveň máte nárok i na pozdější aktualizace ZDARMA Překlad je moné také zakoupit přes české fórum na adrese , zde si ji překlad zakoupilo 9 uivatelů.Na fóru můete také stáhnout další překlady, popřípadě vám poradíme při řešení problému spojených s instalací překladu Přesný návod jak překlad nainstalovat najdete zde: Pobierz plik
  19. Design on the theme of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Very transparent, easily customizable. Ideal for gaming sites Star Wars : The Old Republic DemoForum Test Regularly updated ! Free updates ! Included in this skin: - Custom skin files - Custom image files - Documentation including information on how to install the skin and change the logo The skin is fully compatible with all IPB add-ons. Other app for IPBoard : IP.Shoutbox & IP.DonateSidebar & Global Forum Message & Etc... => Supported ...And much more! I will also be offering free support with all purchases of this skin. My email is contained within the documentation if you require any help with it. If any bugs are spotted I will aim to provide an update as soon as possible. Please visit the live demo to get a true feel for this skin. Thanks a lot guys! Tag : Star Wars, The Old Republic, SWTOR, theme, design Pobierz plik
  20. This hook allows you to pin posts in the forum topic so that they show up at the beginning of all pages of topics. Pobierz plik
  21. By default, IP.Board shows the topics/posts from all forums when the user uses the search. Using this hook, you will give the user the option to select which forums he wants to see in searchs results (VIEW NEW CONTENT, USER CONTENT and REGULAR SEARCH), directly on User Control Panel. It's very nice to be used on forums with many categories/forums. For example: a user that uses ASP may not want to see the posts from PHP forum or maybe user didn't want to see topics from RSS forum, etc. Pobierz plik
  22. From the same people that made one of the most popular free IPB skins Sylo, comes Sliver. Sliver is a clean, simple and professional skin. Included in this skin: - Custom skin files - Custom image files - Documentation including information on how to install the skin and change the logo The skin is fully compatible with all IPB add-ons. I will also be offering free support with all purchases of this skin. My email is contained within the documentation if you require any help with it. If any bugs are spotted I will aim to provide an update as soon as possible. Please visit the live demo to get a true feel for this skin. Thanks a lot guys! Pobierz plik
  23. This simple hook will restrict reputation system per forum basis. Forums chosen by Admin won't show the reputation/like buttons. Pobierz plik
  24. This hook will give more control to board's administrator in birthday listing (board index sidebar hook and calendar). Now admin can: Choose if wants to show member's age in birthday list Choose which user groups can appear in birthday list Specify the limit (in days) to prevent inactive members (based in member's last activity) from being listed in birthday list Notice: Birthday list in board index sidebar hook is based on Calendar cache. So if even after you change the settings and no change is noted on board index, visit the System tab in your Admin CP and then go to Cache Management. Click in Calendar tab and then click in Recache Cache in birthday line. The setting to use group colors on user link was removed from this hook as now you can use (TB) Group Format - Addon for IP.Calendar 3.2. Pobierz plik
  25. This is a cyan color skin based on fenix skin. (by request) and was made with 3.2.3 version. Included a recent comments block (in footer). You must have IP.Content to use this block. Demo Account: User: Demo Password: demo Pobierz plik
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