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Pobierz modyfikacje naszego autorstwa.

61 files

  1. More information about "(DP34) Denial of Service"


    (DP34) Denial of Service

    With this mod you can force users to read and agree with your custom terms and rules before they can do anything on board.

    Enable/disable system, Exclude (or not) search engine bots from this mod. Select excluded groups, they can acceess to the board even if they do not agree with rules. Whitelist feature: if you want to allow access to specific pages, even without accept rules. It's helpfull for example for a contact pages etc. Two message types: standard (with 15 second delayed time to activate agree button) and popup (can't be closed), Special popup mode - allow members to preview what is on the requested page - but above it display the popup, Cookie feature: number of days during which the user does not need to approve the access agreement form. Can be easily disabled. Actions: If you choose Force DOS agreement then users from selected groups/members will be must agree with rule set below. If you choose Mark as forced then users from selected groups/members won't must agree with rule below. Redirect settings: choose where you want redirect user after terms agreement. Available options: main page, specific forum/topic/post/announce by ID, main board page or custom URL. Force read specific topic before user will be able to open other pages on board, List of members - easy force them to agree rules with tiny information about each (name, mail, joined date, agree date, group name).
    @Thanks to Account07 for help with translation.

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  2. More information about "(DP34) Public Moderation Logs"


    (DP34) Public Moderation Logs

    With this application you can view moderation logs on the public side of board.

    enable/disable mod, choose which groups will be able to see mod logs, choose which groups will be able to see IP's, enable/disable viewing admin mod logs for non acp access members, enable/disable checking forum permissions for non acp access members, enable Light View - selected users can see only last moderate actions.

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  3. More information about "(DP33) Customize Posts"


    (DP33) Customize Posts

    With this modification you can allow your members to set default look of their posts. Their can set: font size, font height, text align and many more!

    enable/disable mod, select which groups can use this mod, check or not secondary groups also, block any text property, - select color select type: colorpicker or dropdown list, set your own font styles.

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  4. More information about "(DP33) Forum 18+"


    (DP33) Forum 18+

    With this mod you can force rules agreement every time (based on cookies - one click per amount of time defined in ACP) when someone open specific forum or topic in specific forum. If user click on Disagree button then he will be redirect to main board page.

    Enable/disable mod per forum, Choose groups which are affected by this mod, Cookies enabled - 'one click per period of time', Enter custom message - full BBCode, smilies and HTML are allowed.
    Mod works apart from each forum.

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  5. More information about "(DP34) Account Switch"


    (DP34) Account Switch

    With this application you can link to any other accounts, but only if you know password to this account. Easy manage and NO file edits required! More info you can find on included screens.

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  6. More information about "(DP34) Sort Subforums"


    (DP34) Sort Subforums

    With this hook you can display subforums in alphabetical order.

    enable/disable mod, choose which groups can see sorted subforums, set in how many columns they should be displayed, set sort order ( ASC or DESC ).

    0 purchases   0 downloads



  7. More information about "(DP34) Advanced Thumbnails"


    (DP34) Advanced Thumbnails

    With this mod you can show small thumbnails from each first post in topic on the forum main view. This mod take first uploaded file (must be image format) and show it thumbnail on forum main board.

    enable/disable mod - per forum, choose which groups can see thumbnails - per forum, set width and height of each thumbnail - per forum, choose what kind of images - external (entered by link) or internal (uploaded into board) you want show - per forum or choose the prority: first external then internal or vice versa, set default image for specific forum or for all (global setting).

    0 purchases   0 downloads



  8. More information about "(DP34) Referrals System"


    (DP34) Referrals System

    With this app you can allow your members invite other members.

    enable/disable system, select allowed groups to use this mod, three invite types: free -> user may or may not enter inviter name; force -> user must enter inviter name; invite only: user must be referred by invite form (with hashed keycode), list of all invited users, list of all invited users in ACP with filter option for search invited members for specific user, invites by referral link, points system integration ( any system! ), promotion to the new group after reaching specific amount of referred users, ability to enable/disable member powers to raising people via ACP, ability to check all referred users via ACP ( member manage ), three notification methods: PM, E-mail or Inline, info in member profiles about referrer, top X referrers in sidebar, ability to disable the 'Referral Link' in sidebar, ability to add/edit/remove referred transactions, ability to turn off the "Referrer Information" block in profiles, ACP permissions (manage: add, remove, edit), ability to award referrer if his referrred member made topic/post, ranking with filters in the ACP view, enhaced filters for referral transactions, invite form, option to enable/disable custom invite message, option to disable invites from the same IP, resend option to resend sent invites, option to approve transaction only if referrer add more than X defined posts. and more!

    0 purchases   0 downloads



  9. More information about "(DP34) Global Sidebars"


    (DP34) Global Sidebars

    With this application you can display global sidebar on your board. You can add global sidebar or customized section for each application on your board. Application works on caches - minimum resource affect.

    enable/disable modification, choose which groups can see adverts, integrate with (DP33) Advanced Adverts (buy), always show main sidebar on all pages or hide it if on specified section will be added custom sidebar, add unlimited adverts - sort them, edit or remove, add javascript or PHP code into advert content, enable or disable default sidebar on the main board page. If not disabled then global ('all' type) custom global sidebar will be displayed above the standard sidebar, and under it will be displayed 'index' type custom global sidebar. - disable 'all pages' sidebar on selected pages, option to disable sidebars on selected skins, parse any IP.Content block. You can use now {parse block="block_key"} in any sidebar to show block content, exclude selected groups from viewing each sidebar, display or hide sidebars on selected pages - fully customizable, - use standard sidebar - the same as on the main board page (when enabled global sidebar won't be visible - because global sidebar it's already on the main board page). Note: standard sidebar on other page than main will increase the page load time, display on right or left the board side, disable 'forum' sidebar type in specified forums, display adverts in random order, display each advert (position) in sidebar with own header and wrapper, Nexus Adverts Integration - this is paid addon and cost 10$! (If you want to buy this addon just send me this quote on [email protected] and mail me on the same mail with your PayPal ID), Outside Sidebar Integration - this is paid addon and cost 10$! (If you want to buy this addon just send me this quote on [email protected] and mail me on the same mail with your PayPal ID) - with this you can add new sidebar to the right (only) of the board, youtside the main frame of the content (see screens for more details), and more!
    Info: make sure that you set and disable every mobile skin in settings of this mod (Disable on Skins).

    2 purchases   3 downloads



  10. More information about "(DP34) Advanced Adverts"


    (DP34) Advanced Adverts

    With this advanced application you can add rotating (or not) adverts in many places on board. You can add adverts in: main top, in sidebar, in footer, in profile view under friends, under all forums and many more! But if you want add new adverts, e.g. in IP.Downloads you can buy new sections - with easy installer you can add new places.

    Please take a look on screens and check all features and options!

    Changes from version 1.0.1 to version 1.1.0:
    added support for IP.Board 3.2.x, cleaned and updated the code, added error codes to better support, added section to display adverts under the announcements in forum view, added section to display adverts above and under the fast reply in topic view, added PHP advert type, added options to show each advert for a selected groups, in selected forum and on selected skins, added statistics - per section, per advert or globally, added stats by advert, by country, by browser, by OS, by date, by IP address, added option to set max. views per each advert.
    Changes from version 1.1.0 to version 1.2.0:
    fixed error with 'eregi' function', added many premoded section for the board and official applications:         Forum View - Under All Subforums
            Topic View - Above Whole Topic
            Profile View - Above Contact Info
            IP.Blog - Above All Entries
            IP.Blog - Entry View - Below the Entry
            IP.Blog - Entry View - Above the Share Links
            IP.Calendar - Entry View - Below the Entry
            IP.Downloads - Under Categories List
            IP.Downloads - File View - Under Description
            IP.Downloads - Confirmation Screen - Above the Info
            IP.Downloads - Confirmation Screen - Below the Info
            IP.Gallery - Album View - Under the Album Name
            IP.Gallery - Album View - Under the Album Owner Info
            IP.Gallery - Album View - Under the All Images
            IP.Gallery - Image View - Above the Image
            IP.Gallery - Image View - Above the Comments
            IP.Gallery - Main View - Below Recently Updated Albums
            IP.Gallery - Main View - Above Global Albums
            IP.Gallery - Main View - Below Recent Images.

    Changes from version 1.2.0 to version 1.2.1:
    added global option to enable ajax rotating (if the rotating is enabled in the section settings), added tool to rebuild sections cache, added advanced option to disable counting views statistics in order to reduce the size of the database, added tool to truncate big tables with advanced view statistics, fixed issue related to the sorting adverts, fixed issue related to the upgrading process, fixed issue with GeoIP, which could cause errors on servers with enabled GeoIP library.
    Changes from version 1.2.1 to version 1.2.2:
    added option to enable/disable specific advert on the main board page, added option to disabled specific advert in selected applications.
    Changes from version 1.2.2 to version 1.2.3:
    update to work with IP.Board 3.4, bring new feature: master templates! Do you want to rotate part of adverts and leave other in the same section? Do you want to manage in advanced div contener your adverts? Now you can! fixed small error related to changing alignment of section.
    Changes from version 1.2.3 to version 1.2.4:
    fixed error related to the disabled apps in advert display settings, fixed all broken predefined sections, fixed non parsed separator for adverts.
    Changes from version 1.2.4 to version 1.2.5:
    fixed error related to the footer section on mobile skin, removed oldie news section from dashboard.
    Changes from version 1.2.5 to version 1.2.6:
    added sections generator. Now you can use in any place in the skin code {parse advsection="section_key"} to parse any section you want to!

    1 purchase   2 downloads



  11. More information about "(DP33) Guest View Limits"


    (DP33) Guest View Limits

    Limit page views for guests in specified amount of time.

    bots can explore whole board without limits, enable/disable mod, set visit limit number and time, set error message, limit topics (or no).

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  12. More information about "(DP34) Custom Links"


    (DP34) Custom Links

    With this app you can change one phrazes to another in topic view, but do not touch them in database. It's works only for a content view.

    enable/disable mod, choose groups which will be able to see parsed phrazes, add unlimited pairs, choose where each pair will work.

    2 purchases   4 downloads



  13. More information about "(DP34) Post Background per Member"


    (DP34) Post Background per Member

    With this application you can allow members set background for their posts.

    enable/disable system, only selected groups can use this application, two selecting color methods: ColorPicker or specified colors only, allow for internal and/or external images, users can choose position for thies backgrounds ( 9 places ), users can easily remove image/color, works fine with fast and standard edit form, option to completely disable posts background for specific member, ACP backgrounds management.

    1 purchase   1 download



  14. More information about "(DP34) Topic Readers"


    (DP34) Topic Readers

    Modification allow to see list who read any topic.

    enable/disable modification, choose which groups can see this list, choose in which forums you want add the list, sort by member name or last view time, order asc or desc list, format names with according group colors, set any separator.

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  15. More information about "Zestaw filtrów blokady e-mail z domen tymczasowych"


    Zestaw filtrów blokady e-mail z domen tymczasowych

    W pobranym pliku znajdziecie listę, dzięki której zablokujecie rejestrację przy użyciu adresów e-mail z domen tymczasowych, typu:
    10minutesmail.com Na obecną chwilę, lista zawiera 2125 domen. Domeny są dodane w formacie:
    *10minutesmail.com z adnotacją 'temp email'
    Do importu należy użyć dodatku: (M34) Ban Filter Importer/Exporter 1.1.0
    Uwaga! Jeśli już importowano listę domen z tego dodatku, należy wyczyścić wcześniejsze wpisy, inaczej zostaną zduplikowane.  Wykonaj poniższe zapytanie do bazy, pamiętając o odpowiednim prefiksie tabeli. Pamiętaj, że robisz to na własną odpowiedzialność.
    DELETE FROM `prefiks_tabeli_banfilters` WHERE `ban_type` = 'email' Lista domen pobrana z: https://github.com/martenson/disposable-email-domains




  16. Free

    IPB Bad Words - Filtry słów [PL]

    Rozwinięcie listy, pierwotnie opracowanej przez @Amfidiusz i @Cleric dla invisionize.pl.
    Wielkie podziękowania dla @Macsch15, za pomoc w zautomatyzowaniu tworzenia listy.
    Czarna lista polskich słów uważanych za wulgarne. Stan na dzień dzisiejszy to: 1904 frazy (w różnych odmianach, z ogonkami i bez polskich znaków oraz z najczęściej powtarzanymi błędami ortograficznymi). Wszystkie wyrazy zostały ocenzurowane metodą 'Dokładnie' - zapobiegnie więc to nieprawidłowemu wykrywaniu.
    Świeża instalacja:
    Przejdź do ACP Wygląd Zawartość postów Filtry słów Przejdź do sekcji Wyślij plik XML z filtrami kliknij Przeglądaj znajdź i wybierz pobrany plik ipb_badwords.xml następnie zatwierdź, klikając na Importuj filtry słów
    Uwaga! Jeśli wcześniej już były dodawane filtry, należy wyczyścić tabelę 'badwords', ponieważ nowe frazy nie zostaną nadpisane.
    DELETE FROM prefiks_tabeli_badwords;  
    Pamiętaj, że powyższe robisz na własną odpowiedzialność.
    Filtry te, są również kompatybilne z IPS Community Suite 4.0




  17. More information about "Dean(Un)ban (PL)"


    Dean(Un)ban (PL)

    Aplikacja została spolszczona. Powody,które się wybiera również.




  18. More information about "ServerViewer by WebKolo.pl"


    ServerViewer by WebKolo.pl

    //-----------------------------------------------// ServerViewer v.1.1//-----------------------------------------------// Author: Kolo// Written on: 01 / 09 / 2013// Updated on: 25 / 12 / 2013//-----------------------------------------------// Copyright (C) 2013 WebKolo.pl// All Rights Reserved//-----------------------------------------------
    Dzięki temu skryptowi możesz dodać fajną listę serwerów na swojej stronie WWW.
    Skrypt jest oparty o silnik LGSL. Lista serwerów jest generowana automatycznie, łatwe dodawanie serwerów, Posiada on wiele opcji. Oto kilka z nich:
    - panel administracyjny - włączanie/wyłączanie serwerów,
    - możliwe dopisanie własnego opisu serwera
    - możliwe dodawanie linków hltv
    - łatwe dodawanie/usuwanie serwerów
    - ładniejszy wygląd
    - spolszczony silnik lgsl
    - poprawiona lokalizacja serwerów
    - bardzo łatwa możliwość podpięcia pod IP.Board

    Dodatkowo obsługuję:
    - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    - TeamSpeak
    - TeamSpeak 3 (przy innych portach niż standardowy mogą występować problemy - testowane na serwerach vps svoice.pl, zabijaka.pl oraz na maszynie VPS - ok)
    Często zadawane pytania:



    Miałem problemy z wgraniem tabeli, więc podzieliłem Ją na 2 archiwa. Pierwsze (główne) archiwum zawiera wszystkie potrzebne pliki do instalacji Tabeli, drugie (dodatkowe) natomiast zawiera Obrazki czyli ikony map, lokacji i reszte.
    Tabela nie została stworzona przeze mnie! Autorem jest @PawelS aka WebKolo, Ja tylko udostępniam tabele!




  19. More information about "(MDX) Media Tag Cda.pl"


    (MDX) Media Tag Cda.pl

    Automatycznie osadza filmy z portalu cda.pl w postach. Wystarczy wkleić link z cda.pl by w poście wyświetlił się odtwarzacz




  20. More information about "(DP34) Top Posters"


    (DP34) Top Posters

    UWAGA! Autorem hook'a jest DawPi, ja od siebie dodałem tylko możliwość wykluczenia grupy lub grup z wyświetlania w Top Posters oraz oznaczenie wersji jako 1.0.2. Opis pliku pochodzi z uploadu wersji 1.0.1 wrzuconej przez DawPiego! Oryginalną wersję możesz znaleźć (tutaj). Hook działa w pełni poprawnie na najnowszej wersji IPB (w dniu wrzucania tego pliki, tj. 16.03.2015, najnowszą stabilną wersją jest 3.4.7).
    Dzięki temu prostemu rozszerzeniu możliwe jest wyświetlenie listy najlepszych X piszących posty w panelu bocznym na stronie głównej forum.
    włączenie/wyłączenie modyfikacji,
    wybór grup, które mogą wyświetlać panel,
    ustawienie limitu wyświetlanych pozycji,
    ustawienie własnego tytułu dla panelu,
    kolory nazw użytkowników wg kolorów przynależnych grup.




  21. More information about "(TM34) Highlighted banned member posts"


    (TM34) Highlighted banned member posts

    Dzięki modyfikacji, wszystkie posty zbanowanego użytkownika mają czerwone tło.




  22. More information about "(TM34) Post Links of X Posts"


    (TM34) Post Links of X Posts

    Modyfikacja uniemożliwia wysyłanie linków w postach przez użytkowników, którzy nie mają minimalnej ilości postów na forum.
    Włącz/Wyłącz hooka
    Minimalna ilość postów
    Wiadomość informacyjna (błędu)
    Wykluczone grupy
    Wykluczone fora

    1 purchase   1 download



  23. More information about "(MDX34) Work in progress"


    (MDX34) Work in progress

    Dodaje pasek postępu wraz z opisem wykonywanych prac w panelu bocznym




  24. More information about "(TM34) Reputation Posts"


    (TM34) Reputation Posts

    Modyfikacja dodaje nowe możliwości w systemie reputacji treści użytkowników.
    Pod zdjęciem użytkownika w poście dodaje pasek postępu reputacji, kolor paska zmienia się, gdy użytkownik osiągnie wymaganą ilość reputacji ustaloną w ustawieniach. Obok paska dodaje dwie łapki "w górę" i "w dół".
    Po wybraniu łapki w górę dodaje użytkownikowi dodatni punkt reputacji, natomiast po wybraniu łapki w dół dodaje użytkownikowi ujemny punkt.
    Można również wpisać powód/komentarz przyznawanego punktu (opcjonalne).
    Każdy użytkownik posiada własną kartę historii punktów reputacji po kliknięciu na ogólną liczbę punktów użytkownika.

    0 purchases   1 download



  25. More information about "(MDX34) Guest message slider"


    (MDX34) Guest message slider

    Hook dodaje wiadomość dla gości z animowanymi zakładkami.
    Zawartość zakładek oraz tytuły można łatwo skonfigurować w ACP.
    Hook idealnie nadaje się gdy chcesz dodać kilka wiadomości dla gości.
    W archiwum znajdują się hooki z jedną, dwoma, trzema oraz czterema zakładkami.
    Demo: http://screencast.com/t/XQMtvHWg
    Hook korzysta z CSS3!
    Sprawdź przeglądarki które wspierają CSS3 tutaj:


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