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Treść opublikowana przez Tricky

  1. you can go: and you see a missing image (in Last Submitted Wallpapers & Photographs) in row 2
  2. where do i get that hook ^^,)
  3. Okay, one last thing But when i submit a Video File, the "screenshot" doesn't show with that code(didn't work with those others either)? if an Video has been submitted we can have a img says that this is an Video File or if its easy done the screenshot to the video..if it's simpler.. hmm Thanks for a reply!
  4. Hey How can i get the shoutbox at the bottom of the website?
  5. working!!! thanks so much for helping me wot this!!!
  6. ^^,) i have patient! no worries! and the code are not working
  7. hehe, i have to disappoint you, but it dont work gray stars^^
  8. ^^,) I only see gray stars want to see gold to ^^
  9. Works!! but, how is it possible to make it show much the img are rated? Thank you so much!!!!
  10. Code Works, but, i can't rate it @ front page: [#10727] We could not determine the image you were trying to rate.
  11. Want to have the stas to the image(rate starts) look here, Look, Last Submitted Files(i want the "stars, in img) to appear where the out of 5 is located
  12. Hello, How can i bring the "STARS" from a Image., where you see: {$row['number']} out of 5 i have a code from: Michael, From IPS.. <center> <i><b>Be aware:</b> We allow nudity Wallpapers & Photographs and it may appear on front page<br><font size="1">(Guests are <b>Not</b> allowed to Download such wallpapers)</font></i> <br><br> </center> <?php /* Init */ $return = ""; $to_show = 24; $per_row = 6; $count = 0; /* Query */ $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => ' AS picid, i.masked_file_name,, i.caption, i.member_id', 'from' => array( 'gallery_images' => 'i' ), 'add_join' => array( 0 => array( 'select' => 'g.rate AS number', 'from' => array( 'gallery_ratings' => 'g' ), 'where' => '', 'type' => 'left' ) ), 'add_join' => array( 1 => array( 'select' => ' as uname', 'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ), 'where' => 'i.member_id=m.member_id', 'type' => 'left' ) ), 'order' => ' DESC', 'limit' => array( 0, $to_show ), ) ); $this->DB->execute(); /* Got some rows */ if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows() ) { $return .= "<div><table><tr>"; while ( $row = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $count++; $return .= <<<EOF <td class='short'> <a href="index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img={$row['picid']}"> <img src="uploads/{$row['directory']}/tn_{$row['masked_file_name']}" alt="{$row['caption']}" /> </a><br /> <i>Uploaded By:</i><br> <a href='index.php?app=gallery&module=user&user={$row['member_id']}'><b>{$row['uname']}</b></a></strong><br /><i>Rating:</i> {$row['number']} out of 5 </td> EOF; /* New row */ if ( $count && $count % $per_row == 0 ) { $return .= "</tr><tr>"; } } $return .= "</tr></table></div>"; } /* Return */ print $return; ?>
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