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Treść opublikowana przez Dzeju

  1. Dzeju


    jeśli chodzi obrazki patronat,download,okładki znajdują się one na innym serwerze, jeśli chodzi o lay to przy 2x większych odwiedzinach wystarczało, a za jaką cena można mieć coś dobrego ?
  2. Dzeju


    Witam posiadam server w firmie neststrefa, w ostatnim czasie mój serwis pożera około 100 GB transferu na miesiąc, nie byłoby to dziwne w chwili obecnej mam o połowę mniej odwiedzin niż np w styczniu, może mi ktoś podpowiedzieć co tak może pożerać ten transfer ? Lub polecić inna firmę gdzie mogę dostać więcej za podobną cenę wchodzi tu kwota około130 zł na rok ;p
  3. wrzuciłem do wszystkich nie pomogło, zawartość pliku <?php /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /* FILE GENERATED BY INVISION POWER BOARD 3 */ /* CACHE FILE: Skin set id: 1 */ /* CACHE FILE: Generated: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 19:04:59 GMT */ /* DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY - THE CHANGES WILL NOT BE */ /* WRITTEN TO THE DATABASE AUTOMATICALLY */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ class skin_topxstats_1 { /** * Construct */ function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry ) { /* Make object */ $this->registry = $registry; $this->DB = $this->registry->DB(); $this->settings =& $this->registry->fetchSettings(); $this->request =& $this->registry->fetchRequest(); $this->lang = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization'); $this->member = $this->registry->member(); $this->memberData =& $this->registry->member()->fetchMemberData(); $this->cache = $this->registry->cache(); $this->caches =& $this->registry->cache()->fetchCaches(); } /* -- output --*/ function output($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan) { $IPBHTML = ""; $IPBHTML .= "<!-- USTAWIENIA WY¦WIETLANIA [EN30] TOP X STATS v1.0.4 --> <div class='category_block block_wrap'> <h3 id='category_topxstats' class='maintitle'> <a class='toggle right' href='#' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_cat']}'>{$this->lang->words['toggle_cat']}</a> {$this->lang->words['en30_top_x_stats']} </h3> <table class='ipb_table' width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr class='header'> <!-- WY¦WIETLANIE TYTUŁÓW BLOKÓW 1 DO 3 + TYTUŁÓW OSTATNICH POSTÓW --> ".$this->__f__493f8d87c840dbbd47dea376a1e551e8($blocks,$latestPosts,$rowSpan)." <th scope='col' width='25%'><img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/latest_posts.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$this->lang->words['en30_latest_posts']}\" style=\"vertical-align: bottom\" /> {$this->lang->words['en30_latest_posts']}</th> </tr> <!-- WY¦WIETLANIE BLOKÓW 1 DO 3 --> <tr> ".$this->__f__55e58390a79249e429b55f301596e064($blocks,$latestPosts,$rowSpan)." <!-- WY¦WIETLANIE OSTATNICH POSTÓW --> <td width=\"25%\" rowspan=\"{$rowSpan}\" valign=\"top\"> <table> <tbody> ".$this->__f__51790b10ce4f8656bf18c63e1e47abdc($blocks,$latestPosts,$rowSpan)." </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> " . ((count( $blocks ) > 3) ? (" <!-- WY¦WIETLANIE TYTUŁÓW BLOKÓW 4 DO 6 --> <tr class='header'> ".$this->__f__382ab759455217bf4168a5f3346e8327($blocks,$latestPosts,$rowSpan)." </tr> <!-- WY¦WIETLANIE BLOKÓW 4 DO 6 --> <tr> ".$this->__f__a7b48452031b3fa7851c4f019d3c5371($blocks,$latestPosts,$rowSpan)." </tr> ") : ("")) . " </table> </div> <!-- KONIEC EDYCJI USTAWIEŃ WY¦WIETLANIA [EN30] TOP X STATS v1.0.4 -->"; return $IPBHTML; } function __f__493f8d87c840dbbd47dea376a1e551e8($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan) { $_ips___x_retval = ''; foreach( $blocks as $block ) { $_ips___x_retval .= " " . (($block['row'] == 1) ? (" <th scope='col' width='25%'><img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/{$block['img']}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$this->lang->words[ $block['key'] ]}\" style=\"vertical-align: bottom\" /> {$this->lang->words[ $block['lang'] ]}</th> ") : ("")) . " "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; return $_ips___x_retval; } function __f__75decbd35a8ad671e80c4191b0e38b66($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan,$block='') { $_ips___x_retval = ''; foreach( $block['stats'] as $row ) { $_ips___x_retval .= " <tr class=\"{$row['class']}\"> <td align=\"left\" width=\"100%\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> <a href=\"" . $this->registry->getClass('output')->formatUrl( $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( "{$row['link']}", "public",'' ), "{$row['seoTitle']}", "{$row['act']}" ) . "\" title='{$row['title']}'> <img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/row/{$row['icon']}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$row['title']}\" style=\"vertical-align: bottom\" /> " . (($row['makeTitleFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['title'], $this->settings['en30_truncatetitles'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("" . IPSText::truncate( $row['title'], $this->settings['en30_truncatetitles'] ) . "")) . " </a> </td> <td align=\"right\" title=\"{$row['hover']}\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> " . (($row['hover'] != 'Reputation') ? ("<img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/statistic/" . strtolower( str_replace( " ", "_", $row['hover'] ) ) . ".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$row['title']}\" style=\"margin-right: -4px\" />") : ("")) . " </td> <td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\" title=\"{$row['hover']}\" style=\"padding-left: 0px\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> " . (($row['hover'] != 'Reputation' && $row['hover'] != 'Commenter') ? ("" . (($row['makeStatisticFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("" . IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ) . "")) . "") : ("" . (($row['hover'] == 'Commenter') ? ("<a href=\"" . $this->registry->getClass('output')->formatUrl( $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( "showuser={$row['id2']}", "public",'' ), "{$row['seoTitle2']}", "showuser" ) . "\" title='{$row['statistic']}'>" . (($row['makeStatisticFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("" . IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ) . "")) . "</a>") : ("" . (($row['makeStatisticFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("{$row['statistic']}")) . "")) . "")) . " </td> </tr> "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; return $_ips___x_retval; } function __f__55e58390a79249e429b55f301596e064($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan) { $_ips___x_retval = ''; foreach( $blocks as $block ) { $_ips___x_retval .= " " . (($block['row'] == 1) ? (" <td width=\"25%\"> <table> <tbody> ".$this->__f__75decbd35a8ad671e80c4191b0e38b66($blocks,$latestPosts,$rowSpan,$block)." </tbody> </table> </td> ") : ("")) . " "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; return $_ips___x_retval; } function __f__51790b10ce4f8656bf18c63e1e47abdc($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan) { $_ips___x_retval = ''; foreach( $latestPosts as $row ) { $_ips___x_retval .= " <tr class=\"{$row['class']}\"> <td align=\"left\" width=\"100%\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> <a href=\"" . $this->registry->getClass('output')->formatUrl( $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( "{$row['link']}&view=getlastpost", "public",'' ), "{$row['seoTitle']}", "{$row['act']}" ) . "\" title='{$row['title']}'> <img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/row/{$row['icon']}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$row['title']}\" style=\"vertical-align: bottom\" /> " . IPSText::truncate( $row['title'], $this->settings['en30_truncatetitles'] ) . " </a> </td> <td align=\"right\" title=\"{$row['hover']}\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> " . (($row['hover'] != 'Reputation') ? ("<img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/statistic/" . strtolower( str_replace( " ", "_", $row['hover'] ) ) . ".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$row['title']}\" style=\"margin-right: -4px\" />") : ("")) . " </td> <td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\" title=\"{$row['hover']}\" style=\"padding-left: 0px\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> <a href=\"" . $this->registry->getClass('output')->formatUrl( $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( "showuser={$row['id2']}", "public",'' ), "{$row['seoTitle2']}", "showuser" ) . "\" title='{$row['statistic']}'>" . (($row['makeStatisticFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("" . IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ) . "")) . "</a> </td> </tr> "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; return $_ips___x_retval; } function __f__382ab759455217bf4168a5f3346e8327($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan) { $_ips___x_retval = ''; foreach( $blocks as $block ) { $_ips___x_retval .= " " . (($block['row'] == 2) ? (" <th scope='col' width='25%'><img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/{$block['img']}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$this->lang->words[ $block['lang'] ]}\" style=\"vertical-align: bottom\" /> {$this->lang->words[ $block['lang'] ]}</th> ") : ("")) . " "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; return $_ips___x_retval; } function __f__e47317f0252b96bfc785231f92636a3e($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan,$block='') { $_ips___x_retval = ''; foreach( $block['stats'] as $row ) { $_ips___x_retval .= " <tr class=\"{$row['class']}\"> <td align=\"left\" width=\"100%\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> <a href=\"" . $this->registry->getClass('output')->formatUrl( $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( "{$row['link']}", "public",'' ), "{$row['seoTitle']}", "{$row['act']}" ) . "\" title='{$row['title']}'> <img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/row/{$row['icon']}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$row['title']}\" style=\"vertical-align: bottom\" /> " . (($row['makeTitleFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['title'], $this->settings['en30_truncatetitles'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("" . IPSText::truncate( $row['title'], $this->settings['en30_truncatetitles'] ) . "")) . " </a> </td> <td align=\"right\" title=\"{$row['hover']}\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> " . (($row['hover'] != 'Reputation') ? ("<img src=\"{$this->settings['img_url']}/topxstats_icons/statistic/" . strtolower( str_replace( " ", "_", $row['hover'] ) ) . ".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$row['title']}\" style=\"margin-right: -4px\" />") : ("")) . " </td> <td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\" title=\"{$row['hover']}\" style=\"padding-left: 0px\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> " . (($row['hover'] != 'Reputation' && $row['hover'] != 'Commenter') ? ("" . (($row['makeStatisticFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("" . IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ) . "")) . "") : ("" . (($row['hover'] == 'Commenter') ? ("<a href=\"" . $this->registry->getClass('output')->formatUrl( $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( "showuser={$row['id2']}", "public",'' ), "{$row['seoTitle2']}", "showuser" ) . "\" title='{$row['statistic']}'>" . (($row['makeStatisticFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("" . IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ) . "")) . "</a>") : ("" . (($row['makeStatisticFormatted']) ? ("" . IPSLib::makeNameFormatted( IPSText::truncate( $row['statistic'], $this->settings['en30_truncatestats'] ), $row['member_group_id'] ) . "") : ("{$row['statistic']}")) . "")) . "")) . " </td> </tr> "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; return $_ips___x_retval; } function __f__a7b48452031b3fa7851c4f019d3c5371($blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan) { $_ips___x_retval = ''; foreach( $blocks as $block ) { $_ips___x_retval .= " " . (($block['row'] == 2) ? (" <td width=\"25%\"> <table> <tbody> ".$this->__f__e47317f0252b96bfc785231f92636a3e($blocks,$latestPosts,$rowSpan,$block)." </tbody> </table> </td> ") : ("")) . " "; } $_ips___x_retval .= ''; return $_ips___x_retval; } } /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /* END OF FILE */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
  4. wrzuciłem plik skin_topxstats do casche_12 nadal ten błąd
  5. hmm znalazłem to w casched_1 jednak wszystko co zmieniałem było w casched_1 2a tam tego niema, jest tylko w casched_1, chyba że coś 2 admin zmienił
  6. nie ma tam żadnego pliku o tej nazwie;/
  7. Sprawdziłem jeszcze raz i wszystko jest na 777, jednak nadal nie działa.
  8. Wersja PHP 5.2.9 linia: $this->html = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('topxstats')->output( $blocks, $latestPosts, $rowSpan );
  9. Nie wiem bo mam taki błąd Fatal error: Call to a member function output() on a non-object in /home/dzeju/public_html/forum/hooks/TopXStats_35f548a490f4f55a0301f68a173241b4.php on line 565
  10. A można to tak ustawić żeby się wyświetlało na stronie głównej ?
  11. Witam Szukam moda podobnego do tego na tym forum Jest coś takiego pod IPB?
  12. tez potrzebuje czegoś co będzie wyświetlało w temacie ilość pobrań
  13. Napisałem do nich, jednak nie dostałem odpowiedzi
  14. chyba naprawili bo juz nie muli wchodzi tak jak powinno dzięki za pomoc
  15. napisałem a tu to co odpowiedzieli
  16. Jeśli mam licencje aktywną to tak jednak boje się że będą mieli problem ze zrozumieniem o co mi chodzi
  17. hmm napisałe donich w tejs sprawie oto ich odpowiedz "Witam, logi takie nie istnieją. Pozdrawiamy"
  18. ok u mnie zapytanie wygladało tak UPDATE ipbmembers SET allow_admin_mails = 1 dziękuje za pomoc
  19. niesety zadałem pytanie i dostałem błąd zapytanie SQL: UPDATE ibf_members SET allow_admin_mails =1 MySQL zwrócił komunikat: Dokumentacja #1146 - Table 'dzeju_rhh.ibf_members' doesn't exist
  20. Witam Mam pewnie problem z wysyłaniem mass mail, ma 6 tys userów zarejestrowanych kiedy che wysłać meila to pokazuje mi że wiadomości zostanie wysłana do 2 tysięcy userów, a co z pozostałymi? w wersji 2.3.6 nie było takiego problemu.
  21. ok, napisze do nich zobaczymy co z tego wyjdzie.
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