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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez AMIGAnTOMEK

  1. Forum niedawno zaktualizowane z 2.3.6 do 3.2.3 Pratycznie od poczatku mam problem Cytowaniem selektywnym (by Pavulon). Po wlaczeniu tego hooka (ale i innego User Online Status in Topics) nie da sie w normalny sposob uzywac okna szybkiej odpowiedzi. Po prostu odpowiedz w nim napisana pojawia sie tylko w momencie uzycia F5 albo gdy w czasie pisania naszego postu ktos dodal swoj.

    konsola wypluwa

    success  "1"
    post  null
    postid  "715500"

  2. Jak juz w innym watku oisalem (Moze DawPi przeniesie posty) wlaczenie modyfikacji powoduje u mnie problemy z odswierzaniem sie okna po pisaniu w oknie szybkiej odpowiedzi. Zastanawiam sie od czego zaczac szukanie. Czy jakikolwiek wpływ mogą mieć ustawienia serwera? Moze czegos brak na nim?

  3. <?php
    * (T31) Database Optimizer
    * Task: Optimize the database
    * @author  Terabyte
    * @copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 Invision Byte
    * @link
    * @since  10/06/2009
    * @updated  06/11/2010
    * @version  2.0.0
    * @longversion 20000
    if ( !defined('IN_IPB') )
    print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";
    class task_item
     * Parent task manager class
     * @var  object
    protected $class;
     * This task data
     * @var  array
    protected $task   = array();
     * Prevent logging
     * @var  boolean
    protected $restrict_log = false;
     * Registry Object Shortcuts
     * @var  object
    protected $registry;
    protected $DB;
    protected $settings;
    protected $lang;
     * Saves temporarly the actual offline status of the board
     * @var  integer
    private $oldOfflineStatus = 0;
     * Saves temporarly the actual offline message
     * @var  string
    private $oldOfflineMsg = '';
     * Tables to be skipped from the optimization
     * @var  array
    private $skipTables = array();
     * Constructor
     * @param  object  ipsRegistry reference
     * @param  object  Parent task class
     * @param array   This task data
     * @return void
    public function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry, $class, $task )
     /* Make registry objects */
     $this->registry =  $registry;
     $this->DB	    =  $this->registry->DB();
     $this->settings =& $this->registry->fetchSettings();
     $this->lang    =  $this->registry->getClass('class_localization');
     $this->class = $class;
     $this->task  = $task;
     /* Load our lang string */
     $this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_global' ), 'core' );
     * Run this task
     * @return void
    public function runTask()
      /* Switch Board status */
      /* Switch Board status again =O */
      $this->switchBoard( true );
     /* Unlock task */
     $this->class->unlockTask( $this->task );
     * A function to switch the board offline and back online when the task is running
     * @param  boolean True sets the board offline, false turns it back online
     * @return void
    private function switchBoard( $online=false )
     if ( !$this->settings['tb_do_offline'] )
      return false;
     if ( $online )
      /* Unlock forum */
      IPSLib::updateSettings( array( 'board_offline' => $this->oldOfflineStatus, 'offline_msg' => $this->oldOfflineMsg ) );
      /* Store our current offline status */
      $this->oldOfflineStatus = intval($this->settings['board_offline']);
      /* Get offline messages from DB */
      $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
    			  'from'   => 'core_sys_conf_settings',
    			  'where'  => "conf_key IN ('offline_msg','tb_do_message')"
    	    )  );
      $ourOfflineMsg = "";
      while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
       $value = $r['conf_value'] != "" ?  $r['conf_value'] : $r['conf_default'];
       if ( $value == '{blank}' )
    	 $value = '';
       /* Save our old offline msg  */
       if ( $r['conf_key'] == 'offline_msg' )
    	 $this->oldOfflineMsg = $value;
    	 $ourOfflineMsg = $value;
      /* Lock forum */
      IPSLib::updateSettings( array( 'board_offline' => 1, 'offline_msg' => $ourOfflineMsg ) );

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PRIVATE in /home/ on line 127

  4. Niewiele mam. probowalem "wyciagnac" to podobnie jak w przypadku 2.3.x z tasku (T31) database optimizer ale jak widac jest on pod 3.1 wiec moze cos jest niekompatybilne z 3.2

    * (T31) Database Optimizer
    * Task: Optimize the database
    * @author  Terabyte
    * @copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 Invision Byte
    * @link
    * @since  10/06/2009
    * @updated  06/11/2010
    * @version  2.0.0
    * @longversion 20000
    if ( !defined('IN_IPB') )
    print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";
    class task_item
     * Parent task manager class
     * @var  object
    protected $class;
     * This task data
     * @var  array
    protected $task   = array();
     * Prevent logging
     * @var  boolean
    protected $restrict_log = false;
     * Registry Object Shortcuts
     * @var  object
    protected $registry;
    protected $DB;
    protected $settings;
    protected $lang;
     * Saves temporarly the actual offline status of the board
     * @var  integer
    private $oldOfflineStatus = 0;
     * Saves temporarly the actual offline message
     * @var  string
    private $oldOfflineMsg = '';
     * Tables to be skipped from the optimization
     * @var  array
    private $skipTables = array();
     * Constructor
     * @param  object  ipsRegistry reference
     * @param  object  Parent task class
     * @param array   This task data
     * @return void
    public function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry, $class, $task )
     /* Make registry objects */
     $this->registry =  $registry;
     $this->DB	   =  $this->registry->DB();
     $this->settings =& $this->registry->fetchSettings();
     $this->lang	 =  $this->registry->getClass('class_localization');
     $this->class = $class;
     $this->task  = $task;
     /* Load our lang string */
     $this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_global' ), 'core' );
     * Run this task
     * @return void
    public function runTask()
      /* Switch Board status */
      /* Switch Board status again =O */
      $this->switchBoard( true );
     /* Unlock task */
     $this->class->unlockTask( $this->task );
     * A function to switch the board offline and back online when the task is running
     * @param  boolean True sets the board offline, false turns it back online
     * @return void
    private function switchBoard( $online=false )
     if ( !$this->settings['tb_do_offline'] )
      return false;
     if ( $online )
      /* Unlock forum */
      IPSLib::updateSettings( array( 'board_offline' => $this->oldOfflineStatus, 'offline_msg' => $this->oldOfflineMsg ) );
      /* Store our current offline status */
      $this->oldOfflineStatus = intval($this->settings['board_offline']);
      /* Get offline messages from DB */
      $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
    	  'from'   => 'core_sys_conf_settings',
    	  'where'  => "conf_key IN ('offline_msg','tb_do_message')"
        )  );
      $ourOfflineMsg = "";
      while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
       $value = $r['conf_value'] != "" ?  $r['conf_value'] : $r['conf_default'];
       if ( $value == '{blank}' )
     $value = '';
       /* Save our old offline msg  */
       if ( $r['conf_key'] == 'offline_msg' )
     $this->oldOfflineMsg = $value;
     $ourOfflineMsg = $value;
      /* Lock forum */
      IPSLib::updateSettings( array( 'board_offline' => 1, 'offline_msg' => $ourOfflineMsg ) );

    Wywala sie na 108 linii


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