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Przeniesienie zakupów z IPS Marketplace / Moving bought items from IPS Marketplace ×


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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Asia

  1. I'll say it in English - because it's easier for me to do so. ;)

    Yes, it was worth it, because by now, after everything you have done - you have a "Name". A name synonymous with hard work, results, integrity and success. It is not something you get after helping someone once, twice or five times - it is something you work your butt off, to get. The only reward you ever got was the promotion of this forum, which was more so a suggestion of its grateful members, than your own expectation. Now, after all this time - those who have benefitted from your 100% quality, expert work - will undoubtedly pass your name around - and you will not be associated with any forum that you work on, but you will be associated with the kind of character you have, and the integrity you possess. You have gained a lot of loyal clients and more are sure to come.

    Don't have regrets about inv. It was their loss - not yours. I just hope they wake up in time to realize it. :/

  2. Nie to, ze nie pasuje (necik), tylko ze nie stosuja sie do obietnic. Powinni byli po prostu powiedziec, ze rok 2009 bedzie poswiecony w wiekszosci testowaniu beta, i wtedy ludzie nie siedzieli by jak na jajkach - wstrzymujac oddech az stabilna wersja sie wreszcie ukaze. :/

    Mnie tam wszystko jedno; im pozniej, tym lepiej - bardzo lubie wersje 2.3.x :D

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