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Osiągnięcia CowboyDenny


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  1. please disregard. i knew it wasn’t the theme but was stumped. should of looked at the obvious (the image itself). sorry for the false alarm but i do have to say this was impresssed at how fast you answer tech support issues. kudo’s to u.. that’s hard to find.
  2. sure thing… Thank You
  3. i apologize for providing the dimensions of my logo but I was trying to show that no matter what size the logo is it is very small in the header. I’m guessing the padding is too high between top/bottom of logo preventing the logo to utilize the header space.
  4. First thanks for the theme.. Its nicely done. I'm reaching out to get some help with the header/logo. It appears the padding around the logo is turned up quite a bit since I imported an image (dimensions: 3000x1500 resolution of 300x300) and its very tiny at 100% Any tricks to filling the space above and below with the logo. I want the logo to be the center piece when someone comes to the website and now it feels like a whisper.
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