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  1. <?php



    | Invision Power Board v2.0.4

    | =============================================

    | by Matthew Mecham

    | © 2001 - 2004 Invision Power Services, Inc.


    | =============================================

    | Web:

    | Time: Wed, 04 May 2005 15:17:58 GMT

    | Release: 303bba6732d809e44cd52a144ab90a4b

    | Licence Info:



    | > Show all the members

    | > Module written by Matt Mecham

    | > Date started: 20th February 2002


    | > Module Version Number: 1.0.0

    | > DBA Checked: Wed 19 May 2004

    | > Quality Checked: Wed 15 Sept. 2004



    if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )


    print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";



    class memberlist {

    var $output = "";

    var $page_title = "";

    var $nav = array();

    var $html = "";

    var $first = 0;

    var $max_results = 50;

    var $sort_key = 'name';

    var $sort_order = 'asc';

    var $filter = 'ALL';

    var $mem_titles = array();

    var $mem_groups = array();

    var $ucp_html = "";

    var $topic = "";


    // Auto-run


    function auto_run()


    global $ibforums, $DB, $std, $print;


    // Require the HTML and language modules


    $ibforums->lang = $std->load_words($ibforums->lang, 'lang_mlist', $ibforums->lang_id );

    $this->html = $std->load_template('skin_mlist');

    allow guest access

    /* if ($ibforums->member['g_mem_info'] != 1)


    $std->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_permission' ) );



    // Grab topics.php to parse member


    require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/topics.php' );

    $this->topic = new topics();

    $this->topic->topic_init( 1 );

    $see_groups = array();


    // Get the member groups, member titles stuff


    foreach( $ibforums->cache['group_cache'] as $id => $row )


    if ( $row['g_hide_from_list'] )




    $see_groups[] = $row['g_id'];

    $this->mem_groups[ $row['g_id'] ] = array( 'TITLE' => $row['g_title'],

    'ICON' => $row['g_icon'],



    $the_filter = array( 'ALL' => $ibforums->lang['show_all'] );

    foreach($this->mem_groups as $id => $data)


    if ($id == $ibforums->vars['guest_group'])




    $the_filter[$id] = $data['TITLE'];


    $group_string = implode( ",", $see_groups );


    // Test for input


    if (isset($ibforums->input['st'])) $this->first = intval($ibforums->input['st']);

    if (isset($ibforums->input['max_results'])) $this->max_results = $ibforums->input['max_results'];

    if (isset($ibforums->input['sort_key'])) $this->sort_key = $ibforums->input['sort_key'];

    if (isset($ibforums->input['sort_order'])) $this->sort_order = $ibforums->input['sort_order'];

    if (isset($ibforums->input['filter'])) $this->filter = $ibforums->input['filter'];


    // Init some arrays


    $the_sort_key = array( 'name' => 'sort_by_name',

    'posts' => 'sort_by_posts',

    'joined' => 'sort_by_joined',


    $the_max_results = array( 10 => '10',

    20 => '20',

    30 => '30',

    40 => '40',

    50 => '50',


    $the_sort_order = array( 'desc' => 'descending_order',

    'asc' => 'ascending_order',



    // Start the form stuff


    $filter_html = "<select name='filter' class='forminput'>\n";

    $sort_key_html = "<select name='sort_key' class='forminput'>\n";

    $max_results_html = "<select name='max_results' class='forminput'>\n";

    $sort_order_html = "<select name='sort_order' class='forminput'>\n";

    foreach ($the_sort_order as $k => $v)


    $sort_order_html .= $k == $this->sort_order ? "<option value='$k' selected>" . $ibforums->lang[ $the_sort_order[ $k ] ] . "</option>\n"

    : "<option value='$k'>" . $ibforums->lang[ $the_sort_order[ $k ] ] . "</option>\n";


    foreach ($the_filter as $k => $v)


    $filter_html .= $k == $this->filter ? "<option value='$k' selected>" . $the_filter[ $k ] . "</option>\n"

    : "<option value='$k'>" . $the_filter[ $k ] . "</option>\n";


    foreach ($the_sort_key as $k => $v)


    $sort_key_html .= $k == $this->sort_key ? "<option value='$k' selected>" . $ibforums->lang[ $the_sort_key[ $k ] ] . "</option>\n"

    : "<option value='$k'>" . $ibforums->lang[ $the_sort_key[ $k ] ] . "</option>\n";


    foreach ($the_max_results as $k => $v)


    $max_results_html .= $k == $this->max_results ? "<option value='$k' selected>". $the_max_results[ $k ] . "</option>\n"

    : "<option value='$k'>" . $the_max_results[ $k ] . "</option>\n";


    $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#FILTER#>/" , $filter_html."</select>" , $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] );

    $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#SORT_KEY#>/" , $sort_key_html."</select>" , $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] );

    $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#SORT_ORDER#>/" , $sort_order_html."</select>" , $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] );

    $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#MAX_RESULTS#>/" , $max_results_html."</select>", $ibforums->lang['sorting_text'] );

    $error = 0;

    if ( ! isset($the_sort_key[ $this->sort_key ]) ) $error = 1;

    if ( ! isset($the_sort_order[ $this->sort_order ]) ) $error = 1;

    if ( ! isset($the_filter[ $this->filter ]) ) $error = 1;

    if ( ! isset($the_max_results[ $this->max_results ]) ) $error = 1;


    // Error?


    if ($error == 1 )


    if ( $ibforums->input['b'] == 1 )


    $std->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'ml_error') );




    $std->Error( array( LEVEL=> 5, MSG =>'incorrect_use') );




    // Quick form?


    $quick_jump = "";

    for ( $i = 65; $i <= 90; $i++ )


    $letter = strtolower(chr($i));

    $selected = $ibforums->input['quickjump'] == $letter ? ' selected="selected"' : '';

    $quick_jump .= $this->html->mlist_quick_jump_entry( $letter, $selected );



    // Get custom profile information


    $custom_fields = "";

    $this->topic->custom_fields->admin = intval($ibforums->member['g_access_cp']);

    $this->topic->custom_fields->supmod = intval($ibforums->member['g_is_supmod']);

    $this->topic->custom_fields->member_id = $ibforums->member['id'];

    $this->topic->custom_fields->mem_data_id = 0;




    // Query..


    $query = array();

    $url = array();

    $query_string = "";


    // Quick jump rehash...


    if ( $ibforums->input['qjbutton'] and $ibforums->input['quickjump'] )


    $ibforums->input['name_box'] = 'begins';

    $ibforums->input['name'] = $ibforums->input['quickjump'];



    // Member Groups...


    if ($this->filter != 'ALL')


    if ( ! preg_match( "/(^|,)".$this->filter."(,|$)/", $group_string ) )


    $query[] = "m.mgroup IN($group_string)";




    $query[] = "m.mgroup='".$this->filter."' ";




    // Build query


    $dates = array( 'lastpost', 'lastvisit', 'joined' );

    $mapit = array( 'aim' => 'me.aim_name',

    'yahoo' => '',

    'icq' => 'me.icq_number',

    'msn' => 'me.msnname',

    'posts' => 'm.posts',

    'joined' => 'm.joined',

    'lastpost' => 'm.last_post',

    'lastvisit' => 'm.last_visit',

    'signature' => 'me.signature',

    'homepage' => '',

    'name' => '',

    'photoonly' => 'me.photo_location',



    // Do search


    foreach( $mapit as $in => $tbl )


    $inbit = $std->clean_value(trim(urldecode(stripslashes($ibforums->input[ $in ]))));

    $url[] = $in.'='.$ibforums->input[ $in ];


    // Name...


    if ( $in == 'name' and $inbit != "" )


    if ( $ibforums->input['name_box'] == 'begins' )


    $query[] = " LIKE '".$inbit."%'";




    $query[] = " LIKE '%".$inbit."%'";



    else if ( $in == 'posts' and intval($inbit) > 0 )


    $ltmt = $ibforums->input[ $in .'_ltmt' ] == 'lt' ? '<' : '>';

    $query[] = $tbl. ' '.$ltmt.' '.intval($inbit);

    $url[] = $in .'_ltmt=' . $ibforums->input[ $in .'_ltmt' ];


    else if ( in_array( $in, $dates ) and $inbit )


    list( $month, $day, $year ) = explode( '-', $ibforums->input[ $in ] );

    $month = intval($month);

    $day = intval($day);

    $year = intval($year);

    if ( ! checkdate( $month, $day, $year ) )




    $time_int = mktime( 0, 0 ,0,$month, $day, $year );

    $ltmt = $ibforums->input[ $in .'_ltmt' ] == 'lt' ? '<' : '>';

    $query[] = $tbl. ' '.$ltmt.' '.$time_int;

    $url[] = $in .'_ltmt=' . $ibforums->input[ $in .'_ltmt' ];


    else if ( $in == 'photoonly' )


    if ( $ibforums->input['photoonly'] == 1 )


    $query[] = $tbl. "<> ''";



    else if ( $inbit != "" )


    $query[] = $tbl. " LIKE '%{$inbit}%'";




    // Custom fields?


    if ( count( $this->topic->custom_fields->out_fields ) )


    foreach( $this->topic->custom_fields->out_fields as $id => $data )


    if ( $ibforums->input['field_'.$id] )


    $query[] = "p.field_{$id} LIKE '{$ibforums->input['field_'.$id]}%'";

    $url[] = "field_{$id}=".$ibforums->input['field_'.$id];





    // Finish query


    if ( count($query) )


    $query_string = "AND ".implode( " AND ", $query );



    // Count...


    $DB->cache_add_query( 'mlist_count', array( 'query' => $query_string ) );


    $max = $DB->fetch_row();

    $links = $std->build_pagelinks( array( 'TOTAL_POSS' => $max['total_members'],

    'PER_PAGE' => $this->max_results,

    'CUR_ST_VAL' => $this->first,

    'L_SINGLE' => "",

    'L_MULTI' => $ibforums->lang['pages'],

    'BASE_URL' => $ibforums->base_url."&name_box={$ibforums->input['name_box']}&sort_key={$this->sort_key}&sort_order={$this->sort_order}&filter={$this->filter}&act=members&max_results={$this->max_results}&".implode( '&', $url )



    $this->output = $this->html->mlist_start();

    $this->output .= $this->html->mlist_page_header( $pages, $quick_jump );


    // Get custom profile information


    $custom_fields = "";

    if ( count( $this->topic->custom_fields->out_fields ) )


    foreach( $this->topic->custom_fields->out_fields as $id => $data )


    if ( $this->topic->custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_type'] == 'drop' )


    $tmp = $this->html->mlist_custom_field_dropdown( 'field_'.$id, $data );




    $tmp = $this->html->mlist_custom_field_textinput( 'field_'.$id );


    $custom_fields .= $this->html->mlist_custom_field_entry( $this->topic->custom_fields->field_names[ $id ], $tmp );






    if ( $max['total_members'] > 0 )


    $DB->cache_add_query( 'mlist_get_members', array( 'query' => $query_string,

    'sort' => $this->sort_key,

    'order' => $this->sort_order,

    'limit_a' => $this->first,

    'limit_b' => $this->max_results ) );


    while ($member = $DB->fetch_row() )


    $member = $this->topic->parse_member( $member );

    $member['joined'] = $std->get_date( $member['joined'], 'JOINED' );

    $member['group'] = $this->mem_groups[ $member['mgroup'] ]['TITLE'];

    if ($member['photo_type'] and $member['photo_location'])


    $member['camera'] = "<a href=\"java script:PopUp('{$ibforums->base_url}act=Profile&CODE=showphoto&MID={$member['id']}','Photo','200','250','0','1','1','1')\"><{CAMERA}></a>";


    $member['posts'] = $std->do_number_format($member['posts']);


    // Bug fix... name-- breaks formatting

    // xhmlt invalid..


    $member['name'] = str_replace( '--', '--', $member['name'] );

    $this->output .= $this->html->mlist_show_row($member);





    $this->output .= $this->html->mlist_no_results();


    $checked = $ibforums->input['photoonly'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : "";


    // Print bottom...


    $this->output .= $this->html->mlist_page_end( $checked );

    $this->output .= $this->html->mlist_end( array( 'SHOW_PAGES' => $links) );

    if ( $custom_fields )


    $this->output = str_replace( '<!--CUSTOM_FIELDS-->', $this->html->mlist_custom_field_wrap($custom_fields), $this->output );



    // Push to print handler


    $print->add_output( $this->output );

    $print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $ibforums->lang['page_title'], 'JS' => 0, 'NAV' => array( $ibforums->lang['page_title'] ) ) );




    To mam w pliku a gdy wejde w użytkowników wywala mi:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/vlife/domains/ on line 69

  2. 1.użytkownicy gy w nich wchodz wyskakuje mi:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/vlife/domains/ on line 69

    jak kotś mógłby dać pliczek.

    2.shout jest z krzaczkami normalnie a jak się kliknie w zobacz shouta to są polskie znaczki jak to naprawić??

    3.jak zmienić nagłówek żeby ine było : 5 i wymienionych osób którzy dziś byli na forum??

    Mój adres forum to jeżeli nie wchodzi to

  3. jak ustawiłem polski na domyślny to zamiast forum pokazało mi sie

    Warning: FUNC::load_words() [function.load-words]: Unable to access ./lang/4/lang_global.php in /mnt/storage/users/m/u/s/muss/sources/functions.php on line 1229

    Warning: FUNC::load_words(./lang/4/lang_global.php) [function.load-words]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/storage/users/m/u/s/muss/sources/functions.php on line 1229

    czy ja coś źle zrobiłem??

    moja stronka:

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