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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Maxius

  1. It turns out I need one more thing. This file edit I made shows the icon and number 0 even if a member does not have any reputation. That's no good. I need a IF statement to show only if a member has any sort of reputation score.


    @DawPi do you know how should I expand this if statement to make it so that members who have no reputation would be skipped?


    {{if settings.reputation_enabled}}


    Something like

    {{if settings.reputation_enabled and has reputation }}
  2. this is my final code, does this seem alright to you guys @DawPi @Weak. ?


    						{{if settings.reputation_enabled}}
    								{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }}
    									<a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=reputation" seoTemplate="profile_reputation" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}' rel="nofollow" title="{lang="received_x_points" pluralize="$comment->author()->pp_reputation_points"}" data-ipsTooltip class='ipsType_blendLinks'>
    									   <i class='fa fa-plus-circle'></i> {number="$comment->author()->pp_reputation_points" format="short"}
    								{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }}


  3. I don't have any mods that have anything to do with reputation. I'm running a stock IPS pretty much. What I have installed have to remain installed anyway.


    Look, forget anything you see about SOLVED. I just took a  piece of that code so the HTML and styling would match for REPUTATION which I want to display.


    When this code will work I will add this clause around it and it will be complete


    			{{if settings.reputation_enabled}}


    I just want to know what I have to do to make this code show the reputation when added to postContainer template.


    {number="$member->pp_reputation_points" format="short"}


  4. This is setting is enabled. The code I have I basically copied the code that displays the solutions and began editing it to show reputation.


    Your code is probably taken from profile page and throws an error on topicview.


    I also tried taking the part of code from Member hovercard that shows reputation and I also get nothing.


    I know I'm missing some sort of code that loads the data in a topic-view page which then in turn can display the reputation on the page.


    so I short this value is not parsed (or whatever the term is)


    {number="$member->pp_reputation_points" format="short"}


  5. Hello, I wish to achieve this without using any plugin by purely editing the template. I wish to display the total member reputation inbetween total posts and solutions.




    So far I'm trying this code, but it does not load the reputation numbers. Can anyone help me out?


    								{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }}
    									<a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=solutions" seoTemplate="profile_solutions" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}' rel="nofollow" title="{lang="profile_reputation" pluralize="$comment->author_reputation_count"}" data-ipsTooltip class='ipsType_blendLinks'>
    									   <i class='fa fa-plus-circle'></i> {number="$member->pp_reputation_points" format="short"}
    								{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) ) }}


  6. I'm not explicitly saying to take existing mod and upgrade it. But heck, since it's free - why not? I see no factual harm, perhaps a bruised ego but nothing more. Or it can be made from scratch quite a few plugins were remade by different authors when original authors disappeared. The last being Videos system by DevFuse which was remade by Adriano.

  7. Hello, do you think it would be possible for you to:


    1. include a SELECT ALL marker for shown messages and ability to do a bulk delete/hide/unhide function?
    2. increase Messages per page setting (it allows max 50 convos per page) to something like 300 - 500 per page. A warning can be shown to users who enter more than 50 that a timeout can happens, etc.



    • Lubię to 1
  8. Oh boy, do I remember this mod. It worked nicely for the time being when it was IPB 2.3 and later reputation switched into native starting with 3.0. But when I upgraded to 4.4 at the end 2018 - the remnants of this modification caused a bunch of problems which I didn't even think about.


    Luckily IPS support took care of it and I dodged a serious problem including financially. Nowdays it would not be a part of support scope. :D

  9. Seems like a very nice mod. Does this work well on IPB 3.1.X ?

    Look like it works on IPB 3.1.X at the first glance.

    Also got one important detail to report - YOU CAN INDEED BAN YOURSELF FROM A TOPIC. This IMHO should be removed ASAP. You can ban yourself by mistake (I did it for test purposes just to see if this would actually work, sadly it did).

  10. okay Batman, you have finally managed to pull that off. congrats. now the mod is doing okay :thumbsup:

    are you still open to suggestions on how to improve the mod even more, or you want to leave it as it is?

    ..for example max evaluations of posts per day; per group, use of system based on group; ability to prune automatically user's given evaluations (if hes an abuser)... :)

  11. #1 isn't that really necessary :blink: last thing on your mind it should be when I gave this suggestion a second thought.

    #2 - I think so :P the deal is it would be best to show best repped members and not worst repped when you click

    /index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic link

    which is in the breadcrumb "forum name > Reputation"

  12. okay, tested it all out, now seem working okay.

    however got two more final suggestions for this mod.

    #1 - add pagination to 25 members with best reputation & 25 members with worst reputation - something like here:


    #2 - make the DEFAULT reputation system URL "/index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic" to show MEMBERS with BEST reputation, NOT the worst as it is NOW.

    The current way how reputation is displayed:

    - /index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic&wb=desc - BEST REP

    - /index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic&wb=asc - WORST REP

    - /index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic - WORST REP

    I think it would be a good idea to switch that /index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic would display members with best rep. (because it was like that when I first discovered this mod, and in the process of numerous upgrades the switch was made somehow)


    what to you think Batman?

  13. okay, this time you fixed the design issues with pagination boxes, but yet still that errors remains after uploading all files and reinstalling the mod via UMI.


    when you go to "/index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic"

    are these template issues?

    do you think that maybe complete removal and reinstalling would help?

    and when you click 25 members with worst reputation " = "/index.php?autocom=reputation&CODE=statistic&wb=asc" it shows


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