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[ - pliki] (MT33)IP.Content Blocks Feed Block Widget Kit

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This is A Lightweight IP.Content Block Feed Source of Blocks with premade ajax Handlers to allow Ajax use of any block, and easy rearranging through the ACP ordering per Block Used, or in other desired orders.The Provided Ajax Templates are Exponentially lower in Execution Times and Query Counts on Page Load with more blocks on the page than the direct parsing the Feed's "stock" Template provides, and are templated to match the IP.Board skin Styles, while still granting enough markup to manipulate further by skin, or use a premade jQuery tabs ui theme.Included Is a Hook That Creates Hooks From IP.Content Blocks, allowing precise and complete control of placement of IP.Content blocks in any hook point with little to no effort.This additional Hook Makes It Easy To Export Content Blocks as Hooks for use anywhere in your IP.Board installation.Each exported hook hence imported has group viewing permissions for that individual hook via a system setting.An Entire System Settings Tab Is Present to manage these, grouped by block.Combined with The Ability To easily Tabify any set of blocks with the feed source/templates, ajax popups and ACP Block Ordering Capabilities This Proves to be the ultimate sidebar Manager Utility as Well.For New users, this Widget Kit an easy way to add Vertical or Horizontal tabs to any page with a large amount of blocks with impressively little overhead, And to do the Same in any hook point, With 1 sidebar viably fully manageable from one feed block honoring ACP Positioning.For Advanced users, this provides the ability to Ajax any block, from these blocks as a dynamic ajax feed, without the overhead or extraneous css/js load(as .the "parent" already loads it).Get your Blocks Feed Block Widget Kit Today.Every Current Purchaser as of the Release of this Modification of the 3.2 Blocks Management Hook, and IP.Content Hookmaker For 3.2, Will be Generated a Manual Purchase of this file, as 1 can No longer viably stand without the others functionality.

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