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Style oraz wszystko, co związane z grafiką.

14 files

  1. More information about "Popp Theme (Dark/Light)"


    Popp Theme (Dark/Light)

    Popp Theme [Dark/Light]
    A new template for your forum straight from the author. It has many built-in functions. It will be enhanced with additional features in future updates.
    ( IPS version 4.7 )
    ----- DEMO -----
    u: demo
    p: demo
    The template requires the Better Statistics plugin, I recommend installing this plugin before installing the template.


    13 purchases   36 downloads



  2. More information about "[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition"


    [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition

    Fluent Design Theme Edition is a combination of Fluent Design styles Microsoft, iOS Design, Android Design and Google Design. We have also introduced many interesting features that are unique in standard themes.
    ? ? === Demo === ? ?
    Chatbox+, Chatbox FREE, (aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS Support for icons in notifications:
    Quizzes, Post Notes, Built-in modifications:
    (aXen) Group formatting in mention, (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS

    Other settings:
    It is possible to change all colors, both light and dark, by editing the settings (without editing the CSS code), Enable / disable animation and direction animation, Adjust the width of the blocks in the footer, Adding your own background along with its setting in the footer, Changing the position of the forum description (Before or after sub-forums), Enable / disable shrink forum names, Enable / disable Forum statistics (Posts and topics), Custom forum category icons (Font Awesome 5), Enable / disable Unread Forum Badge, *Recommended* Viewing Topic Ratings in the Forum View, Viewing Topic Reactions in the Forum View, Custom background with customization (Separate for dark and light modes or only one for all styles), *Recommended* Personalization of the Scrollbar, Change the position of the cake when the user has a birthday in topic view (Next to the nickname or At the bottom of cAuthorPane), *Recommended* Notification with a red message if user the inbox is full, *Recommended* Blocking of reputation reversal, Enable / disable  "Go to top" button, Enable / disable  icons in Profile Fields, Change the position of the logo (Right, Left, Center), Header height change, Enable / disable sticky userbar, Enable / disable search icon in elUserNav, Enable / disable social media icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Changing the position of social media (UserBar, Header, Footer), Enable / disable nav icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Enable / disable UserLink_menu icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Change the navigation background, Your own image in the header with its personalization, Enable / disable home icon Enable / disable Hook the navigation bar to the mobile style screen, You can choose the default header's style or with the logo only in the center of the screen in mobile mode. Changing all button positions in elMobileNav, Ability to choose the main color, *Recommended* It is possible to turn on the automatic change of the dark / light theme depending on the settings in the system, [cAuthorPane] Enable nick formatting, Change position "Report" and "Edit" button, Enable / disable Online status icon in topics, *Recommended* [Signature] Enable / disable text collapse, Hide the "Mark as resolved" button in the first post, Possibility to choose the location of the field with widgets (Default or on the entire width of the page), Enable / disable widgets icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Change widget title text-align, *Recommended* Enable / disable trophies in top blocks, Enable / disable (Who's Online Witget) Count all users together, (Topic Feed) Show / hide where the topic was written, (Post Feed) Show / hide a piece of post content, (Post Feed) Show / hide where the topic was written, Separate logos for the dark and light theme

    57 purchases   207 downloads



  3. More information about "White & Blue"


    White & Blue

    White & Blue
    A new template for your forum straight from the author. It has many built-in functions. It will be enhanced with additional features in future updates.
    ( IPS version 4.7 )
    !! TESTED ON 4.7.12 !!
    ----- DEMO -----
    u: demo
    p: demo


    1 comment


  4. More information about "Astroside (Dark)"


    Astroside (Dark)

    A new template for your forum straight from the author. It has many built-in functions. It will be enhanced with additional features in future updates.
    ( IPS version 4.7 )
    ----- DEMO -----
    u: demo
    p: demo
    The template requires the Better Statistics plugin, I recommend installing this plugin before installing the template.






    1 comment


  5. More information about "Venus"



    A new template for your forum straight from the author. It has many built-in functions. It will be enhanced with additional features in future updates.
    ( IPS version 4.7 )
    ----- DEMO -----
    The template requires the Better Statistics plugin, I recommend installing this plugin before installing the template.
    The template is listed as Pre-relase. Many improvements will appear in the next updates, so I recommend purchasing it at this low price while you still have the opportunity.




  6. More information about "Dynamic Theme"


    Dynamic Theme

    (PSD) Graphic Theme - Grzegorz
    ? ? === Demo === ? ?
     ? Contact support:
    GitHub ? Release Notes:
    GitHub Releases, GitHub Tags  
    ? Configuration
    Icons navBar
    Example code:
    nav .ipsNavBar_primary li[data-navext="Forums"] a::before {content: "\f015" !important;} data-navext - The name of the item menu. You can find it by clicking on F12 in the browser and selecting the item tab.
    f015 - Unicode Font Awesome 5
      Icons widgets
    Example code:
    .cWidgetContainer .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="forumStatistics"] .ipsWidget_title::before {content: "\f015";} data-blockid - The name of the item widget. You can find it by clicking on F12 in the browser and selecting the item tab.
    f015 - Unicode Font Awesome 5


    1 comment


  7. Free

    Szablon Blackside - Fioletowy

    Wrzucam stary fioletowy styl, który używałem na swoim forum.
    Styl jest zakodowany pod 4.5 wersje. Styl i tak lata po forach ruskich, gdzie próbują go sprzedać tak więc żeby nie dać cebulom zarobić oddaje go za darmo - róbcie z nim co chcecie.

    Styl jest niestety byle jak zakodowany przez Codelive aka dottuff, który nie wywiązał się z tego do końca, poprawek nie doczekałem się.
    Posiadam też ten sam szablon pod 4.4x w kodowaniu krasnala, gdyby ktoś chciał to również mogę udostępnić 

    Mały poglądowy screen, jak to wygląda

    @dottbuff Nie wiem z czego cieszysz bułe skoro to "twoje dzieło" którego od x czasu nie potrafiłeś poprawić   bardziej powinienes płakac nad tym jaki mierny koder z cb jest. Nie bój się wkrótce więcej smaczków będzie twoich wrzucone, nie tylko szablony, apki i wtyczki też 




  8. More information about "Nexxe Theme [Dark/Light]"


    Nexxe Theme [Dark/Light]

    ⚡Nexxe Theme⚡
    ( IPS version 4.5 )
    Template with a choice of ( light/dark ) color versions.
    Colors and sizes using CSS Vars.
    Choosing the font color, the theme has many settings and can be fully customized. It's perfect for all forums, beautifully displaying all site content.
    Possibility to change header, slider, navigation, popus, forms, comments and much more..
    Permanent support - Write me a private message and you will receive the rank of customer on the codebite.dev/ips
    You can buy a plug-in to remove copyright from the footer. ( private message )
    (click) View demo (click)
    Login: demo
    Password: demo

    Theme by ? CodeBite.dev

    5 purchases   6 downloads



  9. More information about "Steam SkyFraggs.pl - BETA"


    Steam SkyFraggs.pl - BETA

    Ten styl nie jest już wspierany!
    Jest to styl bazujący na społeczności Steam.
    To wersja BETA więc mogą pojawić się błędy.
    Wszelkie uwagi proszę pisać w temacie "Wsparcia technicznego" lub na oficjalnej stronie autora
    Teraz styl ze wsparciem dla ACP:

    Demo: SkyFraggs.pl


    1 comment


  10. More information about "Redesign IPS"


    Redesign IPS

    Nowe zdjęcia i aktualne wersje znajdziesz na marketplace.
    Demo znajdziesz na ipsthemes.pl
    Marketplace - IPS Redesign




  11. More information about "Strefa Rozrywki"


    Strefa Rozrywki

    Szablon z dawnego serwera SAMP. Sprzedaję, gdyż nie potrzebuję już go.

    0 purchases   0 downloads



  12. More information about "Femmes 4.1"


    Femmes 4.1

    Styl IPB pod wersje 4.1
    Nie rozpowszechniaj tego skina.
    Nie pobieraj żadnych opłat bezpośrednio za skin.

    5 purchases   5 downloads



  13. More information about "Grey 4.1"


    Grey 4.1

    Styl IPB pod wersje 4.1
    Nie rozpowszechniaj tego skina.
    Nie pobieraj żadnych opłat bezpośrednio za skin.

    2 purchases   2 downloads

    1 comment


  14. More information about "mintheme"



    Tworzone i testowane na IPS 4.1.7




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