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Treść opublikowana przez DawPi

  1. IPS w wersji 2.3 zmienił wygląd ACP dodając nową "stronę startową". Dodając w niej nowe funkcje oraz statystyki. Wygląda to następująco: //153 KB By zmienić wygląd na standardowy wygląd, taki jak na pozostałych zakładkach, czyli by wyglądało to w ten sposób: //156 KB Postępujesz wg instrukcji: Otwórz plik: skin_acp/IPB2_Standard/acp_css.css Zastąp wszystko: CODE-BOX /* -------------------------------- */ /* Drop shadows /* -------------------------------- */ .shadow-moz { padding:0 6px 6px 0; background: url(images/folder_css_images/dropshadow-alpha.png) no-repeat bottom right; } .shadow-ie { filter: shadow(color:gray,direction:135,strength:3); } /* -------------------------------- */ /* Loading box /* -------------------------------- */ #loading-layer-inner { width:220px; height:28px; padding:18px 10px 10px 10px; text-align:center; color: #000; border: 1px solid; border-color:#ccc #666 #666 #ccc; background-color: #FCF8C7; } /* -------------------------------- */ /* Create semi-transparent layer /* -------------------------------- */ .dragmove-hide-ie { background:#FFF; filter:alpha(opacity=50); height: 250px; width: 250px; } .dragmove-hide-moz { background:transparent; background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/50opacity-white.png'); background-repeat: repeat; height: 250px; width: 250px; } /* -------------------------------- */ /* Used: Alert boxes and stuff (used in JS) /* -------------------------------- */ .alert-box, .alert-box-js, .alert-box-noimg { background-image: url(images/folder_css_images/js_alert.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #FFDC3B; padding: 3px 3px 3px 25px; } .alert-box-js { width: auto; position: absolute; } .alert-box-noimg { background-image: url(images/spacer.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; } /** * Information box **/ .bad-box { color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; -moz-border-radius: 5px; background-color: #FFCCCC; padding: 6px; text-align:left; } .good-box { color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; -moz-border-radius: 5px; background-color: #d9eac8; padding: 6px; text-align:left; } .ok-box { color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; -moz-border-radius: 5px; background-color: #EBE7B6; padding: 6px; text-align:left; } .warning-box, .information-box, .help-box { color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; -moz-border-radius: 5px; background-color: #FCF8C7; padding: 6px; text-align:left; } .warning-box img, .information-box img, .help-box img { float:left; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 5px; vertical-align:middle; border: 0px; } .warning-box h2, .warning-box p, .information-box h2, .information-box p, .help-box h2, .help-box p { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; margin-left: 60px; } .warning-box h2, .information-box h2, .help-box h2 { padding-bottom: 4px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; } .warning-box { background-color: #FFCCCC; } .warning-box ul { margin-left: 30px; } .help-box { background-color: #D5EEB6; } /** * Used: Content -> pages & dirs overview * when not a folder, so we show a diff * link underline */ .content-page-links, .content-page-links a:active, .content-page-links a:visited, .content-page-links a:link { text-decoration:none; } .dny-edit-title { border:0px; padding:3px; margin:0px; background: #D1DCEB; color: #3A4F6C; } .input-warn, .input-warn-content { border: 1px solid #C00; } .input-ok, .input-ok-content { border: 1px solid #0C0; } .input-warn-content { padding: 4px; margin: 4px; background-color: #FCC; } .input-ok-content { padding: 4px; margin: 4px; background-color: #CFC; } /* ======================================== */ /* General Styles */ /* ======================================== */ html { overflow-x: auto; /* fixes MSIE scrollbar bug DO NOT REMOVE */ } body, .body-bg { /*background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url(images/acp_logo_strip.gif);*/ background-color: #F3F3F3; color: #000; font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"; font-size: 11px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center; /* centers board in MSIE known bug workaround */ } table, tr, td { color: #000; font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"; font-size: 11px; } form { border: 0px solid #000; display: inline; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } textarea, input, select { border: 1px solid #999999; color: #555; font-size: 11px; padding: 2px } input:focus, select:focus { background: #e9f6fd; border: 1px solid black; } .minisubmit { font-size: 10px; border: 1px solid #999; } .inputtext, .inputtextgreen, .inputtextred, .inputtextmini { font-size: 11px; border: 1px solid #999; } .inputtextmini { font-size:10px; } .inputtextgreen { border: 1px solid #006600; } .inputtextred { border: 1px solid #990000; } .textareaeditor { width:99%; height: 300px; padding:4px; border: 1px solid #999; } .formsubmit { font-size:11px; font-weight: bold; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { background-color: transparent; color: #000; text-decoration: underline; } a:hover { background-color: transparent; color: #3363a1; text-decoration: underline; } .global-copyright { font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; color: #3363A1; padding:15px; text-align:center; } .global-copyright a:link, .global-copyright a:visited, .global-copyright a:active { color: #3363A1; text-decoration: underline; } img.ipd { vertical-align:middle; border:0px; padding:0px; margin:0px; float:none; } img.ipd-alt { vertical-align:middle; border:0px; padding:0px; margin:0px; float:none; padding-bottom:2px } img.calendar { vertical-align:top; border:0px; width:16px; height:16px; } .img-boxed { border: 2px inset #345487; background-color: #E4EAF2; padding: 2px; } .img-boxed-off { border: 1px outset #E4EAF2; background-color: transparent; padding: 3px; } /* ======================================== */ /* PAGINATION */ /* ======================================== */ .pagelink, .pagelinklast, .pagecurrent { background: #F0F5FA; border: 1px solid #072A66; padding: 1px 3px 1px 3px; } .pagelinklast { background: #DFE6EF; } .pagecurrent { background: #FFC9A5; } .pagelink a:active, .pagelink a:visited, .pagelink a:link, .pagelinklast a:active, .pagelinklast a:visited, .pagelinklast a:link, .pagecurrent a:active, .pagecurrent a:visited, .pagecurrent a:link { text-decoration: none; } /* ======================================== */ /* MAIN BLOCKS /* ======================================== */ #leftblock { /*border: 1px solid #555; background-color:#FFF; padding:10px;*/ } #rightblock { padding:10px; border: 1px solid #5D789C; -moz-border-radius: 5px; background-color:#FFF; } #tablewrap { height:100%; } /* ======================================== */ /* OUTER BORDER / DIV /* ======================================== */ .outerdiv { border: 1px solid #5D789C; border-top:1px solid #578DCA; padding: 0px 4px 4px 4px; background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/content_bar_bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color: #ACBFD9; } .sub-tab-strip { background-image: url( 'images/folder_css_images/main_menu_bg.gif' ); background-repeat: repeat-x; border-bottom: 4px solid #385985; border-left: 1px solid #5D789C; border-right: 1px solid #5D789C; color: #FFF; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; padding: 8px 15px 8px 15px; margin:0px; height:14px; } .global-memberbar { vertical-align:middle; color: #FFF; font-size: 11px; padding-left:5px; width:auto; float:right; } .global-memberbar a:active, .global-memberbar a:visited, .global-memberbar a:link { color:#FFF; text-decoration:none; } .global-memberbar a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } .navwrap { vertical-align:middle; color: #FFF; font-size: 11px; padding-left:5px; float:left; } .navwrap a:active, .navwrap a:visited, .navwrap a:link { color:#FFF; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } /* ======================================== */ /* MENU STYLES */ /* ======================================== */ .menuouterwrap { border: 1px solid #5D789C; -moz-border-radius: 5px; background-color: #EFF3F7; margin: 0px 4px 0px 4px; } .menucatwrap { font-size: 12px; font-weight:bold; color: #20476D; margin: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #C7C7C7; } .menulinkwrap { margin: 2px; padding-bottom: 3px; border-bottom: 1px solid #E3E3E3; } .menulinkwrap a:link, .menulinkwrap a:visited, .menulinkwrap a:active { color: #000; } .menulinkwrap a:hover { color: #E69F06; } .menutext { font-size:10px; } /* ======================================== */ /* TABS /* ======================================== */ .tabwrap-main { height:37px; background-image: url( 'images/folder_css_images/tab_background.gif' ); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: left bottom; } .tabon-main, .tabon { border-top:1px solid #3363A1; border-left:1px solid #3363A1; border-right:1px solid #3363A1; background-color:#6696D6; color:#FFFFFF; padding:8px; float:left; width:auto; background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/tab-on-bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: left top; margin-top:3px; } .taboff-main, .taboff { border-top: 1px solid #759BC7; border-left: 1px solid #759BC7; border-right: 1px solid #759BC7; background-color: #3363A1; color: #3363A1; padding:8px; float: left; width: auto; background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/tab-off-bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: left top; margin-top:3px; } .tabon-main, .taboff-main { padding: 4px 8px 4px 8px; } .tabon-main a:link, .tabon-main a:visited, .tabon-main a:active, .tabon a:link, .tabon a:visited, .tabon a:active { text-decoration:none; color: #FFFFFF; } .taboff-main a:link, .taboff-main a:visited, .taboff-main a:active, .taboff a:link, .taboff a:visited, .taboff a:active { text-decoration:none; color: #3363A1; } .tabwrap { height: 33px; margin:0px; padding:0px; } .tabclear { clear:both; background-image: url( 'images/folder_css_images/main_menu_bg.gif' ); background-repeat: repeat-x; border-left: 1px solid #5D789C; border-right: 1px solid #5D789C; color: #FFF; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; padding: 8px 15px 8px 8px; margin:0px; height:14px; } .logoright { width:auto; float:right; position:absolute; top:0px; right:4px; } /* ======================================== */ /* MAIN WRAPPER ID */ /* ======================================== */ /* Adjust main width here. Leave margins alone to auto-center content */ #ipdwrapper { text-align: left; /* re_aligns text to left second part of two part MSIE centering workaround */ padding: 6px; } /* ======================================== */ /* GENERAL SYTLES */ /* ======================================== */ .tablepad { padding:6px; } .tableborder { border: 1px solid #5D789C; } /* MIGHT WANT TO CHANGE THIS AT SOME POINT */ .tableheader, .tableheaderalt, .tableheader2 { font-size:12px; vertical-align:middle; font-weight:bold; color:#FFF; padding:8px 0px 8px 5px; background-image: url(images/folder_css_images/table_title_gradient.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color:#3363A1; } .tableheaderalt a:link, .tableheaderalt a:visited, .tableheaderalt a:active { text-decoration:none; color: #FFF; } .tablefooter, .tablesubheader { background-color:#ACBFD9; font-size:10px; color: #3363A1; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; } .tablerowmedium { background-color:#999; } .tablerow1 img, .tablerow2 img, .tablerow3 img { vertical-align:middle; border:0px; } .formmain-background { background-image: url(images/folder_css_images/css-form-background.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color:#EAEDF0; border-top:1px solid #769BC7; padding:6px; } .formmain-fieldset { border:1px solid #769BC7; padding:6px 6px 10px 6px; margin-bottom: 3px; } .formbutton-wrap { padding-top:2px; height: 32px; } .formbutton-on, .formbutton-off { padding:6px; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; width:auto; float:left; color: #3363A1; } .formbutton-on { background-color:#D1DCEB; border-bottom:1px solid #769BC7; border-right:1px solid #769BC7; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; cursor: pointer; } .formbutton-off { background-color:#F1F1F1; border-bottom:1px solid #769BC7; border-right:1px solid #769BC7; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow1 { background-color:#EAEDF0; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-right:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow2 { background-color:#F1F1F1; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-right:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow3 { background-color:#D1DCEB; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #D1DCEB; border-right:1px solid #D1DCEB; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow4 { background-color:#C0CBDA; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #D1DCEB; border-right:1px solid #D1DCEB; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow2highlight { background-color:#FCECCD; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-right:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow2queued { background-color:#FCECCD; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-right:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow1shaded { background-color:#EFE6EA; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-right:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } .tablerow2shaded { background-color:#F6ECF0; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-right:1px solid #C1BEBE; border-top:1px solid #FFF; border-left:1px solid #FFF; } /* ======================================== */ /* BUTTONS / FORMS */ /* ======================================== */ .fauxredbutton { border:1px solid #999; background-color: #FED4D4; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; padding:6px; margin:0px; } .fauxbutton { border:1px solid #999; background-color: #E7E7E7; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .fauxbutton-wrapper { padding: 5px; } .popupmenu { background-color: #EFF3F7; border: 1px solid #999; text-align: left; font-size: 10px; padding: 3px 5px 3px 3px; background-image: url(images/icons_menu/menu-icon-bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; } .popupmenu-pagelinks { background-color: #EFF3F7; border: 1px solid #999; text-align: left; font-size: 10px; padding: 3px 5px 3px 3px; } .menusep { white-space: nowrap; /* stop menu collapsing in IE */ padding-top:4px; padding-bottom:3px; border-bottom:1px solid #DDD; } .menuseplast { white-space: nowrap; /* stop menu collapsing in IE */ padding-top:4px; padding-bottom:3px; color: #000; } .menusep a:link, .menusep a:visited, .menusep a:active, .menuseplast a:link, .menuseplast a:visited, .menuseplast a:active { text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color: #000000; } .fauxdropdown { border:1px solid #777; background-color: #CCC; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; padding:6px; margin:0px; } .fauxdropdown a:link, .fauxdropdown a:visited, .fauxdropdown a:active, .fauxbutton a:link, .fauxbutton a:visited, .fauxbutton a:active, .fauxredbutton a:link, .fauxredbutton a:visited, .fauxredbutton a:active { text-decoration:none; color:#333; } .fauxredbutton a:hover, .fauxbutton a:hover { margin:0px; } .realbutton { border:1px solid #999; background-color: #E7E7E7; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; padding:2px; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .realdarkbutton { border:1px solid #999; background-color: #CCC; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; padding:2px; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } input[type=text] { cursor: text; } .desctext { color:gray; } .mininav { font-size:11px; color:#3363A1; } .mininav a:link, .mininav a:visited, .mininav a:active { text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:#3363A1; } .datedropdown { font-size:10px; } .datedropdownleave { font-size:10px; background-color:#FED4D4; } /* ============================================================== */ /* PALETTE STYLES /* ============================================================== */ /* Main pop up wrapper */ #palettewrapper { text-align: left; /* re_aligns text to left second part of two part MSIE centering workaround */ } .paletteheader { font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; color:#FFFFFF; height:25px; background-image: url(images/folder_css_images/main_menu_bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; padding-top:7px; padding-left:6px; } .palettewrap { padding:10px; background-color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url(images/folder_css_images/mainblock_bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; } .iframestyle { border:1px solid #777; background-color:#FFF; } .iframebuttonsoff { font-size:10px; border:1px solid #777; border-bottom:0px; padding:5px; background-color: #BBB; } .iframebuttons { font-size:10px; border:1px solid #777; border-bottom:0px; padding:5px; background-color: #EBEBEB; } /* ============================================================== */ /* DIFF STYLES /* ============================================================== */ del, .diffred { background-color: #D7BBC8; text-decoration:none; } ins, .diffgreen { background-color: #BBD0C8; text-decoration:none; } .diffwrap { background:#FFF; color:black; border:1px solid #000; white-space:pre; font-family:monaco,courier,fixed; overflow:auto; width:100%; } /* ============================================================== */ /* RTE STYLES /* ============================================================== */ .attach-menubutton { border: 1px solid #7585B8; -moz-border-radius: 3px; padding: 2px 1px 2px 4px; margin:0px; font-size: 11px; overflow: hidden; background-color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('images/folder_rte_images/rte-dd-bg.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; width:auto; } .attach-parentdiv { background-color: #E5E6F1; background-image: url('images/folder_rte_images/rte_tile.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x; border: 1px solid #555; letter-spacing: 0; padding:6px; text-align:left; } .attach-messagediv { background: #FFF; color: #000000; text-align:center; border: 1px solid #555; } .attach-msg-span { padding-top: 3px; font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; } .attach-iframe { border: 0px; background-color:transparent; } .attach-popupmenu { background-color: #EFF3F7; border: 1px solid #999; text-align: left; font-size: 11px; padding: 3px 5px 3px 3px; background-image: url('images/icon_components/articles/articles-menu-icon-bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-y; } .attach-menu-row-over, .attach-menu-row { padding:1px 1px 4px 1px; width:100%; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .attach-menu-row-over { background: #D3D3D3; } /* ============================================================== */ /* RTE STYLES /* ============================================================== */ .rte-cb-bg { background-color: #E5E6F1; background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/rte-cb-top-bg.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x; border-bottom: 1px solid #555; letter-spacing: 0; height:11px; text-align: left; padding:0px; margin:0px; } .rte-buttonbar { background-color: #E5E6F1; background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/rte_tile.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x; border: 1px solid #555; letter-spacing: 0; } .rte-buttonbar tbody tr td, .rte-buttonbar tr td, .rteBack tbody tr td, .rteBack tr td { padding: 0; } .rte-iframe { border:2px inset solid #777; background-color:#FFF; margin-top:4px; } .rte-menu-button, .rte-selected-menubutton, .rte-hover-menubutton, .rte-normal-menubutton { border: 1px solid #7585B8; -moz-border-radius: 3px; padding: 2px 1px 2px 4px; margin:0px; font-size: 11px; overflow: hidden; background-color: #FFFFFF; background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/rte-dd-bg.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; width:auto; } .rte-selected-menubutton, .rte-hover-menubutton { border: 1px solid #95C4F7; background-color: #FFFFFF; } .rte-menu-face, .rte-menu-size, .rte-selected-menu, .rte-hover-menu, .rte-normal-menu { background-color: #EFF3F7; border-bottom:1px dotted #999; padding:1px 1px 4px 1px; width:100%; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .rte-selected-menu-color, .rte-hover-menu-color, .rte-normal-menu-color, .rte-menu-color { width: 10px; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .rte-hover-menu-color { border:1px solid black; } .rte-popupmenu { background-color: #EFF3F7; border: 1px solid #999; text-align: left; font-size: 11px; padding: 3px 5px 3px 3px; } .rte-selected, .rte-hover, .rte-normal { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; padding:1px; } .rte-selected-menu, .rte-hover-menu { background: #D3D3D3; } .rte-selected { border: 1px outset; padding:0px; } .rte-hover { background: #EBEBEB; } /* ============================================================== */ /* RTE STYLES /* ============================================================== */ .rteimage { /*background: #D3D3D3;*/ /*border: 1px outset transparent*/; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; padding:1px; } .rteImageRaised { /*background: #D3D3D3;*/ border: 1px outset; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; padding:0px; } .rteImageLowered { /*background: #D3D3D3;*/ border: 1px inset; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; padding:0px; } .rteimage:hover { background: #EBEBEB; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } .rteVertSep { margin: 0 4px 0 4px; } .rteBack { background: #D3D3D3; border: 1px outset; letter-spacing: 0; padding: 2px; } /* used in ips_rte.js - do not remove */ .rtebottombutton { font-size:10px; border:1px solid #777; border-top:0px; padding:3px; margin:0px; background-color: #EBEBEB; } /* used in ips_rte.js - do not remove */ .rtebottombuttonon { font-size:10px; border:1px solid #777; border-top:0px; padding:3px; margin:0px; background-color: #D3D3D3; } .rtebuttonbar1 { /*background: #D3D3D3;*/ background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/rte_tile.gif'); border: 1px solid gray; border-bottom:0px; letter-spacing: 0; padding: 2px; height:26px; } .rtebuttonbar2 { /*background: #D3D3D3;*/ background-image: url('images/folder_css_images/rte_tile.gif'); border: 1px solid gray; border-top:1px solid gray; letter-spacing: 0; padding: 2px; height:26px; } .rtebuttonbar1 tbody tr td, .rtebuttonbar1 tr td, .rtebuttonbar2 tbody tr td, .rtebuttonbar2 tr td, .rteBack tbody tr td, .rteBack tr td { /*background: #D3D3D3;*/ padding: 0; } .rteDiv { display: block; position: relative; padding:0px; margin:0px; } .rteiframe { border:1px solid #777; background-color:#FFF; } .rteselectbox { font-size:11px; } .rss-feed-valid { font-weight: bold; color: green; } .rss-feed-invalid { font-weight: bold; color: red; } .rss-feed-msg { font-weight: bold; color: gray; } .rss-feed-url { font-weight: bold; color: blue; } .perms-red { background-color: #D7BBC8; } .perms-green { background-color: #BBD0C8; } .perms-gray { background-color: #CCC; } .red-perm { color: red; font-weight: bold; } .green-perm { color: darkgreen; font-weight: bold; } .yellow-perm { color: teal; font-weight: bold; } .blue-perm { color: blue; font-weight: bold; } .orange-perm { color: orange; font-weight: bold; } .purple-perm { color: purple; font-weight: bold; } /* new homepage styles */ .homepage_section_warning, .homepage_section { background-image: url(images/folder_css_images/table_title_gradient.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color:#3363A1; font-size: 12px; font-weight:bold; color: #fff; padding: 7px; } .homepage_section_warning { background-color: #66343e; } .homepage_pane_warning_border, .homepage_pane_warning, .homepage_pane_border, .homepage_pane { background-color: #eaedf0; padding: 4px; } .homepage_pane_warning_border { border:1px solid #66343e; } .homepage_pane_border { border:1px solid #344966; } .homepage_pane_warning_border, .homepage_pane_warning { background-color: #F3e2e0; } .homepage_sub_header { padding: 8px; background-color: #acbfd9; color: #3363a1; font-weight: bold; font-size:12px; } .homepage_sub_row { background-color:#e6ebf1; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #d3dae4; } .homepage_sub_row_2 { background-color:#d3dae4; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #b3bbc8; } .homepage_sub_row_3 { background-color:#eaedf0; padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #b3bbc8; } .homepage_border { border:1px solid #7f8ca0; } #common_actions div a { display: block; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; padding: 3px; border: 1px solid #eaedf0; color: #343434; } #common_actions div a:hover { background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #acacac; color: #343434; } #common_actions img { vertical-align: middle; } Done DawPi
  2. Jeśli nie chcesz by na Twoim forum była wyświetlana wersja IPB postępuj wg poniższej instrukcji: Otwórz: sources/classes/class_display.php Znajdź: <div align='center' class='copyright'> Powered By <a href='' style='text-decoration:none' target='_blank'>IP.Board</a> {$version} © ".date("Y")." <a href='' style='text-decoration:none' target='_blank'>IPS, Inc</a>. "; Zamień na: <div align='center' class='copyright'> Powered By <a href='' style='text-decoration:none' target='_blank'>IP.Board</a> © ".date("Y")." <a href='' style='text-decoration:none' target='_blank'>IPS, Inc</a>. "; Drugi sposób: wejdź: ACP > Tools & Settings > Security & Privacy >> Display IPB version on your site? ustaw na 'No'
  3. Jeśli chcesz by po otrzymaniu PM user słyszał melodię ( oczywiście po wejściu na forum ) musisz wykonać poniższe kroki: # Wybierz melodię, która ma byś odgrywana przy nadejściu nowej PM, zalecam użycie krótkiego dźwięku # Wyślij plik na serwer # Wejdź po kolei: ACP > Look & Feel > Skin Manager > (wybierz skin) > Edit Template HTML > All Global HTML > msg_get_new_pm_notification # Na samym początku bita wklejasz następujący kod: <embed src="" height="0" width="0" autostart="true" loop="false"><!--no content--></embed> Pamiętaj by zmienić źródło do dźwięku:
  4. Witam, sprzedam spolszczenie do najnowszej wersji IPB 2.3 panelu administracyjnego! Dzięki zastosowaniu sobie znanych tylko metod jestem w stanie wykonać to spolszczenie na plikach klienta ( ważne: nie łamie licencji ) w ciągu kilku godzin od przesłania plików! Co to oznacza: masz gotowy, spolszczony panel ACP w ciągu kilku godzin. Odbiór tego samego dnia ( jeśli zlecenie zostało złożone w godzinach do południa, lub następnego dnia ) jeśli posiadasz modyfikacje na forum nie grozi to błędami w działaniu ACP. Wysyłasz mi Twoje pliki, ja je spolszczam i odsyłam do Ciebie gwarancja pewności wykonania bezpłatny okres supportu dla obeznania się z ACP Gratis: pełny przegląd forum, konfiguracja, naprawa błędów, optymalizacja, zabezpieczenie Każde spolszczenie wykonuję dla każdego klienta osobno pracując na jego plikach - gwarancja poprawności wykonania. Cena to 100zł ( bez ukrytych kosztów i opłat dodatkowych ). Płatność: INTELIGO, mBank, PayPal Kontakt: mail: [email protected] GG: 7129 formularz kontaktowy
  5. Modyfikacja daje Administratorowi Forum możliwość wyboru grup, których członkowie mogą pisać aktywne linki na forum. Jest to proces automatyczny i w pełni konfigurowalny z poziomu ACP ( edycji grup ). Jeśli pozwolisz danej grupie pisać aktywne linki, będzie to wyglądać następująco: Natomiast jeśli nie pozwolisz, tak: ( uwaga: musiałem użyć znacznika code by pokazać, że link nie będzie klikany. W rzeczywistości oczywiście takiej ramki nie będzie ). Wykonaj zapytanie do SQL: ACP > ADMIN > SQL Management > SQL Toolbox >> Run a Query O następującej treści: ALTER TABLE `ibf_groups` ADD `l_post_urls` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1'; Otwórz: /sources/action_admin/groups.php Znajdź: 'g_dohtml' => $this->ipsclass->input['g_dohtml'], Dodaj poniżej: 'l_post_urls' => $this->ipsclass->input['l_post_urls'], Znajdź: $this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->add_td_row( array( "<b>Can post HTML?$guest_legend</b><br />".$this->ipsclass->adskin->js_help_link('mg_dohtml') , $this->ipsclass->adskin->form_yes_no("g_dohtml", $group['g_dohtml'] ) ) ); Dodaj poniżej: $this->ipsclass->html .= $this->ipsclass->adskin->add_td_row( array( "<b>Może pisać 'klikane' linki?</b><br />", $this->ipsclass->adskin->form_yes_no("l_post_urls", $group['l_post_urls']) ) ); Zapisz i wyślij na serwer. Otwórz: /sources/classes/bbcode/class_bbcode.php Znajdź: //----------------------------------------- // Auto parse URLs //----------------------------------------- $txt = preg_replace_callback( "#(^|\s|>)((http|https|news|ftp)://\w+[^\s\[\]\<]+)#i", array( $this, '_regex_build_url_manual' ), $txt ); Zamień na: //----------------------------------------- // Auto parse URLs //----------------------------------------- if( $this->ipsclass->member['l_post_urls'] == 1 ) { $txt = preg_replace_callback( "#(^|\s|>)((http|https|news|ftp)://\w+[^\s\[\]\<]+)#i", array( $this, '_regex_build_url_manual' ), $txt ); } else { //$txt = preg_replace_callback( "#(^|\s|>)((http|https|news|ftp)://\w+[^\s\[\]\<]+)#i", array( $this, '_regex_build_url_manual' ), $txt ); } Zapisz i wyślij na serwer. Otwórz: /sources/classes/bbcode/class_bbcode_legacy.php Znajdź: //----------------------------------------- // Auto parse URLs //----------------------------------------- $txt = preg_replace( "#(^|\s)((http|https|news|ftp)://\w+[^\s\[\]]+)#ie" , "\$this->regex_build_url(array('html' => '\\2', 'show' => '\\2', 'st' => '\\1'))", $txt ); Zamień na: //----------------------------------------- // Auto parse URLs //----------------------------------------- if( $this->ipsclass->member['l_post_urls'] == 1 ) { $txt = preg_replace( "#(^|\s)((http|https|news|ftp)://\w+[^\s\[\]]+)#ie" , "\$this->regex_build_url(array('html' => '\\2', 'show' => '\\2', 'st' => '\\1'))", $txt ); } else { //$txt = preg_replace( "#(^|\s)((http|https|news|ftp)://\w+[^\s\[\]]+)#ie" , "\$this->regex_build_url(array('html' => '\\2', 'show' => '\\2', 'st' => '\\1'))", $txt ); } Zapisz i wyślij na serwer. Done! DawPi
  6. Dzięki tej zmianie zabezpieczysz ACP drugim hasłem, a wygląda to tak: Pliki do edycji: sources/action_admin/login.php skin_acp/IPB2_standard/acp_skin_html/cp_skin_global.php Otwórz: sources/action_admin/login.php znajdź: if ( empty($this->ipsclass->input['password']) ) { $this->login_form("You must enter a password before proceeding"); } Dodaj poniżej: //----------------------------------------- // Second Password //----------------------------------------- if ( empty($this->ipsclass->input['second_pass']) ) { $this->login_form("Please provide the security password"); } Znajdź: if ( ( ! $mem['id'] ) or ( $this->han_login->return_code == 'NO_USER' ) ) Dodaj powyżej: //----------------------------------------- // Second Password //----------------------------------------- $second_pass= "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6"; $second_pass_form = md5( $this->ipsclass->input['second_pass'] ); if ( $second_pass_form != $second_pass) { $this->login_form("The security password provided is incorrect!"); } else { W: $second_pass= "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6"; Zastąp: 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 swoim własnym hasłem - użyj kodowania MD5 - generatory znajdziesz tutaj i tutaj Znajdź: $this->write_to_log( $this->ipsclass->input['username'], 'fail' ); $this->login_form( "Username or password incorrect" ); } } Dodaj poniżej: } Zapisz i wyślij sources/action_admin/login.php Otwórz skin_acp/IPB2_standard/acp_skin_html/cp_skin_global.php Znajdź: <tr> <td align='right'><strong>Password</strong></td> <td><input style='border:1px solid #AAA' type='password' size='20' name='password' value='' /></td> </tr> Dodaj poniżej: <tr> <td align='right'><strong>Security:</strong></td> <td><input style='border:1px solid #AAA' type='password' size='20' name='second_pass' value='' /></td> </tr> Lub użyj tego moda:
  7. Po skasowaniu wszystkich PM, albo jakiejś ich liczby wyświetla się w górnym menu: -3 Nowych wiadomości Napraw to: Uruchom zapytanie do SQL: UPDATE ibf_members SET new_msg = 0 WHERE new_msg < 0 Otwórz: /sources/lib/func_msg.php Znajdź: //----------------------------------------- // Update new PM notifications //----------------------------------------- if ( count($unread) ) { foreach( $unread as $mid => $cnt ) { $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'update' => 'members', 'set' => "new_msg=new_msg-{$cnt}, show_popup=0", 'where' => "id={$mid}" ) ); $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec(); } } Zamień na: //----------------------------------------- // Update new PM notifications //----------------------------------------- if ( count($unread) ) { $members = array(); $this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select' => 'new_msg,id', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "id IN(" . implode( ',', array_keys($unread) ) .")" ) ); $this->ipsclass->DB->exec_query(); while( $mem_pm_cnts = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() ) { $members[ $mem_pm_cnts['id'] ] = $mem_pm_cnts['new_msg']; } foreach( $unread as $mid => $cnt ) { $cur = $members[ $mid ]; if( $cur['new_msg'] < $cnt ) { $cnt = $cur['new_msg']; } $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'update' => 'members', 'set' => "new_msg=new_msg-{$cnt}, show_popup=0", 'where' => "id={$mid}" ) ); $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec(); } unset($members); }
  8. Jeśli w trakcie masowego usuwania userów pojawia Ci się błąd IPD driver error postępuj wg poniższych kroków: Otwórz: /sources/action_admin/member.php Znajdź: $this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'members_converge', "converge_email IN('". implode( "'", $emails ) ."')" ); Zamień na: $this->ipsclass->DB->do_delete( 'members_converge', "converge_email IN('". implode( "','", $emails ) ."')" ); Zapisz i wyślij.
  9. W wersji 2.2.2 wprowadzono zmianę, że przy edytowaniu profilu pola daty urodzin są obowiązkowe i przy próbie ominięcie wpisu pojawia się błąd: PL: "Wprowadziłeś niepoprawną datę swoich urodzin. Możesz wybrać, na przykład 30 stycznia." ENG: "You entered an illegal date for your birthday. You may have chosen 30th February, for example." I wtedy userzy wpisują daty 'z sufitu'. Jak to w prosty sposób wyłączyć: Otwórz plik sources/lib/func_usercp.php Znajdź: //----------------------------------------- // Make sure it's a legal date //----------------------------------------- $_year = $this->ipsclass->input['year'] ? $this->ipsclass->input['year'] : 1999; if ( ! checkdate( $this->ipsclass->input['month'], $this->ipsclass->input['day'], $_year ) ) { $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'ucp_birthday_legal_date' ) ); } Zamień na: //----------------------------------------- // Make sure it's a legal date //----------------------------------------- $_month = isset($this->ipsclass->input['month']) ? $this->ipsclass->input['month'] : 0; $_day = isset($this->ipsclass->input['day']) ? $this->ipsclass->input['day'] : 0; $_year = isset($this->ipsclass->input['year']) ? $this->ipsclass->input['year'] : 0; if ( $_month && $_day && $_year && !checkdate( $_month, $_day, $_year ) ) { $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'ucp_birthday_legal_date' ) ); } Zapisz i wyślij. enjoy!
  10. Otwórz ips_kernel/class_ajax.php Znajdź: $value = $this->convert_html_entities( $value ); Zamień na: #$value = $this->convert_html_entities( $value ); Otwórz sources/action_public/profile.php Znajdź: $_POST['comment'] = $class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $_POST['comment'] ); Zamień na: #$_POST['comment'] = $class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $_POST['comment'] ); Otwórz sources/action_public/xmlout.php Znajdź: $post = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $post ) ; Zamień na: #$post = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $post ); Znajdź: $_POST['Post'] = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $_POST['Post'] ); Zamień na: #$_POST['Post'] = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $_POST['Post'] ); Znajdź: $this->ipsclass->parse_clean_value( $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $this->ipsclass->input['post_edit_reason'] ) ); Zamień na: $this->ipsclass->parse_clean_value( $this->ipsclass->input['post_edit_reason'] ); Znajdź: $name = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $name ); Zamień na: #$name = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities( $name ); Po wykonaniu powyższych czynności wszystko powinno być OK, jeśli tak się jednak nie stało wykonaj tylko poniższą instrukcję: Otwórz ips_kernel/class_ajax.php Znajdź: /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Convert Ajax unicode /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function convert_unicode($t) { /*if ( strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['gb_char_set']) == 'utf-8' ) { return preg_replace_callback( '#%u([0-9A-F]{1,4})#i', array( &$this, 'dec_char_ref_to_utf8_hexdec' ), utf8_encode($t) ); } else { return preg_replace_callback( '#%u([0-9A-F]{1,4})#i', create_function( '$matches', "return '' . hexdec(\$matches[1]) . ';';" ), $t ); }*/ // Javascript escape function always sends unicode $text = preg_replace_callback( '#%u([0-9A-F]{1,4})#i', array( &$this, 'dec_char_ref_to_utf8_hexdec' ), utf8_encode($t) ); if ( strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['gb_char_set']) != 'utf-8' ) { $text = $this->ipsclass->txt_convert_charsets( $text, 'UTF-8' ); } return $text ? $text : $t; } /** * Convert HTML entities and respect character sets */ Zamień na: /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Convert Ajax unicode /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function convert_unicode($t) { if ( strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['gb_char_set']) == 'utf-8' ) { return preg_replace_callback( '#%u([0-9A-F]{1,4})#i', array( &$this, 'dec_char_ref_to_utf8_hexdec' ), utf8_encode($t) ); } else { return preg_replace_callback( '#%u([0-9A-F]{1,4})#i', create_function( '$matches', "return '' . hexdec(\$matches[1]) . ';';" ), $t ); } // Javascript escape function always sends unicode /*$text = preg_replace_callback( '#%u([0-9A-F]{1,4})#i', array( &$this, 'dec_char_ref_to_utf8_hexdec' ), utf8_encode($t) ); if ( strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['gb_char_set']) != 'utf-8' ) { $text = $this->ipsclass->txt_convert_charsets( $text, 'UTF-8' ); } return $text ? $text : $t;*/ } /** * Convert HTML entities and respect character sets */
  11. Otwórz sources/d22mods/shoutbox.php Znajdź: $_POST['shout'] = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities($_POST['shout']); Zamień na: #$_POST['shout'] = $this->class_ajax->convert_html_entities($_POST['shout']); Czynność wykonaj dwa razy ze względu na podwójne wystąpienie szukanego ciągu. Sposób uniwersalny i działa. Nie trzeba niepotrzebnie grzebać w pliku class_ajax.php
  12. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // index.php //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //================== // Znajdź //================== if ( (isset($ipsclass->input['setlanguage']) AND $ipsclass->input['setlanguage']) AND (isset($ipsclass->input['langid']) AND $ipsclass->input['langid']) AND $ipsclass->member['id'] ) { if ( is_array( $ipsclass->cache['languages'] ) and count( $ipsclass->cache['languages'] ) ) { foreach( $ipsclass->cache['languages'] as $data ) { if ( $data['ldir'] == $ipsclass->input['langid'] ) { $ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'members', array( 'language' => $data['ldir'] ), 'id='.$ipsclass->member['id'] ); $ipsclass->member['language'] = $data['ldir']; } } } } //================== // Dodaj poniżej //================== elseif( $ipsclass->input['setlanguage'] and $ipsclass->input['langid'] and !$ipsclass->member['id'] ) { $ipsclass->my_setcookie("langchose", $ipsclass->input['langid']); $ipsclass->member['language'] = $ipsclass->input['langid']; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sources/ipsclass.php //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Znajdź: if ( ( $this->is_bot == 1 ) and ( $this->vars['spider_suit'] != "" ) ) { $skin_set = 1; $id = $this->vars['spider_suit']; } //================== // Dodaj poniżej //================== elseif ( !$this->member['id'] and !$this->member['skin'] and !$this->input['skinid']) { $skin_set = 1; $id = intval($this->my_getcookie("skinchose")); } //================== // Znajdź: //================== if ( isset($this->input['setskin']) AND $this->input['setskin'] AND $this->member['id'] ) { $this->DB->simple_construct( array( 'update' => 'members', 'set' => "skin=".intval($id), 'where' => "id=".$this->member['id'] ) ); $this->DB->simple_exec(); $this->member['skin'] = $id; } //================== // Dodaj poniżej //================== elseif( ($this->input['setskin']) and (!$this->member['id']) ) { $this->my_setcookie("skinchose", intval($id)); $this->member['skin'] = $id; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sources/classes/class_display.php //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //================== // Znajdź //================== if ( $this->ipsclass->member['id'] > 0 ) { $lang_jump = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_global']->global_lang_chooser( $this->_build_language_list() ); } else { $lang_jump = ""; } //================== // Zamień na: //================== $lang_jump = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_global']->global_lang_chooser( $this->_build_language_list() ); Zobacz również: Blokada ręcznego wyboru skina przez gości
  13. DawPi


    Welcome to your new Invision Power Board! Congratulations on your purchase of our software and setting up your community. Please take some time and read through the Getting Started Guide and Administrator Documentation. The Getting Started Guide will walk you through some of the necessary steps to setting up an IP.Board and starting your community. The Administrator Documentation takes you through the details of the capabilities of IP.Board. You can remove this message, topic, forum or even category at any time. Go to the documentation now...
  14. DawPi


    hmm, jest kilka 'for' na i radzą sobie całkiem całkiem. Niestety nie mogę powiedzieć jakie to fora
  15. DawPi

    Hosting pakiet: WEBD extra cena za miesiąc: 29,99zł transfer na miesiąc: 40GB miejsce: 3GB Oferta jak znalazł
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