Amfi, nie mogę zgodzić się z twoją wypowiedzią. Ogólna informacja co to jest SEO nie wiele powie na temat IP.SEO
IP.SEO nie wprowadza raczej nic nowego. Wszystko to było już w CSEO i/lub innych aplikacjach/modyfikacjach.
Zajęli by się lepiej np. ładnymi FURL'ami
IP.Board SEO Advice - IP.SEO lists specific items that you review or change to improve your search performance.
* Meta Tags, Anywhere - Set custom meta tags and page titles for specific pages, entire sections, or even all pages of your IP.Board site.
* Sitemaps - Generate a sitemap for your IP.Board content. Currently supporting IP.Board topics and forums, IP.Blog blogs and entries, IP.Content pages, IP.Downloads categories and files, some third party applications, with further support coming soon. Set the number of items from each app to be included, and the priority that should be assigned to them. Full support for the IP.Board permissions system.
* Sitemap Pings - Once your sitemap has been generated, IP.SEO will automatically "ping" search engines to tell them there's new content available to index.
* Search Activity Statistics - See how many visits you've had from users coming from search, and from the search engine spiders themselves. See what your top keywords are, or report on specific keywords, search engines and more.