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  1. najaru

    (Pav31) Tags System

    italian translation here event admin setting
  2. najaru

    (Pav31) Tags System

    Hi pavulon Sorry i write in english i'm very interested at this mod. But i want to know (if possible) -did can give a problem in future if is not compatible with next version of IPB? -what is the SEO improvement using this mod? -when you think is good to use this mod? thanks
  3. najaru

    (DP34) Localize Board

    ok i will try, thanks.
  4. najaru

    (DP34) Localize Board

    my interest/problem is only this: when you translate menu.xml files for each applications - this app will update them in ACP view, based on files from FTP - so you need to upload them before run this app. i try to explay me better in my 3.1.2 if i translate all menu.xml files , i can see in ACP all menu translated. And is ok but when it will be released the new 3.1.3 IPB (for example) there are 2 possibilities: A- i made a standard upgrade, and all menu.xml file will be overwritten and i lost all translations. B- after upgrade, i will re-upload the old menu.xml files translated and i overwrite the original files. But if IPS (in news files menu.xml) has add a new items for new IPB funcions, i will not see this new items in my ACP menus (and this is NOT good!!!). How can i see the new difference between the old and new original files?
  5. najaru

    (DP34) Localize Board

    OK. and when i run this app i will have the new terms or link added in english (original IPS language) at other italian terms?
  6. najaru

    (DP34) Localize Board

    Hi DawPi. I dont understan how it work this app. If i translate the file xml admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/xml/menu.xml in italian, when i upgrade the board this file is overvritten and i lost the translation. How your app can help me?
  7. no DawPi. they have a database, because each of him is an admin of forum (based on ipboard) for example a user have installed my italian translation in his forum, but he dont see the character in his forum (not mine forum) correctly like me in my forum i have find this: ALTER DATABASE name_db CHARACTER SET=utf8; ALTER TABLE name_table CHARACTER SET=utf8; but is good? hot to convert all database with only one query?
  8. no no sorry my user are all admins of forum based on ipb board but as me, it dont know how to change charset in its databases
  9. how can i explain at my user the best method to change the charset in mysql?
  10. ad2: i dont have find this, i have set it so.... just to change it's a problem?
  11. Hi guys 2 question about the language translation in italian 1-can i use normally the letters ò à è ì ù? i ask this because in my forum i see all letters normally, but some admin that have install my translation see à and not à ......... what is the problem? 2- are There rules to follow when i set Language Locale in ACP? normally italian is it_IT ....and i have set it_ITA .....may create problems? thanks
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