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Treść opublikowana przez ArashDev

  1. just default methods "Standard & Converter" reCAPTCHA V2 question ans answers challenge Converter
  2. hi I installed IPS on subdomain as a test forum and in user login and admin login I got this text "Bot domain invalid" what is mean?
  3. I find this example: $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Stack( 'site_social_profiles', \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles ? json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles, true ) : array(), FALSE, array( 'stackFieldType' => '\IPS\core\Form\SocialProfiles', 'maxItems' => 50, 'key' => array( 'placeholder' => '', 'size' => 20 ) ) ) );
  4. hi I wanna add an option in my plugin so I need to use a field like below: I know this is a stack Item: $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Stack() but there is no documents on invision. can someone help me to how to use that?
  5. hi I want users to have 10 posts in forum B to view forum A, which has been approved by the management. In other words, I want to force users to post 10 posts in forum B to view the educational content that I post in forum A. is It possible to do this؟
  6. I solved with: /** * Authorize * * @param \IPS\nexus\Transaction $transaction Transaction * @param array|\IPS\nexus\Customer\CreditCard $values Values from form OR a stored card object if this gateway supports them * @param \IPS\nexus\Fraud\MaxMind\Request|NULL $maxMind *If* MaxMind is enabled, the request object will be passed here so gateway can additional data before request is made * @param array $recurrings Details about recurring costs * @param string|NULL $source 'checkout' if the customer is doing this at a normal checkout, 'renewal' is an automatically generated renewal invoice, 'manual' is admin manually charging. NULL is unknown * @return \IPS\DateTime|NULL Auth is valid until or NULL to indicate auth is good forever * @throws \LogicException Message will be displayed to user */ public function auth( \IPS\nexus\Transaction $transaction, $values, \IPS\nexus\Fraud\MaxMind\Request $maxMind = NULL, $recurrings = array(), $source = NULL ) {
  7. I did it. but now I got below error: Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\nexus\Gateway\_zarinpal::auth(IPS\nexus\Transaction $transaction, $values, ?IPS\nexus\Fraud\MaxMind\Request $maxMind = null, $recurrings = []) must be compatible with IPS\nexus\_Gateway::auth(IPS\nexus\Transaction $transaction, $values, ?IPS\nexus\Fraud\MaxMind\Request $maxMind = null, $recurrings = [], $source = null) in /home/smooksh1/ on line 46
  8. I have a payment gateway that unfortunately does not work with php8 or higher. After selecting the payment method, I get a white screen error. To check this problem, I enabled error display and saw the following error: Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\nexus\Gateway\_zarinpal::checkValidity(IPS\nexus\Money $amount, ?IPS\GeoLocation $billingAddress = null, ?IPS\nexus\Customer $customer = null) must be compatible with IPS\nexus\_Gateway::checkValidity(IPS\nexus\Money $amount, ?IPS\GeoLocation $billingAddress = null, ?IPS\nexus\Customer $customer = null, $recurrings = []) in /home/smooksh1/ on line 26 zarinpal.php how can I fix that? please help me
  9. yes I know But I meant like below image:
  10. @aXen hi Is it possible to update this plugin for two column and three column mode?
  11. I know this But I mean the following method
  12. hi how can I config login with email address like invision forum?
  13. I fixed the error for now with the following method that Marc said. If there is an error in the next few days, I will have to check the problem again
  14. No. there's nothing in system logs
  15. Hello. I recently got the following error in admin And after clicking Run Now button, I get the following message: At the same time, there is no case in the background processes!!!
  16. Maybe it's from the autoreply app. But this app is not active in the downloads sections! 2.3.3. but after disable that everything good works! thanks to guide
  17. I decided to move 5 files from one category to another and I did it. But in the adminCP, I saw some background Processes and then click on manually run them now and I got below error: system error logs: SELECT * FROM `forums_forums` WHERE autoreply_text<>"" OR autoreply_onoff=1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,500 Unknown column 'autoreply_text' in 'where clause' what should I do?
  18. Sorry, there was a typo <!--mothod 1--> <li {{if settings.dataaosforums_setting_ed}}data-address="location"{{endif}}> <!--method 2--> <li {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->dataaosforums_setting_ed == '1'}}data-address="location"{{endif}}>
  19. yes setting key: setting.php: //<?php $form->addTab( 'dataaos_setting' ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'dataaosforums_setting_ed', \IPS\Settings::i()->dataaosforums_setting_ed, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'dataaosforums_setting_ed' ) ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'dataaostopics_setting_ed', \IPS\Settings::i()->dataaostopics_setting_ed, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'dataaostopics_setting_ed' ) ); $form->addTab( 'dataaos_about_plugin' ); $form->addHeader( 'dataaos_about_text' ); $form->addHeader( 'dataaos_support_links' ); if ( $values = $form->values() ) { $form->saveAsSettings(); return TRUE; } return $form;
  20. I finally do it. Thanks Now I want to add a settings in the plugin, so when I want the first option to be enabled, the following Variable will start working inside the tag and it will stop working when I disable it. <li data-address="location"> For this I tried below methods: <!--mothod 1--> <li {{if settings.datalocation_settings}}data-address="location"{{endif}}> <!--method 2--> <li {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->datalocation_settings == '1'}}data-address="location"{{endif}}> With these methods, the plugin works, but the settings do not. what's the problem?
  21. @DawPi Is it not possible to add this item to this tag like the class? What exactly does the add attribute option do?
  22. hi I am developing a plugin but I have a small problem. I want to insert below code snippet in the following tag! my code: data-adress="{{if member.language()->isrtl}}test1{{else}}test2{{endif}}" my following tag: <li class="ipsDataItem ipsDataItem_responsivePhoto" data-location='{$row->locationHash}' data-controller=''> result: <li class="ipsDataItem ipsDataItem_responsivePhoto" data-location='{$row->locationHash}' data-controller='' data-adress="{{if member.language()->isrtl}}test1{{else}}test2{{endif}}"> Which one should I choose? I try "Modify the chosen element(s) to add attribute(s)" but got an error!
  23. my license has expired! ? also there is one mistake in non-translated string
  24. hi @DawPi in the new version (4.7.2) in forum setting like below picture there is a mistake language string that It has been repeated twice
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