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Przeniesienie zakupów z IPS Marketplace / Moving bought items from IPS Marketplace ×


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Treść opublikowana przez Bluecat

  1. Thanks for checking this I'll give you access when the error shows again I cant suggest steps to reproduce and i wrote all the info i have, i have the same setting as you show in the first image and all works fine till one day it stops and that error shows
  2. IPB v4.7.15 and app version thanks
  3. The Notification view works as normal if i disable this app, but since i want to continue and use it then i tried to reinstall , which solves this issue after some period of time this issue returns again, I dont know why
  4. Hello Once in a while when trying to view the Notifications this error shows I have keyword monitoring enabled with a number of set keywords so i assume its somehow related Disabling the app makes the Notifications menu loads again and reinstalling this app fix the issue Is there a permanent fix for this?
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