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Osiągnięcia Intasar


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  1. Intasar

    (Pav31) Tags System

    If you use "Insert the post" option to submitting Tags from post. it gather all your Fonts, STyle in it. for example create topic: and write text Test in red color. with URL http:// and click on "Insert the post" option so you get this tags from post like : http, color, red, style, font, center, bold, italic, veranda, test com. so i just ask how can we just ignore Text style decoration color and links from posts to getting in Tags ? another problem: if you delete Topic which have tags. so after deleting the topic Tags are still showing. and if click on them so it show you the message that topic or link was not available. so please fix this if we delete the topic so tags are also deleted with it. and if you create new topic so their only show one option "Insert the post" but if you edit any topic their are show two option "Insert the post" , "Save" its really good if this save option working during new topic creation too.
  2. Hi, i have installed it on testing board. everything is working fine. except "Insert post option" if you have any URL in your post and text with colors and font with styles so it gather this information in Tag field. like http, font, align, center, left, blah blah. could you have any fix of it ? thanks
  3. Its possible to allow this settings in selected forums ? OR is there any modification which disable signature in selected forum ? thanks
  4. I want to replace specific words from topics, posts, topic titles, description, comments, profiles. and if i want to replace OR remove any URL which start from http or without it so how can i done this through MYSQL query ? thanks you
  5. i have both services hotmail and localhost SMTP setting with all informations. and i try to set SMTP Setting of hotmail but that will not work and shows "could not support authentication" in email errors logs. but when i set it with hosting SMTP Settings then that will not shows any error and i received emails but because of hosting problem i have not received emails on hotmail inbox. so i want to set SMTP info that work with HOTMAIL. from Board.
  6. I understand ! and mail function are enable because i received mail on gmail and yahoo on PHP Mail setting. BUT I means i have moved my Email service to HOTMAIL so i think PHPMAIL function not required because mail service moved on third party server. so my question is this i read some articles where authors said you need to set SMTP For HOTMAIL emailing then can i set SMTP in ACP ? and given hotmail ID with user name pasword?
  7. but php mail working and required local-host support ? but i have move the mx entry to external server so when it working properly when i set it on phpmail ?
  8. Okay i will. but last question
  9. No, i found a problem. and problem is in hosting server i don't know why they will not resolved this issue. i have reported 2 times and this issue only with microsoft mail service. now for temporary resolved this issue i have moved my email from hosting server to windowslive mail server. and change the MX entry to but problem is not resolved i still not received emails on hotmail but received on gmail & yahoo. now for checking the service i have read the Header of email and found that hosting email service still work after moving MX Entry to hotmail. and movement passed 72 hours now. but i don't understand why the hosting email still showing in email header because MX Working on hotmail servers. in the windowslive admin center shows the DNS is verified and Active.. EDIT my question is when we change our MX to hotmail, gmail OR Any other third party mail service then what set-up we set in ACP ?
  10. Hello, Thanks for reply DawPi i have asked this issue with the HOST and they confirm me that my hosting plane have unlimited mails sending. no limitation OR restriction possibility. after this i have tested this issue with more technicals and found the actual problem. PROBLEM is with only Hotmail & Windows Live Mail. any members they have hotmail ID where not received forum Updates, PM, Friend Added, Comments Alert notifications in there mail accounts of hotmail, windows live mail. i have changed my ID hotmail to yahoo then sending password reset email then i have received email in my yahoo mail box. same thing i have try on gmail and i received emails on gmail but in Junk Mail. but i only not received email onto hotmail, windows live mail. i also send this issue to Microsoft support center but i have not hope they reply me. did you have any advise ? OR any other way to check this issue with more technically with windows live ID or with Hotmail ID ? and this problem only found from last month and before last month i have received notifications about comments friends added and pm in my hotmail ID. thanks
  11. Hello Alls, Today i have send an emails to all members. currently have 1000 members with 6 groups. root admin have received email to His gmail ID. but it not received to administrator, Super Mod and many others different groups members. but some members have received emails. during send email i also remove the check mark from Honorable admin email that means if member can subscribe board update emails so he can check that box. but when you uncheck the box then u can forcefully send emails to all members. but email just received to few members and root admin .. but not to SMod, Admin and others members. i also selected all groups during sending emails. emails error log not showing any problem and email status show me that all members have received emails. because that shows total members 1000. in sending email status if the problem is my web-host then why the email received to root admin and some members ? i also send a pm to my self but have not received any notification email to my hotmail ID ... i am in Super mod group currently because of testing.
  12. Intasar

    (BN23) Reputation

    thanks batman. now its working fine .. but have two small issue. 1.when we admin delete any + or - reputation of member then redirect page not showing the message of deleting. the statistics of reputation have no link of members personal reputation viewing in navigation. just like "my reputations" (i m talking about this CODE=search_profile&id=1) 3.i have installed calypso' i reputation and now i want to uninstall that but all of members reputation not want to drop. so is there any way that all reputations will be converting in your reputations or not? thanks and good work.
  13. Intasar

    (BN23) Reputation

    Hello DawPi is there any update ?
  14. all functions with ? this ? $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'nazwa_klucza', 'HELP' => 1 ) ); ?
  15. i m also used translater but i have not understand could you explain more
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