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  1. This Simple Hook Will Allow you to selectively show the page last edit time on any Content Page In the Format of Your Choice by using the tag {page_last_edit="FORMAT"}, where FORMAT is a valid ipsRegistry::class_localization->getDate format.At The Demo's page bottom, I am using {page_last_edit="manual{%Y - %m - %d}"}. Pobierz plik
  2. Professional Rank Set/Team Icons.Zip File contains the following.- 1 Demo background.png Image- 1 .PSD File w/ Over 12 Black SmileyFaces & 1 DarkRed+Red Bar.Demo: http://forum.ickplac...lack-smiley-v10Preview:How to InstallUnzip the files.After you make the images upload them to /public/style_extra/team_icons folder via your FTP Client.Go to your ACP and go to Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups.Then Click the Group you wish the change the rank image for and tell IP.Board where the image is. Ex: public/style_extra/team_icons/admin.pngIf you want to support me:You can get the black version here:http://community.inv...k-black-smiley/ Pobierz plik
  3. BBCode for video site in. ZipAcknowledgments:Zanetti Pobierz plik
  4. This hook allows you to add a global message on all pages of your IP.Nexus store.The message is displayed in the following areas:Store homepageWhen viewing a categoryWhen viewing a packageThe message is not displayed in the following areas:When viewing the shopping cartDuring the checkout processIn the client areaRequirementsIP.Nexus*Nexus 1.4.x*Nexus 1.5.xCustomizeThe look and feel of the message can be fully customized by editing the following:CSS: cit_nexus_gm.css -> .cit_gm_message_boxTemplate: skin_nexus_payments -> cit_nexus_g Upload HookLog in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page.In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Admin Cp SettingsLog in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> System -> IPS Apps -> IP.Nexus.Enter in your own personal message for your customers.Compatibility: 3.3.x, 3.2.xOriginal Developer : John Moss Pobierz plik
  5. File Name: [MM] Staff Online SidebarFile Submitter: Pete TFile Submitted: 30 Jun 2012File Category: IP.Board ModificationsAdds online users from staff usergroup(s) of your choosing to the sidebar... Choose your staff usergroup(s) Choose usergroups who can view this Proper intergration with IPB 3.2 styles User Hover Card for usernames (try hovering over someones username on a 3.2 board) Upload HookLog in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Admin Cp SettingsLog in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> System Settings -> Staff Online Sidebar Block. In here you can setup group permission to what staff shows up on sidebar and also what groups see the sidebar.Original Developer : John MossClick here to download this file Pobierz plik
  6. Adds online users from staff usergroup(s) of your choosing to the sidebar... Choose your staff usergroup(s) Choose usergroups who can view this Proper intergration with IPB 3.2 styles User Hover Card for usernames (try hovering over someones username on a 3.2 board) Upload HookLog in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Admin Cp SettingsLog in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> System Settings -> Staff Online Sidebar Block. In here you can setup group permission to what staff shows up on sidebar and also what groups see the sidebar.Original Developer : John Moss Pobierz plik
  7. Jinpou is a skin for the forums of Anime and Japanese culture. The coat is polished in every respect, and frequently updated so that you can count on frequent amendment. Bright colors are very well composed so you do not tire the eye, and add professionalism. We recommend using a minimum resolution skinu at 1280x1024.The pack contains: Skin (3 pliki .xml) Screenshots PSD logo fonts used in logo psd login and register image Pobierz plik
  8. Blocks access to select and copy buttons.Author: Velez SarsfieldQuoteHaving extracted the .zip, visit Look / Feel > Manage BBCode, scroll to the end and browse / upload the supplied xml fileInstructions in the present. Ziphugs Pobierz plik
  9. With it's off-white and brownish feel, Memory is great for any general community. With it's slight grain texture and subtle hovers and customizations, this is a skin that's well worth the very low price tag of FREE.Supported add-ons: Calendar, Chat, Gallery, Downloads, Blogs, Nexus, and Content.*FREE mobile skin included* Pobierz plik
  10. Posts Per Day Goal adds a notice to the top of your forum, which prompts the user groups of your choice that you have a goal of x posts per day. So, if you have a staff group, and want your forums total posts per day to be, lets say 20, you'll set the goal to 20, and the hook keeps a count of how many posts have been made, and how many are left to make.The notice changes when the goal has been reached, from a red background to a green one, reinforcing the positive action of reaching the goal.I developed this for my own forums, and displayed it only to my staff members, and it's encouraged posting to reach the goal. Looking over my logs, from the last 7 days, 90% of the time the goal of 15 posts is reached every day. Before the hook was installed I was getting daily post counts of 3, maximum of 7, so this has increased activity within my site by 50%! Please see screenshots for proof.Main features: Include / Exclude Groups to Show to, so you can only show this notice to staff, or to guests, or to Moderators and Administrators.. LIVE count of the posts made, and the posts needed to be made to reach the goal. Forum Exclusion. If you have an Off Topic or Forum Games forum, you can exclude them from the total count. Useful if you get a lot of posts in one area of the forum and want to promote activity others. Notice changes when goal is reached, counter keeps going, so you can be "10 over goal". Promotes Activity, and uses Positive Reinforcement techniques. I have some features planned, including adding the amount of posts YOU have made, how you've contributed to the goal, amongst other more general statistics. Pobierz plik
  11. This is a set of files to change your IP Board's ACP Login from the current Blue default into a dark grey. Custom colors can be requested via the support topic or PMing F.John on the Official IPS community. Pobierz plik
  12. Development of Gallery 5.0 is well underway, and while we are not quite ready to reveal the product just yet, we wanted to give our clients an outline of what they can expect to see when the new version becomes available. Gallery 5.0 will build upon changes in the 4.x series, while restoring some of the functionality of the 3.x series, delivering a product...View the full article Zobacz cały news
  13. Development of Gallery 5.0 is well underway, and while we are not quite ready to reveal the product just yet, we wanted to give our clients an outline of what they can expect to see when the new version becomes available. Gallery 5.0 will build upon changes in the 4.x series, while restoring some of the functionality of the 3.x series, delivering a product... Zobacz cały wpis
  14. This Hook Will add a new Page Content type, That Is Edited in The Front-end Launched From A Link in Step Two Of The Page Editing Wizard For Pages Using This Content Type or the Page Manager listing on any page with an HTML content type. This is Only Usable With The HTML Content Type On Existing HTML Pages. The jQuery-powered javascript is designed to Seek stock .ipsLayout classes For Droppable Containers(and will let you add and remove these containers as desired).It is Also Designed to Seek all .ipsSideBlock, .general_box, and .ccsBlock classes as draggable elements to be dropped into these containers in all page blocks, as well as all previously existing parse tags on the page.A Swap between Live Preview and 'Titles' Mode for smoother Rearranging is available, as is a large Selection Of Blocks. You Will Be Prompted to confirm the save of your Edits, and then Will be Redirected to the Edited Page, Ending The Content Types Wizard Session and converting the Page into an HTML Content Type. Behind The Scenes, A revision of the page Is Stored, In fact using the very same methods used in the ACP. Hardened Against CSRF. Minifies The HTML before Saving the page, as well as removing extraneous helper elements used to power the interface. Provides a non-coder Friendly Page Editing interface for those who cannot code HTML but need a certain Page layout/arrangement easily. Pobierz plik
  15. This is a very nice skin it is white and red i will have the demo below the skin is on my website so my website will be below not trying to advertise at all if you have any problems please pm me or add me on skype rageman561 thanks hope you enjoy Pobierz plik
  16. iSarah Varuna ProfessionalVaruna Pro is designed to impress! This design is ideal for modern professional communities of any kind who want a design that is modern and eye catching. The design has a very modern and clean look that is rarely seen for a community design.Varuna works on all apps:IPBoard • Gallery • Content • Blogs • Downloads • Nexus • Chat • Calendar • ContentExtraDepending on sales and popularity I might even add a jQuery color choser to this design.CopyrightFor copyright removal or branding free, send me a message for more information.IncludedIncluded is the .psd file for the logo, so it can be easily edited.More screenshots can be found below.Any issues or improvements regarding this design, feel free to send me a message.Admins: (adminCP and modCP links can be found in footer once logged in)Thank you.Sarah Pobierz plik
  17. DescriptionAre You A Human is a free CAPTCHA alternative that uses simple games to replace annoying CAPTCHAs. Our tool, called PlayThru, stops bots with fun by focusing on being simple and intuitive. We then use a proprietary algorithm to determine if the interaction with our game is from a human. Play samples of our games here.PlayThru has been featured by MSNBC, Engadget, MakeUseOf, ReadWriteWeb, and others.TechnologyPlayThru supports both html5 and flash, and also works on mobile devices. Visit our forum for more technical details.PlayThru also supports two different methods of display. Embedded mode displays the PlayThru in-line in the form. Lightbox mode only displays the PlayThru after the submit button is clicked. More information on these options can be found in our blog post.InstallationInstallation is simple and takes only a few steps. Please register for a free account and follow our detailed instructions located on our installation page.We are always available for help and support at our forum. Pobierz plik
  18. This is a set of files to change your IP Board's ACP Login from the current Blue default into a Red Gradient skin. Custom colors can be requested via the support topic or PMing F.John on the Official IPS community.Before Uploading the files included please be sure to backup your files from the server before overwritting them with the included files for changing the ACP's Skin.You can find my other ACP Skins here: http://community.inv...oads&mid=142747 Pobierz plik
  19. Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of IP.Nexus 1.5.1. IP.Nexus 1.5.1 Fully featured commerce system to sell products, membership access, advertising, digital downloads, and more. Includes tools like a support desk to help manage your clients. This release resolves issues reported since the release of IP.Nexus 1.5.0 Demo You can try our free demo to see IP.Nexus in action for yourself. Purchasing You can purchase IP.Nexus in your client area by clicking the 'New Purchase' button in the upper right corner. New clients can purchase IP.Nexus along with IP.Board. If you are an IPS Community Hosting client, IP.Nexus comes with the Plus 40 and higher packages! If you have already purchased IP.Nexus, you can download this update in your client area. Requirements / Notes IP.Nexus 1.5.1 requires IP.Board version 3.3.x Installing / Upgrading For further assistance on installing IP.Nexus please refer to this document and for upgrading please refer to this document Zobacz cały news
  20. It has come to our attention that there is a vulnerability in a third party plug-in we use for uploading files (swfupload).We've updated the download zips with the patched swfupload file. It is attached below so that you can patch your own board.Simply download the zip, unarchive and upload 'swfupload.swf' to your /public/js/3rd_party/swfupload folder. 13.49K 12 downloads Zobacz cały news
  21. This modification will help those of you that use the Official IPS Tags sidebar on your forum homeIt will make your tags bigger (and because of this bolder) the more popular it gets... It has 5 levels (the same as the default one), and works in tandum with the normal CSS that make your tags bolder..Original Developer : John Moss Pobierz plik
  22. This hook formats the posters names in topics using the member group formatting prefix/suffix. See screenshot below or demo for an example.Upload HookLog in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open.Admin Cp SettingsNone.Original Developer : John Moss Pobierz plik
  23. Adds an additional physical layer of security to your community even when using a non secure connection.Once enabled you will be prompted for an additional one time passcode when logging in. This code can be generated using the free Google authenticator app available for most smartphones.iPhone - - Phone 7 - http://www.windowsph...6b-78e7d1fa76f8Blackberry - (from your device)Key Features Supports both ACP and frontend logins for extra security. Frontend logins can be optionally disabled. Users can reset the 2 factor authentication on their account via email validation if the device becomes unavailable for whatever reason. Fully compatible with the mobile skin. InstallingTo install the Google 2 Factor Authentication addon, please do the following: Upload all the files contained in the "upload" folder of the distribution to the root of your IP.Board installation. Go to your Admin CP, select the System tab, then choose Manage Hooks. Click install hook and then navigate to the google2fa.xml file in the package you downloaded from the IPS Marketplace The installation is now complete!ConfigurationOnce installed you will need to set up the login type you wish to use at;ACP > System > System Settings > System > Security & PrivacyIt is possible to choose between ACP logins only or both ACP and Frontend logins.Questions?If you have any further questions regarding the operation of this addon or would like to suggest additional features please post in the following support topic: http://community.inv...authentication/Optional support is renewable for only $10 on a six-monthly basis. With active support you will have continued access to product upgrades and support. If you choose not to renew, the addon will continue to function as normal and you can renew at any time without penalty to regain access to upgrades. Pobierz plik
  24. This is the default theme with some minor tweaks. Note this has only been tested on IP.Board on version 3.3.3. 728x90 leader board space 230x90 ads, social, rss, image, news letter, banner ect. Easily remove the ads block Fixed 1000px Easy logo changer still works Without ads block : http://img3.imagesha...reenshot2ek.pngWith ads block : http://img4.imagesha...reenshot1ho.pngTo edit the ad block go into Global Templates > globalTemplate and make changes 728x90 image 230x90 image To completly remove the ads block go into Global Templates > globalTemplate and delete Pobierz plik
  25. The (tng33) Custom Profile Field Dropdown hook displays custom profile field groups as dropdowns in the user info pane and in an optional tab on profile pages.This hook allows you to give your members the opportunity to fill out groups of custom profile fields for things like their computer specifications, camera equipment, collections, etc. And have it displayed everywhere their User Info Pane shows, such as topics and PMs, and in their Profile, all without taking up lots of room.I'm sure many of you who have used a lot of the big tech sites have seen the dropdowns in topics which allow you to fill out your System Specs, or Rig information, this hook gives you that ability and more by leveraging the powerful custom profile field feature built in to IP.Board. Whats more, it is not limited to just one or two dropdowns, you can have as many as you want.Features: Completely controllable from the Admin CP Option to move the Profile Field Groups into their own seperate tab on Member's Profiles Value Add Options to help with page load, clutter and more Supports an unlimited number of Custom Profile Field Groups Coded for the best effeciency using caches and avoiding taxing PHP functions Uses standard IPB CSS classes so should work on any skin! Non-javascript fallback to members profile or tab if enabled No hardcoded text, uses Admin input and language strings No additional database queries No extra CSS needed (but includes unique classes for those that want it) No extra Javascript loaded No Template changes Pobierz plik
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