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  1. MW3 Forum Skin for IPB 3.2.3 Fully compatible with IP Content, Gallery, and 3.2.3 Forums. Not tested on other Apps (haven't had enough cash to buy), but certain it will work with others too. If not, I will release a bug fix. Perfect for a MW3 Gaming Community. See Demo for full features. File includes: PSD to background, logo, couple of mw3 icons. XML Files to import into Skin Look and Feel. Instructions on how to use social links, or remove. Enjoy! Pobierz plik
  2. File Name: [ET32] Topic Description File Submitter: Sylver123 File Submitted: 06 Oct 2011 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This hook restores topic description functionality from 3.1 to your forum. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  3. File Name: Prevent Multiple Registrations From the Same Ip File Submitter: Sylver123 File Submitted: 06 Oct 2011 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This hook will prevent users to register multiple accounts from the same Ip. i.e. One account one Ip address. You can enable/disable the hook at the System Settings where after the installtion of the hook a new setting called, NenaDice will appear. You can also enter your own custom error message that you want to appear to those guests who will try to register a second account from the same ip at your forum. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  4. Invision Power Services, Inc. ma zaszczyt ogłosić wydanie IP.Board 3.2.3, IP.Calendar 3.2.2, IP.Downloads 2.4.2 i IP.Content 2.2.2! Są to wydania poprawkowe po długo wyczekiwanym wydaniu IP.Board 3.2 i powiązanych aplikacji. Te wydania naprawiają wiele zgłoszonych błędów. Wydajemy następujące oprogramowanie: IP.Board 3.2.3 W pełni funkcjonalna platforma społeczności, w tym fora, profile użytkowników, system statusów, integracja i wiele, wiele więcej. IP.Calendar 3.2.2 Kalendarz dla społeczności z publicznymi i prywatnymi wydarzeniami oraz obsługą iCal. IP.Downloads 2.4.2 Kompletna aplikacja do zarządzania plikami, w tym kontrola wersji plików, komentowanie i linkowanie do tematów na forum. IP.Content 2.2.2 Zarządzanie treścią dla Twojej społeczności - stwórz pełną stronę lub prosty portal społeczności. Możliwości są nieograniczone. Informacje o wydaniu Jeśli aktualizujesz forum z dużą liczbą postów z wersji 3.1.4 lub wcześniejszej być może będziesz musiał poprosić administratora serwera o wykonanie zapytania "alter" tabeli z postami w twoim imieniu. Duża tabela z postami może spowodować przekroczenie czasu wykonania zapytania w przeglądarce. System aktualizacji ostrzeże Cię, jeśli będzie to konieczne. Jako punkt odniesienia, na naszej instalacji z ponad 865000 postów zapytanie zostało wykonane w trochę mniej niż 3 minuty. Jeśli aktualizujesz z wersji 3.1.4 lub wcześniejszej, twój styl musi być wykonany ponownie po aktualizacji do 3.2. Wizualny edytor stylu w 3.2 powinien być nadal uznawany za funkcję beta. Będzie on ulepszany w każdym wydaniu poprawkowym. Każda z powyższych aplikacji jest kompatybilna tylko z IP.Board 3.2 (np. IP.Nexus 1.3 nie może być zainstalowany na IP.Board 3.1.x). Jeśli pojawią się błędy, możemy dodawać do tego tematu odpowiedzi z łatkami lub informacjami, więc prosimy o śledzenie tego tematu. Jeśli doświadczysz problemów, przed wysłaniem zgłoszenia wyłącz wszystkie dodatkowe aplikacje i rozszerzenia. Pamiętaj, że IP.Calendar i IP.Chat są do pobrania osobno. Będziesz potrzebował pobrać i zaktualizować te oddzielne aplikacje, jeśli nadal chcesz używać ich z IP.Board 3.2. Co nowego Oprócz poprawek zgłoszonych błędów zostały wprowadzone następujące zmiany: IP.Content: pola WYSIWYG pozwalają teraz skonfigurować jak przetwarzać łamanie linii, kiedy HTML jest akceptowany IP.Calendar: użytkownicy mogą teraz usunąć samodzielnie potwierdzenie udziału w wydarzeniach IP.Board: formatowanie HTML e-maili IP.Board: import zdjęć z adresu URL IP.Board: automatyczny zapis i przełącznik trybu edycji w edytorze po stronie administratora Zobacz cały news
  5. With this modification you can display the day tabs when the topics were last updated. Features: enable/disable mod, choose in which forums will be active, choose which groups can use this mod, select row mode - maintitle (usually darker) or header (ligher). Pobierz plik
  6. This Mods add the ability to add an Support Wizard to your community to help your members to get down the the right spot on your community. Features Easy management from your Admin CP Uses own CSS file, no changes are made to your own CSS files. Option to give a nude a link to a page on your community Drageable Nodes I would like to thank: Michael McCune for giving me permission to use his mod if base for this mode. This release only supports IP.Board 3.1.x and you need IP.Content for it to function. Pobierz plik
  7. This button allows you to save templates with AJAX in your IP.Content application, so You don't have to reload page. It also activates ctrl-s shortcut to save documents so you can edit templates as it works in windows app like notepad. It works with: CodePress, tinyMCE, CKEditor, EditArea and raw textarea (no-editor option) Ctrl+S shortcut works with EditArea, CKEditor and raw textarea (no-editor option) Easy template edit - only 5$ ! AJAX save button - See the movie. Pobierz plik
  8. This file contains 2 portal styles, one has 2 columns and the other has 3 columns so you have option of styles. They are simple and easy to modify or adjust blocks. Portal were designed using IPB default skin and is only supported as such, though most others should work. The 3 column portal make require a minor CSS edit to the inner wrapper width to achieve the best results. Blocks included are: Welcome Message, Gallery (text of the last 5 images submitted), Latest Video (modified from the stock IPS version), Navigation, Latest Topics, Latest Posts, Recent Articles, Site Poll, Calender Events, Active Users, Online Friends, Newest 3 Members, 2-Blocks to insert custom content (text, pics, etc...) Save $2.00 by downloading this file from my site at http://www.cindysflo...content-portal/ Pobierz plik
  9. To wrap up our series of blog entries on IP.Nexus 1.4, there's just a few more new features and enhancements that warrant mentioning. HTML Emails Matt recently blogged about the new HTML email support in the IPS Community Suite.... Zobacz cały wpis
  10. To wrap up our series of blog entries on IP.Nexus 1.4, there's just a few more new features and enhancements that warrant mentioning. HTML Emails Matt recently blogged about the new HTML email support in the IPS Community Suite.... View the full article Zobacz cały news
  11. As part of our ongoing commitment to deliver the best community software on the market, we routinely run IP.Board through various tools designed to measure efficiency and resource usage, helping us to identify areas that could benefit from minor and major refactoring to make the software more efficient. We do this periodically with all of our... View the full article Zobacz cały news
  12. As part of our ongoing commitment to deliver the best community software on the market, we routinely run IP.Board through various tools designed to measure efficiency and resource usage, helping us to identify areas that could benefit from minor and major refactoring to make the software more efficient. We do this periodically with all of our... Zobacz cały wpis
  13. Clean Up On Aisle 3 Very simple, is made to run in your forums root folder to clear out older files/folders from IPB 1.x and 2.x installs. IMPORTANT THIS SCRIPT IS NOT TESTED! PLEASE DO NOT RUN IT ON A LIVE SITE! THERE IS NO IPS SUPPORT FOR THIS IF YOU RUN IT AND IT CAUSES PROBLEMS! If you run it, I recommend running it on a backup copy of your community. This is more for people who are comfortable examining the code and like to test out things for the fun of it. This does NOT check to make sure you are running IPB 3.x, it simply attempted to delete some of the known IPB 1.x/2.x related files and folders. Please report issues in the support topic. If you know how to alter/update scripts and you find a way to improve this script, please let me know so I can include it in a future version. I repeat, use this at your OWN risk. You have been warned. Pobierz plik
  14. This IPContent Module Will Allow You to Safely Export and Import Custom Databases with The Accompanying Fields and most settings Intact, as Well as Pages Themselves of Any File Type. some items are reset for safety(database content field, title field), and matching filenames and database keys are randomized for safety. Field Data Is left intact and assigned to the new database. The rest of The Page Data is Left Intact. Pobierz plik
  15. A little while ago, I talked about the front-end store improvements for IP.Nexus 1.4. In addition to these front-end changes, we've also made a few changes to back-end order management which we wanted to talk about today. Tracking... Zobacz cały wpis
  16. A little while ago, I talked about the front-end store improvements for IP.Nexus 1.4. In addition to these front-end changes, we've also made a few changes to back-end order management which we wanted to talk about today. Tracking... View the full article Zobacz cały news
  17. A Slik green skin perfect for gaming forums Pobierz plik
  18. This Simple BBCode overcomes the Limitation of the CKE in regards to floating text around an Image. Made on request of a Client, offered freely as it is so simple a BBCode. Pobierz plik
  19. All Member and Officer Ranks All Rank PSD is in the package Pobierz plik
  20. This hook will show file custom fields in category view. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.2.X IP.Downloads 2.4.X Pobierz plik
  21. Marble by Marble is a skin designed with simplicity in mind. The skin is packed with features which can be easily enabled or disabled by modifying the settings template file in the admin cpanel (instructions provided with purchase). Skin features "Settings" Template File This skin includes a settings file allowing you to easily enable or disable features within the skin. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since no code changes are required. Floating Navigation Bar The breadcrumb navigation bar floats above all content for easy access. The "floating effect" can be removed easily if required. Extra Links dropdown menu If you have many links and there isn't enough space in the navigation bar, you can enable the dropdown menu. Social links Social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing for easy access to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc) Tooltips for descriptions Forum descriptions can be placed inside animated tooltips (if enabled), resulting in a cleaner layout. Grey-scale thumbnails If there are no new posts in a topic, the entire row becomes grey-scale (including the user avatars). New content is highlighted in colour. Customizable topic view Users can choose whether to use a simple layout for the topic view (no user info or signatures), or stick with the traditional layout. Guest message A customizable message is shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Pobierz plik
  22. Infinite by Infinite is a skin designed with a customizable interface in mind. The colors can be modified by each member using a jQuery based color-picker, allowing them to create a design that suits themselves. Changing the default color from blue to a custom color if needed is simple to achieve. Using the color-picker, Infinite can be customized in 16,777,216 different ways! Skin features 16,777,216 color combinations Your members can create their own color scheme by customizing the skin using the color picker. Their choice is saved via cookies ready for their next visit! Pobierz plik
  23. Infinite Dark by Infinite is a skin designed with a customizable interface in mind. The colors can be modified by each member using a jQuery based color-picker, allowing them to create a design that suits themselves. Changing the default color from blue to a custom color if needed is simple to achieve. Using the color-picker, Infinite can be customized in 16,777,216 different ways! Skin features 16,777,216 color combinations Your members can create their own color scheme by customizing the skin using the color picker. Their choice is saved via cookies ready for their next visit! Pobierz plik
  24. Animate 3.2 by Animate is a dark, modern design and is named after the animated background effect seen in its header. The skin comes with an animated header and is perfect for any forum looking for a quick loading dark design - especially great for gaming forums! Skin features Animated header background The background of your header pans horizontally for a neat, flash like effect. Powered by javascript and css. CSS3 styles CSS3 (now compatible with all major modern browsers) has been used to create nice subtle effects (round corners, shadows, etc) reducing the need for additional images. HTML text as logo Changing the logo text is extremely easy by modifying the HTML text. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead. Pobierz plik
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