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Opublikowano (edytowane)

Witam, mam pewien problem, chodzi o to że strona główna forum generuje 50++ zapytań, nie wiem jak to rozwiązać, wyłączyłem wszystkie hooki/aplikację i zniknęły najwyzej 2 zapytania, debug information pokazał mi co nieco, a mianowicie:

Queries Used

SELECT * FROM ibf_cache_store WHERE cs_key IN ( 'systemvars','login_methods','vnums','app_cache','navigation_tabs','module_cache','hooks','useragents','useragentgroups','skinsets','outputformats','skin_remap','group_cache','settings','lang_data','banfilters','stats','badwords','bbcode','mediatag','profilefields','rss_output_cache','rss_export','attachtypes','multimod','moderators','announcements','report_cache','chatting','birthdays','calendar','calendars','ranks','reputation_levels' )
SELECT * FROM ibf_sessions WHERE id='0df60afd92a6e2b6f4a83c68230516a2'
SELECT m.*, m.member_id as my_member_id,p.*,pp.*,g.*,im.*,ccb.cache_content FROM ibf_members m LEFT JOIN ibf_pfields_content p ON ( p.member_id=m.member_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_profile_portal pp ON ( pp.pp_member_id=m.member_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_groups g ON ( g.g_id=m.member_group_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_core_item_markers_storage im ON ( im.item_member_id=m.member_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_content_cache_sigs ccb ON ( ccb.cache_content_id=m.member_id ) WHERE m.member_id=64
SELECT f.*,p.* FROM ibf_forums f LEFT JOIN ibf_permission_index p ON ( p.perm_type='forum' AND'forums' AND )
SELECT * FROM ibf_skin_cache WHERE cache_set_id=1 AND cache_type IN ('css', 'replacements')
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0
SELECT id, member_id, member_name, seo_name, login_type, running_time, member_group, uagent_type FROM ibf_sessions WHERE running_time > 1278178496
SELECT * FROM ibf_skin_cache WHERE cache_set_id=1 AND cache_value_1='skin_forums_global'
SELECT * FROM ibf_cache_store WHERE cs_key IN ( 'shoutbox_shouts','shoutbox_mods','emoticons' )
SELECT member_id, members_display_name, member_group_id, joined, members_seo_name FROM ibf_members WHERE member_id <> 0 AND joined > 1278179396 - 172800 AND member_group_id NOT IN (5) ORDER BY members_display_name ASC
SELECT * FROM ibf_inline_notifications WHERE notify_to_id=64 AND notify_read=0 ORDER BY notify_sent DESC LIMIT 0,10
SELECT m.member_id, m.members_display_name, m.member_group_id, m.last_activity, m.members_seo_name FROM ibf_members m LEFT JOIN ibf_groups g ON ( m.member_group_id=g.g_id ) WHERE m.member_id <> 0 AND m.last_activity > 1278179396 - 172800 AND m.member_group_id NOT IN (5) ORDER BY m.members_display_name ASC
SELECT t.tid, t.title, t.title_seo, t.start_date, t.starter_id, t.starter_name,m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name FROM ibf_topics t LEFT JOIN ibf_members m ON ( m.member_id=t.starter_id ) WHERE t.tid IN (3678,3677,3676,3675,3674,3673,3672,3671,3670,3669)
SELECT pp.pp_member_id, pp.pp_reputation_points,m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name FROM ibf_profile_portal pp LEFT JOIN ibf_members m ON ( m.member_id=pp.pp_member_id ) WHERE pp_reputation_points > 0 ORDER BY pp_reputation_points DESC LIMIT 0,9
SELECT COUNT(*) as tpost, p.author_id FROM ibf_posts p LEFT JOIN ibf_topics t ON ( t.tid=p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_date > 1278115200 AND t.forum_id IN(204,324,325,326,327,328,323,22,23,38,47,194,322,199,198,76,193,329,330,331,345,388,334,290,127,46,343,344,249,250,252,253,352,254,255,335,336,337,338,339,340,342,351,195,196,197,205,208,209,210,200,201,202,203,211,212,213,121,117,116,118,119,122,215,142,143,216,217,218,219,176,177,114,115,136,221,222,91,223,220,224,225,226,227,228,159,160,256,257,258,259,260,261,289,266,267,268,269,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,287,288,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,346,347,348,349,350,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,389,390,391,392,393) GROUP BY p.author_id ORDER BY tpost DESC LIMIT 0,9
SELECT m.*, m.member_id as my_member_id,p.*,pp.*,g.*,ccb.cache_content FROM ibf_members m LEFT JOIN ibf_pfields_content p ON ( p.member_id=m.member_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_profile_portal pp ON ( pp.pp_member_id=m.member_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_groups g ON ( g.g_id=m.member_group_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_content_cache_sigs ccb ON ( ccb.cache_content_id=m.member_id ) WHERE m.member_id IN (866,64,2053,737,2049,969,600,154,2070)
SELECT s.*,m.*,pp.* FROM ibf_member_status_updates s LEFT JOIN ibf_members m ON ( m.member_id=s.status_member_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_profile_portal pp ON ( pp.pp_member_id=m.member_id ) WHERE s.status_is_latest =1 ORDER BY s.status_date desc LIMIT 0,10
SELECT tr.*,t.*,m.members_seo_name FROM ibf_tracker tr LEFT JOIN ibf_topics t ON ( t.tid=tr.topic_id ) LEFT JOIN ibf_members m ON ( m.member_id=t.starter_id ) WHERE tr.member_id=64 AND tr.topic_id > 0 ORDER BY tr.last_sent DESC LIMIT 0,50
SELECT forum_id, last_sent, member_id FROM ibf_forum_tracker WHERE member_id=64 ORDER BY last_sent DESC LIMIT 0,50
SELECT id, member_id, member_name, seo_name, login_type, running_time, member_group, uagent_type FROM ibf_sessions WHERE current_appcomponent='shoutbox' AND running_time > 1278178496

Martwi mnie to powtarzające się 20 ileś razy zapytanie, forum ma dużo kategorii, forów i subfor, około 2tys userów i 16 tys postów, ale to chyba nie powinna, aż tak wpływać na zużycie. Proszę o jakieś wskazówki co z tym fantem zrobić ;)

Edytowane przez esquel
Opublikowano (edytowane)

Pisałem o logach serwera - jakie zapytania się generują w takiej ilości.

Zapytania są w 1 poście, co do logów serwera nie wiem o co ci chodzi? Jedyne co mam to logi apache, ale tam nie ma nic nadzwyczajnego

Edytowane przez esquel

Każde zapytanie typu:

SELECT location_2_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE LOWER(location_2_type)='forum' AND running_time>1278178496 AND in_error=0

Generuje modyfikacja: (SOS30) Members Viewing Forums v1.0.0

Temat do zamknięcia

  • Manager

Problem ROZWIĄZANY. Jeśli są jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, pytania proszę o założenie nowego tematu.

Wszelkie uzasadnione reklamacje/pretensje/sugestie/rady przyjmuje ekipa forum.

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Ten temat został zamknięty. Brak możliwości dodania odpowiedzi.
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