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Invision Community


  1. General chat about IPS Community

    This section is intended for general conversations related to IPS products. Licenses, updates, etc. This section is not intended to ask questions about problems and other aspects related to IP.Board/IPS4/IC5. If your topic or post is related to a topic section, it should be placed there.

  2. 38
  3. 28.3k
  4. Programming / Creating Themes

    Section for people who are not satisfied with the basic IPS4/IC5 functions and want to add their own or just learn the script from the inside, and for people who have questions/problems related to integration or conversion. This section is also intended for people creating styles for IPS4/IC5.

  5. Polish Translations

    All Polish translations of the IP.Board/IPS4/IC5, additions to the package and modifications.

  6. 155.5k
  7. Individual Assistance System/Support   (90,216 visits to this link)

    Leverage specialized support to enhance your endeavors. Are you someone who recognizes the importance of professionalism and exceptional craftsmanship? Our service is here to provide you with the assistance you need to achieve your goals effectively.

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