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Warning: Cannot modify header information

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Po wgraniu customowego skryptu do globalTemplate pokazuje mi błąd:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_5/skin_global.php:108) in /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 114

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_5/skin_global.php:108) in /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 114

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_5/skin_global.php:108) in /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 127

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_5/skin_global.php:108) in /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 136

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_5/skin_global.php:108) in /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 137

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_5/skin_global.php:108) in /home/chimchil/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 141

Skrypt działa, lecz z takim błędem.

Czy może to być spowodowane użyciem "echo" ?

Edytowane przez Adam22

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Może jak by ktoś był taki dobry i naprowadził mnie co i jak:

Skrypt wyświetla wersję,ilość użytkowników, motd, host, i ping

    class MinecraftServerStatus {
        private $timeout;

        public function __construct($timeout = 3) {
            $this->timeout = $timeout;

        public function getStatus($host = '', $port = 25565) {

            //Transform domain to ip address.
            if (substr_count($host , '.') != 4) $host = gethostbyname($host);

            //Get timestamp for the ping
            $start = microtime(true);

            //Connect to the server
            if(!$socket = @stream_socket_client('tcp://'.$host.':'.$port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout)) {

                //Server is offline
                return false;

            } else {

                stream_set_timeout($socket, $this->timeout);

                //Write and read data
                fwrite($socket, "\xFE\x01");
                $data = fread($socket, 2048);
                if($data == null) return false;

                //Calculate the ping
                $ping = round((microtime(true)-$start)*1000);

                //Evaluate the received data
                if (substr((String)$data, 3, 5) == "\x00\xa7\x00\x31\x00"){

                    $result = explode("\x00", mb_convert_encoding(substr((String)$data, 15), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2'));
                    $motd = preg_replace("/(§.)/", "",$result[1]);


                    $result = explode('§', mb_convert_encoding(substr((String)$data, 3), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2'));

                    $motd = "";
                    foreach ($result as $key => $string) {
                        if($key != sizeof($result)-1 && $key != sizeof($result)-2 && $key != 0) {
                            $motd .= '§'.$string;

                    $motd = preg_replace("/(§.)/", "", $motd);

                //Remove all special characters from a string
                $motd = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:][:punct:] ]/", "", $motd);

                //Set variables
                $res = array();
                $res['hostname'] = $host;
                $res['version'] = $result[0];
                $res['motd'] = $motd;
                $res['players'] = $result[sizeof($result)-2];
                $res['maxplayers'] = $result[sizeof($result)-1];
                $res['ping'] = $ping;

                //return obj
                return $res;


Wywołuje go w ten sposób:



include_once './status.php'; //include the class
$status = new MinecraftServerStatus(); // call the class
$response = $status->getStatus(''); // call the function

if(!$response) {
return "<div class='offilne_status'>The Server is offline!</div>";
} else {
return "<div class='offilne_status'>The Server ".$response['hostname']." is running on ".$response['version']." and is online,
currently are ".$response['players']." players</div>";



Edytowane przez Adam22

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  • Rozwiązanie


include_once './status.php'; //include the class

$status = new MinecraftServerStatus(); // call the class

$response = $status->getStatus(''); // call the function


<if test="!$response">

<div class='offilne_status'>The Server is offline!</div>

<else />

<div class='offilne_status'>The Server {$response['hostname']} is running on {$response['version']} and is online, currently are {$response['players']} players</div>


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