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[ - pliki] Tips and Tricks > Alternative Sphinx Startup Method

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This is a little trick that I use for starting Sphinx. The method in the main Sphinx setup article will work on most servers, however, I like to have control over the service. When you use the supllied method, then the only way to start and stop the process is by killing it using ps and looking up the ID, and rerunning the command line start utilitiy.

If your server uses the service command, which most Linux based servers do, this method will make things much simpler, by making Sphinx a service. These instructions assume that you have installed Sphinx in the default location as directed by the main article at;article=7813

Go to /etc/rc.d/init.d and create a file named searchd using either nano or vi or whatever text editor you use on your server. Have that file contain the following..



# Init file for searchd


# chkconfig: 2345 55 25


# description: searchd


# USE "chkconfig --add searchd" to configure Sphinx searchd service


# original script and all credit to Vladimir Fedorkov Mar 1, 2006, [email protected]


# modified by zerosys


# public domain

# Source function library.

. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions








do_start() {

echo "Starting $prog"

rm -rf /var/sphinx/*.spl

daemon $EXEC_PATH/$prog --config $CONFIG_FILE



return $RETVAL


do_stop() {

echo "Stopping $prog"

if [ -e $PID_FILE ]; then

kill -15 `cat $PID_FILE`

sleep 5

if [ -e $PID_FILE ]; then

kill -9 `cat $PID_FILE`





return $RETVAL


case $* in








echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|}" >&2

exit 1



exit $RETVAL

Next, chmod that file to 777 permissions with the command chmod 777 searchd

Finally, run the command

chkconfig --add searchd

To add the searchd process to the startup configuration of your server. So that it will run on startup.

Now, Sphinx will start automatically when your server starts. Additionally, you can start and stop the process from the command line by running the command

service searchd start


service searchd stop

Which is far simpler than finding and killing the process or running the long command to start sphinx.

This will work, with just a few simple modifications, no matter how you have installed Sphinx. You would just have to adjust it for where your, sphinx binary and sphinx.conf file resides.

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