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Posts posted by DawPi

  1. (DP5) Banned State System

    Zobacz plik

    This is a simple yet handy add-on that enhances the built-in banning process by letting you add a custom ban reason. It also displays the ban details in the topic view and on the user profile, giving everyone clear insight into why a member was banned.


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    To prosta, ale przydatna modyfikacja, która wzbogaca wbudowany system banowania o możliwość dodania własnego powodu. Pokazuje też szczegóły blokady w widoku tematu oraz w profilu użytkownika, zapewniając przejrzystą informację o przyczynie bana.


  2. 22 godziny temu, MikeBurton napisał(a):

    Does it work with 4.x as well?

    It works quite well on both versions. :)

    21 godzin temu, Weak. napisał(a):

    How long will it be supported...there are 0 downloads yet.

    It will remain so as long as IPS4/IC5 allow it.

    There are none because this app was more popular in the Marketplace on the IPS board, which no longer exists.

    21 godzin temu, MikeBurton napisał(a):

    Do i have to pay it double for 4.x and 5.x or if i buy the 4.x version, it is upgradable for free to the 5.x version (despite the annual fees of course)?

    You're purchasing for the 4.x series and will receive support and updates for its entire lifetime. The same applies if you buy for the 5.x series. However, I can make an exception and offer you a fair discount if you purchase both at the same time.

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