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  1. The thing is that I need "noarchive" for the whole site, but "noindex" just for a few topics. That's fine. I think Google is not serving cached copies any longer as of very recently. I just need to see if there are any other sites there that still do, as I don't want people to cheat the paywall. (That's why I use "noarchive"). So, I may be able to eliminate the "noarchive" tag. Cheers!
  2. Yes, I did enable it for the topic.
  3. Actually yes, that's the reason (I've deleted the "noarchive" tag in the ACP as a test and then put it back again). If I have a tag for robots in Search Engine Optimization > Meta Tags in the ACP, the "noindex" tag is not added. I thought one could have the two of them for as long as they were not conflicting with each other.
  4. The "noarchive" tag comes from Search Engine Optimization > Meta Tags in the ACP. I have set up that for the whole forum, so basically I have* So, I'm not surprised about that, as that should be there. But I was expecting to see the "noindex" in addition to that in the meta name tag of the particular topic I edited. And yes, I toggled the switch on in this topic I mean. So, my question is if what I done site-wide with the "noarchive" tag is what is causing the absence of the "noindex" tag in the edited topic?
  5. @DawPi sorry to bother you again so soon. When I look at the page source code. I see: <meta name="robots" content="noarchive"> Which is correct as I don't allow Google to cache my pages, but is that mutually exclusive with "noindex"? Shouldn't I have both there? Because I enabled the plugin in one topic and that's all I see.
  6. Great. Thank you very much; all good now. 👍
  7. Hello @DawPi; I hope you've been well. I'm having problems trying to make this plugin work. This is what I get: SELECT * FROM `forums_topics` LEFT JOIN `dp4disableindexing_settings` ON dp4disableindexing_settings.dp4dit_id=forums_topics.tid WHERE `tid`='190493' IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'domain_ipboard.dp4disableindexing_settings' doesn't exist (1146) #0 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*domain_ipboa...', Array, true) #1 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load('190493') #5 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::loadFromUrl(Object(IPS\Http\Url\Friendly)) #6 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Http\Url\_Internal->correctUrlFromVerifyClass('\\IPS\\forums\\Top...') #7 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Http\Url\_Friendly->correctFriendlyUrl() #8 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->checkUrl() #9 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init() #10 /home/domain/public_html/ : eval()'d code(31): call_user_func_array('parent::init', Array) #11 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\Dispatcher\hook611->init() #12 /home/domain/public_html/ IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #13 {main}
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