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  1. Traduzione italiana dell'ottimo Social Groups. Spero vi sia utile. Qualsiasi feedback è ben accetto. Istruzioni - Italiano: Entra nell'ACP (Admin control panel) e nel tab "Look/Feel" clicca su "Manage Languages". Utilizzando la sezione "Upload language pack from your computer'" seleziona il file "groups_language_pack.xml" e clicca Import. L'operazione potrebbe richiedere un po' di tempo. Pobierz plik
  2. This BBCode will allow you and your members to add Mini Steam Profiles anywhere on your community, below is what information is displayed; Steam Name Latest Hours Played Member Since Steam Profile Picture Games Groups Pobierz plik
  3. A Soft Soothing Blue Theme. Easy on the eyes and good for all types of forums. SUPPORTS: Board Version 3.2.3 Only and all add-on applications most recent version also 3rd party links directory & shoutbox Includes 2 different blank logo banner need to have banner completed see our logo service Live Preview in skin selector @ GMM Skin Themes Pobierz plik
  4. Voici ma traduction du contact form d'Adriano Faria (SOS32). Enjoy Steph40 Pobierz plik
  5. Voici ma traduction du système de contact de Mike john. Enjoy Pobierz plik
  6. This hook will allow admin to setup a badge for STAFF groups topics with a large customization options. Features: Admin can set up Hook on/off. Admin can set up whitch groups are in the STAFF. Admin can set up the Badge from 5 beautiful type (others badges coming soon) Staff Badges are tested on default IPB skin (3.2 and 3.3), for custom skin I provide a full support for free!!! Compatibility: IP.Board 3.3.X IP.Board 3.2.X Pobierz plik
  7. Voici ma traduction pour l'application Link directory. Publique seulement. Enjoy!! steph40 Pobierz plik
  8. Voici ma traduction publique de member reviews. Pobierz plik
  9. Voici ma traduction publique seulement de Video system pour ipb 3.2.3 Enjoy!! Steph40 Pobierz plik
  10. This hook will add a box with with random topics at your sidebar. The topics will be pulled at random from the database and anytime the page is refreshed it will show different topics. Installation: Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to configure it go to System Settings where you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the number of the random topics that you would like to show at the sidebar, choose the group/s that you want to restrict from viewing the random topic box. And as last but not least you can exlude threads from a certain forum/forums from showing. Also permissions will remain contact. Pobierz plik
  11. Hello , السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته this is the arabic language pack that currently being used at The pack contains: 1- core_language_pack.xml 2- forums_language_pack.xml 3- gallery_language_pack.xml 4- ccs_language_pack.xml 5- ipchat_language_pack.xml 6- members_language_pack.xml 7- nexus_language_pack.xml 8- tracker_language_pack.xml 9- blog_language_pack.xml 10- calendar_language_pack.xml i hope you find it useful Thanks Idealdesigner Pobierz plik
  12. Installation instructions. If you have not installed a skin before and are unsure what to do, follow this guide: Pobierz plik
  13. New Version 2012 By : FucybersForum.CoM tutorials Install : Visit your Admin Control Panel > "Look / Feel" tab and click Manage Languages. Using the 'Upload language pack from your computer' section, browse for the supplied "language xml.gz" and click Import. Importing language packs can be slightly resource intensive, especially with larger packs. Please be patient as it make take a short time to complete the operation. Bahasa Indonesia : Kunjungi Control Panel Admin> "Look / Feel" tab dan klik Manage Lenguages Menggunakan 'paket bahasa Upload dari komputer Anda', browsing untuk diberikan "bahasa xml.gz" dan klik Impor. Paket bahasa Mengimpor dapat sedikit sumber daya intensif, terutama dengan kemasan yang lebih besar. Harap bersabar karena membuat memakan waktu yang singkat untuk menyelesaikan operasi. Pobierz plik
  14. This application is designed for those who want to run tournaments on their site. It is not for the actual gaming itself to take palce through the app in any way, but rather for your members to create and join teams, sign up for tournaments, submit scores of the matches whicht ake place somewhere else, and then the system keeps track of it all and declares the winning team once the tournament is completed. Here are some of the many features: Create categories. Unlimited number of subcategories. Create tournaments which fit into the categories. A count of open tournaments ine ach category is kept. Create teams (max teams per member is set in the ACP). The team creator determines how many members should be on his or her team, approves or declines applications to the team, and can kick people off of the team. Teams join tournaments which allow teams with their number of members. there are numerous settings on the tournament form to allow for various combinations of teams. Tournaments are created in the ACP. The one who creates the tournament can invite teams to it on the public side. Anyone with access to this app in the ACP could edit the tournament. brackets- single and double elimination brackets are one type of tournament. You can create a 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 team tournament at this point and add byes if you don't have the correct number of teams wanting to join. ladders- manual move teams on a ladder absed on their performance orL base it automatically on wins, on a simple formula, on ELO ratings (more complicated and precise), etc... round robin- each team plays each other team x number of times and the team with the best record wins that tournament. Create an invite only tournament. Use a standalone point system with the system. Then you can allow team leaders to charge points to join their team. Then those team points are kept separately and can be used to join tournaments which cost points to join. Points can also be obtained in various ways. For individual points with the standalone system you can gain more poitns by commenting. With the internal team points system you can gain some by winning matches or tournaments. There are many many settings in the ACP. Especially on tournament forms. Be careful with them as there are so many which could interfere with a team's ability to put new memebrs on their teams while involved in a tournament. Upload logos for categories, tournaments, and teams. Much more. Please Note: This is a first release and some things will improve over time. The bracket skinning will be improved, some things will behave differently, co-leader functionality will be added, ability for ties/draws, disputing methods, and more overall management of various areas. Also: Keep in mind this has not been tested in strict PHP/MySQL environments. At some point I will fix issues which could thus allow for it to run smooth in those various setups, but be aware that I am not speaking as to how well it would currently do in those environments. Pobierz plik
  15. I hope that you enjoy this icon pack, or at least find it useful. If you have any special requests, I am available for Private Message at and/or you could PM me on IPB. This pack is designed to fit the icons for the NEW IPB tournament system by moddding, but you can also use this pack for a lot of other stuff because the icons at 50x50 are small enough to accomodate all types of applications. Please send me a message if you need help. AND don't be mean, this is my THIRD official upload. Thanks! -Rebecca Pobierz plik
  16. This hook will show how many images are awaiting approval in IP.Gallery tab. The counter will be shown only when there's pending imagens and will be shown only to IP.Gallery's moderator. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.2.X IP.Gallery 4.2.X Pobierz plik
  17. As requested at this thread: http://community.inv...posts-etc-page/ This application will add a new page on your forum with some extra stats for your active users and popular contents displayed in 2 boxes. The first box will display your most active users which will be based on how many posts that they will make daily, weekly, monthly and in overall. The second box will display some popular stats, like the most liked users, your top forums and your most popular threads. 1) The application can be enabled and disabled. 2) You can restrict groups from viewing the Popular Content Page. 3) Set the title for each box 4) Decide how many active users and popular content to show 5) Exlude forum/s from showing its/their threads at the Popular Content Page. Persmissions for threads will remain intact as well. Installation and Configuration: To install this application, upload the admin folder inside the Upload folder to the root of your forum folder. Then go to your Admin Panel->Applications & Modules->Manage Applications & Modules and on the right side where it says: Applications Not Installed you will see a new application added called: Popular Content. Click on the install button. To configure it go to the other Apps tab then from the drop down list choose Popular Content->Settings and set the values to your likings. Pobierz plik
  18. Very Basic Blue(ish) Skin. Designed on a SWTOR forum, hence the forums names in the screenshot. Will be releasing in other colors soon! There is no skin copyright link on this skin! Thanks! Pobierz plik
  19. This hook will allow admin to setup an ad block with a large customization options. Admin will set up which groups can view the block and: Features: Admin can set up name of the block. Admin can set up whitch groups can see the block. Admin can set up the BG color of the maintitle block Admin can set up the position of the fake category: a) After many categories b) In random mode c) After the last category Compatibility: IP.Board 3.3.X IP.Board 3.2.X Pobierz plik
  20. Awards allows forum administrators to reward their members with awards in honour of their special accomplishments. To know all of the features Awards has to offer, read below. Features List Awards Listings Page AJAX Powered "View Awarded" on listings page Topic-Post View Profile-Tab view (2.1.0) Ability to temporarily or permanently remove awards from members (2.1.0) Add notes when you award members (2.1.0) Categories (2.2.0) Bulk Awarding (2.2.0) Public Awarding (2.2.2) Signature View (2.2.4) Auto Awarding (2.2.4) Please note that this is the '(inv) Awards' system, initially it is the last publicly released file from Alec Carpenter of Invision Envy. An update will be issued to correct a few niggles but I am not trying to hide the take over. I thank Alec for his work and was very sorry to see him disappear. Please add your requests to the support topic here. Pobierz plik
  21. This Replaces the standard "Moderator Team page" in the forums/elsewhere, with a custom Page, One Where in the ACP you can assign any groups you want to be displayed and in what order they are displayed. Features: Working News Feed Email Based direct bug reporting Working Updates Available Notice in this applications Overview section Adding any Group to your "Moderator Team Page" Altering What order the Selected Groups display Easy drag and drop ordering When No groups are chosen, it Defaults to the IPB internal or If the application has been disabled. and more... Tested for compatibility with 3.2.3 IPB (3.3 and earlier versions not known). This uses the default "statistics template" so it should be compatible with all themes/skins for IPB 3.2.3. Pobierz plik
  22. Ce module est similaire à Members Online Today Ce fichier est destiné pour la version IP.Board 3.2. Le but de ce module est d'offrir un support en français. Il affiche le suivi du nombre de membres inscrits qui ont visité votre site ces dernières 24 heures et enregistre également le jour et vous établi le record pour la plupart des membres en ligne dans la même journée. Et vous offre également la possibilité de laisser vos membres pour afficher/masquer la liste des membres de sorte qu'il peut être facilement caché lorsqu'il n'est pas nécessaire par exemple avec une grosse communauté, de choisir quels groupes peuvent voir la liste, et de choisir quels groupes afficher dans la liste. Pobierz plik
  23. Traduction Française pour la modification de "Donation Tracker" de Devfuse ! Elles on été réalisé par Merci de remonté les erreurs de traduction a "[email protected]" Merci a Mercenaires, Zombie et Skore pour leur soutien Prix exclusif de 15$ environ 10€ Pobierz plik
  24. If you want the free version with lesser features get it here at Link Affiliates Block Install: Login to your admin control panel and access IP Content application. Browse for and upload the supplied xml file called block_linkaffiliates2.xml to enable the block. Also remember to add {parse block="linkaffiliates2"} to your page file. You must have Links Directory as tested on 4.0 and IP Content as tested on 2.2.2 installed as it comes with an ability to view your affiliates with the rating and a count of comments. In order to have your link marked as an affiliate to show on your block is by visiting your ACP by viewing Other Apps -> Link Directory -> Management -> Manage Affiliates then mark your link as yes. REMINDER: Update your template by visiting your ACP by installing Affiliates Block 2.0 Template Installer hook is by visiting your ACP by viewing System -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks then click install new hook as browsing for and upload the supplied xml file called linkaffiliates2.xml Pobierz plik
  25. Yellow Tea Skin by Fisana ( for IP.Board 3.2.3 Included: png Logo blanks Installation instructions. If you have not installed a skin before and are unsure what to do, follow this guide: For editing the footer: 1. Go to ACP 2. Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in Yellow Tea 2. Open Global Templates > globalTemplate 3. Find <div class='foot'><span class='left'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/list.png' alt=''/></span><span class='right'>Copyright © {parse expression="strftime('%Y')"} Your Company Name</span></div>4. Edit Your Company Name Pobierz plik
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