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  1. Collection of 11 Ranks for your community (with editable text) PSD file included 11 PNG files Font used: standard font Arial. (Support all Languages) Technical Details The file was originally built using Adobe Photoshop. So the file included is a PSD files. However each of the buttons are already exported as transparent PNG 's as well. How to Install: Unzip the files and upload all the .png files to /public/style_extra/team_icons folder via your FTP Client. Go to your ACP and go to Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups. Then Click the Group you wish the change the rank image for and tell IP.Board where the image is. Ex: public/style_extra/team_icons/admin.png Pobierz plik
  2. Mass Effect 3 Forum Icon´s Mass Effect 3 Forum Icon´s Transparent! Game forum icons that you can use with Forum Icons 2.0.0 instructions: You must have (DP32) Forum Icons 2.0.0 to be able to use the Icon´s in your forum! Make sure you have (DP32) Forum Icons 2.0.0 installed on your forum. follow the instructions from the (DP32) Forum Icons 2.0.0 to use the icons! Make use you set the icon size under Other Apps --> forum icons --> manage settings --> Max Dimensions --> set to 50x50 --> Save Inside Zip file: Mass Effect 3 Forum Icon´s Tons of Game icon´s + some that aren´t in the normal packs! Here --> http://community.inv...-big-game-pack/ Pobierz plik
  3. This is the Norwegian translation of ibEconomy 2.0.0 Installation instructions included in the .rar pack. I hope you enjoy this file. -------- Notes: To me this was a very hard mod to translate because of the economy-English, so please don't expect a perfect translation. 200 strings from the admin side is missing (68% completed), public side should be 100% completed . I'll try my best to complete it, but I lack time atm. I will also try update it if I get time. Pobierz plik
  4. Replaces the standard "jump" to top button in the footer, with a smooth scrolling up animation. Uses native prototype javascript framework. Works with all skins that have a bottom button and anchor point the same as IPB's default skin (which from my testing a majority of them will). This Hook overrides the native "jump Javascript" that IPB uses by default. I have only Tested this on IPB 3.2 and The latest IPB 3.2.3, It might work on prior editions, but I do not have access to those to test this Hook out on. Thank You for downloading! M. Edwards Pobierz plik
  5. UGR is an advanced tool that offers additional spam prevention functionality to the ACP of your Community focusing directly on your members' location. It is no secret that the vast majority of spammers originate from a handful of countries. Denying member registration to visitors from those countries (or as an extreme measure completely denying access to them) is by itself a very effective way to almost completely counterfeit spamming. Of course one may lose some legitimate members originating from those countries, but there are admins who will be ready to make this sacrifice for the sake of a spam-free community. So, UGR does exactly this: It allows you to control what locations (countries) are permitted to access your board and/or register an account to it. UGR works in the following way: Upon a visitor's visit to your community or attempt to register an account to it, the app locates their IP, and according to the way you have set it up, it can completely deny access to them, or deny their registration request. In the unfortunate event that their IP cannot be located (less than 0,001% probability for this situation), their IP is characterized as undetermined and, again, according to the way you have set the app, they can be allowed or denied access and/or registration to your community. Additionally, UGR offers geolocation statistics right into your ACP. Simply visit the Overview page of the app, and you will find a pie chart showing the percentage of each location your members originate from. Moreover, you can find statistics about the number of access and registrations prevented from each location of your Blacklist; therefore you get useful details to further adjust and fine-tune your Blacklist by adding or removing countries to it. Finally, UGR also integrates effectively with your Members section in your ACP, adding a neat hovercard for your members' IP addresses in all four locations where their IP is displayed (single member view, members list, incomplete members list, validating members list), where you can find additional info besides their country, such as city, ISP, longtitude, latitude, etc. Last, but not least, Members Search form is also extended, adding search criteria based on members' location, allowing you to search members from blacklisted, whitelisted, undetermined (where an IP's location cannot be determined), undiscovered (after you run once the Discover Locations tool, this will return no results) locations. Caution: If you install this app to an IP.Board v3.2.3 (it may exist in earlier versions as well) and due to a known and reported bug, you will need to make one file edit to fix the bug before the AJAXed Member Search form in ACP can be extended with the geolocation criteria added by the app. The fix, however, is very easy to apply and is included in the bug report mentioned earlier. Pobierz plik
  6. with using the hook you can put one calender in sidebar. also you get psd file from here. Pobierz plik
  7. This hook adds a separate whitelist and extra settings specifically for the bbcode. The whitelist allows you to pick and choose which image hosts and domains you want to allow images to be posted from. Use this to enhance security, prevent bad content or spam, or simply to ensure quality for your users. Blocked images can be replaced by: A link to the image [with or without 'blocked' text] A short message A default image of your choosing Pobierz plik
  8. This hook will restore the birthday list to its original place: below users online list on board index. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.3.X Pobierz plik
  9. This is a gurley type skin with a peach setting containing soft pastel colors accented with deep violet. All graphics are hand drawn. This skin contains many customizations, including the traditional IBSkin 3 image category headers and footers and a very well enhanced topic view layout. Preview this skin live here on our forums! Click Here For A Full Screen Shot Of Total Ecstasy Pobierz plik
  10. Resource Type: Applications Version: 1.0.0 (10002) - Compatibility: IP.Board 3.2.x Author: Michael John (DevFuse) Description: Allows your community to add quotes into a quotes database. Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases. Pobierz plik
  11. File Name: (M32) Quotes System File Submitter: Michael File Submitted: 01 Mar 2012 File Updated: 01 Mar 2012 File Category: IP.Board Modifications Resource Type: Applications Version: 1.0.0 (10002) - Compatibility: IP.Board 3.2.x Author: Michael John (DevFuse) Description: Allows your community to add quotes into a quotes database. Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  12. What else is there to say? Its a black Admin CP Skin. Custom skins are available upon request. Please PM for details. Pobierz plik
  13. Important This pack contain IP.Board skin and an html STATIC landing page (but you can use it in your IP.Content). You dont need to use landing-page if you wont, but this skin need the studio_blue.css file. The footer landing page is the same of ip.board skin, but are 2 different code. You need to edit both (or edit in landing page and copy to globaltemplate of skin). Landing-page is a bonus: customizations are not supported! I'm avaiable for Live Customization on Skin , but service is not included in Package price Demo IP.Board Skin Demo Landing Page Step 1: Upload Required Files Included with these instructions is a folder called upload, upload the contents of this folder to your forums root. (if you use landing page you have to customize it, see *Additional step in bottom) Step 2: Install IPBoard skin The skin you download should contain two files. The first will be called the skin name, followed by "xml.gz" (for example "studio-blue.xml.gz"), this is the "skin set". The second will be called "images-", followed by the skin name and then ".xml.gz" (for example images- studio-blue.xml.gz"), this is the "image set". Once you have your skin, you can import it in your Admin CP by going to the "Look & Feel" tab and then choosing "Import / Export" from the menu on the left. You can import the "skin set" in the first section - you only need to select the location of the skin set on your computer and then press "Import Skin Set", the remaining three fields can be left as they are. Then you should import the image set - you need to select the location of the image set on your computer, and then select the name of the skin you just imported for the "Apply To Skin Set" setting, then press "Import Image Set" - the second and third fields can be left blank. Step 3: Edit yellow sidebar block Open your Admin CP > Look&Feel Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in Studio_blue > Templates > Board Index > boardindexTemplate in head section you will find: <!-- Additional upper sidebar block begin --> <div class='ipsSideBlock2'> <h3><a href="........../store/" title="Shop">Vai allo Shop</a></h3> Ti aspettiamo nel nostro <a href="............/store/" title="Shop">Shop</a> dove potrai acquistare gadgets, oggetti e abbonamenti molto interessati. Non perdere tempo!! </div><!-- Additional upper sidebar block end --> you can remove it, or edit Step 4: Edit footer Open your Admin CP > Look&Feel Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in Studio_blue > Templates > Global Templates > globalTemplate in bottom you can find Footer section, you can edit titles and links and Your copyright. The footer landing page is the same of ip.board skin, but are 2 different code. You need to edit both (or edit in landing page and copy to globaltemplate of skin). *Additional step: Only if you use landing page Open your landing_blue.html file included in pakage with an html editor (Notepad++ for example). You need to customize all text and all link. The footer landing page is the same of ip.board skin, but are 2 different code. You need to edit both (or edit in landing page and copy to globaltemplate of skin). In head section you will find this: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media='screen,print' href=",public/style_css/css_3/calendar_select.css,public/style_css/css_3/ipb_common.css,public/style_css/css_3/ipb_styles.css,public/style_css/css_3/ipb_skingen.css" /> you have to change this with the call to your ip.board skin css (when you display your board index, in your browser you have to display souce code of page, and you will find a similar code in head section). Pobierz plik
  14. with using the hook you can change the logon and register to new design. Features: - beautiful Login - Quick Register - Change the rules to advanced - ... Pobierz plik
  15. This Is a simple Hook That allows changing of the Admin Control Panel Theme without over-riding the acp.css file. This allows one to rename a Marketplace Admin Control Panel Theme CSS file to another file-name, upload it to the directory acp.css is in, and use it in the Admin Control Panel. If the file-name input into the setting is NOT present as a .css file within the {admin_dir}/skin_cp/ directory, the default Admin Control Panel CSS is left intact. As a side-effect of changing the filename instead of it's contents, after changing the setting and 1 single refresh all css changes are applied throughout the ACP, instead of needing to ctrl+f5 every area. Pobierz plik
  16. Here is my french translation for the application sports bettings v444 for ipb 3.2.3 Enjoy!! Stéphane Pobierz plik
  17. French language pack for the application classifieds v1.2.1. Only public side is translated. Enjoy!! Stéphane Pobierz plik
  18. Dark Knight v3.0 A nice little upgrade of my original Dark Knight skin. This is what I'd like to call a stock theme. There is no massive template changes, its just color changes. I went for a dark appeal using about 4 colors for the entire design. I'm aware that 3.3 is around the corner. This skin will be upgraded for free to that version, and 3.4 etc depending if its a major skin rewrite or not. You may demo the skin at Quote user: darkknight pass: test You may remove the "Skin by Connor" in the footer. I just leave it there for portfolio links. I'm aware those links upset some people, so it doesn't bother me if you remove it. Its located in globalTemplate. Thanks, Connor T (iBotPeaches) Pobierz plik
  19. Carrying on the iconic color scheme it has been known for, Deviant 3 brings back the blue, green, and purple colors many have loved in this free, dark skin. It's a skin that breaks away from the dull and boring grey and black dark skins, and brought back the multi-colored schemes that have given Deviant a cult following. It's great for any gaming, fantasy, or general purpose forums! Supported add-ons: Calendar, Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Nexus, Content, and Chat. *FREE Mobile Skin Included* Pobierz plik
  20. Group Icons from Banned all the way up to Administrator. PSD files are inside. You can edit text, colour, bg colour and other stuff. If you need more icons or website logos or YT/Twitter backgrounds, feel free to contact me any time. Look up my Skype in my profile. Read the 'ReadMe' file inside the archive to find out how to install Group Icons on your website. Pobierz plik
  21. Here is my french pack for the application tutorial for ipb 3.2.3. Only public side is translated. Pobierz plik
  22. This is a free skin inspired by Facebook. Only fixed width Has no sidebar enabled (recommended) If you want to enable the sidebar: Look & Feel >Manage Skin Sets & Templates >Manage Templates in eLeMentaL Open boardindexTemplate and find: {parse variable="sidebar_enabled" default="$hide_side_blocks"} Replace with: {parse variable="sidebar_enabled" default="$show_side_blocks"} Hope you like. Pobierz plik
  23. This is my french language pack for the application social group version 1.2.5b Enjoy!! Stéphane Pobierz plik
  24. Community Logo To install, visit the Look / Feel tab and choose 'Easy Logo Changer' then browse for and upload the logo, ensuring you apply it to the correct skin set. A .psd and font is included too, so you can use this to create your own. Pobierz plik
  25. This is a feed template to mimic the Gallery "Home" recent images Block. There are 2 separate files for this download, one is for IP.Board 3.2.x/IP.Content 2.2.x, the other utilizes the new block templates and is for IP.Board 3.3.x and IP.Content 2.3.x. As this was developed on a Localhost, at this moment no demo is available, and a demo for IPC 2.3 at this time is out of the question. Pobierz plik
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