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  1. If you have visitors who have been using the IP.Blog feature of your site for quite some time, you may find it difficult to navigate to older entries quickly. The blog archive link may be an option, but it isn't as immediately visible to the end user and can easily be overlooked. Add some punch to your blog pages by including this user selectable block that will list all months within the last two years that the user has actually made a blog post. Sporadic posting is no longer a concern as this block creates a quick link list to serve as a launching point for viewing a blog's older entries. Pobierz plik
  2. This mod lets you hide certain forums from both Board Index & Forum View leaving them still accessible with a direct url. This is especially useful if you want to have lot of forums and sub-forums but don't want your members see all of them listed. Pobierz plik
  3. Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of IP.Chat 1.2.0! IP.Chat is our community live chat platform for IP.Board allowing you and your members to chat in real time. It is offered as a free service for all IP.Board users and can be upgraded beyond the free package levels for busy rooms. Changes and new features in this version include: FURL has been added An option to automatically kick inactive users has been added An option to disable the "user has left/entered room" messages has been added An option not to show the recent chats when a user enters the room has been added An option to launch the chat in a minimalized popup has been added Purchasing You can purchase IP.Chat right in your client area by clicking the green New Purchase button in the upper right corner. New clients can purchase IP.Chat right along with IP.Board. If you an IPS Community Hosting client, IP.Chat comes with all packages! If you have already purchased IP.Chat, you can download this update in your client area. Zobacz cały news
  4. This is the latest version of IP.Chat for IP.Board 3.1.x Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. For our final entry on IP.Nexus 1.1, I'd like to sum up some of the additional general tweaks and enhancements since our last blog entry. Zobacz cały wpis
  6. A very nice Free New Years Skin theme. Please check out all my other designs that I offer both here and on my site to help support me during the upcoming new year so I can continue to offer Free designs to all. SUPPORTS: 3.1.4 Nexus Version 1.03 (Most Recent) Download Manager Version 2.3.0 (Most Recent) Blog Version 2.3.0 (Most Recent) Gallery Links System Chat Blank Logo Banner Included Pobierz plik
  7. File Name: Top 5 statistics 1.0.2 File Submitter: planetby File Submitted: 21 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board Modifications Adds a simple top 5 statistics your board: Top Forums,Top Posters,Latest Posts Tested on 3.1.2 and 3.1.3/3.1.4 Updated instructions Thanks to DawPi for all the help Please uninstall the old hook if you have it installed What's New in Version 1.0.2 (See full changelog) * Permissions 100% working,Posts in excluded forums remain hidden, Group Formatting added Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  8. Soc (pronounced 'so-sh') is a wonderful light skin with a casual, yet clean and professional vibe. It's easy on the eyes and is full of bells and whistles to keep any user gazing at it in amusement. The navigation is contained in a simple dropdown menu, while the user navigation is reorganized to scroll with the user on all pages, and also includes a handy back to top button. Next to the back to top button is an amusing little background chooser, which lets you instantly choose a background that fits your style or color preference. Soc is a high quality skin with a look that will never grow old. *Special introductory price of $10 for a limited time only* Pobierz plik
  9. This hook will give you the ability to display a message at the board index to all new users after they will register at your forum. The message will be visible to them for 24 hours from the moment they register. after you install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it at the System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook and enter your own message that you want to display to the new users after they register at your forum. Pobierz plik
  10. IP.Gallery 4.0 is now available to use on our forums! Zobacz cały wpis
  11. File Name: (SOS31) My Content in Online List v1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 19 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This hook will add a link to the user's content in Online List. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.X Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  12. File Name: (SOS31) My Content in Online List v1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 19 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This hook will add a link to the user's content in Online List. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.X Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  13. This hook will add a link to the user's content in Online List. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.X Pobierz plik
  14. File Name: Bubble Green File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 19 Dec 2010 File Updated: 26 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Bubble Green is a green skin that uses the general chat bubble as it's theme. It has a revolutionary editing process. There are very few images involved, and very few actual green colors involved. The main image causing all the color to show is the background image. By changing the background image alone, the whole skin can change colors. It makes editing incredibly easy for any person, and gives users plenty of options when personalizing the skin to fit your needs. Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  15. File Name: Bubble Green File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 19 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Bubble Green is a green skin that uses the general chat bubble as it's theme. It has a revolutionary editing process. There are very few images involved, and very few actual green colors involved. The main image causing all the color to show is the background image. By changing the background image alone, the whole skin can change colors. It makes editing incredibly easy for any person, and gives users plenty of options when personalizing the skin to fit your needs. Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  16. File Name: Bubble Blue File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 19 Dec 2010 File Updated: 26 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Bubble Blue is a blue skin that uses general chat bubble as it's theme and is the third release of the Bubble series. It has a revolutionary editing process. There are very few images involved, and very few actual blue colors involved. The main image causing all the color to show is the background image. By changing the background image alone, the whole skin can change colors. It makes editing incredibly easy for any person, and gives users plenty of options when personalizing the skin to fit your needs. Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  17. File Name: Bubble Blue File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 19 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Bubble Blue is a blue skin that uses general chat bubble as it's theme and is the third release of the Bubble series. It has a revolutionary editing process. There are very few images involved, and very few actual blue colors involved. The main image causing all the color to show is the background image. By changing the background image alone, the whole skin can change colors. It makes editing incredibly easy for any person, and gives users plenty of options when personalizing the skin to fit your needs. Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  18. Released by the Echelon Designers Group 2003 - 2010 AEON Pro Image Ranks are very versatile, complete with a multi-layered PSD file whereby you can change all aspects of these ranks. PSD file is fully layered and includes the following features: 3 x background included, or can be used without if you save in PNG format 5 x Text layers included with blend effects 1 x multi-layered button with light (set to blue, but can be changed) All objects are grouped where applicable and color coded Many more high-quality modifications to be released during 2011... Pobierz plik
  19. Our first release to the IPS community, just a batch of image ranks to use on your IPB. These are free to use on any forum and suitable for any background, light or dark. Download contains: 5 x Rank Images - Administrator, Moderator, Premium, Member & Banned 1 x Preview Image showing contrasting backgrounds 1 x ReadMe File Released by Echelon Designers Group 2003 - 2010 Pobierz plik
  20. The chameleon skin is a modern, semi-transparent design that allows you to quickly and easily change the theme of the design by swapping the background image with your own. The skin utilizes numerous hover effects on the primary navigation, secondary navigation and forum rows - has individual icons for each category - and has modified layouts for the board index, forum index, topic page and profile page. The breadcrumb bar (seen at the bottom of the preview images) is actually a fixed element (much like the facebook chat bar), but was moved to the bottom for the purpose of the preview. Alternate backgrounds: The theme of the chameleon skin can be changed instantly by modifying the background of the design. Some examples are below (these backgrounds are not included with the skin for copyright/distribution reasons). Examples of different backgrounds: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Compatible with: The latest versions of IP Board 3.x, Gallery, Blog, Downloads, Chat and Nexus Pobierz plik
  21. The baisik (basic) skin is a clean, modern design utilizing numerous hover effects on the primary navigation, secondary navigation and forum rows. The design has modified layouts for the board index, forum index, topic page and profile page. The red colour which is used throughout the skin can be easily modified by doing a search/replace inside the css file, allowing for a very quick colour change. The skin is compatible with IP.Board 3.1.3/3.1.4 and the latest versions of the Blog, Gallery, Downloads Manager, Chat and Nexus. Pobierz plik
  22. The file contains an informal translation of the frontend of IP.Content. Backend is not translated. I translated the addon for my own needs. I thought it would be a good starting point for new users so I decided to share it. There is a possibility that some phrases don't fit your needs. Feel free to adapt them. For spelling errors or other suggestions please leave a post in the support thread. Die Datei enthält die Frontendübersetzung von IP.Content in der Du-Version. Das Backend ist nicht übersetzt. Ich habe das Addon für den Eigengebrauch übersetzt. Ich dachte mir, es ist für neue Nutzer ein guter Beginn und deshalb habe ich mich entschieden, es hier zu veröffentlichen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass einige Phrasen für dich nicht passen werden. Diese musst du halt dann für dich ändern. Wegen Rechtschreibfehlern oder anderen Vorschlägen hinterlasse bitte einen Beitrag im Supporthema. Leider lassen sich im Backend nicht immer alle Phrasen dem konkreten Kontext zuordnen, so dass es sein kann, dass eine Übersetzung nicht direkt zum Kontext passt. Ich versuche dies, sobald es mir auffällt, nach und nach auszubessern. Pobierz plik
  23. Invision Power Services has always tried to offer many services and products as added value to those who have an active IP.Board license. Services like the free, 5-user IP.Chat, spam monitoring service, and skin generator to name a few. Today we are happy to add to that portfolio of free extras for your IP.Board. IP.SEO 1.0.0 Released Our new IP.SEO app for IP.Board aims to provide additional search engine optimization feature and tools to our software. IP.Board itself already has many built-in SEO related features and this app builds on those features to extend the capabilities for those who have an interest in SEO. In addition to new capabilities, IP.SEO also looks at your configuration and gives you advice on the best way to ensure that search engines can easily index your community content and properly rank that content. We are keeping it simple for the 1.0.0 release of IP.SEO and include the following features: IP.Board SEO Advice - IP.SEO lists specific items that you review or change to improve your search performance. Meta Tags, Anywhere - Set custom meta tags and page titles for specific pages, entire sections, or even all pages of your IP.Board site. Sitemaps - Generate a sitemap for your IP.Board content. Currently supporting IP.Board topics and forums, IP.Blog blogs and entries, IP.Content pages, IP.Downloads categories and files, some third party applications, with further support coming soon. Set the number of items from each app to be included, and the priority that should be assigned to them. Full support for the IP.Board permissions system. Sitemap Pings - Once your sitemap has been generated, IP.SEO will automatically "ping" search engines to tell them there's new content available to index. Search Activity Statistics - See how many visits you've had from users coming from search, and from the search engine spiders themselves. See what your top keywords are, or report on specific keywords, search engines and more. We are very excited about the prospect of this new, free extra product and will be updating it frequently. If you have experience with SEO, please give us your feedback and ideas. You may also want to "Like" the file in the IPS Marketplace so you will get notifications of updates as they are released. Active IP.Board license holders (and IPS Community Hosting clients) can download IP.SEO in the IPS Marketplace. Just login with the same email and password you use for the IPS client area. IPS Marketplace App 1.0.0 Released The IPS Marketplace connects the many thousands of users of IPS community software with our talented community of authors who make many resources for IPS software. IPS Marketplace features skins, hooks, graphics, applications, and more that work with the IPS community software platform. All are contributed by authors in our community. Many are free and some carry a small fee set by the author of the work. The new IPS Marketplace App allows you to easily browse and discover resources in the IPS Marketplace from within your AdminCP. The new app makes finding fun resources for your community even easier. The first version of the app focuses on browsing resources. Future versions will add more features such as tracking downloaded resources for updates and even streamlined install routines. Please let us know what you think in the IPS Extras forum. Active IP.Board license holders (and IPS Community Hosting clients) can download the IPS Marketplace app in the IPS Marketplace. Just login with the same email and password you use for the IPS client area. We hope you enjoy these two new extras added to our already great list of IPS-customer perks! Zobacz cały news
  24. Need a skin theme that will support all the newest versions of IPS Apps, than this is the one to purchase. Logo Banners included . All this for 7.00 and if purchased will also provide free of charge logo banner completed. Will offer upgraded version of gallery when released. Now SUPPORTS: 3.1.4 Nexus Version 1.03 (Most Recent) Download Manager Version 2.3.0 (Most Recent) Blog Version 2.3.0 (Most Recent) Gallery Links System Chat Xtra Folder included with logo banners Pobierz plik
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