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  1. This hook will set a maximum of characters in posts/topics. By default it iset to 2000 charcters. When users will submit long posts that will exeed 2000 charcters they will get an error message informing them that their post/thread is too long. You can increase or decrease the number of characters to your liking. Anyway, after you install the MaxChar.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it at the System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the maximum number of charaters in posts/threads, enter your own custom error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups and forums can bypass the maximum characters limit. Pobierz plik
  2. This hook will create a new block in IP.Downloads portal (new index) to show top 5 authors per files. Compatibility: IP.Downloads 2.3.X Pobierz plik
  3. This is the latest stable release of IP.Downloads. This release requires IP.Board 3.1.4 or greater to run. Please see the full announcement for details. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Invision Power Services, Inc. ma zaszczyt ogłosić wydanie IP.Downloads 2.3.0! IP.Downloads jest naszą społecznościową platformą zarządzania plikami dla IP.Board pozwalającą Tobie i twoim użytkownikom na wysyłanie plików, aby udostępniać je w zorganizowanych listach kategorii z uprawnieniami, kontrolą wersji, i wiele więcej. Zmiany i nowe funkcje w tej wersji: Ulepszone powiadomienia: W IP.Downloads powiadomienia zostały znacznie ulepszone. Użytkownicy mogą być powiadamiani o: nowych komentarzach do plików aktualizacjach plików nowych plikach zgłoszeniach uszkodzenia dla ich własnych plików akceptacji/odrzuceniu pliku przez moderatora Moderatorzy mogą być powiadamiani o: nowych plikach oczekujących na akceptację zgłoszeniach o uszkodzonych plikach "Lubienie" plików: Nowy system "Lubienia" z IP.Board został zaimplementowany do IP.Downloads 2.3, łącząc funkcje ulubionych i śledzenia używając centralnej funkcji "lubienia" z IP.Board. Ulepszone komentarze: Nowy system komentarzy z IP.Board został zaimplementowany do IP.Downloads 2.3, polepszając przeżycia użytkownika, gdy czyta lub dodaje komentarze, jak również przeżycia moderatora przy zarządzaniu komentarzami. Ulepszenia wyszukiwania: Do IP.Downloads zostało dodane wsparcie dla wyszukiwania Sphinx, a dla nieużywających Sphinx wsparcie pełnotekstowego wyszukiwania MySQL. Interfejs wyników wyszukiwania został odnowiony, aby przekazywać więcej informacji. Do formularza zaawansowanego wyszukiwania dodano również nowe opcje filtrowania i sortowania. Udostępnianie i Facebook: Do plików IP.Downloads został dodany pasek udostępniania z IP.Board i plugin "Lubię". Formatowanie własnych pól: Możesz teraz zdefiniować jak formatować własne pola, gdy są wyświetlane na stronie informacji o pliku. Pozwala Ci to np. określić które pola powinny zawierać odnośnik, który ma być hiperłączem lub pokazać obrazek bazując na wyborze z listy. Przeglądanie pobierających: Możesz teraz pozwolić użytkownikom zobaczyć kto pobrał dany plik. Zmiana właściciela pliku: Możesz teraz zmienić właściciela pliku od strony publicznej. Super moderatorzy uzyskują tą możliwość automatycznie, ale możesz też pozwolić na to wybranym moderatorom. Rozszerzenie "Ostatnie pliki": Zostało dodane rozszerzenie wyświetlające na stronie głównej forum najnowsze pliki z IP.Downloads. Lepsza kontrola wysyłania: Użytkownicy mogą teraz określić, który screen jest główny. Mogą również podać wersję pliku i listę zmian. Screeny zostaną przycięte do odpowiednich rozmiarów. Portal pobierania: Nowa(opcjonalna) strona główna została dodana jako portal do instalacji IP.Downloads. Możesz szybko zobaczyć co jest nowe, popularne, wszelki promowane pliki, najczęściej pobierane(lub przy integracji z IP.Nexus, top płatnych i darmowych plików), i wiele więcej. Odświeżony interfejs: Interfejs został odświeżony z góry na dół, dostarczając bardziej przejrzyste doznania. Opcje moderatora: Pliki mogą być teraz promowane(tylko jeden plik na raz) - promowane pliki są pokazywane na portalu pobierania. Pliki mogą być również podpinane lub odpinane. Inne: Możesz oznaczyć wszystkie kategorie jako przeczytane ze strony głównej IP.Downloads; możesz kontrolować, które grupy mogą raportować pliki; możesz banować użytkowników. Główne kategorie, które zawierają tylko podkategorie będą teraz wyświetlać pliki z ich podkategorii w widoku głównej kategorii. Istotne wpisy na blogu: IP.Downloads 2.3 Dev Update: Powiadomienia IP.Downloads 2.3 Dev Update: Spójność IP.Downloads 2.3 Dev Update: Różne nowe funkcje # IP.Downloads 2.3 Dev Update: Zmiany interfejsu IP.Downloads 2.3 Dev Update: Dokończenie Zamawianie Możesz zamówić IP.Downloads w strefie klienta klikając zielony przycisk "New Purchase" w prawym, górnym rogu. Nowi klienci mogą zamówić IP.Downloads razem z IP.Board. Jeśli korzystasz z IPS Community Hosting, IP.Downloads jest dołączony do wszystkich pakietów! Nie zapomnij spróbować naszego bezpłatnego demo, aby zobaczyć IP.Nexus w akcji. Jeśli już zamówiłeś IP.Downloads możesz pobrać go w strefie klienta. [warnbox]Informacje o wydaniu * Mieliśmy wydania do testów i jesteśmy pewni, wszelkie istotne kwestie zostały poruszone. Jednakże, jako, że jest to pierwsze wspierane wydanie, które będzie używane przez tysiące ludzi, mogą być jeszcze nieodkryte problemy. Prosimy o zgłaszanie problemów w systemie śledzenia błędów. * Ważna uwaga wsparcia technicznego: przy wprowadzaniu nowego produktu i wielkim zainteresowaniu, czas reakcji wsparcia (zwłaszcza w przypadku próśb o uaktualnienie) może być zwiększony. Dziękujemy za wyrozumiałość w czasie startu. * IP.Downloads 2.3.0 wymaga IP.Board 3.1.4 i nie będzie instalował się na poprzednich wersjach.[/warnbox] Invision Power Services, Inc. ma zaszczyt ogłosić wydanie IP.Nexus 1.0.3! Jest to wydanie poprawkowe dla IP.Nexus, platformy e-handlu dla IP.Board. Naprawia ono błędy zgłoszone w ostatniej wersji i umożliwia wsparcie dla integracji z IP.Downloads. Integracja z IP.Downloads pozwala Ci sprzedawać dostęp do płatnych plików, tak jak my robimy to w IPS Marketplace!
  5. I've seen a few topics in our feedback forum asking how media uploads are handled in IP.Gallery 4. Zobacz cały wpis
  6. As mentioned in my blog entry last week, even though IP.Nexus 1.1 is still very much in development, we're going to be posting periodic blog entries throughout development to keep you up to date with the latest new features. Zobacz cały wpis
  7. File Name: Revolt File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 06 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Revolt is a green, orange, and grey/black skin fit perfectly for any gaming forum. With multiple layers of customizations, this skin has a great level of detail and polish to satisfy all needs! This is not a skin to pass up if you have a gaming-related forum! Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  8. File Name: Revolt File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 06 Dec 2010 File Updated: 26 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Revolt is a green, orange, and grey/black skin fit perfectly for any gaming forum. With multiple layers of customizations, this skin has a great level of detail and polish to satisfy all needs! This is not a skin to pass up if you have a gaming-related forum! Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  9. Revolt is a green, orange, and grey/black skin fit perfectly for any gaming forum. With multiple layers of customizations, this skin has a great level of detail and polish to satisfy all needs! This is not a skin to pass up if you have a gaming-related forum! Supported add-ons: Gallery, Downloads, Blogs, Chat, and Nexus. Pobierz plik
  10. Simple Christmas IPB Skin, This is my first edit, I hope you enjoy. Thank you! Warning:Hasn't been tested on any higher or lower version of IPB Made on 3.1.2 -AmsterIDam -Andy Crenshaw :Skype:iamsterdami: Comes with -LOGO.psd -Skin -Images -Replacement Pobierz plik
  11. I have seen this block asked for many times on the forum and requiring one myself, I had a look through all the threads and managed to work out the correct way to do it. It has a little bit of CSS coding which is included so you can see how I've done it. It will work fine on the standard IPB skin as this was how I tested it. It can also run on a stand alone webpage using IP.Content but will need more CSS adding to it. Pobierz plik
  12. IMPORTANT This hook is ionCube encoded. Your host/server must support ionCube encoded files for this product to properly run. This hook will allow you to give a grace period before the 'edited by' line is applied on posts edited by members. * Select the time (in minutes). Setting to 0 will disable the feature. * Select groups to grant the grace period to. * Select forums to use grace period in. (All settings located in the Forums/Topics, Posts and Polls settings group) Members who can toggle the 'edited by' tag can still force it on if they want or even remove it. This only removes it if they don't have the option and the edit is within the grace period. So far the actual function of the hook is in 'final' status. The 'beta' part of this product is the licensing function included. Purchase details: * Once purchased, you will need to enter a license key in the settings area. Your key will be the email address associated with your IPS account (used to make the purchase). * You may install this hook on up to five (5) sites that you own. If you own more than 5 sites or need to install on more than 5 sites, please contact me. * Once you have made the purchase, you may use the hook indefinitely. Renewals are strictly for support and product updates. If you choose to not renew, you are not required to discontinue use of the versions you already downloaded. Please click here to read a rough copy of the EULA Pobierz plik
  13. This hook will set a minimum of characters in posts/topics. By default it iset to 10 charcters. When users will submit short posts below 10 charcters they will get an error message informing them that their post/thread is too short. You can increase or decrease the number of characters to your liking. Anyway, after you install the MinChar.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it at the System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the minimum number of charaters in posts/threads, enter your own custom error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups and forums can bypass the minimum characters limit. Pobierz plik
  14. A very nice Christmas Skin for one and all done in a Gingerbread Men Motif of red and browns.. Logo Banner included . If purchased will also provide free of charge logo banner completed. SUPPORTS: 3.1.4 Also Includes stylesheet for new IP Application Nexus Download Manager Blog Gallery Links System Chat Xtra Folder included with logo banner I am not adding anything to my price whether you purchase here or on my site. Same price regardless. I take the loss if you purchase any of my designs from here.It is not passed on to buyer. Pobierz plik
  15. This will give the admin the option to make it so only users who have been registered for a certain period of time can post links. By default it is set to 24 hours but you can increase the period of time to your needs/likings.This can be used to fight spam. Install the LinkRestriction.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to configure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the period of time a user must be a registered member in order to send pm's, enter the error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups and forums can bypass the link restriction. Pobierz plik
  16. This is a simple design for those that want a nice looking team icon set. a Template is included with the PSD and all the existing team icoms Pobierz plik
  17. This will give the admin the option to make it so only users who have been registered for a certain period of time can send pm's. By default it is set to 24 hours but you can increase the period of time to your needs/likings.This can be used to fight spam through the private messages. Install the RegdaysPm.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to configure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the period of time a user must be a registered member in order to send pm's, enter the error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups can bypass the pm restriction. Pobierz plik
  18. This hook will enable you to set a minimum number of posts/threads for your users to post in a 24 hours period in order for them to enter a certain forum/s. By default it is set to 5 posts/threads for 24 hours. This is ideal to encourage your users to, hopefully, become more active. For example, say you have a certain forum/s that you want only your active members to access. And you make it so that a post count based group/s can access it. But once they reach the post count limit they stop being active anymore once they get what they wanted. Whereas with this hook, you can avoid that as only those users that are active on dayily basis can access your special forum/s. Anyway, after you install the PostsEntrance.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it at the System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the minimum number of posts/threads that you want your users to post in a 24 hours period in order for them to enter a certain forum/s, choose the forum/s where you want to enforce this limit, enter your own custom error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups can bypass the limit. Pobierz plik
  19. File Name: Blue Justice File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 03 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Blue Justice is an incredible remake of the popular IPB2 original skin. The heavily customized and detailed blue and white details make this skin well worth the money! Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  20. File Name: Blue Justice File Submitter: Bitter File Submitted: 03 Dec 2010 File Updated: 26 Dec 2010 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Blue Justice is an incredible remake of the popular IPB2 original skin. The heavily customized and detailed blue and white details make this skin well worth the money! Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  21. Blue Justice is an incredible remake of the popular IPB2 original skin. The heavily customized and detailed blue and white details make this skin well worth the money! Supported add-ons: Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Chat, and Nexus. Pobierz plik
  22. It's been a while since the last video so I wanted to take a moment to run through the interface and explain a little more about the album types we have in IP.Gallery now. Zobacz cały wpis
  23. By Default, IP.Board uses as the default URL Shortener, now, this means when you make a status longer than 140 characters and select to tweet it, IP.Board adds a shortened URL linking to the full status to the end of the tweet. It uses by default to do this. The same is true for the inbuilt “Share links” function in IP.Board, which lets you send a‘synopsis’ or title of the thread to a bunch of social networks, twitter and facebook included, by default this ALSO uses Now, I may be biased, having been responsible for my own shortening service with a great group of friends who help me code it (and mostly do more than me, better than I ever could) every step of the way, and a great bunch of TweetDeck users who I also consider friends who use the service, we’re all extremely proud of our little site, so I wanted to, instead of using on my IP.Board powered communities, to use my own service, I figured that those of you who already use with TweetDeck might also be interested in using it with your IP.Board installation, so here is how. Download the IPB API files here Unpack and Upload the “kwnme” folder into /admin/sources/classes/url/apis/ Edit /admin/sources/classes/twitter/connect.php Find: $data = $shorten->shorten( $url, 'bitly' ); (line 218) and replace with $data = $shorten->shorten( $url, 'kwnme' ); Edit /admin/sources/classes/facebook/connect.php Find: $data = $shorten->shorten( $url, 'bitly' ); (line 439) and replace with $data = $shorten->shorten( $url, 'kwnme' ); That’s it, it should work as normal, except using as the default shortener, rather than Let me know in the comments if there are any problems Source Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. New for Christmas 2010! Here Comes Santa skin is a beautiful holiday skin presenting Santa and his little helpers in beautiful shades of red and green with gold accents. TONS of new animated, hand made graphics too! PREVIEW IT LIVE HERE! Designed to work with ALL the latest IPS applications... IP.Content IP.Gallery IP.Nexus IP.Blogs IP.Downloads IP.Subscriptions IP.Chat IP.Shoutbox IP.Tracker IP.Links to work with these popular 3rd party mods too... ibProArcade Lite Market Place System (T30) Tickets System iClient Download System Comes with matching custom team icon PSD files Comes with matching Avatar Frame Comes with the Logo/Banner .PSD files needed for custom editing Comes with all fonts needed for custom editing Pobierz plik
  25. The Reach skin was designed and coded for IP.Board 3.1.x and all of its applications. The skin features a dark and misty effect with the main colors being two dark blues. The logo shows off the meteroid fuild from the game and has two covenant banshess flying through them. Compatible with: IP.Board 3.1.x, IP.Blog 2.2.x, IP.Gallery 3.2.x, IP.Chat 1.1.x, IP.Downloads 2.2.x, IP.Shoutbox 1.1.3 Notice: I will soon upgrade the skin to 3.1.4 Pobierz plik
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