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  1. This application will create a specific rule for the forums you want, so users of specific groups, set by the administrator, must agree before they are able to create topics. Notes: BBCodes & Smilies allowed No file or template edit required Pobierz plik
  2. include style image pack replecments pack open psd Logo Pobierz plik
  3. Arguably the most crucial part of the gallery system is the upload system. A cumbersome and slow upload system deters people from uploading new images. Certainly, the current Gallery doesn't make it very easy to upload multiple images and filling out the meta data such as caption, etc is a chore. We've had a lot of feedback over the years... Zobacz cały wpis
  4. This is a single BBCode that allows you to format a member's name instantly. File uploads: 1 Usage: [formatmember]ID[/formatmember] OR [formatmember=displayname]Display name[/formatmember] OR [formatmember=username]Login name[/formatmember] OR [formatmember=email]Email address[/formatmember] Pobierz plik
  5. [HSC] Super News Feed This app is meant to act as a News Feed, similar to Facebook. The feed will include EVERYTHING (or as many different actions as possible). A list of supported actions is below. Features: ------------------------ - Public Module - new tab on the board called "News Feed". This will show updates made by a member's friends When a guest views the feed, they will see updates made by all members The screen will refresh with the latest content. The Refresh Rate is configurable in the System Settings. - Profile Tab - new tab on member's profile called "My Feed" Will display all updates made by that member - Sidebar block - Will display all updates made by all members - Portal plugin - Will display all updates made by all members Customization: ------------------------ - UCP - new section in the UCP for News Feed settings Members can show/hide each kind of update Set the maximum number of updates to show Settings: ------------------------ - System Settings - in ACP Customize the global feeds (sidebar block, portal plugin, guest view) and show/hide each kind of update Set Refresh Rate (in seconds) for global feed Show/hide sidebar block Show/hide portal plugin Set maximum number of records to show in global feed Set maximum number of records to show in sidebar block Set maximum number of records to show in portal plugin Set maximum number of records to show in profile tab Enable/disable each kind of update - when an update type is disabled, it will not be stored in the feed AT ALL. This means that members will not have access to it either. They will not be able to customize it in their UCP, etc. Retention period - how long should the system store updates Supported Update Types: (and examples) ------------------------ New account (Member1 has joined.) New Topics (Member1 has started Topic1.) New Posts (Member1 has posted in Topic1.) Profile Comments (Member1 has commented on Member2's profile.) Status Updates (Member1 ___________________.) Display Name Changes (Member1 is now NewName.) Photo changes (Member1 has uploaded a new profile photo.) Avatar changes (Member1 has uploaded a new avatar.) Sig changes (Member1 has a new signature.) Group changes (Member1 is now part of the Group1 group.) Generic profile update (Member1 has an updated profile.) Friends (Member1 and Member2 are now friends.) Additional Comments: ------------------------ The feed will be pruned regularly to prevent it from becoming too large. This is configurable in the System Settings. Pobierz plik
  6. This is a single hook that, without any file edits, formats usernames across the board. More areas coming soon Formatted areas: memberData name (Member info box/bar at the top) (with images stripped due to HTML incompatibilities) Categories and forums on board index view Forums, subforums, and topics on forum views Moderator team display Member list (with images stripped due to HTML incompatibilities) Reputation popup Topic preview Announcement author in forum view Announcement author in announcement view Post posters in topic view Name in profile (images stripped due to HTML incompatibilities) (Added in 1.0.1) Friends in profile (Added in 1.0.1) Status updates and replies in profiles (Added in 1.0.2) Comments in profiles (Added in 1.0.2) Pobierz plik
  7. File Name: (SOS31) Total Time Spent On Forums v1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 13 Oct 2010 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0.0 Will show how much time each member spends logged into the site. Notes: Requires 1 file edit This modification isn't retroactive. The timer begins once the installation is successfully completed and the member logged in his account Based on Total Time Spent On Forums 2.0.0 mod for IP.Board 2.2.X, from -Calypso-, which was based on Total Time Spent On Forums 1.0.0 for IP.Board 2.1.X, from ntd1712. The upgrade was previously authorized by him. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  8. Will show how much time each member spends logged into the site. Notes: Requires 1 file edit This modification isn't retroactive. The timer begins once the installation is successfully completed and the member logged in his account Based on Total Time Spent On Forums 2.0.0 mod for IP.Board 2.2.X, from -Calypso-, which was based on Total Time Spent On Forums 1.0.0 for IP.Board 2.1.X, from ntd1712. The upgrade was previously authorized by him. Pobierz plik
  9. This hook trys to safe diskspace on your servers harddisk by resizing uploaded images before they get saved. You can set the max. allowed file dimension for uploaded images (e.g. 1024x768). If the uploaded image exceeds this dimensions it will be resized and resampled. The second option is a filesize check. If the uploaded image is smaller then the set dimensions, but the filesize is bigger than allowed, it will be resampled to save diskspace. The following settings will be added to your settings interface after installation: Enable or disable the hook Resize to width x height (this is also the size the file will checked against) Maximum filesize in KB Imagequality for jpeg, png and gif (to compress the image after resizing) If you only use the traditional uploader, no further steps must be done after installing the hook. If you want to use the Flash Uploader, you have to edit on template bit: Goto ACP->Look & Feel->YOUR SKIN->Post Screen->uploadForm and search for 'file_size_limit': "{$stats['max_single_upload']}" } )}); replace {$stats['max_single_upload']} with 0. This is because the flash uploader checks the filesize befor it really uploads to the server. Known Issues: The Flash Uploader displayes the original uploaded Filesize instead of the resized filesize. Demo notes: The Demo has the following settings applied (512kb max upload filesize and resize to 800x600 pixels). Simple upload an image greater than 512KB Oh, and one last thing: When the resized image is still bigger then the allowed size (per Post Member settings, etc.) there will still be an error . This hook trys just to prevent the storage of unchanged 10 Megapixel camera images . This is a Hook from the Free Mod a Week List: This Plugin has been created because you have voted for it in the Mod a week Request thread ( http://community.inv...-reboot-thread/ ). Keep up giving us developers ideas for modification and help us to improve existing ones by reporting problems . Changelog: 1.0.0: Initial Version This hook is FREE to use however Donations are greatly appreciated! Pobierz plik
  10. A really fun and scary skin to get you and all your members in the halloween mood! TONS of hand drawn graphics, animated category icons, an amazing topic view layout and so many other exciting customizations in this skin, you gotta see it to believe it! Completely redesigned from the previous version. TONS of new graphics and enhancements. Preview it live on our forums at! Designed to work with ALL the latest IPS applications... IP.Content IP.Gallery IP.Blogs IP.Downloads IP.Subscriptions IP.Chat IP.Shoutbox IP.Tracker IP.Links to work with these popular 3rd party mods too... ibProArcade Lite Market Place System (T30) Tickets System iClient Download System with matching custom team icon PSD files Comes with matching Avatar Frame with the Logo/Banner .PSD files needed for custom editing with all fonts needed for custom editing Pobierz plik
  11. This hook adds a link to the admin new registration notification emails. See the screenshot below for an example. Any questions / suggestions / issues / etc, feel free to ask Pobierz plik
  12. Irsist free Skin by KODEAK ( for IP.Board 3.1.2 + IP.Downloads 2.2.2 + IP.Gallery 3.2.2 + IP.Blog 2.2.2 + IP.Links 3.2.2 + IP.Tracker 1.3.4 Skin Support here follow me on Twitter Pobierz plik
  13. This hook formats the posters names in topics using the member group formatting prefix/suffix. See screenshot below for an example. Any questions / suggestions / issues / etc, feel free to ask Pobierz plik
  14. This hook will hide the language chooser in the IP.Board footer. I know it can be done with a simple template edit, but what can I say, I'm lazy A few things you should be aware of before installing this hook: 1) The hook will immediately hide the language dropdown once it is installed, to re-enable the language dropdown you need to go to ACP -> System Settings -> General Configuration and at the bottom you will find an option to display/hide the language dropdown (or just disable / uninstall this hook). 2) This hook is a bit of a cludge in that it just uses class='hide' to hide the language dropdown. That means that the W3C validation tool will complain about an unclosed tag. Any questions / suggestions / issues / etc, feel free to ask Pobierz plik
  15. SUPPORTS: 3.1X Only Also Includes stylesheet for new IP Application Nexus Download Manager Blog Gallery Links System Chat Xtra Folder included with logo banners & font Only $8.00 with the inclusion of nexus stylesheet I also offer free designs and have available now free Halloween and premium Halloween designs as low as $5.00. Thanksgiving and Christmas will start to be released late this month. Additional Views TOPIC VIEW PROFILE VIEW Pobierz plik
  16. This hook adds a new sidebar block on the forum index that displays online staff members (admins and mods) Note: This doesn't currently support secondary groups, it's on the todo list Any questions / suggestions / issues / etc, feel free to ask Pobierz plik
  17. This hook will automatically generate topic descriptions if the author hasn't specified one. It takes the first 70 characters of the post and uses that as the topic description. For examples, see the screenshots below. 4 are of test topics I created and the other one shows the topic descriptions this mod automatically added. Note: This hook requires IP.Board 3.1.2 Any questions / suggestions / issues / etc, feel free to ask Pobierz plik
  18. This Hook adds the Google Analytics Code to your board, but it has some extra features: Multiple Trackingtypes: Single Domain Tracking Single Domain with multiple Subdomains tracking Multi TLD Tracking Exclude Membergroups from tracking: This is useful when you don´t want to show up in your Analytics Statistics. Exclude single Users from tracking: Same as Membergroups, but for single users. User Information: Display new users a disclaimer text underneath "Forums Terms & Rules" when registering. After installation there is a new setting group in your ACP->System->System Settings where you can configure the plugin. Changelog: 1.0.0: Initial Version Pobierz plik
  19. Summary:- Two UFO-based follow me images for Twitter and Facebook. Pobierz plik
  20. File Name: (SOS31) Public Topic Multi-Moderation v1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 08 Oct 2010 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0.0 Allows topic author to use the topic multi-moderations authorized by admin. You can allow topic authors to set their topics as RESOLVED, for example. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  21. Allows topic author to use the topic multi-moderations authorized by admin. You can allow topic authors to set their topics as RESOLVED, for example. Pobierz plik
  22. One of the benefits provided to IP.Board license holders is the skin generator which allows you to automatically generate an IP.Board skin using the colours you choose. If you're not familiar - have a look at our previous blog... Zobacz cały wpis
  23. Content Spy is an application that allows users to view a near-realtime stream of activity. Features Include Low resource usage Admin configurable poll rate Admin configurable timeout (stop looking for data after x minutes incase a user has left a window open) Full Page Spy Mini Spy in sidebar Support for IPS Applications: Forums (more to come) The initial fee includes updates and support for 12 months, after that you may choose to renew for updates/support. However you are still allowed to use the current version of Content Spy without renewing. Discounts are available for more than one purchase, one purchase per forum installation. Pobierz plik
  24. Gravity (Green) by Gravity (Green) is a modern "web 2.0" layout utilising a clean colour scheme, enhanced icon set, ajax login box and a sidebar to contain all navigation. The design has modified layouts for the board index (including descriptions-on-hover), forum index, topic page and profile page. Compatible with the most recent versions of IP.Board, Gallery, Blogs, Downloads Manager, Chat and Portal - and can be viewed in all major modern browsers (the round corner effect is also compatible with Internet Explorer). Pobierz plik
  25. This mod will add a 'security password' field to the Admin CP login page. The password can be changed or enabled/disabled through the ACP. For security reasons, when you update the password it will be converted to an md5() hash which is a long alpha-numeric string... To enter a new password just clear the box and enter it as you normally would. Specific Notes: Based on mod SE22-ACP Security Password 1.0, from Sean (Invision Modding), for IP.Board 2.2.X 3 files edits required Pobierz plik
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