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  1. This resource will allow members from configured groups to toggle blocks down to their titles and back. Supports blocks in the header, footer and sidebar of the site, and the toggled state of each block is remembered as the user browses the site.


    • doesn't support Pages WYSIWYG blocks, because they don't have a title area and therefore I can't add a toggle icon to the title. (Maybe a later version though)
    • using Forums as an example: a block on an index page differs from a block on a topic page...collapsing the former will not reflect as a collapse on the latter.
    • the toggled state of blocks is browser-specific - actions performed in Chrome, for example, will not be reflected in Firefox. (Maybe a later version though)

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  2. Popp Theme [ Dark/Light ]

    A new template for your forum straight from the author. It has many built-in functions. It will be enhanced with additional features in future updates.
    ( IPS version 4.7 )

    !! TESTED ON 4.7.9 !!

    ----- DEMO -----

    username: demo
    password: demo


    The template requires the Better Statistics plugin, I recommend installing this plugin before installing the template.

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  3. Our May update brings Email Bounce Management to our Invision Community cloud platform. In this blog entry, I'll go over what it is, why it's important, and how you can use it when needed.

    What is it?

    For those who may not know, an email bounce occurs when an email message is sent and the recipient either doesn't exist (hard bounce) or they have blocked the sender (you!) in a spam complaint (soft bounce).

    When an email message bounces we block that address at the cloud level so it cannot receive new messages from any community. This is considered good practice for email service providers, and ensures that we maintain a low bounce rate when sending emails on behalf of all the communities on our platform.

    Please note this pertains to the Invision Community Cloud platform email service. If you use SMTP or SendGrid, email bounces are managed externally and may enforce different policies.

    What Bounce Management Tools are we providing?

    We're giving you the ability to see which members have blocked email addresses, and to unblock emails known to be safe.

    Seeing which emails are blocked

    In the AdminCP Members table (AdminCP > Members > Members), on cloud you will see a new filter: "Email Undeliverable". These are any member accounts that have emails blocked due to soft or hard bounces.

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage


    Additionally, on the front end, if a Member's email is blocked, they will see a warning indicator in the Nav/User Bar prompting them to change their email in their account settings.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text


    Lifting Email Blocks

    As stated earlier, when an email is blocked, it is blocked on the cloud platform level. If the block is not locked (which can happen if it's unblocked too many times), you will see a warning the Member's AdminCP Profile page.

    Could contain: File, Webpage


    Clicking into it you will see an option to unblock.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Business Card, Paper, Text


    One final note on the Email Block Policy

    If a situation occurs when an email is unblocked and gets blocked again a certain number of times, the block becomes permanent. In these cases, you will be able to see that the email is blocked but there won't be an option to unblock, and the member will have to change their email to resume receiving your Community's messages through us. This ensures that the Invision Community cloud platform retains a good email sending reputation.

    Thanks for reading and as always stay tuned to for the latest and greatest upcoming features and insights!

    The features discussed in this announcement are not available for Invision Community Classic. Click here to learn more about switching to our platform to get this and other benefits.



    View full blog entry


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  4. email_bounce.jpeg.e9cb8ff9701bc198343cb0ebfe23a4ec.jpeg

    Our May update brings Email Bounce Management to our Invision Community cloud platform. In this blog entry, I'll go over what it is, why it's important, and how you can use it when needed.

    What is it?

    For those who may not know, an email bounce occurs when an email message is sent and the recipient either doesn't exist (hard bounce) or they have blocked the sender (you!) in a spam complaint (soft bounce).

    When an email message bounces we block that address at the cloud level so it cannot receive new messages from any community. This is considered good practice for email service providers, and ensures that we maintain a low bounce rate when sending emails on behalf of all the communities on our platform.

    Please note this pertains to the Invision Community Cloud platform email service. If you use SMTP or SendGrid, email bounces are managed externally and may enforce different policies.

    What Bounce Management Tools are we providing?

    We're giving you the ability to see which members have blocked email addresses, and to unblock emails known to be safe.

    Seeing which emails are blocked

    In the AdminCP Members table (AdminCP > Members > Members), on cloud you will see a new filter: "Email Undeliverable". These are any member accounts that have emails blocked due to soft or hard bounces.

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage


    Additionally, on the front end, if a Member's email is blocked, they will see a warning indicator in the Nav/User Bar prompting them to change their email in their account settings.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text


    Lifting Email Blocks

    As stated earlier, when an email is blocked, it is blocked on the cloud platform level. If the block is not locked (which can happen if it's unblocked too many times), you will see a warning the Member's AdminCP Profile page.

    Could contain: File, Webpage


    Clicking into it you will see an option to unblock.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Business Card, Paper, Text


    One final note on the Email Block Policy

    If a situation occurs when an email is unblocked and gets blocked again a certain number of times, the block becomes permanent. In these cases, you will be able to see that the email is blocked but there won't be an option to unblock, and the member will have to change their email to resume receiving your Community's messages through us. This ensures that the Invision Community cloud platform retains a good email sending reputation.

    Thanks for reading and as always stay tuned to for the latest and greatest upcoming features and insights!

    The features discussed in this announcement are not available for Invision Community Classic. Click here to learn more about switching to our platform to get this and other benefits.


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  5. With the recent announcement of plugins being deprecated in Invision Community v5, plugins must be converted to applications in the 4.x code line otherwise settings/data of plugins will be lost when the v5 upgrade is performed. As such, I've taken the decision to merge some free plugins into a single application, as building an application for each of them might be a bit overkill as some of them are "simple"

    It's like Kitchen Sink, but it's my Box of Tricks

    Which plugins have been moved over this application?

    Please see the "Additional information" tab for more details of what each of the above provides.

    What will happen when this application is installed, but I don't have any of the above installed?

    You'll have an application with all the above features disabled by default, and you can turn them on/off individually if you wish.

    What will happen when this application is installed, but I have one (or more) of those plugins already installed?

    • If there are any settings in the plugin version, then they will be migrated to the application.
    • If the plugin is enabled, then the functionality will be automatically enabled.
    • If the plugin is disabled, then the functionality will remain off by default.
    • The plugin version will then be uninstalled via the background tasks queue.

    Are there any new features?

    Will any other free plugins be added?

    While I don't have any other free plugins available in the Marketplace, there are some which I've made which may end up in this at a later point...we'll see.

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  6. ╔═══════╗



    VERSION 4.7 )

    ARK & Extended User Informations 

    [ If you purchase ARK you will get free acces for this plugin, just write me a private message here or on  ]

    Permanent support - Write me a private message and you will receive the rank of customer on the

    Could contain: File, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Webpage, Page, Text, Pc


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  7. Integration for adding live engagement to your community is a free live streaming platform that you can use to monetize your Invision community and engage with community members in real time. Whether you’re playing a game, hosting a talk show, doing a sports commentary, or just chatting, use your content to help grow your community and make your audience thrive.

    Create your realm - it's free!

    What is exactly?

    Think of it like your own Netflix - a place for content like tutorials, lessons, and on-going web series. Or your own Twitch - a place for your live streams and exclusive events. 


    Your brand. Your community. Your content and guidelines.


    With, you can:

    • Engage in real time with live chat, Q&A, and polls
    • Stream to all of your social media accounts from one place (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook to name a few)
    • Integrate with your Invision community and send alerts for new live events
    • It's your brand (not ours or any other third-party) and make content on your terms with no ads or tracking
    • Sell tickets to your audience for exclusive events


    Easily integrate with your existing community

    Seamlessly connect your community to your realm and sync your users, permissions, and subscriptions. 


    How to get started

    1. Create and configure your realm - it’s free!
    2. Install the Invision Community add-on
    3. Integrate with Invision Community in your Manager Panel

    For full documentation, click here. If you need help, we’re happy to help get you started.

    Create a custom experience for your users

    • Deliver streams to where your users are by notifying them when you go live and displaying a live indicator.
    • Sync your users between your community and Share permissions, user groups, and user profiles.
    • Sync memberships between your community and and earn additional revenue.


    Your community members are creators too

    Community members can contribute content to your realm and earn revenue. With, you have the ability to set a revenue share and give payouts on your timeline.


    Learn more and create your realm gives you the ability to choose the features you need to make your community a success with services focused on increasing monetization, user engagement and community growth, and gamifying and rewarding community members. To learn more about and start creating your realm, start here

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  8. Duo Authentication lets you add Duo as another Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) option. Duo is a paid service with a limited free tier (up to 10 users) which allows centralized management of all authorized users.

    Setup Instructions

    1. Install the Applicaiton from the Marketplace.
    2. Sign up for an account at Duo:
    3. On your Duo dashboard, create a new "Web SDK" application. See the screenshot above (with the 3 numbers) for an image of how to do this.
    4. Make a note of the Client ID, Client Secret, and API Hostname. Additionally, ensure that "Let users remove devices, add new devices, and reactivate Duo Mobile" is checked. If it is not, you will need to enroll your users yourself and they will be unable to manage their Duo account (add/remove authorized devices) from within Invision Community. If enrolling manually, ensure that the username in Duo matches the "Duo identifier" setting in Invision Community. By default, this is the Member's email address, but it can be changed to their display name or internal member ID number instead. See the screenshot above (with the 2 red boxes) for an image of where to find these settings.
    5. Copy the Client ID, Client Secret, and API Hostname into the Duo settings in the Multi Factor Authentication area of the ACP. There are other settings that you may wish to configure as well, such as which groups are allowed to use Duo and whether or not it "fails open" in the event that Duo is down and the users do not have alternative MFA factors configured.
    6. Toggle Duo from "Disabled" to "Enabled" -- your members can now use Duo!

    To manage which types of notifications are supported (push, SMS, phone call, passcode), edit the policy on the Duo dashboard.

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  9. Prix de lancement pour un temps limité.

    Traduction française presque complète, ce qu'il reste en anglais n'aura aucun impact sur vos membre et vos modérateurs, des applications de invision power suite 4.7.9.

    Voici les traductions incluses jusqu'à maintenant:

    • Forum;
    • Downloads;
    • Blog;
    • Gallery;
    • Club;
    • Events (calendar);
    • and Recipes.

    Voici ce qui sera ajouté:

    • Chatbox+;
    • Events enhancements;
    • Tutorials;
    • Videobox;
    • Movies;
    • Books;
    • Games;
    • Crowdfunding;
    • and maybe more...

    À chaque applications ajoutées, le prix monte.

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  10. I am selling my template called ProLab Dark. The template is clean, clear, fast and modern.

    IPS Version 4.7.x
    Version: 2.0.0


    The template does not have any additional modules, which makes it as fast as the default and easy to update!
    Thus it is also compatible with all modules/plugins.

    The template will be systematically updated and improved.

    In order for the menu to be displayed properly, it should be changed in the panel to a drop-down menu.

    Nice little sticky header!

    Could contain: File, Person, Text

    And small clean footer

    Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Text, Astronomy, Moon

    Modernize chatbox

    Could contain: File, Person, Computer, Electronics, Pc, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Text

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  11. The longest awaited iPhone feature is almost here, native iOS notifications, and we couldn't wait to ensure it is enabled for your Invision Community.

    Invision Community 4.7.9 is iPhone push notification ready for when Apple release their latest iOS update later this month. This means you'll finally get notifications on your phone, even when you do not have your browser open, to alert you of new content on followed items and more. A feature Android owners have enjoyed for a while.

    Could contain: Electronics, Phone, Mobile Phone, Iphone

    With notifications, you can have an authentic native app experience with built-in Invision Community features such as the manifest editor.

    The manifest editor allows you to edit your theme icons, colours and URL for when your members add your community to their phone's homepage. This manifest file helps mobile devices understand how to display your community site when launched from the home screen.

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Your members can add your community to their home screen with the share button. Once it has been added, it looks and feels like a native app downloaded from the App Store.

    With Apple finally allowing native notifications and Invision Community's mobile-ready UI coupled with the manifest editor, you can have a real app experience without needing a mobile app.

    We intend to bring more functionality and ease of use to mobile devices over the coming releases.

    We hope you're looking forward to iOS native push notifications as much as we are!

    The features discussed in this announcement are available in both Invision Community and Invision Community Classic.

    View full blog entry

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  12. I am excited to officially announce the first release of Live Topics coming in our April release of Invision Community for selected cloud plans!

    Live Topics is a hosted live chat and question-and-answer event that is converted into a forum topic upon completion. It combines the fun and togetherness of a live event with the permanence of a forum topic allowing you to continue the conversation long after the event has ended.

    Recap: The first look at Live Topics including a video showing the main features.

    I know many of you on our community have already had sneak peeks and have been patiently waiting, so without further ado, let's get into it.

    Who is Live Topics for?

    Live Topics is a great way to bring people together for a live chat event. We have been using Live Topics for our monthly release chat webinars. In the past we have used Zoom to host the live stream and take some questions. This approach is fine, however once the Zoom finishes, the chat history isn't available on our community. We upload a video for those who missed the event, but it doesn't feel interactive.

    Live Topics automatically converts the questions and answers to a regular forum topic which allows the discussion to continue. Furthermore, the questions are separated from the general chat during the event making it easier for hosts to find and answer questions raised during the event.

    Live Topics is perfect for anything from product release events to monthly bookclub discussions and everything in between.

    How does it work?

    Live Topics are live virtual events within a community. The process to creating a live topic is simple:

    1. Schedule your Live Topic from the ModeratorCP.
    2. When it's time to start, a host starts the live session. This is the bread and butter of the system; attendees can answer your questions and post chat messages all in realtime.
    3. All done? End the topic. It will be converted to a regular forum topic for further discussion and reference.


    Scheduling and Managing Live Topics

    Live topics are managed from the ModeratorCP.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    When scheduling a live topic, you can configure the following options:

    • Duration - This is the scheduled duration that attendees will see before the event. This sets expectations of time for your community.
    • Add To Events - This option creates a new Calendar Event in your Community. This allows the live topic to be searched, viewed, and promoted like other event within your community.
    • Live Video URL - This is the url of a YouTube embed. You can also add this after starting the live session. (Support for platforms other than YouTube coming soon 🙂). We stream Zoom straight to a live Youtube video currently.
    • Attendees - This option specifies who can attend the live topic. Leaving as "Recommended" allows any registered member to join.
    • Staff - The staff are responsible for moderating user generated content as it comes in. The default setting will add all groups that are allowed to moderate live topics. You can adjust this default in the AdminCP.
    • Additional Hosts - The hosts have the highest level of permission in the live topic. They create questions, update the video url, and guide the discussion. By scheduling the Live Topic, you are automatically a host but you can add more hands to help. All hosts get a reminder notification close to when the event is due to start.
    • Require Approval for question replies/chat messages - During the live session, you will likely want to control the rate of incoming content (especially questions). Chat Message creation can be locked during the live session.


    Hosting the Live Topic

    To start a live topic, you need to click into it from the ModeratorCP. Alternatively, if it was added to an Event you can click into it from there. Then just click start, it's as simple as that. Your attendees will see a waiting page with a count down.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    It is worth mentioning that the live topic cannot

    • Run without any hosts in attendance. When hosts abandon a live session, it will automatically end within a few minutes
    • Run longer than 6 hours. The aim of Live Topics is to accompany a live event and to be short term compared to regular forum topics. The live session will also end automatically in this case


    Once it's started, the UI is divided into have 2 main areas: One for Main Questions and another for Chat. Any video streams you embed are show in the top right and automatically started.

    Could contain: Machine, Wheel, Alloy Wheel, Car, Car Wheel, Spoke, Tire, Coupe, Person, Page

    Main Questions (and Replies)

    • Main Questions and their replies are what will be preserved when the topic is converted into a forum topic. Only staff can create main questions in order to ensure smooth topic flow. 
    • For each question, you can also configure if the replies are "locked". A main question can be unlocked, locked to all members, or locked to non-staff. When a question is locked, new replies cannot be created.


    Chat Channels

    • For each Live Topic, there is a General Chat and a Staff Chat Channel. If a member is non-staff, instead of the Channel selector tabs, they will see only "Chat".
    • When a non-staff attendee creates a chat message, it can be marked as a "question". This lets the host know that the question was intended for others to respond to. Optionally, the host can even convert the message into a question so it's integrated into the standard topic post-conversionCould contain: TextCould contain: Text, PageCould contain: Page, Text


    Live Stream Tools

    • Hosts can select a time in the live feed a main question was answered.Could contain: Machine, Spoke, Alloy Wheel, Car, Car Wheel, Tire, Transportation, Vehicle, Wheel
    • The video embed can also optionally be changed mid session. This is useful if you don't know the live stream URL before hand.


    Moderation Tools

    • Staff can hide or delete questions, chat messages and replies. The reply and chat feeds can also be set to automatically hide new items on creation.
    • Non-staff attendees can report content. Reports show in the staff chat channel.Could contain: Page, TextCould contain: Page, Text, White Board
    • Last but not least, staff members can silence attendees. This takes away their privileges to reply and create chat messages.


    The Converted Topic

    When the live session completes, our Cloud platform gets to work converting all that data into a regular forum topic. Converted Live Topics feature a questions box which allows you to drill down to specific questions within the topic.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    The questions can be browsed individually, or even split into separate topics!

    Lastly, new replies come with the option to select an originating question.

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage, Face, Head, Person


    That's a wrap (for now)

    We look forward to seeing all of you use live topics on your communities. As we've hinted elsewhere there are many more features coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

    The features discussed in this announcement are not available for Invision Community Classic. Click here to learn more about switching to our platform to get this and other benefits.

    View full blog entry

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  13. board-4887880.jpg.cc2f60cb9d40b893bcecee874443eed0.jpg

    You may have noticed many of the Invision Community apps getting updates recently. Over the last several months we have revealed revamped Events, Gallery and Downloads apps and have listened to how you have been using them.

    As a result, we are including some further app refinements as a direct result of that feedback.


    Many of you asked for more customisation options with the new overview page so ? it is now possible to hide and show different sections of the overview using simple toggle settings without the need for theme edits. You can also adjust the number of items that show.

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Searching for existing Gallery images to include in topics has been a feature of Invision Community for a while but previously search has been limited to the image name. Now, when searching for images via the "Insert other attachment" editor option, searching by album name returns images from that album.


    We added a similar improved overview to Events in the October release but for those of you with multiple Calendars you wanted a quicker way to subscribe to all events.

    It is now possible to subscribe to all events from a prominent button in the header of the overview page. Members can subscribe to an iCal feed or download an export in just a couple of clicks.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Face, Head, Text, Page 


    We also decided to use this release to add a couple of updates to clubs.

    The popular “Mark solved” functionality is now available directly in your clubs with control over who can mark the item solved. You can allow the topic author to mark questions as solved or leave it to moderators only.

    …and last but not least we added a contextual search tweak so that when members are viewing a club, the search filter defaults to “This Club”

    Could contain: Text, File, Person, Page

    We hope these small but useful improvements are popular in your communities and we look forward to hearing more of your feedback and requests.

    Is there anything we missed? Let us know in the comments.

    The features discussed in this announcement are available in both Invision Community and Invision Community Classic.

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  14. This is one of those behind the scenes improvements that you do not know happen but we still like to tell people about.

    All media that is uploaded to your community (images, videos, any sort of files) is now automatically replicated to a write-only backup within 5 minutes of upload. This means that backups of your media are basically continuous now.

    This part is not new but as a review.... For databases, we have two levels of backups: daily and weekly. Our daily snapshots are for catastrophic recovery and are extremely robust as they are replicated internally. The weekly backups are what I call "convenience backups" which might sound strange but let me explain.

    The weekly backups are not as robust as the daily snapshots but they are more easily restored. This allows our team to easily diagnose issues, assist you with recovering accidental deletions/configuration issues, and compare today to last week/month (we store several weeks for recovery purposes before old backups purge). We find having these two types of backups lets us be more agile in restoring service for both "major" events and "whoops" events.

    As always with Invision Community, your data is your data. At any time you contact support and we can send you a full export of all community data for your archives.

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  15. On our cloud platform, we handle email for you. To ensure email deliverability we have to keep our "score" high which means we are very strict about managing email sending.

    Right now, our systems monitor when an email bounces or is reported as spam. For spam reports we immediately stop sending to that email to ensure a good sending score. For bounces, it depends on the type of bounce but they will eventually be blocked as well.

    This is great for sending scores but sometimes emails get blocked when they should not. People might accidentally click mark as spam. Their email provider might be having technical problems one day causing bounces that then get resolve. The list goes on.

    Bounce Management

    We are adding the ability for you to view reports on bounced/complaint emails, take action on member accounts (purge them or mark them as no notifications), and unblock emails that our platform may be refusing to email.

    A few notes on unblocking: we have to impose some limits of course. Spam complaint blocks can only be unblocked one time. If a second spam complaint for same email address comes in then no further sending will happen (ever). Bounce emails can be unblocked five times.

    A further note on spam complaint emails: depending on the nature of the complaint, they may not be able to be unblocked. Sometimes a spam complaint comes in and is targeted to the source (your community) and other times is targeted to the platform (our entire infrastructure). If it's targeted at our systems globally, then you would not be able to unblock it. But then, who wants to keep emailing someone who marks you as spam anyway!


    This new feature will be available on all of our packages except Beginner.

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  16. Page Name Navigation is a plugin that basically add a new navigation area at the top of all pages in community, which can be seen by scrolling down by user. idea is based on new feature in peacock Theme and will display information like Page name, Page's associated and important buttons like Share, Create, Submit, Management buttons, Download button, Follow button and ... based on where user is visiting right now and can be accessed at all time. it also display a global navigation menu with drawer style to website, which help user to navigate through the website without the need to get back to the top of the page.

    Demo (with Default theme)


    • Display global navigation with sidebar drawer style
    • Page name
    • Page's associated and important buttons like Share, Create, Submit, Management buttons, Download button, Follow button and ...
    • Works with Desktop/Tablet/Phone
    • Stylish design with dozens of options for customizations

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  17. ? Atmosph Dark ?

    ( IPS version 4.7 )


    Colors and sizes using CSS Vars.

    Choosing the font color, the theme has many settings and can be fully customized. It's perfect for all forums, beautifully displaying all site content.

    Possibility to change header, slider, navigation, popus, forms, comments and much more..

    Permanent support - Write me a private message and you will receive the rank of customer on the

    You can buy a plug-in to remove copyright from the footer. private message )


    (click) View demo (click)

    Login: demo

    Password: demo



    Theme by ?

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  18. The application Xbox Live Integration allows your users to attach their Xbox Live game data to their profile in Invision Community. Also, users can register and log in to the community using a Xbox Live account.


    • Enable Xbox Live pane in posts?
    • Enable Xbox Live pane in user hovercards?
    • Displaying a tab in the profile with gaming information.
    • Displaying achievements in profile.
    • Display Gamescore from the games and the progress of getting it.
    • And many more..

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