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o ile dobrze widzę to otwórz plik: sources/lib/func_topic_linear.php


$pie = $count + 1;

Zamień na:

$pie = $count + 2;

Zapisz i wyślij.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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grr, ślepy jestem :)

To musi być to:


$postcount = $this->topic['posts'] + 1;

Zamień na:

$postcount = $this->topic['posts'] + 2;

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Dobra, tak to się zwykle kończy jak komuś pomagam, to może zamiast komentarza screen:


Zmieniając kod już też wiem, ale to chyba lepsze, nie?

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Omg, hehe..... To było tak napisać, a jak zmienić co czy tamto.

Polecam zapoznanie się z instrukcją instalacji dokładnie.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Zgodnie z prośbą na SB - wklej proszę zawartość Twojego pliku sources/lib/func_topic_linear.php w codebox.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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| Invision Power Board
| =============================================
| by Matthew Mecham
| © 2001 - 2006 Invision Power Services, Inc.
| =============================================
| Web:
| Licence Info:
| > $Date: 2007-05-02 17:29:35 -0400 (Wed, 02 May 2007) $
| > $Revision: 959 $
| > $Author: bfarber $
| > Topic display module
| > Module written by Matt Mecham
| > Date started: 18th February 2002
| > Module Version Number: 1.1.0
| > DBA Checked: Fri 21 May 2004

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

class topic_display
# Global
var $ipsclass;

var $output = "";
var $base_url = "";
var $html = "";
var $moderator = array();
var $forum = array();
var $topic = array();
var $mod_action = array();
var $poll_html = "";
var $mimetypes = "";
var $nav_extra = "";
var $read_array = array();
var $mod_panel_html = "";
var $warn_range = 0;
var $warn_done = 0;
var $pfields = array();
var $pfields_dd = array();
var $md5_check = "";
var $post_count = 0;
var $cached_members = array();
var $first_printed = 0;
var $pids = array();

// Register class

function register_class(&$class)
$this->lib = &$class;

$this->topic = $this->lib->topic;
$this->forum = $this->lib->forum;

// Our constructor, load words, load skin, print the topic listing

function auto_run()
require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/action_public/topics.php' );

$this->lib = new topics();
$this->lib->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;


$this->topic = &$this->lib->topic;
$this->forum = &$this->lib->forum;

// Checky checky

if ( ! $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )

// Print it

$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.MOD_PANEL-->", $this->lib->moderation_panel(), $this->output );

// Enable quick reply box?

if ( ( $this->topic['quick_reply'] == 1 )
and ( $this->ipsclass->check_perms( $this->topic['reply_perms']) == TRUE )
and ( $this->topic['state'] != 'closed' ) )
$show = "none";

$sqr = $this->ipsclass->my_getcookie("open_qr");

if ( $sqr == 1 )
$show = "show";
$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.QUICK_REPLY_CLOSED-->", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->quick_reply_box_closed(), $this->output );
$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.QUICK_REPLY_OPEN-->" , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->quick_reply_box_open($this->topic['forum_id'], $this->topic['tid'], $show, $this->md5_check), $this->output );

$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.TOPIC_OPTIONS_CLOSED-->", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_opts_closed(), $this->output );
$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.TOPIC_OPTIONS_OPEN-->" , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_opts_open($this->topic['forum_id'], $this->topic['tid']), $this->output );

$this->topic['id'] = $this->topic['forum_id'];

$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.FORUM_RULES-->", $this->ipsclass->print_forum_rules($this->topic), $this->output );

// Topic multi-moderation - yay!

$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.MULTIMOD-->", $this->lib->multi_moderation(), $this->output );

// Pass it to our print routine

$this->ipsclass->print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $this->ipsclass->vars['board_name']." -> {$this->topic['title']}",
'JS' => 1,
'NAV' => $this->lib->nav,
) );

// Show the damned topic batman

function display_topic()
// Grab the posts we'll need

$first = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']) >=0 ? intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']) : 0;

$query_type = 'topics_get_posts';

if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'] != 'post_date' )
$this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'] = 'pid';

if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'] != 'desc' )
$this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'] = 'asc';

if ($this->ipsclass->vars['au_cutoff'] == "")
$this->ipsclass->vars['au_cutoff'] = 15;

if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['custom_profile_topic'] == 1 )
$query_type = 'topics_get_posts_with_join';

// Moderator?

$queued_query_bit = ' and queued=0';

if ( $this->ipsclass->can_queue_posts($this->topic['forum_id']) )
$queued_query_bit = '';

if ( isset($this->ipsclass->input['modfilter']) AND $this->ipsclass->input['modfilter'] == 'invisible_posts' )
$queued_query_bit = ' and queued=1';

// Using "new" mode?

if ( $this->lib->topic_view_mode == 'linearplus' and $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )
$this->topic['new_mode_start'] = $first + 1;

if ( $first )

if ( $first + $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] > ( $this->topic['posts'] + 1 ) )
$this->topic['new_mode_end'] = $this->topic['posts'];
$this->topic['new_mode_end'] = $first + ($this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] - 1);

if ( $first )
$this->pids = array( 0 => $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] );

// Get PIDS of this page/topic

$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array (
'select' => 'pid,topic_id',
'from' => 'posts',
'where' => 'topic_id='.$this->topic['tid']. $queued_query_bit,
'order' => 'pid',
'limit' => array( $first, $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] )
) );


while( $p = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
$this->pids[] = $p['pid'];
// Run query

$this->lib->topic_view_mode = 'linear';

# We don't need * but if we don't use it, it won't use the correct index
$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array (
'select' => 'pid,topic_id',
'from' => 'posts',
'where' => 'topic_id='.$this->topic['tid']. $queued_query_bit,
'order' => $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'].' '.$this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'],
'limit' => array( $first, $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] )
) );


while( $p = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
$this->pids[] = $p['pid'];

// Do we have any PIDS?

if ( ! count( $this->pids ) )
if ( $first )
// Add dummy PID, AUTO FIX
// will catch this below...

$this->pids[] = 0;

if ( $this->ipsclass->input['modfilter'] == 'invisible_posts' )
$this->pids[] = 0;

// Attachment PIDS

$this->lib->attach_pids = $this->pids;

// Fail safe

if ( ! is_array( $this->pids ) or ! count( $this->pids ) )
$this->pids = array( 0 => 0 );

// Get posts

$this->ipsclass->DB->cache_add_query( $query_type, array( 'pids' => $this->pids, 'scol' => $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'], 'sord' => $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'] ) );

$oq = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

if ( ! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
if ($first >= $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'])
// AUTO FIX: Get the correct number of replies...

$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array(
'select' => 'COUNT(*) as pcount',
'from' => 'posts',
'where' => "topic_id=".$this->topic['tid']." and queued !=1"
) );

$newq = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

$pcount = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($newq);

$pcount['pcount'] = $pcount['pcount'] > 0 ? $pcount['pcount'] - 1 : 0;

// Update the post table...

if ($pcount['pcount'] > 1)
$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array(
'update' => 'topics',
'set' => "posts=".$pcount['pcount'],
'where' => "tid=".$this->topic['tid']
) );




// Render the page top

$this->topic['go_new'] = isset($this->topic['go_new']) ? $this->topic['go_new'] : '';

if ( $this->lib->topic_view_mode == 'linearplus' and $this->topic['posts'] > 0 )
$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_page_top( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 1 );
$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_page_top( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 0 );

// Format and print out the topic list

while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row( $oq ) )
$return = $this->lib->parse_row( $row );

$poster = $return['poster'];
$row = $return['row'];

// Print post row

$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->RenderRow( $row, $poster );

// Are we giving this bloke a good ignoring?

if ( $this->ipsclass->member['ignored_users'] )
if ( strstr( $this->ipsclass->member['ignored_users'], ','.$poster['id'].',' ) and $this->ipsclass->input['p'] != $row['pid'] )
if ( ! strstr( $this->ipsclass->vars['cannot_ignore_groups'], ','.$poster['mgroup'].',' ) )
$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->render_row_hidden( $row, $poster );

// Show end first post

if ( $this->lib->topic_view_mode == 'linearplus' and $this->first_printed == 0 and $row['pid'] == $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] and $this->topic['posts'] > 0)
$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_end_first_post( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ) );
// Google Adsense Bot
if ($this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_online'] == 1)
if ( in_array( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'], explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_group'] ) ) )
if ( in_array( $this->topic['forum_id'], explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_forum'] ) ) )
// Set up Page Stuff
$postcount = $this->topic['posts'] + 1;
$partial = $this->ipsclass->input['st'];
if( $partial != '0' )
$partial = $partial + 1;
$count = $postcount - $partial;
if ($this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_post'] <= 0)
$adpost = '1';
$adpost = $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_post'];
if ($count <= $adpost)
$pie = $count + 1;
$pie = $adpost;
if ($this->post_count == $pie )
$ad = array ( 'name_css' => 'normalname',
'post_css' => ($post_count % 2 ? 'post1' : 'post2'),
'pid' => '0',
'post' => $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_ad']);
$bot_poster = array (
'_members_display_name' => $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_name'],
'avatar' => '<img src="style_images/adsense.gif">',
'title' => $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_title'],

$ad['post_date'] = $row['post_date'];
$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->RenderRow( $ad, $bot_poster );
// Print the footer

$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->TableFooter( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 0, $this->ipsclass->return_md5_check() );



Proszę Cię bardzo. :)
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Ja również proszę:





| Invision Power Board

| =============================================

| by Matthew Mecham

| © 2001 - 2006 Invision Power Services, Inc.


| =============================================

| Web:

| Licence Info:


| > $Date: 2007-05-02 17:29:35 -0400 (Wed, 02 May 2007) $

| > $Revision: 959 $

| > $Author: bfarber $



| > Topic display module

| > Module written by Matt Mecham

| > Date started: 18th February 2002


| > Module Version Number: 1.1.0

| > DBA Checked: Fri 21 May 2004



if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )


print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";



class topic_display


# Global

var $ipsclass;

var $output = "";

var $base_url = "";

var $html = "";

var $moderator = array();

var $forum = array();

var $topic = array();

var $mod_action = array();

var $poll_html = "";

var $mimetypes = "";

var $nav_extra = "";

var $read_array = array();

var $mod_panel_html = "";

var $warn_range = 0;

var $warn_done = 0;

var $pfields = array();

var $pfields_dd = array();

var $md5_check = "";

var $post_count = 0;

var $cached_members = array();

var $first_printed = 0;

var $pids = array();


// Register class


function register_class(&$class)


$this->lib = &$class;

$this->topic = $this->lib->topic;

$this->forum = $this->lib->forum;




// Our constructor, load words, load skin, print the topic listing



function auto_run()


require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/action_public/topics.php' );

$this->lib = new topics();

$this->lib->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;



$this->topic = &$this->lib->topic;

$this->forum = &$this->lib->forum;


// Checky checky


if ( ! $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )





// Print it


$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.MOD_PANEL-->", $this->lib->moderation_panel(), $this->output );

// Enable quick reply box?

if ( ( $this->topic['quick_reply'] == 1 )

and ( $this->ipsclass->check_perms( $this->topic['reply_perms']) == TRUE )

and ( $this->topic['state'] != 'closed' ) )


$show = "none";

$sqr = $this->ipsclass->my_getcookie("open_qr");

if ( $sqr == 1 )


$show = "show";


$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.QUICK_REPLY_CLOSED-->", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->quick_reply_box_closed(), $this->output );

$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.QUICK_REPLY_OPEN-->" , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->quick_reply_box_open($this->topic['forum_id'], $this->topic['tid'], $show, $this->md5_check), $this->output );


$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.TOPIC_OPTIONS_CLOSED-->", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_opts_closed(), $this->output );

$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.TOPIC_OPTIONS_OPEN-->" , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_opts_open($this->topic['forum_id'], $this->topic['tid']), $this->output );

$this->topic['id'] = $this->topic['forum_id'];

$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.FORUM_RULES-->", $this->ipsclass->print_forum_rules($this->topic), $this->output );


// Topic multi-moderation - yay!


$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.MULTIMOD-->", $this->lib->multi_moderation(), $this->output );

// Pass it to our print routine


$this->ipsclass->print->do_output( array( 'TITLE' => $this->ipsclass->vars['board_name']." -> {$this->topic['title']}",

'JS' => 1,

'NAV' => $this->lib->nav,

) );




// Show the damned topic batman



function display_topic()



// Grab the posts we'll need


$first = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']) >=0 ? intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']) : 0;

$query_type = 'topics_get_posts';

if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'] != 'post_date' )


$this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'] = 'pid';


if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'] != 'desc' )


$this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'] = 'asc';


if ($this->ipsclass->vars['au_cutoff'] == "")


$this->ipsclass->vars['au_cutoff'] = 15;


if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['custom_profile_topic'] == 1 )


$query_type = 'topics_get_posts_with_join';



// Moderator?


$queued_query_bit = ' and queued=0';

if ( $this->ipsclass->can_queue_posts($this->topic['forum_id']) )


$queued_query_bit = '';

if ( isset($this->ipsclass->input['modfilter']) AND $this->ipsclass->input['modfilter'] == 'invisible_posts' )


$queued_query_bit = ' and queued=1';




// Using "new" mode?


if ( $this->lib->topic_view_mode == 'linearplus' and $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] )


$this->topic['new_mode_start'] = $first + 1;

if ( $first )




if ( $first + $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] > ( $this->topic['posts'] + 1 ) )


$this->topic['new_mode_end'] = $this->topic['posts'];




$this->topic['new_mode_end'] = $first + ($this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] - 1);


if ( $first )


$this->pids = array( 0 => $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] );



// Get PIDS of this page/topic


$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array (

'select' => 'pid,topic_id',

'from' => 'posts',

'where' => 'topic_id='.$this->topic['tid']. $queued_query_bit,

'order' => 'pid',

'limit' => array( $first, $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] )

) );


while( $p = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )


$this->pids[] = $p['pid'];






// Run query


$this->lib->topic_view_mode = 'linear';

# We don't need * but if we don't use it, it won't use the correct index

$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array (

'select' => 'pid,topic_id',

'from' => 'posts',

'where' => 'topic_id='.$this->topic['tid']. $queued_query_bit,

'order' => $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'].' '.$this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'],

'limit' => array( $first, $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'] )

) );


while( $p = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )


$this->pids[] = $p['pid'];




// Do we have any PIDS?


if ( ! count( $this->pids ) )


if ( $first )



// Add dummy PID, AUTO FIX

// will catch this below...


$this->pids[] = 0;


if ( $this->ipsclass->input['modfilter'] == 'invisible_posts' )


$this->pids[] = 0;




// Attachment PIDS


$this->lib->attach_pids = $this->pids;


// Fail safe


if ( ! is_array( $this->pids ) or ! count( $this->pids ) )


$this->pids = array( 0 => 0 );



// Get posts


$this->ipsclass->DB->cache_add_query( $query_type, array( 'pids' => $this->pids, 'scol' => $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_column'], 'sord' => $this->ipsclass->vars['post_order_sort'] ) );

$oq = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

if ( ! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )


if ($first >= $this->ipsclass->vars['display_max_posts'])



// AUTO FIX: Get the correct number of replies...


$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array(

'select' => 'COUNT(*) as pcount',

'from' => 'posts',

'where' => "topic_id=".$this->topic['tid']." and queued !=1"

) );

$newq = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

$pcount = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($newq);

$pcount['pcount'] = $pcount['pcount'] > 0 ? $pcount['pcount'] - 1 : 0;


// Update the post table...


if ($pcount['pcount'] > 1)


$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array(

'update' => 'topics',

'set' => "posts=".$pcount['pcount'],

'where' => "tid=".$this->topic['tid']

) );







// Render the page top


$this->topic['go_new'] = isset($this->topic['go_new']) ? $this->topic['go_new'] : '';

if ( $this->lib->topic_view_mode == 'linearplus' and $this->topic['posts'] > 0 )


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_page_top( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 1 );




$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_page_top( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 0 );



// Format and print out the topic list


while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row( $oq ) )


$return = $this->lib->parse_row( $row );

$poster = $return['poster'];

$row = $return['row'];


// Print post row


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->RenderRow( $row, $poster );


// Are we giving this bloke a good ignoring?


if ( $this->ipsclass->member['ignored_users'] )


if ( strstr( $this->ipsclass->member['ignored_users'], ','.$poster['id'].',' ) and $this->ipsclass->input['p'] != $row['pid'] )


if ( ! strstr( $this->ipsclass->vars['cannot_ignore_groups'], ','.$poster['mgroup'].',' ) )


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->render_row_hidden( $row, $poster );






// Show end first post


if ( $this->lib->topic_view_mode == 'linearplus' and $this->first_printed == 0 and $row['pid'] == $this->topic['topic_firstpost'] and $this->topic['posts'] > 0)


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->topic_end_first_post( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ) );



// Google Adsense Bot


if ($this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_online'] == 1)


if ( in_array( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'], explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_group'] ) ) )


if ( in_array( $this->topic['forum_id'], explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_forum'] ) ) )



// Set up Page Stuff

$postcount = $this->topic['posts'] + 1;

$partial = $this->ipsclass->input['st'];

if( $partial != '0' )


$partial = $partial + 1;


$count = $postcount - $partial;

if ($this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_post'] <= 0)


$adpost = '1';




$adpost = $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_post'];


if ($count <= $adpost)


$pie = $count + 1;




$pie = $adpost;


if ($this->post_count == $pie )


$ad = array ( 'name_css' => 'normalname',

'post_css' => ($post_count % 2 ? 'post1' : 'post2'),

'pid' => '0',

'post' => $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_ad']);

$bot_poster = array (

'_members_display_name' => $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_name'],

'avatar' => '<img src="style_images/adsense.gif">',

'title' => $this->ipsclass->vars['adsense_title'],



$ad['post_date'] = $row['post_date'];

$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->RenderRow( $ad, $bot_poster );







// Print the footer


$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->TableFooter( array( 'TOPIC' => $this->topic, 'FORUM' => $this->forum ), 0, $this->ipsclass->return_md5_check() );




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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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