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ROZWIĄZANY: Błąd w składni


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Witajcie. Otóż chciałem dodać na forum licznik osób grających na serwerze. Jednak przy próbie dodania kodu podanego poniżej do szablonu globalTemplate wywala mi błąd "Występuje błąd w składni w szablonie(...)"

Potrzebuje pomocy bo nie wiem jak wyedytować ten kod w taki sposób żeby działał poprawnie.

Oto ten kod:

<li id="SA:MP Server Query Script" class="left">
<span style="background-color:#d5dde5;font-size:0.8em;padding:2px 5px;-moz-border-radius:6px;-webkit-border-radius:6px;border-radius:6px;color:#000;text-decoration:none;z-index:5000" title="Aktualizowane co minutę.">
Graczy online: <b>
$query = new SampQueryAPI('', 8000); // adres, port
$info = $query -> getInfo();
echo $info['players'];

Plik SampQueryAPI.php znajduje się w katalogu głównym forum (obok pliku index.php i folderu admin)

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Oj oj, zamiast <?php i ?> dajesz <php> i </php>. Zamiast 'echo' dajesz zmienną, a pod kodem </php> dajesz {$nazwaTejZmiennej}.

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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Zrobiłem tak, uporządkowałem kod, otrzymałem taki kod (prawda?):

$query = new SampQueryAPI('', 7781); // adres, port
$info = $query -> getInfo();
$iloscgraczy = $info['players'];
<li id="SA:MP Server Query Script" class="left">
<span style="background-color:#d5dde5;font-size:0.8em;padding:2px 5px;-moz-border-radius:6px;-webkit-border-radius:6px;border-radius:6px;color:#000;text-decoration:none;z-index:5000" title="Aktualizowane co minutę.">
Graczy online: {$iloscgraczy}

I otrzymałem bardzo ciekawe błędy:


(Po usunięciu kodu, forum działa normalnie)

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$query = new SampQueryAPI('', 7781); // adres, port
$info = $query->getInfo();
$iloscgraczy = $info['players'];

Też lipa?

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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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A tak:

$this->query = new SampQueryAPI('', 7781); // adres, port
$info = $this->query->getInfo();
$iloscgraczy = $info['players'];

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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Wykonaj takie zapytanie:

SELECT * FROM skin_cache WHERE cache_set_id=6 AND cache_value_1='skin_forums_global'

W PhpMyAdminie i podaj wynik - pewnie błąd, ale jaki.

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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Ano błędu nie ma i tego się obawiałem, bo kod był poprawny.

Czy po takim kodzie coś się wysypuje:

$this->query = new SampQueryAPI('', 7781); // adres, port

A potem po takim:

$this->query = new SampQueryAPI('', 7781); // adres, port
$info = $this->query->getInfo();

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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Zarówno po kodzie

$this->query = new SampQueryAPI('', 7781); // adres, port

jak i

$this->query = new SampQueryAPI('', 7781); // adres, port
$info = $this->query->getInfo();

Wywala błąd

mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM skin_cache WHERE cache_set_id=6 AND cache_value_1='skin_forums_global'

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A więc po dodaniu tego kodu:


Forum działa normalnie, bez błędów

A tu zawartość pliku SampQueryAPI.php

*	This API connects directly to the server, without any need for any
*	middlemen connections.
*	Your server must have fsockopen enabled in order to access the 
*	functions that have been made available from this.
*	@package sampAPI
*	@version 1.2
*	@author David Weston <[email protected]>
*	@copyright 2010;

class SampQueryAPI
 *	@ignore
private $rSocket = false;

 *	@ignore
private $aServer = array();

 *	Creation of the server class.
 *	@param string $sServer Server IP, or hostname.
 *	@param integer $iPort Server port
public function __construct($sServer, $iPort = 7777)
	/* Fill some arrays. */
	$this->aServer[0] = $sServer;
	$this->aServer[1] = $iPort;

	/* Start the connection. */	
	$this->rSocket = fsockopen('udp://'.$this->aServer[0], $this->aServer[1], $iError, $sError, 2);

		$this->aServer[4] = false;

	socket_set_timeout($this->rSocket, 2);

	$sPacket = 'SAMP';
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok($this->aServer[0], '.'));
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
	$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] & 0xFF);
	$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] >> 8 & 0xFF);
	$sPacket .= 'p4150';

	fwrite($this->rSocket, $sPacket);

	if(fread($this->rSocket, 10))
		if(fread($this->rSocket, 5) == 'p4150')
			$this->aServer[4] = true;

	$this->aServer[4] = false;

 *	@ignore
public function __destruct()

 *	Used to tell if the server is ready to accept queries.
 *	If false is returned, then it is suggested that you remove the
 *	class from active use, so that you can reload the class if needs
 *	be.
 *	@return bool true if success, false if failure.
public function isOnline()
	return isset($this->aServer[4]) ? $this->aServer[4] : false;

 *	This function is used to get the server information.
 *	<code>
 *	Array
 *	(
 *		[password] => 0
 *		[players] => 9
 *		[maxplayers] => 500
 *		[hostname] => Everystuff Tr3s [MAD]oshi (03a Final) [FIXED]
 *		[gamemode] => Stunt/Race/DM/FR Everystuff
 *		[mapname] => Everystuff
 *	)
 *	</code>
 *	@return array Array of server information.
public function getInfo()
	@fwrite($this->rSocket, $this->createPacket('i'));

	fread($this->rSocket, 11);

	$aDetails['password'] = (integer) ord(fread($this->rSocket, 1));

	$aDetails['players'] = (integer) $this->toInteger(fread($this->rSocket, 2));

	$aDetails['maxplayers'] = (integer) $this->toInteger(fread($this->rSocket, 2));

	$iStrlen = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 4));
	if(!$iStrlen) return -1;

	$aDetails['hostname'] = (string) fread($this->rSocket, $iStrlen);

	$iStrlen = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 4));
	$aDetails['gamemode'] = (string) fread($this->rSocket, $iStrlen);

	$iStrlen = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 4));
	$aDetails['mapname'] = (string) fread($this->rSocket, $iStrlen);

	return $aDetails;

 *	This function gets a basic list of all the players on the server.
 *	Note as of 0.3.0, the amount of players that can be retrieved is
 *	limited to 100. This means if there are more players than 100,
 *	then no data will be returned, and it will be a blank array.
 *	<code>
 *	Array
 *	(
 *		[0] => Array
	 *			(
 *				[nickname] => K1nNngO
 *				[score] => 72
 *			)
 *		[1] => Array
 *			(
 *				[nickname] => [kikOo]
 *				[score] => 150
 *			)
 *		[and so on...]
 *	)
 *	</code>
 *	@return array Array of player information.
public function getBasicPlayers()
	@fwrite($this->rSocket, $this->createPacket('c'));
	fread($this->rSocket, 11);

	$iPlayerCount = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 2));
	$aDetails = array();

	if($iPlayerCount > 0)
		for($iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iPlayerCount; ++$iIndex)
			$iStrlen = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 1));
			$aDetails[] = array
				"nickname" => (string) fread($this->rSocket, $iStrlen),
				"score" => (integer) $this->toInteger(fread($this->rSocket, 4)),

	return $aDetails;

 *	This function gets a detailed list of all the players on the server.
 *	Note as of 0.3.0, the amount of players that can be retrieved is
 *	limited to 100. This means if there are more players than 100,
 *	then no data will be returned, and it will be a blank array.
 *	<code>
 *	Array
 *	(
 *		[0] => Array
 *			(
 *				[playerid] => 0
 *				[nickname] => K1nNngO
	 *				[score] => 72
 *				[ping] => 195
 *			)
 *		[1] => Array
 *			(
 *				[playerid] => 1
 *				[nickname] => [kikOo]
 *				[score] => 150
 *				[ping] => 375
 *			)
 *		[and so on...]
 *	)
 *	</code>
 *	@return array Array of player information.
public function getDetailedPlayers()
	@fwrite($this->rSocket, $this->createPacket('d'));
	fread($this->rSocket, 11);

	$iPlayerCount = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 2));
	$aDetails = array();

	for($iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iPlayerCount; ++$iIndex)
		$aPlayer['playerid'] = (integer) ord(fread($this->rSocket, 1));

		$iStrlen = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 1));
		$aPlayer['nickname'] = (string) fread($this->rSocket, $iStrlen);

		$aPlayer['score'] = (integer) $this->toInteger(fread($this->rSocket, 4));
		$aPlayer['ping'] = (integer) $this->toInteger(fread($this->rSocket, 4));

		$aDetails[] = $aPlayer;

	return $aDetails;

 *	This function gets all the server rules from the server.
 *	Rules in this context are not player rules, they are client rules,
 *	like the weather of the server, time, and so on. (Custom rules,
 *	when supported by a SA-MP plugin, will be included here.) 
 *	<code>
 *	Array
 *	(
 *		[gravity] => 0.007900
 *		[mapname] => Everystuff
 *		[version] => 0.3a
 *		[weather] => 0
 *		[weburl] =>
 *		[worldtime] => 12:00
 *	)
 *	</code>
 *	@return array Array of server rules.
public function getRules()
	@fwrite($this->rSocket, $this->createPacket('r'));
	fread($this->rSocket, 11);

	$iRuleCount = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 2));
		$aReturn = array();

	for($iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iRuleCount; ++$iIndex)
		$iStrlen = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 1));
		$sRulename = (string) fread($this->rSocket, $iStrlen);

		$iStrlen = ord(fread($this->rSocket, 1));
		$aDetails[$sRulename] = (string) fread($this->rSocket, $iStrlen);

	return $aDetails;

 *	@ignore
private function toInteger($sData)
	if($sData === "")
		return null;

		$iInteger = 0;
		$iInteger += (ord($sData[0]));

			$iInteger += (ord($sData[1]) << 8);

			$iInteger += (ord($sData[2]) << 16);

			$iInteger += (ord($sData[3]) << 24);

		if($iInteger >= 4294967294)
			$iInteger -= 4294967296;

		return $iInteger;

 *	@ignore
private function createPacket($sPayload)
	$sPacket = 'SAMP';
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok($this->aServer[0], '.'));
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
	$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
	$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] & 0xFF);
	$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] >> 8 & 0xFF);
	$sPacket .= $sPayload;

	return $sPacket;

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Problem ROZWIĄZANY. Jeśli są jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, pytania proszę o założenie nowego tematu.

Wszelkie uzasadnione reklamacje/pretensje/sugestie/rady przyjmuje ekipa forum.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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