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ROZWIĄZANY: Błędy podczas aktualizacji forum do 3.2

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


Przy aktualizacji, przy kroku 2 pojawia się błąd:

ALTER TABLE iv_login_methods ADD login_custom_config TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL;
Duplicate column name 'login_custom_config'
ALTER TABLE iv_reputation_cache ADD rep_like_cache MEDIUMTEXT, CHANGE rep_points rep_points INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Duplicate column name 'rep_like_cache'
ALTER TABLE iv_core_like ADD like_lookup_area CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER like_lookup_id, ADD like_visible TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', DROP INDEX find_rel_favs, ADD INDEX find_rel_likes ( like_lookup_id , like_visible , like_is_anon , like_added ), DROP INDEX like_member_id, ADD INDEX like_member_id ( like_member_id , like_visible , like_added ), ADD INDEX like_lookup_area ( like_lookup_area , like_visible ), ADD INDEX notification_task ( like_notify_do, like_app (50), like_area (50), like_visible, like_notify_sent, like_notify_freq (50) );
Can't DROP 'find_rel_favs'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE iv_cache_store DROP cs_extra, ADD cs_rebuild TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Can't DROP 'cs_extra'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE iv_banfilters DROP ban_nocache, ADD ban_reason VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
Can't DROP 'ban_nocache'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE iv_rc_comments ADD approved TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', ADD edit_date INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD author_name VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL , ADD ip_address VARCHAR( 46 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
Duplicate column name 'approved'
ALTER TABLE iv_inline_notifications ADD notify_meta_app VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, ADD notify_meta_area VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL, ADD notify_meta_id INT(10) DEFAULT 0, ADD notify_meta_key VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL, ADD KEY notify_meta_key (notify_meta_key);
Duplicate column name 'notify_meta_app'
ALTER TABLE iv_ignored_users ADD ignore_signatures INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD ignore_chats INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Duplicate column name 'ignore_signatures'
ALTER TABLE iv_mail_queue ADD mail_cc TEXT DEFAULT NULL;
Duplicate column name 'mail_cc'
ALTER TABLE iv_forums DROP quick_reply, ADD tag_predefined TEXT NULL;
Can't DROP 'quick_reply'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE iv_sessions DROP location, CHANGE ip_address ip_address VARCHAR( 46 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE member_name member_name VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE search_thread_time search_thread_time INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Can't DROP 'location'; check that column/key exists
CREATE TABLE iv_core_editor_autosave ( eas_key CHAR(32) NOT NULL, eas_member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', eas_app VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', eas_section VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', eas_updated INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', eas_content MEDIUMTEXT, UNIQUE KEY eas_key (eas_key), KEY eas_member_lookup (eas_member_id, eas_app, eas_section), KEY eas_updated (eas_updated) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
Table 'iv_core_editor_autosave' already exists
CREATE TABLE iv_core_tags ( tag_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, tag_aai_lookup CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tag_aap_lookup CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tag_meta_app VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL default '', tag_meta_area VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL default '', tag_meta_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tag_meta_parent_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tag_member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tag_added INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tag_prefix INT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tag_text VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (tag_id), KEY tag_aai_lookup (tag_aai_lookup), KEY tag_app (tag_meta_app (100), tag_meta_area (100)), KEY tag_member_id (tag_member_id), KEY tag_aap_lookup (tag_aap_lookup, tag_text (200)), KEY tag_added (tag_added ) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
Table 'iv_core_tags' already exists
CREATE TABLE iv_core_tags_perms ( tag_perm_aai_lookup CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tag_perm_aap_lookup CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tag_perm_text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tag_perm_visible INT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, UNIQUE KEY tag_perm_aai_lookup (tag_perm_aai_lookup), KEY tag_perm_aap_lookup( tag_perm_aap_lookup ), KEY tag_lookup (tag_perm_text, tag_perm_visible) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
Table 'iv_core_tags_perms' already exists
CREATE TABLE iv_core_tags_cache ( tag_cache_key CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tag_cache_text text, tag_cache_date INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE KEY (tag_cache_key ) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
Table 'iv_core_tags_cache' already exists
CREATE TABLE iv_cache_simple ( cache_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', cache_perm_key VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', cache_time INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, cache_data MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY lookup ( cache_id, cache_perm_key ) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
Table 'iv_cache_simple' already exists
CREATE TABLE iv_core_incoming_email_log ( log_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, log_email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, log_time int(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (log_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
Table 'iv_core_incoming_email_log' already exists
DROP TABLE iv_search_results;
Unknown table 'iv_search_results'
ALTER TABLE iv_attachments_type DROP atype_photo;
Can't DROP 'atype_photo'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE iv_groups DROP g_avatar_upload;
Can't DROP 'g_avatar_upload'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE iv_custom_bbcode DROP bbcode_strip_search;
Can't DROP 'bbcode_strip_search'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE iv_emoticons ADD emo_position INT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Duplicate column name 'emo_position'

Czyli, że te tabele nie istnieją, a ostania nawet się "duplikuje". Macie jakiś pomysł co z tym zrobić? Bo upgrade nie chce iść dalej... :icon_surprised:


No dobra, ominąłem to i idzie dalej. Samo "coś" się instaluje i odświeża, i gdy chce przejść do następnego punktu znowu błąd:

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Error: 1054 - Unknown column 'status' in 'where clause'

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