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Problem z Portalem


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


Tak więc dziś postanowiłem włączyć na forum portal wchodząc w zakładkę portal zobaczyłem takie błędy:


[long]Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/raszid/domains/ on line 107

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/raszid/domains/ in /home/raszid/domains/ on line 114

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/raszid/domains/ in /home/raszid/domains/ on line 141[/long]


Czy ktoś może mnie poinstruować co należało by zrobić aby to poprawić, nie jestem orłem z PHP ale coś tam ogarniam.


Z góry dziękuje wszystkim za pomoc ...


A tu plik portal.php




* <pre>

* Invision Power Services

* IP.Board v3.1.4

* IP.Portal

* Last Updated: $Date: 2010-10-21 14:02:34 -0400 (Thu, 21 Oct 2010) $

* </pre>


* @author $Author: ips_terabyte $

* @copyright © 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.

* @license

* @package IP.Board

* @subpackage Portal

* @link

* @since 1st April 2004

* @version $Revision: 7011 $


if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )


print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";



class public_portal_portal_portal extends ipsCommand



* Array of portal objects


* @access protected

* @var array Registered portal objects


protected $portal_object = array();


* Array of replacement tags


* @access protected

* @var array Replacement tags


protected $replace_tags = array();


* Array of tags to module...


* @access protected

* @var array Tags => Modules mapping


protected $remap_tags_module = array();


* Array of tags to function...


* @access protected

* @var array Tags => Function mapping


protected $remap_tags_function = array();


* Array of module objects


* @access protected

* @var array Module objects


protected $module_objects = array();


* Basic template, replaced as needed


* @access protected

* @var string Basic skin template to replace


protected $template = array();


* Main class entry point


* @access public

* @param object ipsRegistry reference

* @return void [Outputs to screen]


public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry )





$conf_groups = array();

$found_tags = array();

$found_modules = array();


// Make sure the portal is installed an enabled


if( ! IPSLib::appIsInstalled( 'portal' ) )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'no_permission', 1076, null, null, 404 );



// Get settings...


foreach( $this->cache->getCache('portal') as $portal_data )


if( ! IPSLib::appIsInstalled( $portal_data['_app_dir'] ) )




if ( $portal_data['pc_settings_keyword'] )


$conf_groups[] = "'" . $portal_data['pc_settings_keyword'] . "'";



// Remap tags


if ( is_array( $portal_data['pc_exportable_tags'] ) AND count( $portal_data['pc_exportable_tags'] ) )


foreach( $portal_data['pc_exportable_tags'] as $tag => $tag_data )


$this->remap_tags_function[ $tag ] = $tag_data[0];

$this->remap_tags_module[ $tag ] = $portal_data['pc_key'];





// Now really get them...


$_where = (is_array($conf_groups) AND count($conf_groups)) ? 't.conf_title_keyword IN(' . implode( ",", $conf_groups ) . ") OR " : '';

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'c.conf_key, c.conf_value, c.conf_default',

'from' => array( 'core_sys_conf_settings' => 'c' ),

'where' => $_where . "c.conf_key LIKE 'csite%'",

'add_join' => array(


'select' => 't.conf_title_id, t.conf_title_keyword',

'from' => array( 'core_sys_settings_titles' => 't' ),

'where' => 'c.conf_group=t.conf_title_id',

'type' => "left"



) );



// Set 'em up


while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )


$this->settings[ $r['conf_key']] = $r['conf_value'] != "" ? $r['conf_value'] : $r['conf_default'] ;



// Get global skin and language files


ipsRegistry::getClass( 'class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_portal' ) );


// Assign skeletal template ma-doo-bob


$this->template = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('portal')->skeletonTemplate();


// Grab all special tags


preg_match_all( "#<!--\:\ :(.+?)\:\:-->#", $this->template, $match );


// Assign functions


for ( $i=0, $m=count($match[0]); $i < $m; $i++ )


$tag = $match[1][$i];

if ( $this->remap_tags_module[ $tag ] )


$found_tags[ $tag ] = 1;

if ( $this->remap_tags_module[ $tag ])


$found_modules[ $this->remap_tags_module[ $tag ] ] = 1;





// Require modules...


if ( is_array( $found_modules ) AND count( $found_modules ) )


foreach( $found_modules as $mod_name => $pointless )


if ( ! is_object( $this->module_objects[ $mod_name ] ) )


if ( file_exists( $this->caches['portal'][ $mod_name ]['_file_location'] ) )


$constructor = IPSLib::loadLibrary( $this->caches['portal'][ $mod_name ]['_file_location'], 'ppi_' . $mod_name, $this->caches['portal'][ $mod_name ]['_app_dir'] );

$this->module_objects[ $mod_name ] = new $constructor();

$this->module_objects[ $mod_name ]->makeRegistryShortcuts( $this->registry );

$this->module_objects[ $mod_name ]->init();






// Get the tag replacements...


if ( is_array( $found_tags ) AND count( $found_tags ) )


foreach( $found_tags as $tag_name => $even_more_pointless )


$mod_obj = $this->remap_tags_module[ $tag_name ];

$fun_obj = $this->remap_tags_function[ $tag_name ];

if ( method_exists( $this->module_objects[ $mod_obj ], $fun_obj ) )


$this->replace_tags[ $tag_name ] = $this->module_objects[ $mod_obj ]->$fun_obj();








* Internal do output method. Extend class and overwrite method if you need to modify this functionality.


* @access protected

* @return void


protected function _do_output()





foreach( $this->replace_tags as $sbk => $sbv )


$this->template = str_replace( "<!--::" . $sbk . "::-->", $sbv, $this->template );



// Pass to print...


$this->registry->output->addContent( $this->template );

$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->settings['csite_title'] );

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->settings['csite_title'], 'app=portal' );





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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/raszid/domains/ on line 107
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