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ROZWIĄZANY: Bład przy instalacji shoutbox_1_1_0


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Próbowałem juz kilka razy zistalować Sb 1.1.0 jednak cały czas wyskauje mi taki błąd

" Driver Error

There appears to be an error with the database.

If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here"

co mozna z tym zrobic ?

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podać nam kod błędu z pliku .cgi z folderu cache/ który w nazwie ma datę i czas wystąpienia problemu.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Mogłeś wkleić jego treść. :bounce:

mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar ..............

Jak Ty instalujesz tego SB? Jaką masz wersję forum?

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Ten kod wziąłeś z dobrego pliku? Skasuj wszystkie pliki .cgi z folderu cache/ i spróbuj ponownie i wtedy wklej tutaj zawartość nowo utworzonego pliku.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Tak z dobrego zgodnie z twoja instrukcja, tylko teraz to jest tak wykasowałem pliki cgi z folderu cache zinstalowałem ponownie Sb bład oczywiscie pojawił sie ten sam, gdy wszedłem do panelu zakłdka Applications & Modules/Manage Applications & Modules pojawiło sie coś takiego "Zainstalowane aplikacje/Inne aplikacje/IP.Shoutbox" oraz "Nie zainstalowane aplikacje/IP.Shoutbox IPS Community Project Developers Instaluj" kiedy klike na "Instaluj" pojawa mi się instaloator "Invision Power Board 3.0

Welcome to the upgrade system. This wizard will guide you through the upgrade process." nie wiem ocb ;/ pozatym juz sie nie generuje plik błędu w kat. cache ;/

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Skoro masz taką samą wersję to nic się nie powinno stać z bazą. Aktualizacja dotyczy tylko danych i bazy związanej z shoutboxem. Próbuj.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Pokaż jak wygląda spis aplikacji przy aktualizacji - zaznaczasz w ogóle IP.Shoutbox? Masz taki checkbox obok niego?

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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tak to wyglada w panelu


a tak przy procesie aktualizacji


oraz wygenerowało mi plik z błędem

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:39:42 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=beda1a284898e7642c2d1526a83a1b22&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:43 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:46 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:47 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:48 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:49 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:49 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:50 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:51 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:51 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:52 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:53 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:54 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:54 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:55 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:56 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:56 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:57 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:58 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:58 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:43:59 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:44:00 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 04:44:01 +0000
Error Number: 1054
Error: Nieznana kolumna 'position' w  field list
IP Address:
Page: /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=67a96bf345bae49a8802e1b5818eb2c3&app=core&module=applications&section=setup&do=help&app_directory=shoutbox&type=install&version=10000
Debug: array (
 1 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/classDb.php',
   'line' => 1073,
   'function' => 'query',
   'class' => 'db_driver_mysql',
 3 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/help.php',
   'line' => 185,
   'function' => 'insert',
   'class' => 'db_main_mysql',
 4 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 638,
   'function' => 'helpFilesXMLImport_app',
   'class' => 'admin_core_tools_help',
 5 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/applications/setup.php',
   'line' => 144,
   'function' => 'help',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
 6 => 
 array (
   'file' => '/home/dzeju/public_html/forum/admin/sources/base/ipsController.php',
   'line' => 291,
   'function' => 'doExecute',
   'class' => 'admin_core_applications_setup',
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ipbfaq (title,text,description,position,app) VALUES('IP.Shoutbox','IP.Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!<br /><br /><strong>General Features</strong><br /><ul><li>Each member can have their own preferences such as \"Hide Refresh Button\" or \"Disable <em>Enter Key</em> from sending the shout\" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);</li><li>If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the <strong>global</strong> \'shout area\', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! <em>Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only</em></li><li>Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.</li></ul><br /><strong>Quick Commands</strong><br />IP.Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:<br /><ul><li>/announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP</li><li>/archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)</li><li>/ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li><li>/moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member</li><li>/moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout</li><li>/prefs - This will launch the Preferences window</li><li>/prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.</li><li>/refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)</li><li>/unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)</li></ul>','Contains informations on how to use the features included in the shoutbox, like the quick commands.',1,'shoutbox')

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No błąd ten sam.

Dziwna sprawa. :bounce:

Odinstaluj tę zainstalowaną pozycję IP.Shoutboxa i napisz, co się zmieniło.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Odnośnik do komentarza
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No to inaczej: odinstaluj, usuń wszystkie pliki IP.Shoutboxa z FTP i co wtedy widać w spisie aplikacji?

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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No zaraz - odinstalowałeś tę aplikację, a piszesz o włączaniu i wyłączaniu.

Wiesz, pytanie, z każdą aplikacją tak Ci się dzieje?

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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