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Przeniesienie zakupów z IPS Marketplace / Moving bought items from IPS Marketplace ×

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

  • Manager

Ważne łatki dla skryptu 2.3.1

Pierwsza poprawka dla for które mają ustawione kodowanie inne niż iso-8859-1 lub utf-8 czyli praktycznie wszystkie polskie fora.

Issue 1 (Reported by )

If you use a character set other than iso-8859-1 or utf-8, it is possible to submit javascript to your user profile fields. The potential damage is mitigated by the use of httpOnly cookies in IP.Board. Please note that IP.Board ships with iso-8859-1 set by default. Therefore, unless you have specifically changed the character set in the Admin CP your installation is not impacted by this issue.

Issue 2 (Reported by )

A user is able to upload a non-image file if the file is given an image name in a specific format. The security implications are very low because IP.Board automatically resets the file to a .txt file and treats it as such, however this could result in broken photo or avatar images being displayed, and script files with a .txt extension saved in your uploads directory. Again the potential damage is mitigated by the use of httpOnly cookies in IP.Board thereby disallowing javascript access to cookies.

Issue 3 (Reported by )

If you have subscription packages enabled on your site using the subscriptions manager included with IP.Board which promote a paying user to a new user group, it is possible to recraft a payment form to set the member's ID to a different member. The issue would require that an actual valid payment is made and no unauthorized access could be gained, however a specially crafted form could result in all administrators/moderators of a site being demoted to a subscriber group, for example. The reverse, a user being promoted to admin, is not possible in this issue.

Link: {kliknij_mnie}

Instrukcja manualna:

Manual Patch Instructions
9/11/2007 Patch

~line 97 Find

	if( $parse_incoming )

Replace With

	if( $parse_incoming OR ( strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['gb_char_set']) != 'iso-8859-1' &&
		strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['gb_char_set']) != 'utf-8' ) )

~line 370 Find

		if ( in_array( $this->file_extension, $this->image_ext ) )

Replace With

		if ( in_array( $this->real_file_extension, $this->image_ext ) )

~line 110 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "quantity"			 , 1 );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" 		 , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 233 Find

	list( $purchase_package_id, $member_id, $cur_sub_id, ) = explode( 'x', trim($this->ipsclass->input['merchant_order_id']) );

Add This After

	// Does the verification key match?

	if( $_POST['verification'] != md5( intval($member_id) . $purchase_package_id . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) )
		$this->error = 'verification_key_mismatch';
		return array( 'verified' => FALSE );

~line 129 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "x_invoice_num"	, $fp_time.'-'.$fp_seq.'-'.$items['currency_code'] );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" 	 , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 164 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "x_invoice_num"	, $fp_time.'-'.$fp_seq.'-'.$items['currency_code'] );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" 	 , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 273 Find

		return array( 'verified' => FALSE );

Add This After

	// Does the verification key match?

	if( $_POST['verification'] != md5( intval($member_id) . $purchase_package_id . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) )
		$this->error = 'verification_key_mismatch';
		return array( 'verified' => FALSE );

~line 113 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "returnurl"	, GW_URL_PAYDONE   );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 132 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "returnurl"	, GW_URL_PAYDONE   );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 256 Find

	list( $purchase_package_id, $member_id, $cur_sub_id, ) = explode( 'x', trim($_POST['order_id']) );

Add This After

	// Does the verification key match?

	if( $_POST['verification'] != md5( intval($member_id) . $purchase_package_id . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) )
		$this->error = 'verification_key_mismatch';
		return array( 'verified' => FALSE );

~line 100 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "cancel_return", GW_URL_PAYCANCEL );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 133 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "cancel_return", GW_URL_PAYCANCEL );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 157 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "cancel_return", GW_URL_PAYCANCEL );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 182 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "cancel_return", GW_URL_PAYCANCEL );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 317 Find

	list( $cur_sub_id, ) = explode( 'x', trim($_POST['invoice']) );

Add This After

	// Does the verification key match?

	if( $_POST['verification'] != md5( intval($_POST['custom']) . $_POST['item_number'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) )
			$this->error = 'verification_key_mismatch';
			return array( 'verified' => FALSE );

~line 115 Find

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "type"		 , "safshop" );

Add This After

	$this->core_add_hidden_field( "verification" , md5( $items['member_unique_id'] . $items['package_id'] . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) );

~line 214 Find

	list( $purchase_package_id, $member_id, $cur_sub_id, ) = explode( 'x', trim($_POST['ordernumber']) );

Add This After

	// Does the verification key match?

	if( $_POST['verification'] != md5( intval($member_id) . $purchase_package_id . $this->ipsclass->vars['sql_pass'] ) )
		$this->error = 'verification_key_mismatch';
		return array( 'verified' => FALSE );

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