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Ja mam problem z tym Similar Topics 1.0.4 modem. Nie wiem czemu ale jak zmodyfikuje plik topics.php (to chyba ten topic.php z radme) to wyskakuje mi błąd (rozwiązauje go usuwają jedną } na dole ale pojawia sie następny o takiej treści

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home.1/g/c/p/gcplubjj/www/sources/action_public/topics.php on line 2763

Co mam zrobić? Jaki kod poprawny należy tam wstawić?

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Wstaw, to co jest podane w instrukcji i dokładnie w to miejsce co jest napisane. Nie ma prawa nie działać jeśli dobrze zrobisz - sprawdzone ;-)

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Czego bym nie próbował jest źle. A wstawiam wedle instrukcji

Open: ./sources/action_public/topic.php

Find [ Inside of function auto_run() ]:


// Process users active in this forum


Add before:

// Similar Topics.

if (strlen($this->topic['title']) >= $this->ipsclass->vars['min_search_word'])


$similarTopics = $this->similarTopics();

if (!empty($similarTopics))


$this->output = str_replace("<!--IBF.MOD_FULL_WRAPPER-->", $similarTopics, $this->output);




Find [ Inside of class topic ]:



Add before:


// Similar Topics.


function similarTopics()


$html = "";

$cond = array(

"tid <> {$this->topic['tid']} AND approved = 1",

"forum_id IN (".implode(",", $this->ipsclass->forums->forums_get_all_allowed_forum_ids("read_perms")).")"


// Gets the topic read cookie.

$lastVisit = ($this->ipsclass->member['last_visit'] > $this->ipsclass->member['members_markers']['board']) ? $this->ipsclass->member['last_visit'] : $this->ipsclass->member['members_markers']['board'];

$read = $this->ipsclass->my_getcookie("topicsread");

$readArray = array();

if ($read !== false && $read != "-1")


$readArray = $this->ipsclass->clean_int_array(unserialize(stripslashes($read)));


// Generates keywords from the topic title.

$keyword = strtolower($this->topic['title']);

if (strpos($keyword, " ") === false)


$cond[] = "LOWER(title) LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";




$words = array();

$tmp = explode(" ", $keyword);

foreach ($tmp as $t)


$t = trim($t);

$l = strlen($t);

if (!empty($t) && $l >= $this->ipsclass->vars['min_search_word'])


$t = str_replace(array('|', '*', '%', '_'), array('|', '%', '', '\\_'), $t);

$t = preg_replace("/\s+(and|or)$/" , "" , $t);

$t = preg_replace("/([0-9]+);/", "", $t);

$t = preg_replace("/[\|\[\]\{\}\(\)\,:\\\\\/\"']|"/", "", $t);

$t = preg_replace("/^(?:img|quote|code|html|javascript|a href|color|span|div|border|style)$/", "", $t);

$t = trim($t);

$l = strlen($t);

if (!empty($t) && $l >= $this->ipsclass->vars['min_search_word'])


if (count($words) > 5)




$words[] = "LOWER(title) LIKE '{$t}%'";




if (count($words) > 0)


$cond[] = "(".implode(" OR ", $words).")";




$cond[] = "LOWER(title) LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";



// Gets data.

$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct(array('select' => "*",

'from' => "topics",

'where' => implode(" AND ", $cond),

'order' => "last_post DESC",

'limit' => array(5)

) );

$rs = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

if (!$this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows($rs))


return "";


while ($row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($rs))


$this->ipsclass->forum_read[$row['forum_id']] = isset($this->ipsclass->forum_read[$row['forum_id'] ]) ? $this->ipsclass->forum_read[$row['forum_id']] : 0;

$readArray[$row['tid']] = isset($readArray[$row['tid']]) ? $readArray[$row['tid']] : 0;

$lastTime = ($readArray[$row['tid']] > $lastVisit) ? $readArray[$row['tid']] : $lastVisit;

$dot = "";

if ($this->ipsclass->forum_read[$row['forum_id']] > $lastTime)


$lastTime = $this->ipsclass->forum_read[$row['forum_id']];


if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] > 0 && (isset($row['author_id']) & $row['author_id'] > 0))


$dot = 1;


if ($row['pinned'] == 1)


$row['prefix'] = $this->ipsclass->vars['pre_pinned'];


else if (!empty($row['poll_state']))


$row['prefix'] = $this->ipsclass->vars['pre_polls'] . " ";


if (isset($this->ipsclass->member['is_mod']) && $this->ipsclass->member['is_mod'] == 1)


$row['posts'] += $row['topic_queuedposts'];


if ($row['last_post'] > $lastTime)


$row['go_new_post'] = "<a href=\"{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showtopic={$row['tid']}&view=getnewpost\"><{NEW_POST}></a>";




$row['go_new_post'] = "";


$row['views'] = $this->ipsclass->do_number_format(intval($row['views']));

$row['posts'] = $this->ipsclass->do_number_format(intval($row['posts']));

$row['start_date'] = $this->ipsclass->get_date($row['start_date'], "LONG");

$row['last_post'] = $this->ipsclass->get_date($row['last_post'], "SHORT");

$row['last_name'] = ($row['last_poster_id'] > 0) ? $this->ipsclass->make_profile_link($row['last_poster_name'], $row['last_poster_id']) : "-" . $row['last_poster_name'] . "-";

$row['start_name'] = ($row['starter_id'] > 0) ? $this->ipsclass->make_profile_link($row['starter_name'], $row['starter_id']) : "-".$row['starter_name']."-";

$row['folder_img'] = $this->ipsclass->folder_icon($row, $dot, $lastTime);

$row['attach_img'] = ($row['topic_hasattach'] > 0) ? "<a href=\"java script:;\" onclick=\"PopUp('{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=attach&code=showtopic&tid={$row['tid']}','Attach{$row['tid']}',500,400);\" title=\"{$row['topic_hasattach']} {$this->ipsclass->lang['st_attachments']}\"><{ATTACH_ICON}></a>" : "";

$html .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->similar_topics_row($row);


// Return block.

$collapsed_ids = "," . $this->ipsclass->my_getcookie("collapseprefs") . ",";

$fo = "show";

$fc = "none";

if (strpos($collapsed_ids, ",similar_topics,") !== false)


$fo = "none";

$fc = "show";


return $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->similar_topics($fo, $fc, $html);


O to mój plik topics.php:

Nie wiem co powoduje błąd!

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Podaje mi, że to wykracza poza pola (po zmodyfikowaniu).

Hm? Co podaje, gdzie podaje?

Plik wg mnie jest dobrze edytowany wg tej instrukcji.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Podaje mi notatnik, że wykracza poza plik (takiej lini nie ma)....

A to mam po wgraniu tego pliku na serwer

Fatal error: Call to undefined method: skin_topic_37->similar_topics_row() in /home.1/g/c/p/gcplubjj/www/sources/action_public/topics.php on line 2744

Edytowane przez kris2005a
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A to mam po wgraniu tego pliku na serwer

Fatal error: Call to undefined method: skin_topic_37->similar_topics_row() in /home.1/g/c/p/gcplubjj/www/sources/action_public/topics.php on line 2744

Przebuduj cache skinów..

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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