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W końcu naprawiono mój klucz licencyjny do SEO i pojawił się kolejny problem, otóż po instalacji, modyfikacji plików i wszystkich zaleceniach w instrukcji gdy chcę wejść na forum co prawda mam adres, lecz forum wywala błąd, zresztą sami zobaczcie. Przebudowywałem FURL, .htaccess zamieszczam poniżej.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


Właśnie nim napisałem posta 3 razy edytowałem wszystkie pliki od początku i już kompletnie nie wiem. Co ciekawe, ten .htaccess wygląda mi na na standardowego, gdyż porównałem go ze starym z backupu sprzed 2 tygodnii.


Właśnie robiłem to już dziesiątki razy, od 5 rano jak tylko naprawili mi licencję :-/. Pamiętam, że kiedyś przy zabawie z minervaSEO miałem identyczny problem, forum padało przy furl'ach z .html. Czy za ten stan rzeczy może być odpowiedzialna konfiguracja VPS'a ? Poniżej zamieszczam dane z Diagnostyki IPB:

Wersja  	v3.1.1 (ID:31004)
MYSQL Wersja 	MYSQL 5.0.32-Debian_7etch12-log
Wersja PHP 	5.2.0-8+etch16 (apache2handler) ( Informacje o PHP )
Wyłączone funkcje PHP 	Brak informacji
Załadowano rozszerzenia 	PDO, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, apache2handler, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mime_magic, mysql, mysqli, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, posix, session, shmop, soap, sockets, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib
Tryb bezpieczny 	Wyłączony
Oprogramowanie serwera 	Linux 2.6.9-023stab051.12-smp #1 SMP Fri Feb 26 15:22:25 MSK 2010 i686
Uruchomione procesy na serwerze 	0.10
Pamięć serwera 	2048 MB
Dostępna pamięć serwera 	1745 MB

  • Manager

Dobra, sprawdziłem to od środka.. Ustawienie przekierowania z na jest włączone, a mimo to się zapętla..

Szczerze to nie miałem CSEO nigdy, ale nawet jakby to mod kodowany i nic nie można sprawdzić, ani zrobić..

Pavulon - jakiś trop? ;)

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.


Najnowsze IPB, po patchu. Producent CSEO każe usunąć całą funkcję od 1224 - 1495, gdzie w liniach 1288 - 1309 jest funkcja, o której w instrukcji nie ma ani słowem, a i tak musiałem to usunąć. W adminOutput wszystko było ok.


Sir yes Sir !


Then find

 * INIT furls
 * Performs set up and figures out any incoming links
 * @access	private
 * @return	void
private static function _fUrlInit()
	 * Don't run if we are in the ACP.  Also, running this causes problems because it will take any data submitted (including in _POST params)
	 * and then loop over it later in this function, recreating query_string_real, which then breaks the params in the ACP in some cases.
	 * @link
	if( IN_ACP )

	if ( ipsRegistry::$settings['use_friendly_urls'] )
		/* IIS rewrite */
		if( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL'] )		// IIS 7 with Microsoft Rewrite module
		else if( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'] )	// IIS with ISAPI_Rewrite

		/* Grab and store accessing URL */
		self::$_uri = preg_replace( "/s=(&|$)/", '', str_replace( '/?', '/index.php?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) );

		$_urlBits = array();

		/* Grab FURL data... */
		if ( ! IN_DEV AND file_exists( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'cache/furlCache.php' ) )
			require( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'cache/furlCache.php' );
			self::$_seoTemplates = $templates;
			/* Attempt to write it */
			self::$_seoTemplates = IPSLib::buildFurlTemplates();

			catch( Exception $e )

		if ( is_array( self::$_seoTemplates ) AND count( self::$_seoTemplates ) )
			if ( !isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) )
				$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1 );

				if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) )

			$uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']  ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']  : @getenv('REQUEST_URI');

			/* Bug 21295 - remove known URL from test URI */
			$_t      = @parse_url( ipsRegistry::$settings['board_url'] );
			$_toTest = ( $_t['path'] AND $_t['path'] != '/' ) ? preg_replace( "#^{$_t['path']}#", '', $uri ) : str_replace( $_t['scheme'] . ';)/' . $_t['host'], '', $uri );
			$_toTest = str_replace( '/index.php?', '', $_toTest );

			foreach( self::$_seoTemplates as $key => $data )
				if ( ! isset( $data['in']['regex'] ) OR ! $data['in']['regex'] )

				if ( preg_match( $data['in']['regex'], $_toTest, $matches ) )
					if ( is_array( $data['in']['matches'] ) )
						foreach( $data['in']['matches'] as $_replace )
							$k = IPSText::parseCleanKey( $_replace[0] );

							if ( strpos( $_replace[1], '$' ) !== false )
								$v = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $matches[ intval( str_replace( '$', '', $_replace[1] ) ) ] );
								$v = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $_replace[1] );

							$_GET[ $k ]     = $v;
							$_POST[ $k ]    = $v;
							$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $v;
							$_urlBits[ $k ] = $v;

							ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $v;

					if ( strpos( $_toTest, self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varBlock'] ) !== false )
						$_parse = substr( $_toTest, strpos( $_toTest, self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varBlock'] ) + strlen( self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varBlock'] ) );

						$_data = explode( self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varSep'], $_parse );
						$_c    = 0;

						foreach( $_data as $_v )
							if ( ! $_c )
								$k = IPSText::parseCleanKey( $_v );
								$v = '';
								$v  = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $_v );
								$_c = 0;

								$_GET[ $k ]     = $v;
								$_POST[ $k ]    = $v;
								$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $v;
								$_urlBits[ $k ] = $v;

								ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $v;


			// If using query string furl, extract any
			// secondary query string.
			// Ex: http://localhost/index.php?/path/file.html?key=value
			// Will pull the key=value properly

			$_qmCount = substr_count( $_toTest, '?' );

			if ( $_qmCount > 1 )
				$_secondQueryString	= substr( $_toTest, strrpos( $_toTest, '?' ) + 1 );
				$_secondParams		= explode( '&', $_secondQueryString );

				if( count($_secondParams) )
					foreach( $_secondParams as $_param )
						list( $k, $v )	= explode( '=', $_param );

						$k	= IPSText::parseCleanKey( $k );
						$v	= IPSText::parseCleanValue( $v );

						$_GET[ $k ]     = $v;
						$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $v;
						$_urlBits[ $k ] = $v;

						ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $v;

			/* Process URL bits for extra ? in them */
			if ( is_array( $_GET ) AND count( $_GET ) )
				foreach( $_GET as $k => $v )
					 * Have to protect against openid_return_to, which will have a valid IPB url in it (breaks openid)
					if ( ! is_array( $v ) AND strstr( $v, '?') AND $k != 'openid_return_to' )
						list( $rvalue, $more ) = explode( '?', $v );

						if ( $rvalue AND $more )
							//$k	= IPSText::parseCleanKey( $_k );
							$v	= IPSText::parseCleanValue( $_v );

							/* Reset key with correct value */
							$_v = $rvalue;

							$_GET[ $k ]     = $_v;
							$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $_v;
							$_urlBits[ $k ] = $_v;

							ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $_v;

							/* Now add in the other value */
							if ( strstr( $more, '=' ) )
								list( $_k, $_v ) = explode( '=', $more );

								if ( $_k and $_v )
									$_GET[ $_k ]     = $_v;
									$_REQUEST[ $_k ] = $_v;
									$_urlBits[ $_k ] = $_v;

									ipsRegistry::$request[ $_k ]	= $_v;

		/* Reformat basic URL */
		if ( is_array( $_urlBits ) )
			ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'] = '';

			foreach( $_urlBits as $k => $v )
				ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'] .= '&' . $k . '=' . $v;

			ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'] = trim( ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'], '&' );

Replace the entire function (from about lines 1160-1282) with

 * INIT furls
 * Performs set up and figures out any incoming links
 * @access	private
 * @return	void
private static function _fUrlInit()
	/* @MOD */
	if( !ipsRegistry::isClassLoaded('communityseo') )
		require_once( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'communityseo' ) . '/sources/functions.php' );

	$results	= seoFunctions::initFurl();

	self::$_uri				= $results['uri'];
	self::$_seoTemplates	= $results['templates'];
	/* @END MOD */

ipsRegistry (tenże cały fragment)

 * INIT furls
 * Performs set up and figures out any incoming links
 * @access	private
 * @return	void
private static function _fUrlInit()
	 * Don't run if we are in the ACP.  Also, running this causes problems because it will take any data submitted (including in _POST params)
	 * and then loop over it later in this function, recreating query_string_real, which then breaks the params in the ACP in some cases.
	 * @link
	if( IN_ACP )

	if ( ipsRegistry::$settings['use_friendly_urls'] )
		/* IIS rewrite */
		if( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL'] )		// IIS 7 with Microsoft Rewrite module
		else if( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'] )	// IIS with ISAPI_Rewrite

		/* Grab and store accessing URL */
		self::$_uri = preg_replace( "/s=(&|$)/", '', str_replace( '/?', '/index.php?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) );

		$_urlBits = array();

		/* Grab FURL data... */
		if ( ! IN_DEV AND file_exists( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'cache/furlCache.php' ) )
			require( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'cache/furlCache.php' );
			self::$_seoTemplates = $templates;
			/* Attempt to write it */
			self::$_seoTemplates = IPSLib::buildFurlTemplates();

			catch( Exception $e )

		if ( is_array( self::$_seoTemplates ) AND count( self::$_seoTemplates ) )
			if ( ! isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) )
				$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1 );

				if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) )
					/* Ok, can't use bot detection as that is set up later, so this should do it
					   Basically facebook bot encodes all / to %2F after query string, so LIKE button
					   returns board index and when clicking link from FB brings up board index as URL is ?%2Ftopic%2F4314-test-digest%2F */
					if ( substr( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 3 ) == '%2F' )
						$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = str_replace( '%2F', '/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );

				if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) )
					/* Facebook thing */
					if ( substr( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 3 ) == '%2F' )
						$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace( '%2F', '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );

			$uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']  ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']  : @getenv('REQUEST_URI');

			/* Bug 21295 - remove known URL from test URI */
			$_t        = ipsRegistry::$settings['board_url'] ? @parse_url( ipsRegistry::$settings['board_url'] ) : @parse_url( ipsRegistry::$settings['base_url'] );
			$_toTest   = ( $_t['path'] AND $_t['path'] != '/' ) ? preg_replace( "#^{$_t['path']}#", '', $uri ) : str_replace( $_t['scheme'] . ':a:/' . $_t['host'], '', $uri );
			$_404Check = $_toTest; //We want to retain any /index.php for this test later in this block of code
			$_toTest   = str_ireplace( array( '//index.php?', '/index.php?', '/index.php' ), '', $_toTest );
			$_gotMatch = false;

			foreach( self::$_seoTemplates as $key => $data )
				if ( ! isset( $data['in']['regex'] ) OR ! $data['in']['regex'] )

				if ( preg_match( $data['in']['regex'], $_toTest, $matches ) )
					$_gotMatch = true;

					if ( is_array( $data['in']['matches'] ) )
						foreach( $data['in']['matches'] as $_replace )
							$k = IPSText::parseCleanKey( $_replace[0] );

							if ( strpos( $_replace[1], '$' ) !== false )
								$v = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $matches[ intval( str_replace( '$', '', $_replace[1] ) ) ] );
								$v = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $_replace[1] );

							$_GET[ $k ]     = $v;
							$_POST[ $k ]    = $v;
							$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $v;
							$_urlBits[ $k ] = $v;

							ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $v;

					if ( strpos( $_toTest, self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varBlock'] ) !== false )
						$_parse = substr( $_toTest, strpos( $_toTest, self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varBlock'] ) + strlen( self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varBlock'] ) );

						$_data = explode( self::$_seoTemplates['__data__']['varSep'], $_parse );
						$_c    = 0;

						foreach( $_data as $_v )
							if ( ! $_c )
								$k = IPSText::parseCleanKey( $_v );
								$v = '';
								$v  = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $_v );
								$_c = 0;

								$_GET[ $k ]     = $v;
								$_POST[ $k ]    = $v;
								$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $v;
								$_urlBits[ $k ] = $v;

								ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $v;


			if (
				! defined('CCS_GATEWAY_CALLED')
				AND ! defined('IPS_ENFORCE_ACCESS')
				AND $_gotMatch === false
				AND $_toTest
				AND $_toTest != '/'
				AND ! strstr( $_404Check, '.php' )
				AND ! strstr( $_404Check, '&' )
				AND ! strstr( $_404Check, '=' )
				self::$_noFurlMatch = true;

			// If using query string furl, extract any
			// secondary query string.
			// Ex: http://localhost/index.php?/path/file.html?key=value
			// Will pull the key=value properly

			$_qmCount = substr_count( $_toTest, '?' );

			if ( $_qmCount > 1 )
				$_secondQueryString	= substr( $_toTest, strrpos( $_toTest, '?' ) + 1 );
				$_secondParams		= explode( '&', $_secondQueryString );

				if( count($_secondParams) )
					foreach( $_secondParams as $_param )
						list( $k, $v )	= explode( '=', $_param );

						$k	= IPSText::parseCleanKey( $k );
						$v	= IPSText::parseCleanValue( $v );

						$_GET[ $k ]     = $v;
						$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $v;
						$_urlBits[ $k ] = $v;

						ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $v;

			/* Process URL bits for extra ? in them */
			if ( is_array( $_GET ) AND count( $_GET ) )
				foreach( $_GET as $k => $v )
					 * Have to protect against openid_return_to, which will have a valid IPB url in it (breaks openid)
					if ( ! is_array( $v ) AND strstr( $v, '?') AND $k != 'openid_return_to' )
						list( $rvalue, $more ) = explode( '?', $v );

						if ( $rvalue AND $more )
							//$k	= IPSText::parseCleanKey( $_k );
							$v	= IPSText::parseCleanValue( $_v );

							/* Reset key with correct value */
							$_v = $rvalue;

							$_GET[ $k ]     = $_v;
							$_REQUEST[ $k ] = $_v;
							$_urlBits[ $k ] = $_v;

							ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]	= $_v;

							/* Now add in the other value */
							if ( strstr( $more, '=' ) )
								list( $_k, $_v ) = explode( '=', $more );

								if ( $_k and $_v )
									$_GET[ $_k ]     = $_v;
									$_REQUEST[ $_k ] = $_v;
									$_urlBits[ $_k ] = $_v;

									ipsRegistry::$request[ $_k ]	= $_v;

		/* Reformat basic URL */
		if ( is_array( $_urlBits ) )
			ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'] = '';

			foreach( $_urlBits as $k => $v )
				ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'] .= '&' . $k . '=' . $v;

			ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'] = trim( ipsRegistry::$settings['query_string_real'], '&' );


 * INIT furls
 * Performs set up and figures out any incoming links
 * @access	private
 * @return	void
private static function _fUrlInit()
	/* @MOD */
	if( !ipsRegistry::isClassLoaded('communityseo') )
		require_once( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'communityseo' ) . '/sources/functions.php' );

	$results	= seoFunctions::initFurl();

	self::$_uri				= $results['uri'];
	self::$_seoTemplates	= $results['templates'];
	/* @END MOD */

Właśnie problem dotyczy ,iż producent CSEO każe usunąć całą funkcję od 1224 - 1495, gdzie w liniach 1288 - 1309 jest funkcja, o której w instrukcji nie ma ani słowem


Hmm, inaczej Ci pokaże. W tej calej instrukcji nie ma ani słowa o tym fragmencie:

		if ( is_array( self::$_seoTemplates ) AND count( self::$_seoTemplates ) )
			if ( ! isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) )
				$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1 );

				if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) )
					/* Ok, can't use bot detection as that is set up later, so this should do it
					   Basically facebook bot encodes all / to %2F after query string, so LIKE button
					   returns board index and when clicking link from FB brings up board index as URL is ?%2Ftopic%2F4314-test-digest%2F */
					if ( substr( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 3 ) == '%2F' )
						$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = str_replace( '%2F', '/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );

				if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) )
					/* Facebook thing */
					if ( substr( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 3 ) == '%2F' )
						$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace( '%2F', '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );

			$uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']  ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']  : @getenv('REQUEST_URI');

I znajduje się to w miejscu ktore nalezy usunac, a jak sie to zostawi to wyskakują byki.


Nie rozumiem twoich problemów...

W instrukcji jest jasno:


Then find



* INIT furls

* Performs set up and figures out any incoming links


* @access private

* @return void


private static function _fUrlInit()


// Lots of code here



Replace the entire function (from about lines 1160-1282) with



* INIT furls

* Performs set up and figures out any incoming links


* @access private

* @return void


private static function _fUrlInit()


/* @MOD */

if( !ipsRegistry::isClassLoaded('communityseo') )


require_once( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'communityseo' ) . '/sources/functions.php' );


$results = seoFunctions::initFurl();

self::$_uri = $results['uri'];

self::$_seoTemplates = $results['templates'];

/* @END MOD */



Save, close and upload the file

Skoro masz zamienić całą funkcję to całą, a nie przejmujesz się tym co jest wewnątrz.

Ten temat został zamknięty. Brak możliwości dodania odpowiedzi.
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Umieściliśmy na Twoim urządzeniu pliki cookie, aby pomóc Ci usprawnić przeglądanie strony. Możesz dostosować ustawienia plików cookie, w przeciwnym wypadku zakładamy, że wyrażasz na to zgodę.