About This File
The application updates the Font Awesome version to version 6 without destroying the icons embedded in IPS version 4.
Works at the Front and in AdminCP.
Something's not working? Clear the cache via AdminCP by Get Support!
? Font Awesome 6 Pro:
The application was also created for the Pro version.
Just send a private message request for an app with proof of purchase of Font Awesome Pro.
I only accept proof of purchase in PDF format.
What's New in Version 6.0.0 See changelog
- Upgrade to Font Awesome 6.0.0,
- Changed load CSS into \IPS\Dispatcher\Standard,
- Add icon for app in AdminCP,
Fixed weight icon for:
- fa-address-book-o,
- fa-address-card-o,
- fa-drivers-license-o,
- fa-envelope-open-o,
- fa-handshake-o,
- fa-id-card-o,
- fa-snowflake-o,
- fa-times-rectangle-o,
- fa-user-circle-o,
- fa-user-o,
- fa-vcard-o,
- fa-window-close-o,
- fa-bar-chart-o,
- fa-bell-o,
- fa-bell-slash-o,
- fa-bookmark-o,
- fa-building-o,
- fa-calendar-check-o,
- fa-calendar-minus-o,
- fa-calendar-o,
- fa-calendar-plus-o,
- fa-calendar-times-o,
- fa-caret-square-o-down,
- fa-caret-square-o-left,
- fa-caret-square-o-right,
- fa-caret-square-o-up,
- fa-check-circle-o,
- fa-check-square-o,
- fa-circle-o,
- fa-clock-o,
- fa-comment-o,
- fa-commenting-o,
- fa-comments-o,
- fa-dot-circle-o,
- fa-envelope-o,
- fa-file-archive-o,
- fa-file-audio-o,
- fa-file-code-o,
- fa-file-excel-o,
- fa-file-image-o,
- fa-file-movie-o,
- fa-file-pdf-o,
- fa-file-photo-o,
- fa-file-picture-o,
- fa-file-powerpoint-o,
- fa-file-sound-o,
- fa-file-video-o,
- fa-file-word-o,
- fa-file-zip-o,
- fa-flag-o,
- fa-folder-o,
- fa-folder-open-o,
- fa-frown-o,
- fa-futbol-o,
- fa-hand-lizard-o,
- fa-hand-paper-o,
- fa-hand-grab-o,
- fa-hand-peace-o,
- fa-hand-pointer-o,
- fa-hand-rock-o,
- fa-hand-scissors-o,
- fa-hand-spock-o,
- fa-hand-stop-o,
- fa-handshake-o,
- fa-hdd-o,
- fa-heart-o,
- fa-hourglass-o,
- fa-keyboard-o,
- fa-lemon-o,
- fa-lightbulb-o,
- fa-map-o,
- fa-meh-o,
- fa-minus-square-o,
- fa-moon-o,
- fa-newspaper-o,
- fa-paper-plane-o,
- fa-pencil-square-o,
- fa-picture-o,
- fa-plus-square-o,
- fa-question-circle-o,
- fa-share-square-o,
- fa-soccer-ball-o,
- fa-square-o,
- fa-star-half-o,
- fa-star-o,
- fa-sticky-note-o,
- fa-sun-o,
- fa-thumbs-o-down,
- fa-thumbs-o-up,
- fa-times-circle-o,
- fa-trash-o,
- fa-smile-o,
- fa-send-o,
- fa-hand-o-down,
- fa-hand-o-left,
- fa-hand-o-right,
- fa-hand-o-up,
- fa-file-o,
- fa-file-text-o,
- fa-floppy-o,
- fa-arrow-circle-o-down,
- fa-arrow-circle-o-left,
- fa-arrow-circle-o-right,
- fa-arrow-circle-o-up,
- fa-pause-circle-o,
- fa-play-circle-o,
- fa-stop-circle-o,
- fa-hospital-o
Fixed family icon for:
- fa-bandcamp,
- fa-eercast,
- fa-etsy,
- fa-free-code-camp,
- fa-grav,
- fa-imdb,
- fa-linode,
- fa-meetup,
- fa-quora,
- fa-ravelry,
- fa-superpowers,
- fa-telegram,
- fa-wpexplorer,
- fa-wheelchair-alt,
- fa-bluetooth-b,
- fa-cc-amex,
- fa-cc-diners-club,
- fa-cc-discover,
- fa-cc-jcb,
- fa-cc-mastercard,
- fa-cc-paypal,
- fa-cc-stripe,
- fa-cc-visa,
- fa-google-wallet,
- fa-paypal,
- fa-bitcoin,
- fa-btc,
- fa-gg,
- fa-gg-circle,
- fa-viacoin,
- fa-youtube-play,
- fa-500px,
- fa-adn,
- fa-amazon,
- fa-android,
- fa-angellist,
- fa-apple,
- fa-behance,
- fa-behance-square,
- fa-bitbucket,
- fa-bitbucket-square,
- fa-black-tie,
- fa-buysellads,
- fa-chrome,
- fa-codepen,
- fa-codiepie,
- fa-connectdevelop,
- fa-contao,
- fa-css3,
- fa-dashcube,
- fa-delicious,
- fa-deviantart,
- fa-digg,
- fa-dribbble,
- fa-dropbox,
- fa-drupal,
- fa-edge,
- fa-empire,
- fa-envira,
- fa-expeditedssl,
- fa-facebook,
- fa-facebook-f,
- fa-facebook-official,
- fa-facebook-square,
- fa-firefox,
- fa-first-order,
- fa-flickr,
- fa-fonticons,
- fa-fort-awesome,
- fa-forumbee,
- fa-foursquare,
- fa-get-pocket,
- fa-ge,
- fa-git,
- fa-github-alt,
- fa-github-square,
- fa-gitlab,
- fa-gittip,
- fa-glide,
- fa-glide-g,
- fa-google,
- fa-google-plus,
- fa-google-plus-circle,
- fa-google-plus-official,
- fa-google-plus-square,
- fa-gratipay,
- fa-hacker-news,
- fa-houzz,
- fa-html5,
- fa-instagram,
- fa-internet-explorer,
- fa-ioxhost,
- fa-joomla,
- fa-jsfiddle,
- fa-lastfm,
- fa-lastfm-square,
- fa-leanpub,
- fa-linkedin,
- fa-linkedin-square,
- fa-linux,
- fa-maxcdn,
- fa-meanpath,
- fa-medium,
- fa-mixcloud,
- fa-modx,
- fa-github,
- fa-git-square,
- fa-meanpath,
- fa-odnoklassniki,
- fa-odnoklassniki-square,
- fa-opencart,
- fa-openid,
- fa-opera,
- fa-optin-monster,
- fa-pagelines,
- fa-pied-piper,
- fa-pied-piper-alt,
- fa-pied-piper-pp,
- fa-pinterest,
- fa-pinterest-p,
- fa-pinterest-square,
- fa-product-hunt,
- fa-qq,
- fa-ra,
- fa-rebel,
- fa-reddit,
- fa-reddit-alien,
- fa-reddit-square,
- fa-renren,
- fa-resistance,
- fa-safari,
- fa-scribd,
- fa-sellsy,
- fa-shirtsinbulk,
- fa-simplybuilt,
- fa-skyatlas,
- fa-skype,
- fa-slack,
- fa-slideshare,
- fa-snapchat,
- fa-snapchat-ghost,
- fa-snapchat-square,
- fa-soundcloud,
- fa-spotify,
- fa-stack-exchange,
- fa-stack-overflow,
- fa-steam,
- fa-steam-square,
- fa-stumbleupon,
- fa-stumbleupon-circle,
- fa-tencent-weibo,
- fa-themeisle,
- fa-trello,
- fa-tumblr,
- fa-tumblr-square,
- fa-twitch,
- fa-twitter,
- fa-twitter-square,
- fa-usb,
- fa-viadeo,
- fa-viadeo-square,
- fa-vimeo,
- fa-vimeo-square,
- fa-vine,
- fa-vk,
- fa-wechat,
- fa-weibo,
- fa-weixin,
- fa-whatsapp,
- fa-wikipedia-w,
- fa-windows,
- fa-wordpress,
- fa-wpbeginner,
- fa-wpforms,
- fa-wpforms,
- fa-xing,
- fa-xing-square,
- fa-y-combinator,
- fa-y-combinator-square,
- fa-yahoo,
- fa-yc,
- fa-yc-square,
- fa-yelp,
- fa-yoast,
- fa-youtube,
- fa-youtube-square
- fa-bluetooth
- Changed icon for fa-linkedin
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