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Files posted by aXen
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition
Fluent Design Theme Edition is a combination of Fluent Design styles Microsoft, iOS Design, Android Design and Google Design. We have also introduced many interesting features that are unique in standard themes.
? ? === Demo === ? ?
Chatbox+, Chatbox FREE, (aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS Support for icons in notifications:
Quizzes, Post Notes, Built-in modifications:
(aXen) Group formatting in mention, (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS
Other settings:
It is possible to change all colors, both light and dark, by editing the settings (without editing the CSS code), Enable / disable animation and direction animation, Adjust the width of the blocks in the footer, Adding your own background along with its setting in the footer, Changing the position of the forum description (Before or after sub-forums), Enable / disable shrink forum names, Enable / disable Forum statistics (Posts and topics), Custom forum category icons (Font Awesome 5), Enable / disable Unread Forum Badge, *Recommended* Viewing Topic Ratings in the Forum View, Viewing Topic Reactions in the Forum View, Custom background with customization (Separate for dark and light modes or only one for all styles), *Recommended* Personalization of the Scrollbar, Change the position of the cake when the user has a birthday in topic view (Next to the nickname or At the bottom of cAuthorPane), *Recommended* Notification with a red message if user the inbox is full, *Recommended* Blocking of reputation reversal, Enable / disable "Go to top" button, Enable / disable icons in Profile Fields, Change the position of the logo (Right, Left, Center), Header height change, Enable / disable sticky userbar, Enable / disable search icon in elUserNav, Enable / disable social media icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Changing the position of social media (UserBar, Header, Footer), Enable / disable nav icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Enable / disable UserLink_menu icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Change the navigation background, Your own image in the header with its personalization, Enable / disable home icon Enable / disable Hook the navigation bar to the mobile style screen, You can choose the default header's style or with the logo only in the center of the screen in mobile mode. Changing all button positions in elMobileNav, Ability to choose the main color, *Recommended* It is possible to turn on the automatic change of the dark / light theme depending on the settings in the system, [cAuthorPane] Enable nick formatting, Change position "Report" and "Edit" button, Enable / disable Online status icon in topics, *Recommended* [Signature] Enable / disable text collapse, Hide the "Mark as resolved" button in the first post, Possibility to choose the location of the field with widgets (Default or on the entire width of the page), Enable / disable widgets icons (Own icons with Font Awesome 5), Change widget title text-align, *Recommended* Enable / disable trophies in top blocks, Enable / disable (Who's Online Witget) Count all users together, (Topic Feed) Show / hide where the topic was written, (Post Feed) Show / hide a piece of post content, (Post Feed) Show / hide where the topic was written, Separate logos for the dark and light theme
57 purchases 203 downloads
(BIM) Chatbox+ - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
Spolszczenie aplikacji (BIM) Chatbox+.
? Instalacja i aktualizacja
Przejdź do: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Wybierz Polish / Polski i kliknij "Upload a new version".
Wybierz plik .xml i kliknij przycisk install.179 downloads
(aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS
By aXen in Modyfikacje
The application updates the Font Awesome version to version 6 without destroying the icons embedded in IPS version 4.
Works at the Front and in AdminCP.
Something's not working? Clear the cache via AdminCP by Get Support!
? Font Awesome 6 Pro:
The application was also created for the Pro version.
Just send a private message request for an app with proof of purchase of Font Awesome Pro.
I only accept proof of purchase in PDF format.
(aXen) Player Panel
By aXen in Płatne modyfikacje 4
Application for managing multiplayer game servers.
Display bans, Display communication blocks, Support for IPv6, Search bans / blocks by: Player, Steam ID, Admin, Server, Reason, Created data, Ends data, Address IP (only if we provide permission) Block / unblock bans/comms, Admin management, including: Add, edit, delete, Connect with members form IPS, Steam ID, Immunity Level, Server Password (Secure Input), Groups, Extra Server Flags Group management with server flags, Mods management, Servers management, Tools: Create new empty database, Clear all data from database See guide for Sourcebans plugins in servers
Display bans Support for IPv6, Search bans / blocks by: Player, Steam ID, Admin, Server, Reason, Created data, Ends data, Address IP (only if we provide permission) Admin management, including: Add, edit, delete, Connect with members form IPS, Steam ID Servers management, Tools: Create new empty database, Clear all data from database See forum for AMXBans
Create, edit, delete appeals, Add comment, Open / close appeal, Integrate with reports system form IPS
Spend Time
Plugin for Sourcebans by Bioly, Show player time form external database
IPv6 not accepted in sourcebans. Run this query in phpmyadmin:
ALTER TABLE `sb_bans` CHANGE `adminIp` `adminIp` VARCHAR(46) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE `sb_comms` CHANGE `adminIp` `adminIp` VARCHAR(46) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
IPv6 not accepted in amxbans, Run this query in phpmyadmin:
ALTER TABLE `amx_bans` CHANGE `player_ip` `player_ip` VARCHAR(46) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `amx_bans` CHANGE `admin_ip` `admin_ip` VARCHAR(46) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;
12 purchases 98 downloads
(aXen) Vacation
By aXen in Płatne modyfikacje 4
The application introduces an automatic vacation system with the following functions:
User distinction in the form of an icon next to the nickname, A message in the profiles informing about the user's vacation, User settings: Vacation from X to X, Reasons for vacation, Hiding the reasons from others Settings AdminCP: Protection against taking another vacation after X days, Possibility to exclude selected groups from vacation system, Protection against taking a vacation for more than X days List of all vacation users in ModCP with filters and sorting, Changes to the icon next to the nickname, Own item limit in the tables, Displaying vacation information of users in private messages, Support for (aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS, Cleanup archive task12 purchases 19 downloads
(aXen) Article System in Pages
By aXen in Płatne modyfikacje 4
The modification allows you to change the appearance and add many functionalities to manage records.
Demo => https://ips.axendev.net/articles/
Settings allow:
Possibility to hide the author in a record, The ability to show the category where the record is located along, The ability to show the number of reactions in the form of graphics, Option to show the number of record comments, The ability to show the number of views of the record, Additional Font Awesome Icons, The option of hiding the "Read more" button, Customizable block of records
➕ How to Install database (aXen) Article System in Pages in Pages?
Install the plugin from the market using AdminCP, Creating a new database.
Go to AdminCP -> Pages ->Content -> Databases -> Create New->Create New Database.
Options to change:
Database index - change to - Show records like articles, Articles template - change to - Axenarticle Featured, Display Template Group - change to - Axenarticle Record, Listing Template Group - change to - Axenarticle Record Listing, If you want to have high quality graphics change the settings: Options => Record Image Settings => Max. image dimensions - change to - 7680x4320, Options => Record Image Settings => Thumbnail dimensions - change to - 7680x4320, You can set the rest of the settings according to your own preferences, Grant group privileges to the database, Go to Page and add new page, Finished! Your database has been successfully created! 📰 How to Install block (aXen) Article System in Pages in Pages?
Go to AdminCP -> Page -> Page Management -> Blocks ->Create New Block,
Change to: Type: Plugin, Plugin: Feed from {name} Go to the Content tab and then change Template to axenarticle_block, You can set the rest of the settings according to your own preferences, Save and then go to your page, Click on Menage Block,
Go to the Pages section and then place the Custom Blocks anywhere on your page,
Edit placed block and select your created block,
Finished! Your block has been successfully created!14 purchases 26 downloads
(aXen) Content Notes
By aXen in Płatne modyfikacje 4
Application for create notes on content.
Required: Forums
Add note, Edit note, Delete note, Add note as anonymous, Visibility settings note:
Selected groups,
Forum moderators,
Content author
Note types:
No background, Information, General, Warning, Important, Positive
Forum notes permissions with several groups, Mod Logs, Show/Hide avatar in note, Change position notes, Notifications and Emails when it will be added to the content, Mod permissions, Changed topic last_post date after add/edit note, Refresh topic after adding note16 purchases 43 downloads
(aXen) Advanced Members
By aXen in Płatne modyfikacje 4
The application has:
Group legend: Group in ipsMenu, Enabling / disabling the search engine after clicking on a group, Custom group formatting, Ability to select more than one group when searching by clicking on a group, Can be included in whosOnline and activeUsers widgets, External widget for display groups Who Was Online:
Custom time range (in hours),
Possibility to show users in the widget in the following quantity: limited, unlimited or none,
Sorting possible,
Showing the highest quantity on a given day,
Cached Widget
2 categories: Administrator and Moderator,
Discord (After clicking, the ID is automatically copied),
Responsibilities (Edit by CKEditor),
Highlight Groups:
Custom colors for "Highlight replies" (Global),
Custom highlighted blocks in profiles,
Special block in the profile,
Special icon in the profile and in the userHovercard.
16 purchases 62 downloads
Dynamic Theme
(PSD) Graphic Theme - Grzegorz
? ? === Demo === ? ?
? Contact support:
GitHub ? Release Notes:
GitHub Releases, GitHub Tags
? Configuration
Icons navBar
Example code:
nav .ipsNavBar_primary li[data-navext="Forums"] a::before {content: "\f015" !important;} data-navext - The name of the item menu. You can find it by clicking on F12 in the browser and selecting the item tab.
f015 - Unicode Font Awesome 5
Icons widgets
Example code:
.cWidgetContainer .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="forumStatistics"] .ipsWidget_title::before {content: "\f015";} data-blockid - The name of the item widget. You can find it by clicking on F12 in the browser and selecting the item tab.
f015 - Unicode Font Awesome 5162 downloads
(aXen) Advanced Server List
By aXen in Modyfikacje
Server table showing server information about the status, name, number of players, current map and their owners as applications on IPS Community Suite.
? ? === Demo === ? ?
Other features:
Set your own fields for the server: Name, Own name, IP, Own IP, Statistics URL, TV URL, Vote URL, Forum URL, Highlight for the server, Special badge for the new server, Hiding server owners in button, The scroll that the user can control, Color filling of players, RWD, Lazy loading in img icons, Table in 2 columns that the user can control, Debug mode for server (A reason can be enter),
Separate page for server list,
Refresh data servers button in AdminCP,
Custom connect URL to the server
?️ Requirements
PHP 7.4+ - For IPS 4.6
PHP 8.0+ - For IPS 4.7
Bzip2 - Used for A2S Compressed responses ❗❗ Unlocked external ports on the website server (UDP)
? Compatible servers
America's Army 3 America's Army: Proving Grounds ARK: Survival Evolved Arma3 Battlefield 2 Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield 1942 Battlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Hardline Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty: United Offensive Call of Duty: World at War Conan Exiles Contagion Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source DayZ Standalone DayZ Mod Discord Garry's Mod GRAV Online GTA: Five M GTA: San Andreas Multiplayer Grand Theft Auto Network Half Life 2: Deathmatch Hurtworld Insurgency Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Just Cause 3 Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Minecraft Medal of honor: Allied Assault Multi Theft Auto Mumble Server Natural Selection 2 Quake 2 Server Quake 3 Server Quake Live Red Orchestra 2 Rust 7 Days to Die The Ship Squad StarMade Teamspeak 3 Teeworlds Server Terraria Team Fortress Classic Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 Classic Tibia Tshock Unreal 2 Unturned Unreal Tournament 3 Unreal Tournament 2004 Ventrilo Warsow World Opponent Network In future versions, new servers will be added to the list.
? Configuration
Go to: AdminCP -> Community -> Advanced Server List -> Mods -> Create new, Provide a name mod in Name, Choose a protocol mod in Protocol, Click save. Servers:
Go to: AdminCP -> Community -> Advanced Server List -> Servers -> Create new, First you have to choice mod in Mod, Provide a custom name in Custom name for example: JailBreak, Provide a address IP in IP for example:
❗❗ Some servers like TeamSpeak 3 require a Query port! Click save.
Discord configuration
You have to configurate Discord Widget which will return a value:
name, instant_invite, presence_count To add a discord server you have to enter the widget ID in the IP field.
If you want check return values from your server discord check from json file:
https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/{your ID widget form discord}/widget.json for example: https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/720054040116854835/widget.json
TeamSpeak 3 Permissions
If after adding TeamSpeak 3 server but it's still offline then check permissions for guest group:
b_virtualserver_info_view b_virtualserver_channelgroup_list b_virtualserver_client_list b_virtualserver_channel_list
? Custom API
From version 2.0.0, the table supports your own custom API. To activate your custom API follow the instructions:
Go to: AdminCP -> Community -> Advanced Server List -> Mods -> Create new, Provide a name mod in Name, Choose a Custom API, Provide address URL in Address URL for example: https://query.li/api/csgo/{ip}/{port}, Provide a fields form your Custom API. If your API return JSON for example: { data: { "status": 1 } } then your field equal status, Click save.
Open source application! Anyone can take part in the development of the application!
(aXen) Player Panel - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
? Install and update
Go to: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Select Polish / Polski and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.24 downloads
(aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator
By aXen in Modyfikacje
The plugin show secondary groups on website in:
Topics Hovercard Profile Search
Include with Secondary Groups Icon in 3.0.0 version.
? Install
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins,
Click on the link manual upload,
Select file .xml from packet and click install button ?️ Update
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins,
Search plugin and click Upload a new version,
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.
? Templates for pHTML files
From version 4.0.0, special templates have been made available for developers of custom themes.
@param $member - \IPS\Member @param $showTitle - Boolean - Show title widget? (Default: true) {template="aXenProfileSecondaryGroups" group="plugins" location="global" app="core" params="$member, true"}
@param $member - \IPS\Member {template="aXenHovercardSecondaryGroups" group="plugins" location="global" app="core" params="$member"}
@param $member - \IPS\Member {template="aXenSearchSecondaryGroups" group="plugins" location="global" app="core" params="$member"}
@param $comment - \IPS\Member author {template="aXenTopicsSecondaryGroups" group="plugins" location="global" app="core" params="$comment"}
? Release Notes:
GitHub Releases, GitHub Tags641 downloads
(aXen) Group formatting in mention
By aXen in Modyfikacje
The plugin formats the user name in the mention.
? Release Notes:
GitHub Releases, GitHub Tags
(aXen) Vacation - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
? Install and update
Go to: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Select Polish / Polski and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.13 downloads
(aXen) Administrative bar
By aXen in Modyfikacje
The plugin adds the administration bar known from previous versions of IP.Board.
? Install
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins,
Click on the link manual upload,
Select file .xml from packet and click install button ?️ Update
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins,
Search plugin and click Upload a new version,
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.
? Release Notes:
GitHub Releases, GitHub Tags52 downloads
(aXen) Last activity in Hovercard
By aXen in Modyfikacje
Converts the current value of hovercard activity to real time along with its last activity.
? Install
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins,
Click on the link manual upload,
Select file .xml from packet and click install button ?️ Update
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins,
Search plugin and click Upload a new version,
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.102 downloads
(aXen) Content Notes - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
? Install and update
Go to: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Select Polish / Polski and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.17 downloads
(aXen) Advanced Members - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
? Install and update
Go to: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Select Polish / Polski and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.43 downloads
(aXen) Advanced Server List - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
Install and update ?
Go to: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Select Polish / Polski and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.81 downloads
(aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS
By aXen in Modyfikacje
English: The plugin updates the Font Awesome version to version 5 without destroying the icons embedded in IPS version 4.
The plugin uses the official site https://use.fontawesome.com/
Change Log => https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
Polski: Wtyczka aktualizuje wersję Font Awesome do wersji 5 bez niszczenia ikon osadzonych w IPS w wersji 4.
Wtyczka korzysta z oficjalnej strony https://use.fontawesome.com/
Dziennik zmian => https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
(aXen) Full width widget containers
By aXen in Modyfikacje
Adds two full-width widget containers (Header and Footer).
(Adriano Faria) Contact Us - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
? Install and update
Go to: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Select Polish / Polski and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.9 downloads
[BNS] CJ Duplicate Member Logger - Polish translation
By aXen in Spolszczenia
Install and update
Go to: AdminCP -> Customization -> LOCALIZATION -> Languages.
Select Polish / Polski and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.20 downloads
(aXen) Number of entries Chatbox Free
By aXen in Modyfikacje
The plugin shows entries from the Chatbox Free app in:
Hovercard, ProfileHeader, Topics Plugin for application: Chatbox FREE
(aXen) Number of entries Chatbox+
By aXen in Modyfikacje
Plugin displays users the number of their entries in Chatbox+ application.
The plugin shows entries from the Chatbox+ app in:
Hovercard, ProfileHeader, Topics
?️ Requirements:
? Install:
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins.
Click on the link "manual upload".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.
?️ Update:
Go to: AdminCP -> System -> SITE FEATURES -> Plugins.
Search plugin and click "Upload a new version".
Select file .xml from packet and click install button.42 downloads