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Treść opublikowana przez NewsBot

  1. This hook will add a menu with options for your users report topics in a faster way, with only one click. They'll can report those situations: As resolved Posted in wrong forum With broken links Topic bumped Disrespecting board rules Copyright Notice This hook was based visually in a mod made by AiroN for L2JBrasil board Pobierz plik
  2. This is a follow up of my previous hook,Miserable Users: http://community.inv...iserable-users/ but instead of frustrating the annoying users it will give you the possibility to frustrate all the annoying ip addresses that you do not want to browse your forum, such as known spammer ips, proxie ips, countries, or whatever ip and/or ip range that you would like to. You can have fun with the miserable ips with the following things: 1) Random Blank Pages! You can show blank page to the miserable ips at a random percantage. 2) Random 404 Error Messages! You can show a 404 error message at a random percantage to the miserable ips. 3) Minimum Loading Delay Speed! 4) Maximum Loading Delay Speed! You can make it so that they (the miserable ips) will experience an extremely slow page load at your forum. 5) Random Redirections! You can redirect them randomly to whatever url/page that you would like to have some fun. 6) Disable registration. You have also an option to prevent miserable IP addresses from registering at your forum. All visitors browsing from miserable IP addresses will not be able to register new accounts. They will get the registration disabled error message. Installation and Configuration: To install this application, upload the admin folder inside the Upload folder to the root of your forum folder. Then go to your Admin Panel->Applications & Modules->Manage Applications & Modules and on the right side where it says: Applications Not Installed you will see a new application added called: Miserable Ip Addresses. Click on the install button. To configure it go to the other Apps tab then from the drop down list choose Miserable Ip Addresses->Settings and set the values to your likings. Pobierz plik
  3. SUPPORTS: Board Version 3.2 Only Blog Gallery Download Manager Nexus Chat Logo Banner Included in separate folder PLEASE NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU PURCHASE CORRECT VERSION FOR YOUR BOARD. NO REFUNDS IF YOU PURCHASE WRONG VERSION!!!! THIS IS NOT AVAILABLE OR COMPATIBLE WITH VERSION 3.1.4 All 3.2 Skin Themes can be previewed live in skin selector on my board. Running a promotional special for this month. All 3.2 skin themes are only $7.00 whether purchased here or on my board but this promotion ends in September and all 3.2 skin themes will raise to $12.50. I also offer premium packages for as low as $10 with unlimited access and download for duration of package. Pobierz plik
  4. The Hebrew version of IP.Board translate is here for 3.2.1! The translation is still not full but At least 90% is done there! Updates will come soon as possible! stay around for updates. הנה לכם יצאה סוף סוף גרסת תרגום בעברית למערכת 3.2.1! התרגום מכיל לפחות 90% שורות מלאות מתורגמות, וכן יש עוד עבודה לעשות אך הרוב מתורגם. הישארו עמנו על מנת להתעדכן, להגיב ולשאול שאלות בנושא. ( בלי הערות מיותרות, אם שולם, תקבלו את מלוא התמיכה לגבי התרגום. זו היא רק תמיכה בי להמשיך. ) Pobierz plik
  5. File Name: Solaris ReDux 3.2.1 File Submitter: tampaba1 File Submitted: 13 Aug 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.2 Skins Based on the free phpbb theme Solaris 1.12 by Jakob Persson, Solaris ReDux pays homage to a wonderful theme which has been one of my personal favorites for years. Like it's namesake, Solaris ReDux is a sleek dark fixed width skin and features orange highlights plus an added pure css dropdown menu. Enjoy!! As always, Solaris ReDux is ready for all available addons. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  6. File Name: (SOS32) Total Users Online in Shoutbox Tab 2.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 13 Aug 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.2 This hook will show, in Shoutbox tab, how many user are only on it. The counter won't appear if the Shoutbox is OFFLINE or if the user has no permission or is banned in Shoutbox. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  7. This hook will show, in Shoutbox tab, how many user are only on it. The counter won't appear if the Shoutbox is OFFLINE or if the user has no permission or is banned in Shoutbox. Pobierz plik
  8. This is RTL skin for Ramadan month for freeeeeeee... mainly converted from vb! تصميم: شركة توب لاين تطوير: ZaIeD السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،، كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة الشهر المبارك، أعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالخير واليمن البركات. نقدم لكم الاستايل الرمضاني الأول لنسخة المنتديات 3.2 وهو الأول بالمنتديات العربية المتخصصة في تطوير الآي بي! الاستايل محول من نسخ منتديات الفي بي. جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمصمم والمطور، ويمنع إزالتها أو تعديلها بأي شكل من الأشكال... How to install this skin: Pobierz plik
  9. In this skin there are many things included. Download Includes: PSD Importing XML Files RAR Files (Just in-case someone wants it for some reason) This download will allow you to upload this site to your 3.2.x board. This skin is universal with ipb app's! As you can see, there are other images at the bottom of this details page. You will be able to see what the skin looks like and how it fits on pages. We hope everyone likes this skin and there will be more in the future and even better! This is one of the starting files to (TH) - TheHappenen! Enjoy! Dimitry Pobierz plik
  10. Limba Română pentru Shoutbox 1.2.1, interfața de utilizator este tradusă complet, partea de ACP nu este tradusă (nu văd rostul). Romanian language for public side of the Shoutbox 1.2.1. Mergi la Panoul de Control al Administratorului Tab-ul "Look / Feel" Apasă pe Manage Languages. Folosind secțiunea 'Upload language pack from your computer', caută fișierul shoutbox_language_pack.xml (care tocmai ce l-ai descărcat) Apasă pe butonul Import. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to your Admin Control Panel Then press on "Look / Feel" tab Click Manage Languages. Using the 'Upload language pack from your computer' section, browse for the supplied "shoutbox_language_pack.xml" Click the Import button. Pobierz plik
  11. File Name: Automatic post when moving topics 1.1 File Submitter: Martin File Submitted: 12 Aug 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.2 File Information Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.1 (11000) Compatibility: IP.Board 3.2 Description This hook will give your moderators the ability to post an automatic message when moving a topic. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  12. This file is for IP.Board 3.2. For the IP.Board 3.0/3.1 version, see this file. Gives you a place to store commonly used SQL queries so that they can be re-run later just by clicking a Run Query button as opposed to saving the full SQL code and running it manually in your SQL Toolbox. The same security checks that IPB uses in it's SQL Toolbox (making sure you can't DROP or FLUSH tables, or delete data out of admin_login_logs) is also enforced when using this application. Pobierz plik
  13. Hebrew language pack for IP.Board 3.2.1. Pobierz plik
  14. This pack contain all ranks that are shown in the picture, if you want other custom ranks (even different design) feel free to PM me or reply to the support topic and I will try to do it for you. For "big" communities that need a lot of ranks, I can provide the .psd as well, just PM me. How to use: Extract the .zip file Upload all images from Ranks folder to /public/style_extra/team_icons via your favorite FTP Client Go to your ACP and go to Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups and click the group you wish to change the image rank and specify the path to the image (Ex. public/style_extra/team_icons/management.png) An IP.Board skin with a similar design to these ranks will come soon Pobierz plik
  15. This file is for IP.Board 3.2. For the IP.Board 3.0/3.1 version, see this file. After years of running a forum and performing version upgrades, converting from another forum software, installing mods, etc., your forum's database can get cluttered with extra unused junk. While this extra data doesn't typically cause any real problems with the functionality of your site, it does take up some extra room and can have a minor impact on performance. What this application does is looks at every application installed on your forums and determines what it thinks you should have in your database for a variety of objects, then compares it to what you actually have in there, and it gives you a report of what extra stuff you have. You can then add Notes to these items to let yourself or other Admins know whether it should be kept, you can query the database for info about the particular item, and you can quickly delete the items you find. Remember that there is no Undo for deleting items, so only delete stuff you are sure you don't need! The tool can scan your database and find the following extra types of information: BBCodes Caches Help Files Hooks Public Language Bits Admin Language Bits Media tags Settings Setting Groups Skin CSS Skin Replacements Skin Templates SQL Fields SQL Tables Tasks Pobierz plik
  16. This file is for IP.Board 3.2. For the IP.Board 3.0/3.1 version, see this file. Adds support for video playlists from YouTube into the built-in IP.Board [media] bbcode. Pobierz plik
  17. File Name: (SOS32) Latest News 1.0.0 File Submitter: George Lima File Submitted: 11 Aug 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.2 This allows you to see the latest posts in a forum defined as a forum for "Latest News", which shows a desired amount of threads to be displayed. Preview Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  18. File Name: Closing Reason as Post 1.4.0 File Submitter: Martin File Submitted: 11 Aug 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.2 File Information Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.4 (14000) Compatibility: IP.Board 3.2 Description This hook will show a new input field when your moderators want to close a topic. In this field, they can write down why they closed it, and that will be posted as a post in the closed topic. Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  19. Add the <div class="message"> from your forum css to your BB code list. Pobierz plik
  20. An advanced version inspired by Bim that hides all coded area and replaces it with your own code. It have the following features: Enable/Disable hook Select groups you want to apply this hook on Select the categories you want to apply this hook on Define to activate hook on topics older than x days This baby made me a lot of money when people are forced to register to see the download links and at the same time allowing only new posts to appear showing that your site is not fake as well. If you wish a free version use Bim's hook. Demo note: Check posts older than 15 days. If you wish to hide all posts just put zero '0'. Pobierz plik
  21. This mod adds a button to bump a topic, useful to avoid useless replies with something like "bump". Features: Coded as hook, disable it to disable the whole modification Each group has their own options:Enable/disable bump option Selectable in which forums can bump topics Bump only topics where they are the topic starter or all Limit the nuber of bumps per day Set a waiting time after the last bump Set a waiting time after the last topic post [*]Secondary group permissions are properly checked[*]Bump button is always hidden for guests and search engines[*]Javascript timer in the disabled button to show how much time the members must wait[*]The topic is already marked as read for the member that bumps it but not for the others! Pobierz plik
  22. This application will add 5 extra permissions for your members to enter forums. You can exlude groups from each permission. The permissions are added for each forum seperately and they are as follow: 1) Number of Threads You can set a minimum number of threads for users in order for them to enter a forum or forums. 2) Daily Posts You can set a minimum of posts that your user can make on daily basis in order for them to enter a forum or forums. 3) Days Registered You can allow access to a forum or certain forums only to members who have been registered for a certain period of time. This can come in handy to protect your forums from spammers for example. 4) Likes/Reputation Points You can allow access to a forum or certain forums only to those members who have received a number of likes/reputation points, i.e. the popular members if you will. 5) Minimum Age If you want to restrict access to a forum or forums to user under a certain age, then this is setting is for you. If an user did not add the birthday details in their profile, they will get an error message when they will try to access the age based forums. Installation and Configuration: To install this application, upload the admin folder inside the Upload folder to the root of your forum folder. Then go to your Admin Panel->Applications & Modules->Manage Applications & Modules and on the right side where it says: Applications Not Installed you will see a new application added called: Extra Forum Permissions. Click on the install button. To configure it go to the Forums tab then from the drop down list choose Manage Forums. Then choose the forum and/or the forums where you want to apply the extra permissions, click the edit button and you will see an extra tab added there called: Extra Forum Permissions. Click it and set the values to your likings. To exclude groups from the permissions restrictions, go to the Members tab then from the drop down list choose Member Groups->Manage Member Groups. Then choose the group and/or the groups that you want to exclude groups from the permissions restrictions. Click the edit button and you will see an extra tab added there called: Extra Forum Permissions. Click it and exclude that group from the permission/s restriction/s. Pobierz plik
  23. With this mod you can add adverts in inline format into first post in each topic. If topic has more paragraphs than one then add will be under first, if only one - under the whole post. Pobierz plik
  24. Collection of 18 Ranks for your community Collection of 18 Ranks for your community (with editable text) 18 Organized PSD files 18 PNG files Font used: standart font Arial. (Support all Languages) Technical Details The file was originally built using Adobe Photoshop. So the files included are PSD files. However each of the buttons are already exported as transparent PNG ’s as well. How to Install: Unzip the files and upload all the .png files to /public/style_extra/team_icons folder via your FTP Client. Go to your ACP and go to Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups. Then Click the Group you wish the change the rank image for and tell IP.Board where the image is. Ex: public/style_extra/team_icons/admin.png Thank you for purchasing the item! Pobierz plik
  25. A New Sleek, Professional 3.2.X Skin looking skin. It allows 6 Background Changes, with the forum in parts of opacity, it displays the image behind most elements of your forum. If changeable backgrounds aren't to your taste.. then not to fear! 6 Colours of your choice can be the replacement of images, with a few css edits. Skin Available now at $13.99 Features Includes Up to 6 Background Changes with beautiful Backgrounds and Colours. Custom Links (Easily Removeable if not needed - Instructions enclosed on how to edit) Download Includes XML IMPORT Files PNG/PSD Logo Instructions on how to Import Skin and Edit Custom Links. The Elise Skin to as much as my knowledge supports IPS Apps, if an error is found where colours don't quite match, please report it in the discussion topic. I'll release a changelog, and replacement files, named appropriately in the download "1.X.X" etc This concludes my entry, I hope you enjoy the skin, any questions, I will be happy to answer them so feel free to ask. Thanks, Grant Pobierz plik
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