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  1. Is your focus more on User Experience ? I designed this skin keeping user experience in mind, Light colors Less contrasting blocks. Crisp text Use of white space Your users will spend less time scanning & more focused on key areas of the board. I have been making lots of improvements from users behaviors & feedback. DEMO Header Board View Pobierz plik
  2. Adds support for documents from into IP.Board [media] bbcode. Pobierz plik
  3. File Name: Concept Blue File Submitter: najaru File Submitted: 19 Apr 2011 File Updated: 19 Apr 2011 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins Fast light 3 coloumn (+sidebar) skin All official Applications Custom icons Very light user profile in topic (only username, group and miniavatar) Users message (3 different message for guest - o post users - more than 1 post users) Manu static menus customizable (automatically repeated in footer) Big blue footer Social icons in footer CreativeCommon details in footer Feedburner nesletters space in footer In package skin files + image-skin file + logo pds + readme installing instructions Demo here Please use this topic for support ATTENTION: this skin is heavly modified in globalTemplate. Some hook cannot work. You have to modify many html code to customize all menus This is the official Invisionita skin, and normally it will be updated to 3.2.0 Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  4. The "View New Content" (commonly abbreviated to "VNC" on this community) and "My Content" search routines are important tools for most communities using IP.Board. While we have made improvements to these tools in 3.2 to improve both the reliability of both features, and the interface, we wanted to spend a little time... Zobacz cały wpis
  5. File Name: (SOS31) Flag Topics 1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 17 Apr 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This hook will add a menu with options for your users report topics in a faster way, with only one click. They'll can report those situations: As resolved Posted in wrong forum With broken links Topic bumped Disrespecting board rules Copyright Notice This hook was based visually in a mod made by AiroN for L2JBrasil board Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.X Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  6. File Name: (SOS31) Flag Topics 1.0.1 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 17 Apr 2011 File Updated: 19 Apr 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This hook will add a menu with options for your users report topics in a faster way, with only one click. They'll can report those situations: As resolved Posted in wrong forum With broken links Topic bumped Disrespecting board rules Copyright Notice This hook was based visually in a mod made by AiroN for L2JBrasil board Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.X Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  7. This hook will add a menu with options for your users report topics in a faster way, with only one click. They'll can report those situations: As resolved Posted in wrong forum With broken links Topic bumped Disrespecting board rules Copyright Notice This hook was based visually in a mod made by AiroN for L2JBrasil board Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.X Pobierz plik
  8. File Name: Copper File Submitter: planetby File Submitted: 18 Apr 2011 File Category: IP.Board 3.1.x Skins A Copper toned skin made with easy on the eyes in mind, got fed up trying to read area's on some skins Members on my own site luv it so thought i'd share it out Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  9. A Copper toned skin made with easy on the eyes in mind, got fed up trying to read area's on some skins Members on my own site luv it so thought i'd share it out Pobierz plik
  10. Allows you to provide a popup box with data. To use include the popup tag [popup=name of popup]Content for popup[/popup] Pobierz plik
  11. Has it ever happen to you that you have had enough of those annoying users that troll your forums and misbehave? And you are tired of banning them? If it has, then this hook might come in handy to you. This hook will annoy those irritating users by making their browsing experience very miserable at your forum. Which hopefully will make them go away and troll somewhere else. You can have fun with the annoying users with the following things: 1) Random Blank Pages! You can show blank page to the annoying users at a random percantage. 2) Random 404 Error Messages! You can show a 404 error message at a random percantage to the annoying users. 3) Minimum Loading Delay Speed! 4) Maximum Loading Delay Speed! You can make it so that they (the annoying users only) will experience an extremely slow page load at your forum. 5) Random Redirections! You can redirect them randomly to whatever url/page that you would like to have some fun. 6) Random Posting Restriction! You can restrict the annoying users from posting at a random percantage. 7) Forum Exclusion! If for some reason you want them to browse&post normally at a forum/s, then you can exlude that particular forum/s from all the above mentioned things. 8) Random PM Disable! You can disable the PM System for annoying users at a random percantage. 9) Random Chat Restriction! You can disable Chat access for annoying users at a random percantage. 10) Miserable User Message! And as last but not least, if after all this they still won't get the message, you can ram it home to them by showing a message at the board index that will be visible only to them. This was the most fun hook coding for me. Installation: After you install the MiserableUsers.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it to your likings/needs at the System Settings->NenaDice. To have an idea how it looks like when used, please check the below screenshots. Pobierz plik
  12. All you need to do is upload them to 'public/style_extra/team_icons/' and by going to Members > Manage Member Ranks > Member Rank Set Up simply add "Number of pips" = 01.png/02.png/03.png ...ect Pobierz plik
  13. Limit page views for guests in specified amount of time. Features: bots can explore wghole board without limits, enable/disable mod, set visit limit number and time, set error message, limit topics (or no). Pobierz plik
  14. This hook will limit thread viewing for guests. After guests will reach the maximum view of threads set up by the admin they will be presented with a register/login message in order for them to continue to view the threads at your forum. After you install the LimitThreadGuests.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it at the System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. You can enable/disable the hook, set the maximum thread views for guests which by default it is set to 5 views. You can also enter the message that you want to appear to guests when they reach the maximum thread views. You can use Html and BB Code at your message. And as last but not least, you can choose which forums you would like to exlude from the maximum thread views restriction. To have an idea of how this hook looks like when being used, please have a look at the attached screenshots. Pobierz plik
  15. A simple modification of the hook Today's Top Posters, which added to the formatting of names in the color group. Installation: Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. Once it installs this hook, be sure to enable it! Pobierz plik
  16. CarbonOrange is a simple clean colour-theme skin, I originally used the IPS Skin Generator and made further changes myself locally, to create what I think a great looking skin. I ain't much of a skinner. This skin works with all the latest versions of IPS Applications, apart from Gallery 4. Demo Coming Soon! Pobierz plik
  17. Back in February, we posted a series of blog entries about improvements to our Calendar application (part 1... Zobacz cały wpis
  18. This is something so basic it should already be available by default, but an offering for the masses. This page template pulls in the minimum necessary js/css for IPC to function and wraps the page content with the forum look. Pobierz plik
  19. Easter/Spring Combo2 A Combo Pack that offers two skin themes based on a similar design. You can use both or one at a time. Markers and Icons are changed, subtle changes to each design, background change to move with the flow of the design. This Easter/Skin theme offers two designs of similar colors with a different background and markers. One for Easter and One for Spring done in a coral color theme. This is sold only as a combo and not an individual purchase. Both skin themes can be previewed in skin selector on GMM SKIN THEMES SUPPORTS 3.1.4 Nexus Version (Most Recent) Download Manager Version(Most Recent) Blog Version (Most Recent) Gallery 4 Only Links System Chat Xtra Folder included with logo banner Additional Views Easter-ific Download Manager Gallery Colors of Spring Download Blog Pobierz plik
  20. File Name: BBCODE google translate File Submitter: najaru File Submitted: 13 Apr 2011 File Category: IP.Board Modifications This BBCodes will allow insert a text with a different style, and google translate logo. You have to click to bbcode, and after write text between 2 bbcode tag . Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  21. Easy modification of the standard template, which now forums are located in two columns, and a couple of small things. Pobierz plik
  22. This BBCode will allow insert a text with a different style, and google translate logo. You have to click to bbcode, and after write text between 2 bbcode tag . It will not translate your text! it is just a different text style Pobierz plik
  23. File Name: BBCODE google translate File Submitter: najaru File Submitted: 13 Apr 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This BBCode will allow insert a text with a different style, and google translate logo. You have to click to bbcode, and after write text between 2 bbcode tag . Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  24. In this entry, I'll be showing the new streamlined Sign In and Registration process in IP.Board 3.2. Registration in particular is a key interface in any community. Too complex, and users will be put off signing up and taking part, potentially costing your community dearly. We've known for some time that our current registration process... Zobacz cały wpis
  25. File Name: (SOS31) Top Posters 1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 12 Apr 2011 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This hook will show a TOP POSTERS statistic in your sidebar. Settings: Number of users to show Add BANNED users to the list Allowed groups to view the sidebar block Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.XClick here to download this file Pobierz plik
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