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  1. 50% discount Whispers skin 2 : is hardly modified skin with new futures Descreption : 1-Three Different board index layout can be chooses through admin panel (new): Forums Mode : which is two column Mode style with forums icon support Category Mode : which is one column mode with category image support default Mode : the original IPB boarindex 2- unlimited customizing (new): you can allow your users to build their skin by using customizing colors setting : 3-board width changer through the setting in admin panel (new) 4- two different post warp (minimized and defualt) (new) Include : image set xml skin xml image set availabe on request instruction skin setting hook Recommended Addon : I recommend to use (IM) Sliding Quick Login mod with this skin http://community.inv...ick-login-v132/ Want a Dark Skin with Same options : see Modern Skin http://community.inv...51-modern-skin/ Pobierz plik
  2. This hook will show an image of IP.Gallery in sidebar. You can sort the image by submission date or last comment date or even random way. You can also choose which user grupos will be able to view the image on sidebar. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.4+ IP.Gallery 4.0.X Pobierz plik
  3. Here is my french language pack for IP Gallery 4. Enjoy! Pobierz plik
  4. Dark skin for games etc... package contains: -skin -psd -fonts -banner 468x68px if you have any question contact with me. Pobierz plik
  5. For those of you who are using the (Wolf) Global Menu hook, I have created a blank logo banner which has already been tested. Be aware that you need to have the hook installed and enabled before applying this banner. Simply upload it to your server or to an online image hosting service and then log into your Admin Control Panel. Follow these instructions: 1. System Settings > Hooks 2. Click on (Wolf) Global Menu 3. Scroll down to the bottom and find "Logo image URL" and enter the URL to the image UPDATE: I've included a blank PNG banner image as well as the PSD banner image (that also includes a logo which can be edited). Pobierz plik
  6. This is a Set of 5 Article Templates(2frontpage, 1 Article View, Category view, Archives view) that utilize the most common style rules used in skins on IPB, allowing for both a nicely styled articles area, and multiple skin usage within IP.Content for consistency site-wide. you Can view the live demo here: I also do Custom Ipcontent work and aftermarket skin modifications, and can be contacted on my development board, or via pm here. Pobierz plik
  7. ALL MEMBERS THAT PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM HERE OR GMM SKIN THEMES AND REGISTERS AT MY BOARD ENTITLES PURCHASER TO ALL THE BONUS FREE SKIN THEMES NOW BEING PROVIDED. Remember to register and I will move you to customer status and you will have the Bonus Free Designs available to download. 2 are already being provided. If anyone wants to purchase this and does not have gallery 4 please pm me after purchase and I will provide stylesheet for previous version gallery 3.2.2 LIVE PREVIEW AVAILABLE of Blog, Gallery, Download Manager, and Nexus at my site. Just choose skin theme in selector. SUPPORTS: 3.1.4 Nexus Version (Most Recent) Download Manager Version (Most Recent) Blog Version (Most Recent) Gallery 4 Chat Additional Views In Gallery Includes logo banner Pobierz plik
  8. Parts of this entry may only apply to those who create applications for IP.Board. Feel free to skip the sections that may not interest you. In my last blog entry I mentioned the improvements we have made for the hooks... Zobacz cały wpis
  9. This hook will show the number of unread images a user has in IP.Gallery tab. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.4+ IP.Gallery 4.0.X Pobierz plik
  10. This hook was designed to effectively integrate Google Ads into IP.Board 3.1.x. Pobierz plik
  11. Invision Power Services, Inc. ma zaszczyt ogłosić wydanie IP.Nexus 1.2.1 i IP.Gallery 4.0.1! Zobacz informacje o każdym z wydań poprawkowych. IP.Nexus 1.2.1 Jest to wydanie poprawkowe dla naszej aplikacji - IP.Nexus. IP.Nexus jest zaprojektowany, abyś mógł zarabiać na swojej społeczności, zarówno bezpośrednio jak i pośrednio. Opcje bezpośrednie zawierają funkcje takie jak obsługa płatności i koszyki, a metody pośrednie to np. banery reklamowe i dotacje. Zamawianie Możesz zamówić IP.Nexus w strefie klienta klikając zielony przycisk "New Purchase" w prawym, górnym rogu. Nowi klienci mogą zamówić IP.Nexus razem z IP.Board. Nie zapomnij spróbować naszego bezpłatnego demo, aby zobaczyć IP.Nexus 1.2 w akcji. Jeśli już zamówiłeś IP.Nexus możesz pobrać go w strefie klienta. Wymagania dla serwera Jako, że IP.Nexus używany jest do transakcji finansowych, chcemy zrobić wszystko, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo twojej społeczności i biznesu. W tym celu kod źródłowy będzie kodowany przy użyciu Zend Guard i IonCube. Oznacza to, że serwer będzie potrzebował odpowiednich możliwości PHP, aby uruchomić IP.Nexus. Możesz pobrać nasz skrypt wymagań systemowych, który sprawdzi Twój serwer. Obsługujemy również kodowanie IonCube. Instalowanie i aktualizowanie Instrukcje instalacji Instrukcje aktualizacji Instrukcja na start Jeśli pragniesz, by jeden z naszych techników przeprowadził instalację, wyślij do nas zgłoszenie. [warnbox] Informacje o wydaniu IP.Nexus wymaga co najmniej IP.Board 3.1.4 i nie będzie instalował się na poprzednich wersjach. Sterowniki MSSQL dla tego wydania są nadal opracowywane. Kiedy instalujesz IP.Nexus musisz ustawić twojego klienta FTP na wysyłanie plików w trybie binarnym. Jeśli pragniesz, by jeden z naszych techników przeprowadził instalację, wyślij do nas zgłoszenie. [/warnbox] IP.Gallery 4.0.1 IP.Gallery jest naszą społecznościową platformą do udostępniania mediów dla IP.Board pozwalającą twoim użytkownikom tworzyć i prowadzić albumy ze zdjęciami i filmami. Jest to wydanie poprawkowe, które rozwiązuje wiele błędów zgłoszonych przez klientów. Zamawianie Możesz zamówić IP.Gallery w strefie klienta klikając zielony przycisk "New Purchase" w prawym, górnym rogu. Nowi klienci mogą zamówić IP.Gallery razem z IP.Board. Jeśli korzystasz z IPS Community Hosting, IP.Gallery jest dołączony do wszystkich pakietów! Nie zapomnij spróbować naszego bezpłatnego demo, aby zobaczyć IP.Gallery w akcji. Jeśli już zamówiłeś IP.Gallery możesz pobrać go w strefie klienta. [warnbox] Informacje o wydaniu IP.Gallery wymaga IP.Board 3.1.4 i nie będzie instalował się na poprzednich wersjach. Sterowniki MSSQL dla tego wydania są nadal opracowywane. [/warnbox] Zobacz cały news
  12. Information ChatServe for IP.Chat 1.2.x What is ChatServe? ChatServe is a back end server for IPS' IP.Chat. It supports all the current features, a few extra, and runs fully independent of IP.Board. Features:(Not necessarily a final list) *Runs independent of IP.Board/IP.Chat *Installation script *Helper script to point IP.Chat at your server *Send system commands The installation instructions require some experience in uploading and installing PHP software. Requirements to run ChatServe: IP.Chat 1.2.x PHP 5.2.0+(5.3.0+ recommended) PHP 5.2 is officially marked as end of life support by the PHP Team. PHP 5.3 is matured and is highly recommended for production use of ChatServe. MySQL 5.0+(5.1 recommend) ChatServe officially supports UTF8 with utf8_unicode_ci or utf8_general_ci encoding.(This will be setup automatically if your server supports it.) Your MySQL installation must support InnoDB. If you host your own database servers and can upgrade them, I highly recommend using Percona's drop in InnoDB replacement for maximum performance and reliability. Memcache support will be dropped for the initial release of ChatServe due to the lack of testing. I want this feature to work 100% before enabling it. Server Requirement Notes You can run this on shared hosting, but you will be limited in the number of users! These examples are general observations, may not fit your specific hosting arrangement, and are based entirely on the number of requests per second to the server. A typical cheap $5 a month shared hosting plan may be able to support 10 to 50 online. A VPS may support any where from 50 to 500 online. A dedicated server with a quad core CPU and 8gbs of RAM will support 500 to 1,000 users online depending how chatty they are! Active chat room users / polling speed = Average requests per second to the server. The default IP.Chat polling speed is once every three seconds. Example average requests per second for 250 users: 250 / 3 = 83.3333 Most unoptimized PHP installations peak out around 100 requests per second. A well optimized installation running PHP-FPM or PHP-FastCGI with nginx in front should be able to handle much more. Pobierz plik
  13. Parts of this entry may only apply to those who create hooks for IP.Board. Feel free to skip the sections that may not interest you. As mentioned in our previous blog entries about IP.Board 3.2 we are focusing not only on adding new features but also on improving some of the current areas as well. In this entry I'll talk about the... Zobacz cały wpis
  14. Nederlandse IPB Vertaling For English users: This is a Dutch Translation for IP.Board, it will be updated every week. In the first version will it only replace the US Portal files. Ik hoop een keer per week een nieuwe versie van de Nederlandse vertaling uit te brengen. In de eerste versie zitten alleen nog maar de Portal bestanden. Vandaag breng ik de eerste versie van de vertaling uit, deze heeft alleen nog maar een vertaling voor IP.Portal. Volgende week hoop ik Gebruikers module af te hebben. Wanneer ik die af heb, zal ik ook de Nederlandse Support forum online zetten. Dit is de eerste versie, en dus kunnen er nog wat taalfouten in zetten, als jij denk dat ik iets moet veranderen stuur dan a.u.b. een PM naar mij. Pobierz plik
  15. File Name: Exploiit Ranks v1 File Submitter: vistarafal File Submitted: 08 Mar 2011 File Category: Graphics Forum Ranks made by Id820 Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  16. Android v2 Pro Rank Images Brought to you by Echelon Designers The second collection of our Android series, these have been updated and re-designed. The first set proved popular with positive feedback from numerous distribution websites we released them on. Suitable for light backgrounds, of course your forum does not need to be Android related these still look sleek on most forums. Download Package includes: 5 x Pre-rendered Image Ranks (see screenshot of included ranks) 1 x 'Lite' PSD file so you can add more easily 1 x Blank button in PNG format so you can easily add text from any image program 1 x Preview Screenshot Image More collections available from our website. Pobierz plik
  17. Pro Dirt Bike Rank Images Brought to you by Echelon Designers A nice, sleek collection of rank images to suit any dirt bike related forum. We have included the full PSD file so you can create your own rank titles and/or change any element of the rank button. Download includes: 8 x Pre-Rendered Rank Titles (*see screenshot) 1 x Fully layered PSD file 1 x Preview Image Document More collections like these can be found on our website, check us out today! Echelon Designers - Pobierz plik
  18. Adds support for videos from Liveleak into the built-in IP.Board [media] bbcode. Pobierz plik
  19. Adds support for videos from Metacafe into the built-in IP.Board [media] bbcode. Pobierz plik
  20. IP.Board allows you to set "ACP Restrictions" which allow you to restrict which administrators have access to which areas of the Admin CP. The two main pieces of feedback we hear about the ACP Restrictions system are: - It should be easy to set up and manage ACP Restrictions, without having to check lots of boxes, but still remaining... Zobacz cały wpis
  21. IP.Board allows you to set "ACP Restrictions" which allow you to restrict which administrators have access to which areas of the Admin CP. The two main pieces of feedback we hear about the ACP Restrictions system are: - It should be easy to set up and manage ACP Restrictions, without having to check lots of boxes, but still remaining... Zobacz cały wpis
  22. Russian Language Pack by Only public texts are translated, ACP remains in English. Files included: - language pack for importing via ACP. - BBCode translation. - Russian icons "** Admin" & "** Team" russian_pack_X.X_samoylenko.ru_translate.tar.gz - alternative import package. readme_rus.pdf - instruction (RUS). IP.Board 3.1.4IP.Blog 2.3.2IP.Chat 1.2.0IP.Gallery 4.0.0IP.Downloads 2.3.1IP.Content 2.1.2 Русский перевод для оригинальной Invision Power Board от Самойленко.ru Переведена только пользовательская часть, панель управления администратора остается на английском языке. Описание присоединенных файлов: - основной файл перевода, для импортирования через панель управления администратора. - перевод BBCode. - Русские иконки "** Админ" и "** Команда" russian_pack_X.X_samoylenko.ru_translate.tar.gz - альтернативный файл перевода, если основной по каким-то причинам установить не удается. readme_rus.pdf - инструкция по русификации IP.Board. Pobierz plik
  23. Default IPB functionality gives members the ability to change their title only when they have reached a specified number of posts This hook allows groups to change their Member Titles, regardless of the number of posts. This hook includes a single setting, "Groups", which can be found in the ACP under System -> System Settings -> HeadStand -> [HSC] Change Member Title. Pobierz plik
  24. Summary Classifieds enables your members to list items for sale directly within your community. Free your forums from the clutter of messy for sale and wanted topics. With IP.Nexus integration, benefit from yet another way to monetize your community. Admin configurable categories. Adverts auto-expire according to their package duration. Give your members the opportunity to re-list their items for free or at a reduced rate. Built in support for custom fields allowing you to tailor Classifieds to your niche. Customiseable Latest Ads sidebar hook to give adverts maximum exposure. Tightly Woven into IP.Board's Core Features Built in support for (but not limited to); Notifications Item Marking Search Report Center Friendly URLs for best SEO Nexus Integration Add multiple packages and charge for your listings at varying price points to suit your users. Support Support is renewable on a six-monthly basis. With active support you will have continued access to product upgrades and support. If you choose not to renew, Classifieds will continue to function and you can renew at any time without penalty to regain access. Pobierz plik
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