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  1. IPS Hosting encoded version of IPB 3.1.3. Not for external use. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. This will give the admin the option to redirect the users of his/her forum anytime they log in at his/her forum. Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to configure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook and enter the full url to the log in redirect location. Pobierz plik
  3. This is the latest version of IP.Nexus. This is the recommended version for new installs and upgrades. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. File Name: (SOS31) Hook Settings in Manage Hooks v1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 29 Oct 2010 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This mod will add a link to hooks setting in Manage Hooks. The new link will appear only in hooks that have some setting. Notes: 2 files edit required Tested only in IP.Board 3.1.3 Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  5. This mod will add a link to hooks setting in Manage Hooks. The new link will appear only in hooks that have some setting. Notes: 2 files edit required Tested only in IP.Board 3.1.3 Pobierz plik
  6. I blogged previously about updates to Gallery which include a brand new commenting system. This new commenting system is a core feature in IP.Board 3.1.3 and although we've not fully implemented it in the forums, it is in use by Blog, Gallery and Downloads. ... Zobacz cały wpis
  7. PDS logo in zip icons by yootheme Pobierz plik
  8. I took the idea from this topic: http://community.inv...e__pid__2032600 This will give the admin the option to make it so only users with a certain post count set by him/her can vote in polls. By default it is set to 5 posts. Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to congigure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the number of posts needed to vote in polls, enter your custom error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups and forums can bypass the post restriction. Pobierz plik
  9. Została wykryta luka w bezpieczeństwie przeprowadzanych prywatnych rozmów, która umożliwiała wyświetlenie treści wiadomości, jeżeli znany był identyfikator tejże konwersacji. Przygotowaliśmy więc prostą łatkę. Aby ją zastosować, pobierz plik zip odpowiedni dla Twojej wersji, a następnie wgraj rozpakowane pliki na swój serwer. Nie ma potrzeby przebudowy jakichkolwiek ustawień, szablonów czy języków. Użytkownicy z aktywną licencją mogą liczyć na naszą pomoc techniczną. IP.Board 3.0.x (7.38K) IP.Board 3.1.x Aktualizacja wersji 3.1.3 rozwiązuje również następujące problemy: - Ostrzeżenie podczas używania JSON, gdy rozszerzenie PHP JSON nie jest dostępne - Problemy z logowaniem poprzez Twittera - Pozycjonowanie kart w Operze - Brakujące powiadomienia w ACP Główne paczki ze skryptem zostały zaktualizowane podczas pisania tej wiadomości. Jeżeli więc pobrałeś IPB po dacie utworzenia tego tematu, nie musisz aplikować łatki. Zobacz oryginalny news
  10. As requested by Top_Shotta at my other hoos thread. http://community.inv...age__p__2034526 This will give the admin the option to make it so only users with a certain post count set by him/her can leave a comment in users profiles. By default it is set to 5 posts. Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to congigure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the number of posts needed to leave a comment in users profiles, enter your custom error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups can bypass the post restriction. Pobierz plik
  11. Early on during development of IP.Downloads 2.3, one key area we identified that we wanted to improve was the notification capabilities of IP.Downloads. In previous versions of IP.Downloads, you can elect to be notified when a file you are watching is updated, and you can elect to be notified when a file you submit is approved or denied. These... Zobacz cały wpis
  12. I got the idea to create this hook after I saw this thread here: http://community.inv...e__pid__2034103 The way it is now, you can't restrict a group or groups from viewing the portal unless you restrict them from viewing the board as well. But what about if you want a groups, say guests to not view the portal but to view the board and vice versa? That is where my hook comes in. It will give you the options to set the permissions for the groups to view the portal indepedantly from that of viewing the board. Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to congigure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, choose which usergroups you want to prevent from viewingt he portal and enter the error message that you want to show to those restricted groups when they will try to view the portal. Pobierz plik
  13. Simple hook that makes use of IP.Board 3.1.3+'s new hovercard functionality to trigger the topic preview on hover rather than clicking the image. This is a free and unsupported hook. Pobierz plik
  14. Engraved by Engraved is a highly customized skin with nice features such as color coordinated text to indicate new content, a jQuery search box, a quick pop-up login box for guests and a jQuery drop-down menu showing your categories, forums and new content. The design has modified layouts for the board index, forum index, topic page and profile page. Skin features New content - highlighted! Forums and topics with new content will be highlighted in electric blue, which can easily be customized in the css. Avatars as post icons: Avatars are used as post icons instead of the regular "new post"/"no new post" icons. The avatars are faded in opacity if there are no new posts. Quick navigation menu: A jQuery based drop down menu at the top right of all pages shows your categories & forums and indicates if any new posts are available. jQuery Login: Clicking the Sign In link adds an overlay to the forum and shows a "Quick Login" box. Give it a try on the demo board! Pobierz plik
  15. This is my first hook for IPB. This will give the admin the option to make it so only users with a certain post count set by the admin can reply and send personal messages. By default it is set to 5 posts. This can be used to fight spam through the private messages. Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to congigure it go to System Settings. There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. There you can enable/disable the hook, set the number of posts needed to read/reply to pm, enter the error message and as last but not least you can choose which groups can bypass the post restriction. Pobierz plik
  16. Author: Spanner ( Opis: Modyfikacja wyświetla top użytkowników, którzy rozpoczęli najwięcej tematów. Description: This modification shows top members, who started most topics. Pobierz plik
  17. Very light simple skin, easy and complete for all products (blog, gallery, shop, download, content) ALTERNATIVE DOWNLOAD Modified from Minima skin of No1_1000. Pobierz plik
  18. Invision Power Services ma przyjemność poinformować o wydaniu IP.Board 3.1.3 Jest to pierwsze wydanie z serii wydań wtorkowych, zaplanowanych na ten rok. Jeśli chcesz zapoznać się z planem wydawniczym aplikacji, śledź wpisy na naszym blogu. IP.Board 3.1.3 jest wersją poprawkową, która rozwiązuje wiele zgłaszanych we wcześniejszej wersji problemów. Zawiera również zmiany niezbędne dla poprawnego działania nowych wersji aplikacji IPS, które będą ukazywały się w ciągu kilku najbliższych tygodni. Pobieranie Możesz pobrać IP.Board 3.1.3 w panelu klienta. Możesz również zapoznać się z przygotowanymi instrukcjami aktualizacji naszego oprogramowania. Uwaga odnośnie wsparcia technicznego Jak w przypadku każdego wydania, proszę spodziewać się, że czas oczekiwania na wsparcie (w szczególności dla instalacji/aktualizacji oprogramowania) będzie dłuższy niż zazwyczaj przez kilka kolejnych dni. Zapoznaj się z warunkami licencji dla dla wsparcia technicznego. Deweloperzy Jeśli jesteś twórcą modyfikacji dla IP.Board powinieneś wiedzieć, że dodanych zostało kilka rozszerzeń, które powinny być pomocne i dużo ułatwią. Przeglądaj naszego firmowego bloga, w ciągu kilku najbliższych dni znajdzie się tam więcej informacji na ten temat. Zobacz cały news
  19. This hook will add the possibility to sort the users online by their groups in board's online user list (index.php?app=members&module=online). Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.3+ Pobierz plik
  20. File Name: (SOS31) Sort by User Groups in Online List v1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 26 Oct 2010 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This hook will add the possibility to sort the users online by their groups in board's online user list (index.php?app=members&module=online). Compatibilty: IP.Board 3.1.3+ Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  21. IP.Content is a powerful toolset that allows you to create dynamic pages and content on your site, utilizing all of the APIs IP.Board provides. Using these tools, you can create pages, templates and blocks that retrieve, transform, and output data in your IP.Board and addon application databases. IP.Content can even allow you to take blocks you... Zobacz cały wpis
  22. File Name: (SOS31) Posts Required to Send PMs v1.0.0 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 26 Oct 2010 File Category: IP.Board v3.1 This hook will set a number of posts that users must have to send new PMs. You can set the required number of posts, including if you would like to display this number in the message, and which user groups will be affected. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.3+ Click here to download this file Pobierz plik
  23. This hook will set a number of posts that users must have to send new PMs. You can set the required number of posts, including if you would like to display this number in the message, and which user groups will be affected. Compatibility: IP.Board 3.1.3+ Pobierz plik
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