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ROZWIĄZANY: Unreal Portal 3 - problem podczas instalacji


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


Mój problem tkwi w instalacji portalu, postępuję według instrukcji. W wyniku kliknięcia na "Install" otrzymuję takie oto błędy.

Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in D:\wamp\www\ipb2\ips_kernel\classDbMysqliClient.php on line 465

CREATE TABLE up_settings ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `value` longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1' at line 6
· CREATE TABLE unrealportal ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `align` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `show` int(11) NOT NULL default '1', `order2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `custblock_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1' at line 10
· CREATE TABLE up_custblocks ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `html` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1' at line 6
· CREATE TABLE up_custcontent ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `html` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1' at line 6
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('loginbox', 'Login Box', 'left', '0', 1);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('stats', 'Statistics', 'left', '0', 2);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('new_members', 'New Members', 'left', '0', 3);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('top_posters', 'Top Posters', 'left', '0', 4);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('calendar', 'Calendar', 'left', '0', 5);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('custom_content', 'Custom Content', 'left', '0', 6);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('welcomepanel', 'Welcome Panel', 'middle', '0', 7);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('latest_posts_big', 'Latest Posts (Big)', 'middle', '0', 8);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('new_posts_big', 'New Posts (Big)', 'middle', '0', 9);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('latest_news', 'Latest News', 'middle', '0', 10);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('news', 'News', 'middle', '0', 11);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('poll', 'Poll', 'right', '0', 12);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('old_news', 'Old News', 'right', '0', 13);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('latest_posts', 'Latest Posts', 'right', '0', 14);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('top_forums', 'Top Forums', 'right', '0', 15);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('site_search', 'Site Search', 'right', '0', 16);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('websearch', 'Web Search', 'right', '0', 17);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO unrealportal (`name` , `title` , `align`, `show`, `order2` ) VALUES ('jokes', 'Jokes', 'right', '0', 18);

Table 'ipb2.unrealportal' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('activemembers', '1');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('calendar_events', '1');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('post_stats', '1');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('poll', '0');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('left', '25%');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('leftcustom', '25%');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('middle', '50%');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('middlecustom', '50%');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('right', '25%');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('rightcustom', '25%');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_top_forums', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_newposts', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_latestposts_big', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_newmembers', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_topposters', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_latestposts', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('newsforum', '2');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('newsforum_expert', '');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('newsforum_height', '0');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('newsforum_height_limit', '200px');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('newsforum_width', '0');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('newsposts', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_old_news', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('tease_news', '0');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('tease_length', '');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
· INSERT INTO up_settings (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('num_latest_news', '5');

Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist

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  • Manager

E no coś nie jest OK, bo te błędy to jednak poważniejsze są niż myślałem. Wrzuć może ponownie pliki z nowej paczki i spróbuj ponownie zainstalować. Wiadomo - wcześniej odinstaluj tę aplikację.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Odinstalować również nie da rady, błąd driver error. Instalowałem na dwóch świeżych instalkach IPB dodatkowo pobierałem moda z innych źródeł i bez efektu.

Zawartość pliku error po dokonaniu próby odinstalowania.

Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 20:57:57 +0000
Error: 1146 - Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
IP Address: - /ipb2/index.php?app=uportal
mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM up_settings
| File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
| D:\wamp\www\ipb2\admin\applications_addon\other\uportal\modules_public\uportal\uportal.php| [public_uportal_uportal_uportal].checkCache                                   | 148               |
| D:\wamp\www\ipb2\admin\applications_addon\other\uportal\modules_public\uportal\uportal.php| [public_uportal_uportal_uportal].getSettings                                  | 62                |
| D:\wamp\www\ipb2\admin\sources\base\ipsController.php                      | [public_uportal_uportal_uportal].doExecute                                    | 285               |
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 20:58:11 +0000
Error: 1146 - Table 'ipb2.up_settings' doesn't exist
IP Address: - /ipb2/admin/index.php?adsess=7d34aaaeb932d040152584085c4ce590&app=core&module=applications&section=applications&do=application_remove&app_id=6
mySQL query error: alter table up_settings ADD id int not null auto_increment primary key first
| File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
| D:\wamp\www\ipb2\admin\applications\core\modules_admin\applications\applications.php| [].require                                                                    | 1270              |
| D:\wamp\www\ipb2\admin\applications\core\modules_admin\applications\applications.php| [admin_core_applications_applications].applicationRemove                      | 104               |
| D:\wamp\www\ipb2\admin\sources\base\ipsController.php                      | [admin_core_applications_applications].doExecute                              | 285               |

Edytowane przez barthav
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  • Manager

Bardzo dziwny błąd. :o

Jakby nie brało pod uwagę prefiksu tabeli.. Ok, co masz w fodlerze aplikacji -> setup/ - pliki PHP - daj zawartość folderu setup/versions/install/.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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  • Manager

No to wszystko się zgadza.. :o Kurde nieźle. Dziś już nie zdążę, ale jak sobie nie poradzisz to za kilkanaście dni poślij mi PW z danymi do FTP i ACP. Spojrzę na to.

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Proszę bardzo, dwa dni męki ale się udało :rolleyes:

W pliku uportal_mysql_tables.php zmieniamy TYPE na ENGINE (widocznie TYPE nie jest obsługiwane w wersji 5 MySQL)- reszta z górki pójdzie :)

Zawartość pliku po zmianie:

$TABLE[] = "CREATE TABLE up_settings (
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `value` longtext NOT NULL,

$TABLE[] = "CREATE TABLE unrealportal (
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `align` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `show` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
 `order2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `custblock_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

$TABLE[] = "CREATE TABLE up_custblocks (
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `html` text NOT NULL,

$TABLE[] = "CREATE TABLE up_custcontent (
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `html` text NOT NULL,



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Problem ROZWIĄZANY. Jeśli są jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, pytania proszę o założenie nowego tematu.

Wszelkie uzasadnione reklamacje/pretensje/sugestie/rady przyjmuje ekipa forum.

Nasz kolega już siedział za piracką wersję IPB, Ty też możesz
† Będziemy bronić SB po kres naszych sił †
Nie ma bolca na izolca!!!
Tłumaczes Power

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Ten temat został zamknięty. Brak możliwości dodania odpowiedzi.
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