Skocz do zawartości
"Idzie nowe..." - o zmianach i nie tylko ×
Przeniesienie zakupów z IPS Marketplace / Moving bought items from IPS Marketplace ×

Nie działa mi rejestracja.


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi



* <pre>

* Invision Power Services

* IP.Board v3.3.3

* Register

* Last Updated: $Date: 2012-06-05 10:32:23 -0400 (Tue, 05 Jun 2012) $

* </pre>


* @author $Author $

* @copyright © 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.

* @license'>

* @package IP.Board

* @subpackage Core

* @link

* @since 20th February 2002

* @version $Rev: 10864 $



if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )


print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";



class public_core_global_register extends ipsCommand



* Class entry point


* @param object Registry reference

* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]


public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry )


/* Load language */

$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_register' ), 'core' );


// Meta tags


$this->registry->output->addMetaTag( 'robots', 'noindex' );

/* What to do */

switch( $this->request['do'] )



case 'form':

if( $this->settings['no_reg'] > 0 )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'registration_disabled', 10123, FALSE, '', 200 );




case 'process_form':

if( $this->settings['no_reg'] > 0 )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'registration_disabled', 2016, true );




case 'auto_validate':



case 'coppa_two':



case '12':




// Validation (i.e. registration, pw change, etc.)


case '05':



case '07':



case 'reval':



case 'reval2':




// Complete a partial login


case 'complete_login':



case 'complete_login_do':




/* Output */

$this->registry->output->addContent( $this->output );




* Reset a member if they are logged in


* @return @e void


protected function _resetMember()


if( $this->memberData['member_id'] )


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );

$this->han_login = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );



// Set some cookies


IPSCookie::set( "member_id" , "0" );

IPSCookie::set( "pass_hash" , "0" );

if ( is_array($_COOKIE) )


foreach( $_COOKIE as $cookie => $value)


if ( stripos( $cookie, $this->settings['cookie_id']."ipbforum" ) !== false )


IPSCookie::set( str_replace( $this->settings['cookie_id'], "", $cookie ) , '-', -1 );





// Logout callbacks...




// Do it..



$privacy = intval( IPSMember::isLoggedInAnon($this->memberData) );

IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'login_anonymous' => "{$privacy}&0", 'last_activity' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW ) ) );




* Displays the registration form


* @param array $form_errors

* @return @e void


public function registerForm( $form_errors=array() )



// Init


$final_errors = array();

$coppa = IPSCookie::get( 'coppa' );

$step = $this->request['step'] ? intval($this->request['step']) : 1;

$this->settings['username_errormsg'] = str_replace( '{chars}', $this->settings['username_characters'], $this->settings['username_errormsg'] );

if( $coppa == 'yes' )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'awaiting_coppa', 10124 );




// COPPA swapout


if( $this->settings['use_coppa'] )


$this->lang->words['confirm_over_thirteen'] = str_replace( "<#FORM_LINK#>", "{$this->settings['base_url']}app=core&module=global&section=register&do=12", $this->lang->words['confirm_over_thirteen'] );



// T & C


$cache = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => "conf_key='reg_rules'" ) );

$text = $cache['conf_value'] ? $cache['conf_value'] : $cache['conf_default'];

IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_smilies = 1;

IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_html = 1;

IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_nl2br = 1;

IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_bbcode = 1;

IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parsing_section = 'global';

$this->settings['_termsAndConditions'] = IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->preDisplayParse( $text );


// Page title / navigation


$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['registration_form'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['registration_form'], '' );


// If Nexus is installed, that is the first step


if( IPSLib::appIsInstalled('nexus') AND $this->settings['nexus_reg_show'] AND $this->settings['nexus_store_online'] )



// We just submitted the form


if( $this->request['nexus_pass'] )


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'nexus' ) . '/sources/hooks.php', 'nexusHooks', 'nexus' );

$hookGateway = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );


// Check for errors


if ( $this->settings['nexus_reg_force'] and !IPSCookie::get( 'cm_reg' ) and empty( $this->request['cm_package'] ) )


$nexusError = $this->lang->words['forceby_no_sel'];




// If no errors, create invoice and set cookie


if ( !$nexusError and $this->request['nexus_pass'] )



// Did we buy a package?


$chosenPackages = ipsRegistry::$request['cm_package'];

if ( !empty( $chosenPackages ) )


// Get our package data

$imploded = implode( ',', ipsRegistry::$request['cm_package'] );

$packages = array();

ipsRegistry::DB()->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'nexus_packages', 'where' => "p_id IN({$imploded})" ) );


while ( $row = ipsRegistry::DB()->fetch() )


$packages[ $row['p_id'] ] = $row;


// Bundle 'em all up

foreach ( $chosenPackages as $itemID )


// Add title to the array

$titles[] = $packages[ $itemID ]['p_name'];

// Process information

$shippingData = package::load( $itemID )->shippingData();

$renewOptions = $packages[ $itemID ]['p_renew_options'] ? unserialize( $packages[ $itemID ]['p_renew_options'] ) : array();

$renewTerm = empty( $renewOptions ) ? array( 'term' => 0, 'unit' => '', 'price' => 0 ) : array_shift( $renewOptions );

$items[] = array(

'act' => 'new',

'app' => 'nexus',

'type' => $packages[ $itemID ]['p_type'],

'cost' => $packages[ $itemID ]['p_base_price'],

'renew_term' => $renewTerm['term'],

'renew_units' => $renewTerm['unit'],

'renew_cost' => $renewTerm['price'],

'itemName' => $packages[ $itemID ]['p_name'],

'itemID' => $itemID,

'physical' => is_null( $shippingData ) ? FALSE : TRUE,

'shipping' => is_null( $shippingData ) ? array() : $shippingData['shipping'],

'weight' => is_null( $shippingData ) ? 0 : $shippingData['weight'],



// What are we calling this invoice?

if ( count( $titles ) == 1 )


$title = $titles[0];




$title = implode( ', ', $titles );

if ( strlen( $title ) > 50 )


array_pop( $titles );

$title = implode( ', ', $titles );

while ( strlen( $title ) > 47 and count( $titles ) > 1 )


array_pop( $titles );

$title = implode( ', ', $titles );


$title .= '...';



// Generate it

require_once( IPSLib::getAppDir('nexus') . '/sources/nexusApi.php' );/*noLibHook*/

$invoiceID = nexusApi::generateInvoice( $title, $this->memberData['member_id'], $items );

IPSCookie::set( 'cm_reg', $invoiceID );






// "step 1" if Nexus is set to show packages on registration


require_once( IPSLib::getAppDir('nexus') . '/sources/packageCore.php' );/*noLibHook*/

$packages = array();

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'nexus_packages', 'where' => 'p_reg=1', 'order' => 'p_position' ) );

$e = $this->DB->execute();

while ( $row = $this->DB->fetch( $e ) )


$packages[ $row['p_id'] ] = package::load( $row['p_id'] )->buildDisplayData();


if ( !empty( $packages ) )


if ( isset( $this->request['cm_package'] ) )


foreach ( $this->request['cm_package'] as $packageID )


$packages[ $packageID ]['checked'] = "checked='checked'";



$this->output .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('nexus_payments')->regForm32( $packages, $nexusError );






// Send to an alternate registration URL?


$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'login_methods', 'where' => 'login_enabled=1' ) );


while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )


if( $r['login_register_url'] )


$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $r['login_register_url'] );




// Adjust text as needed based on validation type


if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] )


if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin_user' OR $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'user' )


$this->lang->words['std_text'] .= "<br />" . $this->lang->words['email_validate_text'];


/* User then admin? */

if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin_user' )


$this->lang->words['std_text'] .= "<br />" . $this->lang->words['user_admin_validation'];


if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin' )


$this->lang->words['std_text'] .= "<br />" . $this->lang->words['just_admin_validation'];




// Captcha / Q&A


$captchaHTML = '';

$qandaHTML = '';

$question = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'question_and_answer', 'order' => $this->DB->buildRandomOrder(), 'limit' => array(1) ) );

if( $question AND count($question) )


$qandaHTML = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('global_other')->questionAndAnswer( $question );


if( $this->settings['bot_antispam_type'] != 'none' )


$captchaHTML = $this->registry->getClass('class_captcha')->getTemplate();



// Custom fields


$custom_fields_out = array( 'required', 'optional' );

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/customfields/profileFields.php', 'customProfileFields' );

$custom_fields = new $classToLoad();

$custom_fields->member_data = $this->memberData;

$custom_fields->initData( 'edit' );

$custom_fields->parseToEdit( 'register' );

if ( count( $custom_fields->out_fields ) )


foreach( $custom_fields->out_fields as $id => $form_element )


if ( $custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_not_null'] == 1 )


$ftype = 'required';




$ftype = 'optional';


$custom_fields_out[$ftype][] = array(

'name' => $custom_fields->field_names[ $id ],

'desc' => $custom_fields->field_desc[ $id ],

'field' => $form_element,

'id' => $id,

'error' => '',

'type' => $custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_type']





// If Nexus is installed, also add billing information


$nexusFields = array();

$nexusStates = array();

if( IPSLib::appIsInstalled('nexus') AND $this->settings['nexus_reg_show'] AND $this->settings['nexus_store_online'] )


ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_countries' ), 'nexus' );

$fields = array();

$_fields = ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('customer_fields');

if( is_array($_fields) AND count($_fields) )


foreach ( $_fields['reg'] as $k )


$nexusFields[] = $_fields['fields'][ $k ];



$nexusStates = customer::generateStateDropdown( TRUE );



// Got errors to show?


$final_errors = array( 'dname' => NULL, 'password' => NULL, 'email' => NULL, 'tos' => NULL );

foreach( array( 'dname', 'password', 'email', 'tos' ) as $thing )


if ( isset($form_errors[ $thing ]) AND is_array( $form_errors[ $thing ] ) AND count( $form_errors[ $thing ] ) )


$final_errors[ $thing ] = implode( "<br />", $form_errors[ $thing ] );



$this->request['PassWord'] = $this->request['PassWord'] ? $this->request['PassWord'] : '' ;

$this->request['EmailAddress'] = $this->request['EmailAddress'] ? $this->request['EmailAddress'] : '' ;

$this->request['EmailAddress_two'] = $this->request['EmailAddress_two'] ? $this->request['EmailAddress_two'] : '' ;

$this->request['PassWord_Check'] = $this->request['PassWord_Check'] ? $this->request['PassWord_Check'] : '' ;

$this->request['members_display_name'] = $this->request['members_display_name'] ? $this->request['members_display_name'] : '' ;

$this->request['time_offset'] = $this->request['time_offset'] ? $this->request['time_offset'] : '' ;


// Create time zone dropdown array


$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_usercp' ), 'core' );

$time_select = array();

foreach( $this->lang->words as $k => $v )


if( strpos( $k, "time_" ) === 0 )


$k = str_replace( "time_", '', $k );

if( preg_match( '/^[\-\d\.]+$/', $k ) )


$time_select[ $k ] = $v;




ksort( $time_select );

$this->request['time_offset'] = ( $this->request['time_offset'] ) ? $this->request['time_offset'] : $this->settings['time_offset'];


// Start output


$this->output .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->registerForm(



'TEXT' => $this->lang->words['std_text'],

'coppa_user' => $coppa,

'captchaHTML' => $captchaHTML,

'qandaHTML' => $qandaHTML,

'showCOPPA' => $this->settings['use_coppa'] AND !(IPSLib::appIsInstalled('nexus') AND $this->settings['nexus_reg_show'] AND $this->settings['nexus_store_online']),






$nexusStates );


// Member sync module


IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onRegisterForm' );



* Save the data to complete the partial member record login/registration


* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]


public function _completeRegistrationSave()





$mid = intval( $this->request['mid'] );

$key = intval( $this->request['key'] );

$in_email = strtolower( trim($this->request['EmailAddress']) );

$form_errors = array( 'dname' => array(), 'email' => array(), 'general' => array() );

$members_display_name = trim( $this->request['members_display_name'] );

$poss_session_id = "";

$login_user = trim( $this->request['login_user'] );

$login_pass = trim( $this->request['login_pass'] );

$connectService = trim( strtolower( $this->request['connectService'] ) );


// Get DB row


$reg = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'members_partial', 'where' => "partial_member_id={$mid} AND partial_date={$key}" ) );

$tmp_member = IPSMember::load( $mid );


// Got it?


if ( ! $reg['partial_id'] OR ! $tmp_member['member_id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'partial_reg_noid', 10117 );



// Load log in handler...


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );

$han_login = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );



// Custom profile field stuff


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/customfields/profileFields.php', 'customProfileFields' );

$custom_fields = new $classToLoad();

$custom_fields->initData( 'edit' );

$custom_fields->parseToSave( $this->request, 'register' );

/* Check */

if( $custom_fields->error_messages )


$form_errors['general'] = $custom_fields->error_messages;


/* Check the website url field */

$website_field = $custom_fields->getFieldIDByKey( 'website' );

if( $website_field && $custom_fields->out_fields[ 'field_' . $website_field ] )


if( stristr( $custom_fields->out_fields[ 'field_' . $website_field ], 'http://' ) === FALSE && stristr( $custom_fields->out_fields[ 'field_' . $website_field ], 'https://' ) === FALSE )


$custom_fields->out_fields[ 'field_' . $website_field ] = 'http://' . $custom_fields->out_fields[ 'field_' . $website_field ];



/* Are we trying to connect to an existing account */

if ( $connectService AND $login_user AND $login_pass AND ( $this->settings['fb_realname'] == 'enforced' OR ! $members_display_name ) )


/* Load Full Member */

$member = IPSMember::load( $mid, 'all' );

/* Force email check */

$han_login->setForceEmailCheck( TRUE );

/* Now attempt to authorize member */

$return = $han_login->loginPasswordCheck( $login_user, $login_user, $login_pass );

if ( $return !== TRUE )


/* Wrong email/password */

$form_errors['serviceLogIn'][] = $this->lang->words['connect_incorrect_details'];




/* Fetch data returned based on email address */

$logInMember = $han_login->member_data;

/* We're A-OK so allow service module to clean up member accounts, then log us the heck in! */

if ( $connectService == 'facebook' AND $member['fb_uid'] )


/* Already FBd? */

if ( $logInMember['fb_uid'] AND ( $member['fb_uid'] != $logInMember['fb_uid'] ) )


/* User already has facebook link */

$form_errors['serviceLogIn'][] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['connect_already_linked'], $login_user, ucfirst( $connectService ) );


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );

$facebook = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $member['fb_token'], $member['fb_uid'] );

if ( $facebook->finishNewConnection( $logInMember['member_id'], $member['member_id'] ) !== true )


/* Unknown error */

$form_errors['serviceLogIn'][] = $this->lang->words['connect_unknown'];



else if ( $connectService == 'twitter' AND $member['twitter_id'] )


/* Already Twitterd? */

if ( $logInMember['twitter_id'] AND ( $member['twitter_id'] != $logInMember['twitter_id'] ) )


/* User already has facebook link */

$form_errors['serviceLogIn'][] = sprintf( $this->lang->words['connect_already_linked'], $login_user, ucfirst( $connectService ) );


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/twitter/connect.php', 'twitter_connect' );

$twitter = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $member['twitter_token'], $member['twitter_secret'] );

if ( $twitter->finishNewConnection( $logInMember['member_id'], $member['member_id'] ) !== true )


/* Unknown error */

$form_errors['serviceLogIn'][] = $this->lang->words['connect_unknown'];



/* Ok to proceed? */

if ( ! count( $form_errors['serviceLogIn'] ) )


IPSMember::remove( $member['member_id'] );

/* Here, so log us in!! */

$r = $han_login->loginWithoutCheckingCredentials( $logInMember['member_id'], TRUE );

/* Boing */

if ( is_array( $r ) )


$this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=usercp&section=register&tab=core&area=' . $connectService );






// Remove 'sneaky' spaces


if ( $this->settings['strip_space_chr'] )


$members_display_name = IPSText::removeControlCharacters( $members_display_name );



// Testing email addresses?


if ( ! $reg['partial_email_ok'] AND $in_email )



// Check the email address


if( ! IPSText::checkEmailAddress( $in_email ) )


$form_errors['email'][] = $this->lang->words['reg_error_email_nm'];



// Test email address


$this->request['EmailAddress_two'] = strtolower( trim($this->request['EmailAddress_two']) );

if ( $in_email AND ( $this->request['EmailAddress_two'] != $in_email ) )


$form_errors['email'][] = $this->lang->words['reg_error_email_nm'];


/* Is this email banned or does it exist already? */

if ( IPSMember::isBanned( 'email', $in_email ) || IPSMember::checkByEmail( $in_email ) || $han_login->emailExistsCheck( trim(strtolower($in_email)) ) )


$form_errors['email'][] = $this->lang->words['reg_error_email_taken'];



else if ( ! $reg['partial_email_ok'] AND ! $in_email AND ! $login_user )


$form_errors['email'][] = $this->lang->words['reg_error_email_nm'];


if ( $this->settings['auth_allow_dnames'] )


/* Check the username */

$user_check = IPSMember::getFunction()->cleanAndCheckName( $members_display_name, $tmp_member, 'members_display_name' );

if( is_array( $user_check['errors'] ) && count( $user_check['errors'] ) )


$form_errors['dname'][] = $this->lang->words[ $user_check['errors']['dname'] ];




// CHECK 1: Any errors (duplicate names, etc)?


if ( count( $form_errors ) )


$errorMessages = array();

foreach( $form_errors as $errorCat => $errorMessage )


foreach( $errorMessage as $error )


$errorMessages['general'][] = $error;



if( count($errorMessages) )


$this->_completeRegistration( $errorMessages );





// Update: Members


$members_display_name = $this->settings['auth_allow_dnames'] ? $members_display_name : $tmp_member['name'];

$member_group_id = ( $tmp_member['twitter_token'] AND $tmp_member['member_group_id'] == $this->settings['auth_group']) ? $this->settings['member_group'] : $tmp_member['member_group_id'];

if ( ! $reg['partial_email_ok'] )


IPSMember::save( $mid, array( 'members' => array(

'email' => $in_email,

'members_display_name' => $members_display_name,

'members_seo_name' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle( $members_display_name ),

'name' => $tmp_member['name'] ? $tmp_member['name'] : $members_display_name,

'members_l_username' => $tmp_member['members_l_username'] ? $tmp_member['members_l_username'] : $members_display_name,

'member_group_id' => $member_group_id,

'members_l_display_name' => strtolower( $members_display_name )

) ) );




IPSMember::save( $mid, array( 'members' => array(

'members_display_name' => $members_display_name,

'members_seo_name' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle( $members_display_name ),

'name' => $tmp_member['name'] ? $tmp_member['name'] : $members_display_name,

'members_l_username' => $tmp_member['members_l_username'] ? $tmp_member['members_l_username'] : $members_display_name,

'member_group_id' => $member_group_id,

'members_l_display_name' => strtolower( $members_display_name )

) ) );



// Delete: Partials row


$this->DB->delete( 'members_partial', 'partial_member_id=' . $mid );


// Update: Profile fields



$this->DB->setDataType( array_keys( $custom_fields->out_fields ), 'string' );

if ( is_array($custom_fields->out_fields) and count($custom_fields->out_fields) )


$this->DB->update( 'pfields_content', $custom_fields->out_fields, 'member_id=' . $mid );



// Send out admin email


if ( $this->settings['new_reg_notify'] )


$date = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->getDate( time(), 'LONG', 1 );


IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array( 'DATE' => $date,

'LOG_IN_NAME' => $tmp_member['name'] ? $tmp_member['name'] : $members_display_name,

'EMAIL' => $in_email,

'IP' => $tmp_member['ip_address'],

'DISPLAY_NAME' => $members_display_name ) );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf( $this->lang->words['new_registration_email'], $this->settings['board_name'] );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $this->settings['email_in'];



/* Got admin validation enabled? */

if ( $connectService && ! $login_user && in_array( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'], array( 'admin', 'admin_user' ) ) )


/* Make them validating */

IPSMember::save( $member['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'member_group_id' => $this->settings['auth_group'] ) ) );


// We want to validate all reg's via email,

// after email verificiation has taken place,

// we restore their previous group and remove the validate_key


$this->DB->insert( 'validating', array( 'vid' => $validate_key,

'member_id' => $member['member_id'],

'real_group' => $this->settings['member_group'],

'temp_group' => $this->settings['auth_group'],

'entry_date' => $time,

'coppa_user' => 0,

'new_reg' => 1,

'ip_address' => $member['ip_address'];

$this->output = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->showPreview( IPSMember::load( $member['member_id'] ) );



// Set cookies


IPSCookie::set("member_id" , $mid , 1 );

IPSCookie::set("pass_hash" , $tmp_member['member_login_key'] , 1 );


// Fix up session


$privacy = ( $this->caches['group_cache'][ $tmp_member['member_group_id'] ]['g_hide_online_list'] || ( empty($this->settings['disable_anonymous']) && ! empty($this->request['Privacy']) ) ) ? 1 : 0;

$this->member->sessionClass()->convertGuestToMember( array( 'member_name' => $members_display_name,

'member_id' => $mid,

'member_group' => $tmp_member['member_group_id'],

'login_type' => $privacy ) );


// Update Stats


$cache = $this->cache->getCache('stats');

if( $members_display_name AND $mid )


$cache['last_mem_name'] = $members_display_name;

$cache['last_mem_name_seo'] = IPSText::makeSeoTitle( $members_display_name );

$cache['last_mem_id'] = $mid;


$cache['mem_count'] += 1;

$this->cache->setCache( 'stats', $cache, array( 'array' => 1 ) );

/* Complete account */

$memberData = IPSMember::load( $mid );

IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onCompleteAccount', $memberData );

IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onLogin', $memberData );


// Go to the board index


$this->registry->output->redirectScreen( $this->lang->words['clogin_done'], $this->settings['base_url'] );



* When a member logs in via an external login method and we do not have all of the data

* to create the member's account, we create a partial record. This function shows the

* form upon first visit by member (usually immediately after login) to complete the

* login/registration.


* @param array Errors

* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]


protected function _completeRegistration( $form_errors=array() )





$mid = intval( $this->request['mid'] );

$key = intval( $this->request['key'] );

$final_errors = '';


// Get DB row


$reg = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*',

'from' => 'members_partial',

'where' => "partial_member_id={$mid} AND partial_date={$key}" ) );


// Got it?


if ( ! $reg['partial_id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'partial_reg_noid', 10118 );


/* Load Full Member */

$member = IPSMember::load( $mid, 'all' );

/* Twitter or Facebook? */

if ( $member['fb_uid'] AND $member['fb_token'] )


/* Attempt to fetch user details */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );

$facebook = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $member['fb_token'], $member['fb_uid'] );

$userData = $facebook->fetchUserData();

if ( $userData['id'] )


$userData['service'] = 'facebook';

$userData['_name'] = $userData['name'];

$userData['_pic'] = $userData['pic_square'];

$userData['_sImage'] = $this->settings['public_dir'] . 'style_status/facebook.png';

/* Enforcing / allowing real names? */

if ( ! count( $form_errors['dname'] ) AND $this->settings['fb_realname'] != 'any' )


$userData['_displayName'] = $userData['_name'];

/* Now, make sure we have a unique display name */

$max = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'MAX(member_id) as max',

'from' => 'members',

'where' => "members_l_display_name LIKE '" . $this->DB->addSlashes( strtolower( $userData['_displayName'] ) ) . "%'" ) );

if ( $max['max'] )


/* does the username already have it set? */

if ( stristr( $member['name'], $userData['_displayName'] ) )


$userData['_displayName'] = $member['name'];




$_num = $max['max'] + 1;

$userData['_displayName'] = $userData['_displayName'] . '_' . $_num;






else if ( $member['twitter_id'] AND $member['twitter_token'] AND $member['twitter_secret'] )


/* Attempt to fetch user details */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/twitter/connect.php', 'twitter_connect' );

$twitter = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $member['twitter_token'], $member['twitter_secret'] );

$userData = $twitter->fetchUserData();

if ( $userData['id'] )


$userData['service'] = 'twitter';

$userData['_name'] = $userData['screen_name'];

$userData['_pic'] = $userData['profile_image_url'];

$userData['_sImage'] = $this->settings['public_dir'] . 'style_status/twitter.png';





/* Set defaults for any we have */

$this->request['members_display_name'] = !empty($this->request['members_display_name']) ? $this->request['members_display_name'] : $member['members_display_name'];

$this->request['EmailAddress'] = !empty($this->request['EmailAddress']) ? $this->request['EmailAddress'] : $member['email'];

$this->request['EmailAddress_two'] = !empty($this->request['EmailAddress_two']) ? $this->request['EmailAddress_two'] : $member['email'];


/* Remote registrations disabled? */

if ( $this->settings['no_reg'] == 2 )


/* Clean up incomplete reg */

if ( $reg['partial_member_id'] )


IPSMember::remove( array( $reg['partial_member_id'] ) );


$this->registry->output->showError( 'no_remote_reg', 1090001 );



// Custom profile fields stuff


$custom_fields_out = array( 'required', 'optional' );

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/customfields/profileFields.php', 'customProfileFields' );

$custom_fields = new $classToLoad();

$custom_fields->member_data = array();

$custom_fields->initData( 'edit' );

$custom_fields->parseToEdit( 'register' );

if ( count( $custom_fields->out_fields ) )


foreach( $custom_fields->out_fields as $id => $form_element )


if ( $custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_not_null'] == 1 )


$ftype = 'required';




$ftype = 'optional';


$custom_fields_out[$ftype][] = array(

'name' => $custom_fields->field_names[ $id ],

'desc' => $custom_fields->field_desc[ $id ],

'field' => $form_element,

'id' => $id,

'error' => '',

'type' => $custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_type']





// Other errors


foreach( array( 'dname', 'password', 'email', 'general', 'serviceLogIn' ) as $thing )


if ( is_array( $form_errors[ $thing ] ) AND count( $form_errors[ $thing ] ) )


$final_errors .= implode( "<br />", $form_errors[ $thing ] );




// No display name?


if ( ! $this->memberData['members_display_name'] )


$this->memberData['members_display_name'] = ( $member['members_display_name'] ) ? $member['members_display_name'] : $member['email'];



// Show the form (email and display name)


$this->output .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->completePartialLogin( $mid, $key, $custom_fields_out, $final_errors, $reg, $userData );

$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['clogin_title'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['clogin_title'], '' );



* Show the form to request validation email to be resent


* @param string Errors

* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]


protected function _revalidateForm( $errors="" )


$uses_name = false;

$uses_email = false;

foreach( $this->cache->getCache('login_methods') as $method )


if( $method['login_user_id'] == 'username' )


$uses_name = true;


if( $method['login_user_id'] == 'email' )


$uses_email = true;



if( $uses_name AND $uses_email )


$name = $this->memberData['member_id'] == "" ? '' : $this->memberData['name'];

$this->lang->words['rv_ins'] = $this->lang->words['rv_ins_both'];


else if( $uses_email )


$name = $this->memberData['member_id'] == "" ? '' : $this->memberData['email'];

$this->lang->words['rv_ins'] = $this->lang->words['rv_ins_email'];




$name = $this->memberData['member_id'] == "" ? '' : $this->memberData['name'];

$this->lang->words['rv_ins'] = $this->lang->words['rv_ins_name'];


$this->output .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->showRevalidateForm( $name, $errors );

$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['rv_title'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['rv_title'], '' );



* Resend email validation request for lost password, email change and new registration


* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]


protected function _revalidateComplete()



// Check in the DB for entered member name


if ( $this->request['username'] == "" )





$username = $this->request['username'];

$keyType = IPSText::checkEmailAddress( $this->request['username'] ) ? 'email' : 'username';

$member = IPSMember::load( $username, 'extendedProfile', $keyType );

if ( ! $member['member_id'] )



* Try the other key type just to be safe...


$member = IPSMember::load( $username, 'extendedProfile', $keyType == 'email' ? 'username' : 'email' );

if ( ! $member['member_id'] )







// Check in the DB for any validations


$val = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'validating', 'where' => "member_id=" . intval($member['member_id']) ) );

if ( empty($val['vid']) )






// Which type is it then?


if ( $val['lost_pass'] == 1 )


IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate("lost_pass", $member['language']);

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array(

'NAME' => $member['members_display_name'],

'THE_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=lostpass&do=sendform&uid=" . $member['member_id'] . "&aid=" . $val['vid'],

'MAN_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=lostpass&do=sendform",

'EMAIL' => $member['email'],

'ID' => $member['member_id'],

'CODE' => $val['vid'],

'IP_ADDRESS' => $this->member->ip_address,



IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = $this->lang->words['lp_subject'].' '.$this->settings['board_name'];

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $member['email'];



else if ( $val['new_reg'] == 1 )


IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate( "reg_validate", $member['language'] );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array(

'THE_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=register&do=auto_validate&uid=" . $member['member_id'] . "&aid=" . $val['vid'],

'NAME' => $member['members_display_name'],

'MAN_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=register&do=05",

'EMAIL' => $member['email'],

'ID' => $member['member_id'],

'CODE' => $val['vid'],



IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf( $this->lang->words['email_reg_subj'], $this->settings['board_name'] );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $member['email'];



else if ( $val['email_chg'] == 1 )



IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array(

'NAME' => $member['members_display_name'],

'THE_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=register&do=auto_validate&type=newemail&uid=" . $member['member_id'] . "&aid=" . $val['vid'],

'ID' => $member['member_id'],

'MAN_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=register&do=07",

'CODE' => $val['vid'],



IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf( $this->lang->words['ne_subject'], $this->settings['board_name'] );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $member['email'];








$this->output .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->showRevalidated();

$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['rv_title'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['rv_title'], '' );



* Show the form to manually enter in validation info if auto-validation failed.


* @param string Type of validation

* @param string Error messages

* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]


protected function _showManualForm($type='reg', $errors="")



// In IPB3 this is handled by another section

// If somehow a request comes in, send to correct location


if ( $type == 'lostpass' )


$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=global&section=lostpass&do=sendform&uid=' . $this->request['uid'] . '&aid=' . $this->request['aid'] );




$this->output = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->showManualForm( $type );


$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['activation_form'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['activation_form'], '' );



* Show coppa form. This is the downloadable/printable form, and as such is just printed to the browser directly


* @return @e void


protected function registerCoppaPermsForm()


/* Keith said to strip these out - it's all his fault :( */

$this->settings['coppa_address'] = str_replace( array( '<br />', '<br>' ), '', $this->settings['coppa_address'] );

$this->settings['coppa_address'] = nl2br( $this->settings['coppa_address'] );

echo( $this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->registerCoppaForm() );




* This is the second page a COPPA submission hits. Really, user hits this page and if birthday is older than 13

* we just continue with registration form. Otherwise we show the coppa validation required message with link

* to download/print coppa compliance sheet for parents to fill in.


* @return @e void


protected function registerCoppaTwo()


if( $this->request['coppa'] == 1 )


IPSCookie::set( 'coppa', 'no', 0, 1 );




IPSCookie::set( 'coppa', 'yes', 0, 1 );

$this->lang->words['coppa_form_text'] = str_replace( "<#FORM_LINK#>", "<a href='{$this->settings['base_url']}app=core&module=global&section=register&do=12'>" . $this->lang->words['coppa_link_form'] . "</a>", $this->lang->words['coppa_form_text']);

$this->output .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->registerCoppaTwo();

$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['coppa_title'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name']);

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['coppa_title'], '' );



* Validation completion. This is the action hit when a user clicks a validation link from their email for

* lost password, email change and new registration.


* @return @e void


protected function _autoValidate()





$in_user_id = intval(trim(urldecode($this->request['uid'])));

$in_validate_key = substr( IPSText::alphanumericalClean( urldecode( $this->request['aid'] ) ), 0, 32 );

$in_type = trim($this->request['type']);

$in_type = $in_type ? $in_type : 'reg';


// Attempt to get the profile of the requesting user


$member = IPSMember::load( $in_user_id, 'members' );

if ( ! $member['member_id'] )


$this->_showManualForm( $in_type, 'reg_error_validate' );




// Get validating info..


if ( $in_type == 'lostpass' )


$validate = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'validating', 'where' => 'member_id=' . $in_user_id . " AND lost_pass=1" ) );


else if ( $in_type == 'newemail' )


$validate = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'validating', 'where' => 'member_id=' . $in_user_id . " AND email_chg=1" ) );




$validate = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'validating', 'where' => 'member_id=' . $in_user_id ) );



// Checks...


if ( ! $validate['member_id'] )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'no_validate_key', 10120 );



// Changed to check if this is an admin flagged

// account for a spam user too


if ( ( $validate['new_reg'] == 1 ) && (($this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == "admin" ) || $validate['spam_user']) )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'validate_admin_turn', 10121 );


if ( $validate['vid'] != $in_validate_key )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'validation_key_invalid', 10122 );



// Captcha (from posted form, not GET)


if ( $this->settings['use_captcha'] AND $this->request['uid'] )


if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_captcha')->validate( $this->request['captcha_unique_id'], $this->request['captcha_input'] ) !== TRUE )


$this->_showManualForm( $in_type, 'reg_error_anti_spam' );







if ( $validate['new_reg'] == 1 )


if( $member['member_group_id'] == $this->settings['auth_group'] )


if ( ! $validate['real_group'] )


$validate['real_group'] = $this->settings['member_group'];


else if( !isset( $this->caches['group_cache'][ $validate['real_group'] ] ) )


$validate['real_group'] = $this->settings['member_group'];





// 12.14.2009 Changed from != 'admin_user' to

// be more inclusive (just self-verification only)


if ( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'user' )


if( $member['member_group_id'] == $this->settings['auth_group'] )


IPSMember::save( $member['member_id'], array( 'members' => array( 'member_group_id' => $validate['real_group'] ) ) );


/* Reset newest member */

$stat_cache = $this->caches['stats'];

if( $member['members_display_name'] AND $member['member_id'] AND !$this->caches['group_cache'][ $validate['real_group'] ]['g_hide_online_list'] )


$stat_cache['last_mem_name'] = $member['members_display_name'];

$stat_cache['last_mem_name_seo'] = IPSText::makeSeoTitle( $member['members_display_name'] );

$stat_cache['last_mem_id'] = $member['member_id'];


$stat_cache['mem_count'] += 1;

$this->cache->setCache( 'stats', $stat_cache, array( 'array' => 1 ) );


// Remove "dead" validation


$this->DB->delete( 'validating', "vid='" . $validate['vid'] . "'" );

IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onCompleteAccount', $member );

$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . '&app=core&module=global&section=login&do=autologin&fromreg=1' );








// Update DB row...


$this->DB->update( 'validating', array( 'user_verified' => 1 ), 'vid=\'' . $validate['vid'] . '\'' );


// Print message


$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['validation_complete'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );

$this->output = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->showPreview( $member );






else if ( $validate['lost_pass'] == 1 )





$save_array = array();


// Generate a new random password


$new_pass = IPSMember::makePassword();


// Generate a new salt


$salt = IPSMember::generatePasswordSalt(5);

$salt = str_replace( '\\', "\\\\", $salt );


// New log in key


$key = IPSMember::generateAutoLoginKey();


// Update...


$save_array['members_pass_salt'] = $salt;

$save_array['members_pass_hash'] = md5( md5($salt) . md5( $new_pass ) );

$save_array['member_login_key'] = $key;

$save_array['member_login_key_expire'] = $this->settings['login_key_expire'] * 60 * 60 * 24;


// Load handler...


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );

$this->han_login = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );


$this->han_login->changePass( $member['email'], md5( $new_pass ), $new_pass, $member );

if ( $this->han_login->return_code != 'METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'SUCCESS' )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'lostpass_external_fail', 2015, true );


IPSMember::save( $member['member_id'], array( 'members' => $save_array ) );


// Send out the email...


IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate("lost_pass_email_pass", $member['language']);

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array(

'NAME' => $member['members_display_name'],

'THE_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=email',

'PASSWORD' => $new_pass,

'LOGIN' => $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=global&section=login',

'USERNAME' => $member['name'],

'EMAIL' => $member['email'],

'ID' => $member['member_id'],



IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = $this->lang->words['lp_random_pass_subject'] . ' ' . $this->settings['board_name'];

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $member['email'];


$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['validation_complete'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );


// Remove "dead" validation


$this->DB->delete( 'validating', "vid='" . $validate['vid'] . "' OR (member_id={$member['member_id']} AND lost_pass=1)" );

$this->output = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->showLostPassWaitRandom( $member );





else if ( $validate['email_chg'] == 1 )


if ( !$validate['real_group'] )


$validate['real_group'] = $this->settings['member_group'];


else if( !isset( $this->caches['group_cache'][ $validate['real_group'] ] ) )


$validate['real_group'] = $this->settings['member_group'];


IPSMember::save( $member['member_id'], array( 'members' => array( 'member_group_id' => intval($validate['real_group']) ) ) );

IPSCookie::set( "member_id", $member['member_id'] , 1 );

IPSCookie::set( "pass_hash", $member['member_login_key'], 1 );


// Remove "dead" validation


$this->DB->delete( 'validating', "vid='" . $validate['vid'] . "' OR (member_id={$member['member_id']} AND email_chg=1)" );

$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'].'&app=core&module=global&section=login&do=autologin&fromemail=1' );




* Processes the registration form


* @return @e void


public function registerProcessForm()



$form_errors = array();

$coppa = ( $this->request['coppa_user'] == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;

$in_password = trim( $this->request['PassWord'] );

$in_email = strtolower( trim( $this->request['EmailAddress'] ) );

/* Did we agree to the t&c? */

if( ! $this->request['agree_tos'] )


$form_errors['tos'] = array( $this->lang->words['must_agree_to_terms'] );


/* Custom profile field stuff */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/customfields/profileFields.php', 'customProfileFields' );

$custom_fields = new $classToLoad();

$custom_fields->initData( 'edit' );

$custom_fields->parseToSave( $_POST, 'register' );

/* Check */

if( $custom_fields->error_messages )


$form_errors['general'] = $custom_fields->error_messages;


/* Check the email address */

if ( ! $in_email OR strlen( $in_email ) < 6 OR !IPSText::checkEmailAddress( $in_email ) )


$form_errors['email'][$this->lang->words['err_invalid_email']] = $this->lang->words['err_invalid_email'];


if( trim($this->request['PassWord_Check']) != $in_password OR !$in_password )


$form_errors['password'][$this->lang->words['passwords_not_match']] = $this->lang->words['passwords_not_match'];


elseif ( strlen( $in_password ) < 3 )


$form_errors['password'][$this->lang->words['pass_too_short']] = $this->lang->words['pass_too_short'];


elseif ( strlen( $in_password ) > 32 )


$form_errors['password'][$this->lang->words['pass_too_long']] = $this->lang->words['pass_too_long'];


/* Check the username */

$user_check = IPSMember::getFunction()->cleanAndCheckName( $this->request['members_display_name'], array(), 'name' );

$disp_check = IPSMember::getFunction()->cleanAndCheckName( $this->request['members_display_name'], array(), 'members_display_name' );

if( is_array( $user_check['errors'] ) && count( $user_check['errors'] ) )


foreach( $user_check['errors'] as $key => $error )


$form_errors['dname'][ $error ] = isset($this->lang->words[ $error ]) ? $this->lang->words[ $error ] : $error;



/* this d*plicates username error above */

/*if( is_array( $disp_check['errors'] ) && count( $disp_check['errors'] ) )


foreach( $disp_check['errors'] as $key => $error )


$form_errors['dname'][ $error ] = isset($this->lang->words[ $error ]) ? $this->lang->words[ $error ] : $error;



/* CHECK 1: Any errors (missing fields, etc)? */

if( count( $form_errors ) )


$this->registerForm( $form_errors );



/* Is this email addy taken? */

if( IPSMember::checkByEmail( $in_email ) == TRUE )


$form_errors['email'][$this->lang->words['reg_error_email_taken']] = $this->lang->words['reg_error_email_taken'];


/* Load handler... */

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );

$this->han_login = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );


$this->han_login->emailExistsCheck( $in_email );

if( $this->han_login->return_code AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'EMAIL_NOT_IN_USE' )


$form_errors['email'][$this->lang->words['reg_error_email_taken']] = $this->lang->words['reg_error_email_taken'];


/* Are they banned ? */

if ( IPSMember::isBanned( 'email', $in_email ) === TRUE )


$form_errors['email'][$this->lang->words['reg_error_email_ban']] = $this->lang->words['reg_error_email_ban'];


/* Check the CAPTCHA */

if ( $this->settings['bot_antispam_type'] != 'none' )


if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_captcha')->validate() !== TRUE )


$form_errors['general'][$this->lang->words['err_reg_code']] = $this->lang->words['err_reg_code'];



/* Check the Q and A */

$qanda = intval($this->request['qanda_id']);

$pass = true;

if( $qanda )


$pass = false;

$data = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'question_and_answer', 'where' => 'qa_id=' . $qanda ) );

if( $data['qa_id'] )


$answers = explode( "\n", str_replace( "\r", "", $data['qa_answers'] ) );

if( count($answers) )


foreach( $answers as $answer )


$answer = trim($answer);

if( strlen($answer) AND strtolower($answer) == strtolower($this->request['qa_answer']) )


$pass = true;










// Do we have any questions?


$data = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as questions', 'from' => 'question_and_answer' ) );

if( $data['questions'] )


$pass = false;



if( !$pass )


$form_errors['general'][$this->lang->words['err_q_and_a']] = $this->lang->words['err_q_and_a'];


/* CHECK 2: Any errors ? */

if ( count( $form_errors ) )


$this->registerForm( $form_errors );



/* Build up the hashes */

$mem_group = $this->settings['member_group'];

/* Are we asking the member or admin to preview? */

if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] )


$mem_group = $this->settings['auth_group'];


else if ($coppa == 1)


$mem_group = $this->settings['auth_group'];


/* Create member */

$member = array(

'name' => $this->request['members_display_name'],

'password' => $in_password,

'members_display_name' => $this->request['members_display_name'],

'email' => $in_email,

'member_group_id' => $mem_group,

'joined' => time(),

'ip_address' => $this->member->ip_address,

'time_offset' => $this->request['time_offset'],

'coppa_user' => $coppa,

'members_auto_dst' => intval($this->settings['time_dst_auto_correction']),

'allow_admin_mails' => intval( $this->request['allow_admin_mail'] ),

'language' => $this->member->language_id,


/* Spam Service */

$spamCode = 0;

$_spamFlag = 0;


// Create the account


$member = IPSMember::create( array( 'members' => $member, 'pfields_content' => $custom_fields->out_fields ), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE );


// Login handler create account callback


$this->han_login->createAccount( array( 'email' => $member['email'],

'joined' => $member['joined'],

'password' => $in_password,

'ip_address' => $this->member->ip_address,

'username' => $member['members_display_name'],

) );


// We'll just ignore if this fails - it shouldn't hold up IPB anyways


/*if ( $han_login->return_code AND ( $han_login->return_code != 'METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $han_login->return_code != 'SUCCESS' ) )


$this->registry->output->showError( 'han_login_create_failed', 2017, true );



// Validation


$validate_key = md5( IPSMember::makePassword() . time() );

$time = time();

if( $coppa != 1 )


if( ( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'user' ) or ( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin' ) or ( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin_user' ) )



// We want to validate all reg's via email,

// after email verificiation has taken place,

// we restore their previous group and remove the validate_key


$this->DB->insert( 'validating', array(

'vid' => $validate_key,

'member_id' => $member['member_id'],

'real_group' => $this->settings['member_group'],

'temp_group' => $this->settings['auth_group'],

'entry_date' => $time,

'coppa_user' => $coppa,

'new_reg' => 1,

'ip_address' => $member['ip_address'],

'spam_flag' => $_spamFlag,

) );

if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'user' OR $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin_user' )



IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array(

'THE_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=register&do=auto_validate&uid=" . urlencode( $member['member_id'] ) . "&aid=" . urlencode( $validate_key ),

'NAME' => $member['members_display_name'],

'MAN_LINK' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=core&module=global&section=register&do=05",

'EMAIL' => $member['email'],

'ID' => $member['member_id'],

'CODE' => $validate_key,

) );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf( $this->lang->words['new_registration_email'], $this->settings['board_name'] );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $member['email'];


$this->output = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->showAuthorize( $member );


else if( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == 'admin' )


$this->output = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->showPreview( $member );


/* Only send new registration email if the member wasn't banned */

if( $this->settings['new_reg_notify'] AND ! $member['member_banned'] )


$date = $this->registry->class_localization->getDate( time(), 'LONG', 1 );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate( 'admin_newuser' );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array( 'DATE' => $date,

'LOG_IN_NAME' => $member['name'],

'EMAIL' => $member['email'],

'IP' => $member['ip_address'],

'DISPLAY_NAME' => $member['members_display_name'] ) );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf( $this->lang->words['new_registration_email1'], $this->settings['board_name'] );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $this->settings['email_in'];



$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['reg_success'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );

$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['nav_reg'], '' );




/* We don't want to preview, or get them to validate via email. */

$stat_cache = $this->cache->getCache('stats');

if( $member['members_display_name'] AND $member['member_id'] AND !$this->caches['group_cache'][ $member['member_group_id'] ]['g_hide_online_list'] )


$stat_cache['last_mem_name'] = $member['members_display_name'];

$stat_cache['last_mem_name_seo'] = IPSText::makeSeoTitle( $member['members_display_name'] );

$stat_cache['last_mem_id'] = $member['member_id'];


$stat_cache['mem_count'] += 1;

$this->cache->setCache( 'stats', $stat_cache, array( 'array' => 1 ) );

/* Only send new registration email if the member wasn't banned */

if( $this->settings['new_reg_notify'] AND ! $member['member_banned'] )


$date = $this->registry->class_localization->getDate( time(), 'LONG', 1 );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate( 'admin_newuser' );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array( 'DATE' => $date,

'LOG_IN_NAME' => $member['name'],

'EMAIL' => $member['email'],

'IP' => $member['ip_address'],

'DISPLAY_NAME' => $member['members_display_name'] ) );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf( $this->lang->words['new_registration_email1'], $this->settings['board_name'] );

IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to = $this->settings['email_in'];



IPSCookie::set( 'pass_hash' , $member['member_login_key'], 1);

IPSCookie::set( 'member_id' , $member['member_id'] , 1);


// Fix up session


$privacy = ( $member['g_hide_online_list'] || ( empty($this->settings['disable_anonymous']) && ! empty($this->request['Privacy']) ) ) ? 1 : 0;

# Update value for onCompleteAccount call

$member['login_anonymous'] = $privacy . '&1';

$this->member->sessionClass()->convertGuestToMember( array( 'member_name' => $member['members_display_name'],

'member_id' => $member['member_id'],

'member_group' => $member['member_group_id'],

'login_type' => $privacy ) );

IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onCompleteAccount', $member );

$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . '&app=core&module=global&section=login&do=autologin&fromreg=1');





/* This is a COPPA user, so lets tell them they registered OK and redirect to the form. */

$this->DB->insert( 'validating', array (

'vid' => $validate_key,

'member_id' => $member['member_id'],

'real_group' => $this->settings['member_group'],

'temp_group' => $this->settings['auth_group'],

'entry_date' => $time,

'coppa_user' => $coppa,

'new_reg' => 1,

'ip_address' => $member['ip_address']

) );

$this->registry->output->redirectScreen( $this->lang->words['cp_success'], $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=core&module=global&section=register&do=12' );




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To nie jest kod z wersji 3.3.3., jaką masz ustawioną w profilu. Skąd pobierałeś pliki tego skryptu? Bo takiego buga na pewno nie zrobił nikt z IPSu (ostatnia linia):

$this->DB->insert( 'validating', array( 'vid' => $validate_key,
'member_id' => $member['member_id'],
'real_group' => $this->settings['member_group'],
'temp_group' => $this->settings['auth_group'],
'entry_date' => $time,
'coppa_user' => 0,
'new_reg' => 1,
'ip_address' => $member['ip_address'];

intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


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Piękno nulledów.

$this->DB->insert( 'validating', array( 'vid' => $validate_key,
'member_id' => $member['member_id'],
'real_group' => $this->settings['member_group'],
'temp_group' => $this->settings['auth_group'],
'entry_date' => $time,
'coppa_user' => 0,
'new_reg' => 1,
'ip_address' => $member['ip_address'],
'spam_flag' => $_spamFlag

pobierałem z ###


Edytowane przez DawPi
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IP.Board jest komercyjnym ( płatnym ) oprogramowaniem. Z naszych informacji wynika, że autor tematu nie posiada licencji, a co za tym idzie nie może legalnie korzystać z tego skryptu.

Temat zostaje zamknięty. Zapraszamy po zakupie licencji.

Proszę pamiętać, że w żaden sposób nie wspiera i nie pomaga osobom z tzw. wersjami pirackimi jakiegokolwiek oprogramowania wydanego przez IPS.



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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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