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(BN23) Reputation


Recommended Posts

Nazwa pliku: (BN23) Reputation

Autor: Batman

Data wysłania: 03 wrz 2009

Data aktualizacji: 13 lut 2010

Kategoria: Modyfikacje

Wersja modyfikacji: 1.1

INFO :Modyfikacja dodaje do forum punktowy system reputacji.

Eng :This modification add to your forum reputation system.

Modyfikacja wymaga do zainstalowania :

* Universal Mod Installer

This mod was designed to be installed using the following components:

* Universal Mod Installer

Najważniejsze Opcje(Most important Option):

- Ocenianie dodatnie i ujemne (z możliwością blokady oceny ujemnej)

- Evaluating positive and negative (with the possibility to blockade negative)

- Możliwośc oceny wszystkich lub tylko pierwszych postów.

- Possibility evaluated first post or all posts.

- Wybór for na których jest możliwośc oceny.

- Choice forums in which by able to used reputation.

- Wybór grup które mogą widzieć system

- Choice user groups which can see system.

- Wybór grup które mogą używać systemu.

- Choice user groups which can use system.

- Możliwośc zbanowania konkretnych userów

- Possibility ban concrete users

- Poziomy reputacji można dodawać, usuwać lub edytowac.

- Reputation levels can be added, deleted or edit.



Ten mod używa AJAX

This mod uses AJAX

update 1.1 - IE 6,7,8 Ajax bug and other small bugs fixed

new features added

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1. zainstalowałem wszystko w profilu w widoku tematu pokazuje Reputacja: 0 jak i obrazki "plus", "minus" "licznik" "oraz strzałkę" po kliknięciu w obrazek nic się nie dzieje tylko na końcu adresu pojawia się "#plus"

2. Jak wchodzę w statystyki reputacji to są krzaczki w języku Polskim

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ok plik reputation.js jest uszkodzony , nawalił js packer

zaktualizowałem plik jak tylko boss zatwierdzi pliczek będzie do pobrania

na razie daję tutaj pliczek js.

zawartość pliku zip należy wgrać do katalogu jscripts

Pozdrawiam Batman

EDIT by DawPi:

zaktualizowane, załącznik usunięty. :P


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<td class="catend" colspan="2">

Pełny kod RenderRow poniżej:

<!--Begin Msg Number {$post['pid']}-->
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								<img src="{$this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']}/rating_{$author['_pp_rating_real']}_mini.gif" alt='{$this->ipsclass->lang['rating_prefix']}: {$author['_pp_rating_real']}' style='vertical-align:middle' border='0' />
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						{$author['_pp_gender_image']} <a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showuser={$author['id']}">{$this->ipsclass->lang['dd_view_profile']}</a>
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							<img src='{$this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']}/folder_profile_portal/find_posts.png' alt='' border='0' /> <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}autocom=blog&blogid={$author['_cache']['my_blog']}'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['dd_my_blog']}</a>
						<div class='popupmenu-item'>
							<img src='{$this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']}/folder_profile_portal/find_posts.png' alt='' border='0' /> <a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}autocom=gallery&req=user&user={$author['id']}'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['dd_my_albums']}</a>
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	<td valign="top" class="{$post['post_css']}">
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				<a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}showuser={$author['id']}" title="{$this->ipsclass->lang['dd_view_profile']}">{$author['avatar']}</a><br /><br />
			<else />
       			{$author['avatar']}<br /><br />
       		{$author['title']}<br />
       		{$author['member_rank_img']}<br /><br />
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                 {$author['member_time_spent']}<br />
			<if="$author['custom_fields'] != """>
			<br />
       		{$author['warn_text']} {$author['warn_minus']}{$author['warn_img']}{$author['warn_add']}
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<script type='text/javascript'>
if ( ajax_loaded && use_enhanced_js )
menu_build_menu( 'edit-but-{$post['pid']}',
new Array(  img_item + " <a title='{$this->ipsclass->lang['edit_full_desc']}' href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=post&do=edit_post&f={$post['forum_id']}&t={$post['topic_id']}&p={$post['pid']}&st={$this->ipsclass->input['st']}'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['edit_full_title']}</a>",
			img_item + " <a href='#' title='{$this->ipsclass->lang['edit_quick_desc']}' onclick='return ajax_prep_for_edit({$post['pid']}, event);'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['edit_quick_title']}</a>" ) );

Po naciśnięciu plusa nic się nie dzieje - identyczna sytuacja jak opisana powyżej.

render.js znajduje się we właściwym katalogu.

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Po kliknęciu na plus lub minus IE wskazuje, że jest błąd na stronie. W szczegółach błędu:

Szczegóły błędu na stronie sieci Web
Wiadomość: Niedopasowanie typu.

Wiersz: 8
Znak: 270
Kod: 0
Identyfikator URI: http://forum.prawnikow.pl/jscripts/reputation.js

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Sorry że dopiero teraz ale remont w domu i rzadko zaglądam .

co do pierwszego , nie jestem pewien końcowego efektu jako że nie widziałem skina ale myślę że to zadziała prawidłowo:

Dodaj to :

<td class="catend" id="rep-general-{$post['pid']}" style="font-size:12px;"></td><td class="catend" colspan="2" id="topic_who{$post['pid']}" style="font-size:12px">
<!-- no content -->

po tym :

       <div align="right">
                       {$post['delete_button']}{$post['edit_button']}<a href="#" onclick="multiquote_add({$post['pid']}); return false;" title="{$this->ipsclass->lang['mq_title']}">{$post['mq_start_image']}</a><a href="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Post&CODE=02&f={$this->ipsclass->input['f']}&t={$this->ipsclass->input['t']}&qpid={$post['pid']}" title="{$this->ipsclass->lang['tt_reply_to_post']}"><{P_QUOTE}></a>

Jeżeli chodzi o drugi post jaka wersja ie i czy dodaje /odejmuje punkt czy jest tylko błąd?

ja sam nie posiadam ie ale postaram się to sprawdzić.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi There, very nice and good mod i really appreciate you work and appreciate DawPi's management where you share this good work.

i have try it on my localhost on my board copy 2 where installed Calypso iReputation System. then i try to install your modification and during install from UMI it show me IPS Driver Error but i reload the page then its RUN Again and creating Tables in database. so i feel your modification will conflict when any one installed calpso's iReputation system ? because i think you used reputation filed name ? that also used in calypso's modification ?

here is the cache error file.

Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 14:00:50 +0500
Error Number: 1054
Error: Unknown column 'rep_id' in 'field list'
IP Address:
Page: /board/admin/index.php?adsess=f51cf7958ac3281278f726993587010&section=components&act=umi&code=work&mod=(BN23)reputation&step=4&st=0
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ibf_reputation (rep_id,rep_to_id,rep_by_id,rep_pos,rep_neg,rep_text,rep_time) VALUES(1,10,2,1,0,'<b>nice funny pic and baby pics</b>',1207744664)


found a BUG

this modification only work with Mozilla/firefox in IE this will not give + and - reputation. when you click to positive reputation its show that reputation will be submitted but when you refresh the page then you see all positive negative buttons appears again and show that you not give reputation. it only happend in IE6 IE7. but work fine in Mozilla firefox.

and its show the error as above members said in IE

Line: 9
Char: 270
Error: typemismatch
Code: 0
URL: http://localhost/forum/index.php?showtopic=5

and i think if you fix this error this mod will completed.

Edited by Intasar
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Author made mistake somewhere in code.

Used 'rep_id' than 'r_id' ID in inserted row. I'll try contact with him and speak about it. Please be patient. :thumbsup:

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intermedia - profesjonalne rozwiązania Invision Power Board


Chcesz uzyskać szybko i sprawnie pomoc? Uzupełnij wersję i adres w profilu.

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Sorry for my absence lately, but work , work, work :)

now, about calypso mod is of course possible.

about IE problems ,well IE is stupid and that why not working :)

anyway IE bug fixed (working in my main forum)

update ready after Boss confirm.




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thanks batman. now its working fine .. but have two small issue.

1.when we admin delete any + or - reputation of member then redirect page not showing the message of deleting.

2.in the statistics of reputation have no link of members personal reputation viewing in navigation. just like "my reputations" (i m talking about this CODE=search_profile&id=1)

3.i have installed calypso' i reputation and now i want to uninstall that but all of members reputation not want to drop. so is there any way that all reputations will be converting in your reputations or not?

thanks and good work.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I found a bug and provide a solution:



$adress     = 'showtopic='.$post['topic'].'&viev=findpost&p='.$post['post'];


$adress     = 'showtopic='.$post['topic'].'&view=findpost&p='.$post['post'];

viev -> view

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Also there would be a suggestion for this mod

- to make WORST rated members TOP 25 or top 10

and another bug

- visible in IE7 (dunno about other browsers) but works good in firefox

When viewing any one of those the heading looks bad:

- 25 most evaluated forums

- 25 most evaluated topics

- 25 most evaluated posts

in others it is ok, and in FF it looks okay in all of them, but not IE7





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