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Files posted by DawPi

  1. More information about "(DP5) Advanced Regexp"


    (DP5) Advanced Regexp

    With this fancy app you may earn money by changing and modyfing the affiliate urls adding by members on your board! 🙂
    It maybe isn't beatifiull app but it's very good and brings new opportunities.
    For example Amazon affiliate urls contain "tag" parameter which may be modified by adding your own value for that parameter or simply added into url.
    Application is flexible so you may define your own affiliate parameters - "refby", "referredby" etc.
    You may also delete specified parameters from urls or keep any.
    You may also create custom CSS class and highlight any urls you like by your own CSS look.
    Someone post this url:
    https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01WSEEFBA/ref=gw_fr_desk_h1_sh_slp_apos_0079?pf_rd_p=565456y3-f7d5-4b98-a4e5-72ff4fdd68f6&pf_rd_r=9RY38PVVHBF63YEEXE It would change to that (with tag parameter):
    Another example (with tag parameter):
    https://www.amazon.com/photo-TV-mp3-Hifi-GPS/b/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&node=6547&linkCode=sl2&tag=tectes-31&linkId=cb76a59714b8493b75a565404838885c00e&language=fr_FR It would change to:

    0 purchases   0 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  2. More information about "(DP5) PM Viewer"


    (DP5) PM Viewer

    This application will allow administrators to read conversations on Admin CP. If admins has a special permission, they will also be able to VIEW hidden conversations, EDIT, HIDE/UNHIDE conversations (from appearing on PM Viewer application) and INVITE/REMOVE MEMBERS from conversations. Conversations can also be tracked by filtering keywords. If a specific keyword added by an admin is used on Conversation, users from selected group will receive a notification with a link to the conversation on PM Viewer application. Admins can also use tools to HIDE or UNHIDE all conversations with one click.
    Number of conversations per page Number of log entries per page Enable keyword monitoring Keywords to monitor Notification Groups: Members from selected groups will be notified when someone sends a private message that contaims a monitored keyword. Groups Permissions:
    Protected groups: If a member from a selected group is involved in a conversation, then this conversation will be not viewable in the PM Viewer application regardless of who else is involved. Can view HIDDEN conversations Can HIDE/UNHIDE conversations Can INVITE/REMOVE members from conversations Can EDIT message content: Users will also be able to view Revisions from posts and delete/restore the original text Tools:
    Hide All Conversations Unhide All Conversations Logs:
    Added log in all actions: view a conversation, hide/unhide conversation, add/remove users from conversations and restore or delete a revision from a post Added a Logs module to display Admin Logs from this application.

    1 purchase   2 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  3. More information about "(DP45) PM Viewer"


    (DP45) PM Viewer

    This application will allow administrators to read conversations on Admin CP. If admins has a special permission, they will also be able to VIEW hidden conversations, EDIT, HIDE/UNHIDE conversations (from appearing on PM Viewer application) and INVITE/REMOVE MEMBERS from conversations. Conversations can also be tracked by filtering keywords. If a specific keyword added by an admin is used on Conversation, users from selected group will receive a notification with a link to the conversation on PM Viewer application. Admins can also use tools to HIDE or UNHIDE all conversations with one click.
    Number of conversations per page Number of log entries per page Enable keyword monitoring Keywords to monitor Notification Groups: Members from selected groups will be notified when someone sends a private message that contaims a monitored keyword. Groups Permissions:
    Protected groups: If a member from a selected group is involved in a conversation, then this conversation will be not viewable in the PM Viewer application regardless of who else is involved. Can view HIDDEN conversations Can HIDE/UNHIDE conversations Can INVITE/REMOVE members from conversations Can EDIT message content: Users will also be able to view Revisions from posts and delete/restore the original text Tools:
    Hide All Conversations Unhide All Conversations Logs:
    Added log in all actions: view a conversation, hide/unhide conversation, add/remove users from conversations and restore or delete a revision from a post Added a Logs module to display Admin Logs from this application.
    IPS Community 4.7.x  
    Additional Informations:
    Application originally made by @Adriano. He gave it to me to continue support and add new features. All previous purchased will be added. If you bought this mod before and you can't download it - let me know. I'll check it. If you have any suggestion or found a bug - let me know.

    36 purchases   28 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  4. More information about "(DP5) Custom Links"


    (DP5) Custom Links

    This app lets you seamlessly convert phrases into custom links without altering the original data stored in the database. It’s compatible with a forums (posts) only for now. More apps coming!
    With this tool, you can effortlessly replace user-submitted text in forums with URLs, affiliate links, or other custom links. It’s the perfect solution for integrating affiliate links and enhancing your community’s experience.
    Key Features:
    Toggle the mod on or off with ease Fine-grained member group permissions to control who sees parsed phrases Unlimited custom link creation Choose specific forums where the mod applies Add “nofollow” to links for SEO optimization  
    This app is highly recommended for communities looking to monetize or customize their user content.

    0 purchases   0 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  5. More information about "Invision Community 4.7.x [PL]"


    Invision Community 4.7.x [PL]

    Autorzy spolszczenia: INVteam
    Paczka zawiera spolszczenie poniższych aplikacji w postaci pliku .xml:
    Core (System) Blog (Blogi) Downloads (Pliki) Gallery (Galeria) Forums (Forum) Calendar (Kalendarz) Chat (Czat) informacja o zakończeniu wsparcia dla tej aplikacji Pages (Strony) Commerce (Sklep) Converter (Konwerter)
    Pobierz plik .xml ze spolszczeniem Zaloguj się do ACP i przejdź do zakładki Customization Languages W prawym górnym rogu, kliknij na + Create New  Następnie przejdź do zakładki Upload Wczytaj plik Polski_nr.wersji.xml Na rozwijanej liście wybierz lokalizację, w naszym przypadku będzie to polski (Polska) lub pl_PL. Jeśli lokalizacji nie ma na liście, trzeba zainstalować locale. Jeśli nie zarządzasz serwerem samodzielnie, zwróć się o pomoc do administratora). Kliknij Save Następnie ustaw język polski dla użytkowników wybranych grup
    Aktualizacja spolszczenia do nowszej wersji:
    Pobierz plik .xml ze spolszczeniem Zaloguj się do ACP i przejdź do zakładki Wygląd Języki Przy języku polskim, kliknij na menu rozwijalne i wybierz „Wyślij nową wersję” Wybierz rozpakowany wcześniej plik Polski.xml i kliknij Zapisz
    Zachęcamy do zgłaszania błędów w spolszczeniu odwiedzając stosowne forum.




  6. More information about "(DP47) Welcome E-mails System"


    (DP47) Welcome E-mails System

    Application provides a feature that allows the administrator to send welcome emails to new members. This feature is particularly useful for onboarding new users and engaging them shortly after registration. Here are the key capabilities of this system:
    Immediate Welcome Email: Upon registration, a welcome email is automatically sent to the user. This email serves as a greeting and can contain essential information to help the user get started on the forum.
    Timed Follow-Up Emails: Additional emails can be scheduled to be sent a certain number of days after registration. For example, follow-up emails can be sent on the 1st, 4th, or 10th day, depending on the settings. This helps maintain user engagement and reminds them to interact with the forum.
    Customizable Content: Each email can have a customized title and content, making it possible to tailor the message according to the needs of the community. You can provide links to discussions, share tips, or highlight key features of the forum.
    Enable/Disable Levels: Each email level (day) can be enabled or disabled individually. This allows flexibility in managing which emails are sent to users and when.
    Use Cases:
    Boosting Engagement: Timely follow-up emails can encourage users to return to the forum, join discussions, and stay active. Guiding New Members: The welcome email can provide a tour of the forum's features, guiding users on how to participate. Community Building: By checking in with members after a few days, you can foster a sense of community, ensuring new members feel valued and supported.  
    === === === === === === === === === === === ===
    Aplikacja umożliwia administratorowi wysyłanie powitalnych wiadomości e-mail do nowych członków. Funkcja ta jest przydatna w procesie onboardingu nowych użytkowników i angażowaniu ich zaraz po rejestracji. Oto kluczowe możliwości tego systemu:
    Natychmiastowa wiadomość powitalna: Po rejestracji automatycznie wysyłana jest wiadomość powitalna. E-mail ten pełni rolę przywitania i może zawierać istotne informacje pomagające użytkownikowi w rozpoczęciu korzystania z forum.
    Wiadomości śledzące wysyłane po określonym czasie: Można ustawić dodatkowe e-maile, które zostaną wysłane po kilku dniach od rejestracji. Na przykład, e-maile śledzące mogą być wysyłane 1., 4., czy 10. dnia, w zależności od ustawień. Pomaga to w utrzymaniu zaangażowania użytkowników i przypominaniu im o aktywności na forum.
    Personalizowana treść: Każdy e-mail może mieć dostosowany tytuł i treść, co pozwala na dopasowanie wiadomości do potrzeb społeczności. Można w nich zamieścić linki do dyskusji, podzielić się poradami lub wyróżnić kluczowe funkcje forum.
    Włączanie/wyłączanie poziomów: Każdy poziom (dzień) wysyłania e-maila może być indywidualnie włączany lub wyłączany. Umożliwia to elastyczne zarządzanie, które wiadomości są wysyłane i kiedy.
    Przykłady zastosowania:
    Zwiększenie zaangażowania: Wiadomości śledzące wysyłane w odpowiednim czasie mogą zachęcić użytkowników do powrotu na forum, dołączenia do dyskusji i pozostania aktywnym. Wsparcie nowych członków: Wiadomość powitalna może zawierać informacje o funkcjach forum, pomagając użytkownikom w orientacji. Budowanie społeczności: Sprawdzanie, co u członków po kilku dniach, buduje poczucie przynależności do społeczności i sprawia, że nowi użytkownicy czują się docenieni i wspierani.

    1 purchase   4 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  7. More information about "(DP45) Indefinite Individual Posts Editing"


    (DP45) Indefinite Individual Posts Editing

    With this plugin you may allow members to indefinitelly edit their own topics/posts.
    It's helpfull for various reasons on a boards with important and updated frequently informations from members about them, their work, hobby etc.
    1.0.0 - 1.0.1: upgrade to work with 4.6.x, bug fixes. 1.0.1 - 1.0.2: upgrade to work with 4.7.x, fixed bug related to archived topics.

    4 purchases   3 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  8. More information about "(DP47) Dots in E-mail Ban Checker"


    (DP47) Dots in E-mail Ban Checker

    This mod alters the behavior of the built-in email filtering system in IPS4 to ensure that variations of email addresses which are visually similar but differ in minor details (such as dots in Gmail addresses) are treated equivalently. For instance, the addresses [email protected] and [email protected] will be considered the same under our filter system. This approach effectively prevents users from bypassing email bans or filters by manipulating the format of their email addresses.
    Key features:
    Uniform Handling: Regardless of how dots or similar variations are used, the email addresses are normalized to ensure consistent treatment. Effective Filtering: Prevents evasion of email bans by recognizing different forms of the same email address. Enhanced Security: Maintains the integrity of email filtering and ban mechanisms by eliminating opportunities for manipulation. This mechanism is ideal for businesses and platforms that need to enforce email bans or restrictions reliably.
    Modyfikacja zmienia nieznacznie działanie wbudowanego mechanizmu filtrów banów na e-maile. Jest zaprojektowana tak, aby różne warianty adresów e-mail, które są wizualnie podobne, ale różnią się drobnymi szczegółami (takimi jak kropki w adresach Gmail), były traktowane jednakowo. Na przykład, adresy [email protected] i [email protected] będą uznawane za ten sam adres w systemie filtrów banów na e-mail. Takie podejście skutecznie zapobiega omijaniu banów lub filtrów e-mailowych poprzez manipulację formatem adresu e-mail.
    Główne cechy:
    Jednolite Przetwarzanie: Bez względu na użycie kropek lub podobnych wariantów, adresy e-mail są normalizowane, aby zapewnić spójną obsługę. Skuteczne Filtrowanie: Zapobiega omijaniu banów e-mailowych przez rozpoznawanie różnych form tego samego adresu e-mail. Zwiększone Bezpieczeństwo: Utrzymuje integralność mechanizmów filtrów i banów e-mailowych, eliminując możliwości manipulacji. Ten mechanizm jest idealny dla firm i platform, które muszą skutecznie egzekwować bany lub ograniczenia e-mailowe.

    0 purchases   0 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  9. More information about "(DP47) Accept Rules Before Enter Forum"


    (DP47) Accept Rules Before Enter Forum

    This modification for IPS4 forums enforces a rule where users must accept the specific terms and conditions of a forum section before they are allowed to view its content. This feature is particularly useful for sections with age restrictions (such as 18+) or other specialized content.
    Key features:
    Mandatory Rule Acceptance: Users must read and accept the forum rules specific to a section before accessing any content within it. Content Hiding: The modification hides all content from users who have not accepted the rules, preventing them from previewing or accessing any posts or threads. Enhanced Compliance: Ensures that users are aware of and agree to the terms before engaging with potentially sensitive or restricted content. This modification is ideal for forums that need to enforce compliance with specific guidelines or regulations, ensuring that users acknowledge and agree to rules before they can view any content.
    - - -
    Ta modyfikacja do forum IPS4 wymusza na użytkownikach akceptację określonych warunków i regulaminu danego działu przed umożliwieniem im przeglądania jego zawartości. Funkcjonalność ta jest szczególnie przydatna dla działów z ograniczeniami wiekowymi (np. 18+) lub innych specjalistycznych treści.
    Główne cechy:
    Obowiązkowa Akceptacja Regulaminu: Użytkownicy muszą zapoznać się z regulaminem i zaakceptować go, zanim uzyskają dostęp do jakiejkolwiek zawartości w danym dziale. Ukrywanie Treści: Modyfikacja ukrywa całkowicie zawartość przed użytkownikami, którzy nie zaakceptowali regulaminu, uniemożliwiając im podglądanie lub przeglądanie postów i wątków. Zwiększona Zgodność: Zapewnia, że użytkownicy są świadomi i zgadzają się na warunki przed przystąpieniem do przeglądania potencjalnie wrażliwych lub ograniczonych treści. Ta modyfikacja jest idealna dla forów, które muszą egzekwować przestrzeganie określonych wytycznych lub przepisów, zapewniając, że użytkownicy zaakceptują zasady przed uzyskaniem dostępu do zawartości.

    0 purchases   0 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  10. More information about "(DP45) Custom Links"


    (DP45) Custom Links

    This app changes a phrase into a custom link without modifying the phrase in the database. It only works for all compatible app types! See settings screenshots.
    This allows you to override user-submitted text in the forums with URLs, affiliate links, or custom links.  This app is highly recommended for adding in affiliate links for the community.   
    Enable / Disable mod, Membergroup permissions to see parsed phrases Unlimited custom links Forum selection Nofollow

    17 purchases   18 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  11. More information about "(DP46) Mod Action Notify"


    (DP46) Mod Action Notify

    With this mod you can inform your members about taken action on their content. For example: topic locked, hidden, unhidden, deleted, moved, post approved etc.

    9 purchases   5 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  12. More information about "(DP45) Disable Indexing"


    (DP45) Disable Indexing

    With this mod you can disable indexing by spider crawlers for specific topic. It's important for a private topics, however must be publicly accessible to the forum community.

    1 purchase   4 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  13. More information about "(DP45) Single Use License Keys"


    (DP45) Single Use License Keys

    Aplikacja umożliwia sprzedaż kluczy licencyjnych uprzednio wygenerowanych u zewnętrznego operatora. Jak wiadomo domyślnie Commerce (sklep) generuje losowy klucz podczas zakupu. Dzięki tej aplikacji możliwa jest integracja z zewnętrznymi skryptami gdzie generuje się zestaw kluczy, a potem sprzedaje je w aplikacji Commerce.
    Posiadam wersje na poprzednie serie IPS4. W razie chęci ich otrzymania proszę o wiadomość po zakupie.

    22 purchases   31 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  14. More information about "(DP45) Delete IP Addresses & Device History"


    (DP45) Delete IP Addresses & Device History

    Introducing a new modification to manage IP Addresses and Device History within the application. Key features include:
        Front-end Enhancements:     Navigate to Account Settings > Recently Used Devices.     Integrate buttons for 'Delete IP Addresses' and 'Delete Device History.'     Users can delete their own history with a confirmation prompt.     ACP (Admin Control Panel) Enhancements:     Access Members > Profiles in the ACP.     Implement buttons for 'Delete all IP Addresses' and 'Delete all Device History.'     Admins can delete history for all users with a confirmation prompt.     Individual Profile Management:     In the ACP, on a specific member's profile, include buttons for 'Delete IP Address' and 'Delete Device History.'     Users with admin privileges can delete a specific user's history with a confirmation prompt.

    1 purchase   1 download

       (0 reviews)



  15. More information about "(DP45) Reply on Own Topics"


    (DP45) Reply on Own Topics

    This plugin allows you to choose forums where users without 'reply' permissions will be able to reply in own topics only. See screenshots.

    1 purchase   2 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  16. More information about "Color Picker"


    Color Picker

    Color Picker for IPS Community Suite 4.x is a small plugin that extends IPS4's easy theme builder concept by providing it on a per-user basis directly from the header of your site. The plugin requires no additional loading of resources as it utilizes components already built into IPS Community Suite.
    * Per-user color scheme control of your Community Suite.
    * Set a default primary & secondary color that all users can revert to.
    * Choose the "Edit theme" icon within the header directly from the plugin settings.
    * Choose which groups have access.
    * Integrated with IPS4.x 1-click localization.

    1 purchase   2 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  17. More information about "(DP44) Custom Member Management"


    (DP44) Custom Member Management

    With this mod you can manage easily members and move them to selected groups.
    It has various uses.
    Menu URL:
        Please add the following url to menu:

    2 purchases   1 download

       (0 reviews)



  18. More information about "(DP45) Referrals System"


    (DP45) Referrals System

    With this app you can allow your members invite other members.

    enable/disable system, select allowed groups to use this mod, three invite types: free -> user may or may not enter inviter name; force -> user must enter inviter name; invite only: user must be referred by invite form (with hashed keycode), list of all invited users, list of all invited users in ACP with filter options, invites by referral link, points system integration (any system!), promotion to the new group after reaching specific amount of referred users, ability to enable/disable member powers to raising people via ACP, info in member profiles about referrer, ability to add/edit/remove referred transactions, ability to turn off the "Referrer Information" block in profiles, ability to award referrer if his referrred member made topic/post, invite form, option to enable/disable custom invite message, option to disable invites from the same IP and much more, resend option to resend sent invites, option to approve transaction only if referrer add more than X defined posts. Note:
    it's a first release of this app for a 4.x series. it's a lifetime purchase! Once time buy = lifetime updates (for a 4.x serie).

    10 purchases   17 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  19. More information about "(DP45) Advanced Regexp"


    (DP45) Advanced Regexp

    With this fancy app you may earn money by changing and modyfing the affiliate urls adding by members on your board! 🙂
    It maybe isn't beatifiull app but it's very good and brings new opportunities.
    For example Amazon affiliate urls contain "tag" parameter which may be modified by adding your own value for that parameter or simply added into url.
    Application is flexible so you may define your own affiliate parameters - "refby", "referredby" etc.
    You may also delete specified parameters from urls or keep any.
    You may also create custom CSS class and highlight any urls you like by your own CSS look.
    Someone post this url:
    https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01WSEEFBA/ref=gw_fr_desk_h1_sh_slp_apos_0079?pf_rd_p=565456y3-f7d5-4b98-a4e5-72ff4fdd68f6&pf_rd_r=9RY38PVVHBF63YEEXE It would change to that (with tag parameter):
    Another example (with tag parameter):
    https://www.amazon.com/photo-TV-mp3-Hifi-GPS/b/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&node=6547&linkCode=sl2&tag=tectes-31&linkId=cb76a59714b8493b75a565404838885c00e&language=fr_FR It would change to:

    8 purchases   5 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  20. More information about "(DP46) Search in Archive"


    (DP46) Search in Archive

    Za pomocą tej modyfikacji możesz przywrócić możliwość wyszukiwania w archiwalnych postach.
    Ważne: Po zainstalowaniu, proszę skorzystaj z narzędzia do odbudowy indeksu wyszukiwania w ACP. Spowoduje to przywrócenie usuniętych archiwalnych elementów do indeksu wyszukiwania.
    - - -
    With this plugin you can restore searching in the archived posts.
    Important: After install please use rebuild search index tool in the ACP. It will bring back removed archived items in the search content.

    0 purchases   0 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  21. More information about "(DP44) Bot Group"


    (DP44) Bot Group

    This modification allows to change group of search bots from guests to another.
    It's do not affect logged in members (even if they change the useragent with a switcher or anything else). Works only for a guests recognized as a spider crawlers.

    4 purchases   1 download

       (0 reviews)



  22. More information about "(DP45) Watermark for Uploads"


    (DP45) Watermark for Uploads

    Modyfikacja umożliwiająca dodanie znaku wodnego do wysyłanych załączników graficznych na forum.
    Działa tylko dla nowo wysłanych grafik? Tak.  
    Działa dla już wysłanych i zapisanych załączników graficznych? Nie.  
    Znak wodny może być zaaplikowany dla już wysłanych grafik? Nie.  
    Dodasz jakieś nowe opcje w przyszłości? Tak i nie. Zależy od tego co to będzie.  
    Znak wodny może być dodany w dowolnej pozycji na grafice? Nie. Będzie dodany w prawym dolnym rogu.  
    Znak wodny bedzie dodany do miniatur (jeśli będą dostępne)? Tak.  
    With this plugin you can easily add a watermark to every uploaded image via upload form.
    FAQ - read before purchase
    It works only for a newly uploaded images? Yes.  
    It works for already uploaded images? No.  
    Watermark could be applied into old images (already saved)? No.  
    Would you be so kind and add new options? Yes and no. It depends what it would be.  
    Watermark can be added anywhere on the image? No. It would be added only to specified most common areas of the image (see screenshot for more details).  
    Watermark would be added onto thumb also? Yes.  
    If you have any other questions please ask BEFORE purchase.

    7 purchases   5 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  23. More information about "(DP45) Highlight Topic Author"


    (DP45) Highlight Topic Author

    Highlight Topic Author adds a badge and a border above posts and from the author of topics and questions. It will help your commentators to differentiate between other posters and posts from the original author.
    Requires practically no configuration. Works in topics and question topics. Easily change the colour of the badge & border. Enable/Disable the badge or border. Set icons for both topics and QA topics. Set custom classes for the badge and border for your own setup. Set badge text for standard topics and text for question topics.

    11 purchases   6 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  24. More information about "(DP44) Fluid Forums Widget"


    (DP44) Fluid Forums Widget

    This mod will display widget with a fluid topics list from a selected forums. It works only on standard forum view (Table: A traditional forum index table view). It's disabled when user switch to fluid type of view (Fluid: A simpler dynamic listing topics with a forum filter box).

    0 purchases   0 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  25. More information about "(DP45) Moderator Logs"


    (DP45) Moderator Logs

    With this mod you can allow your members to view moderators logs on the front page. Various options:
    enable/disable, choose groups which will be able to see the logs, choose groups which will be able to see the IP's, optional allow moderators access even if they won't in the allowed groups, live sorting, live searching.

    1 purchase   1 download

       (0 reviews)



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