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  1. This hook will show a Top Viewed Topics on your board. Features: Set the number of topics to show show (or not) the number of views show (or not) the start date show (or not) the forum name show (or not) the number of replies Exclude some forums Select which groups can see the block on sidebar Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. This add on module for CCS will allow you to import and export pages from one CCS to another one. When you are exporting any pages you will have the option to over write existing pages on CCS if there is a similar page name already present. But if there isn't one then it will just add one automatically. Also if you are trying to upload a page that is already on CCS and you have not select the option to overwrite the original copy of which is present in the database, it will add a totally new page without over writing the original one. This module will also create any folders that might be required for your new pages. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. 2010 WHAT'S NEW? Breaking NEWS! You don't want to MISS this CFC FIRST! CFC IS ALWAYS FIRST WITH BREAKING SWAROVSKI NEWS. We have it ALL! MORE THAN 25 2010 NEW Issues have been posted to our CFC Website. IF you want to see What's Coming in 2010, JOIN US! Crystal Fanatics Club TM For Collectors of Swarovski Crystal Zobacz całą wiadomość
  4. Arabic Language Pack Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Name: Pro Blue Compatible: 3.0 Colours: Basic Blues and Black Language: English Supports:Gallery, Blog and Download Manager All images & blank logo included in Zip file I have made a pro series of this design, still working on more colors. I have Black,Blue,Orange,and Green so far you can view them at my demo site. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description: Complete Points/Investment/Shop Application. This is the 5th BETA release, I've had a few private testers and most any prominent bugs have been reported and fixed. But there are surely going to be less noticeable bugs occur (for instance the heart and soul of the entire app, the nightly tasks), so it is not recommended for public boards just yet. So feel free to install on a small scale and play around. Or if you have a smallish live board in which the members won't be too distraught if for example their point totals aren't calculating perfectly or something, then that would work too, just use at your own risk. For the Read Me which contains 65+ screenshots, click here. Features: (too many to list, but here is a start, more after BETA) Shop Items (~20 items so far... more soon) Shopping cart and checkout system Points Per Topic/Reply/Reply-in-own-topic Banks (savings/checking) Stocks (based on actual things like member posting/registrations or random) Credit-Cards Long-Term Investments (IRA, 401K, etc) Custom Sidebar Blocks (richest members, stock ticker, etc) Point loans Welfare system Donations system Send Item to Other Members Hooks/Other features: NO FILE EDITS! (hooks or application) Duplicate app's sidebar blocks on board index Display member's point total, clickable to view stats and donate (from topics and PMs) Profile point total Profile donate link EVERYTHING can be turned off (well... anything that makes sense to turn off) Drag and Drop sorting (EVERYWHERE) View/Buy/Trade/etc permissions via built-in IPB permission masks Name "points" anything you want, everywhere Also can integrate with any other points system (if yours isn't list, let me know and I'll add it) Group MAX perms for most everything Screenshots: (more after BETA) App: Banks: Rankings: Hooks: (0 file edits!) Specific Member Donation Popup: Profile View: Topic View: Changelog: Beta 5: Bugfixes: $moderator protected class_forums posting error Correct Number formatting for shop items in cart Gap between dollar sign and bank cost Sorting errors in sidebar blocks Long-Term-> Max still in template New Features: Quickly grant a group full public access in 1 click New shop item: Change Member Display Name Beta 4 - Beta 1 Private testing, bugfixes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. This mod will allow you to use prefixes to your forums topics. You can add and manage prefixes on Manage Forums, Admin CP. Files Affected: admin/applications/forums/modules_admin/forums/forums.php admin/applications/forums/skin_cp/cp_skin_forums.php admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/post/classPost.php admin/applications/forums/modules_public/moderate/moderate.php Templates Edited: Post Screen -> postFormTemplate Moderation -> editTopicTitle Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. This mod will allow you to use prefixes to your forums topics. You can add and manage prefixes on Manage Forums, Admin CP. Files Affected: admin/applications/forums/modules_admin/forums/forums.php admin/applications/forums/skin_cp/cp_skin_forums.php admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/post/classPost.php admin/applications/forums/modules_public/moderate/moderate.php Templates Edited: Post Screen -> postFormTemplate Moderation -> editTopicTitle Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. File Name: (SOS30) Topic Prefix v1.0.0 File Submitter: SOSInvision File Submitted: 26 Sep 2009 File Category: IP.Board v3.0.x Mods Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0.0 This mod will allow you to use prefixes to your forums topics. You can add and manage prefixes on Manage Forums, Admin CP. Files Affected: admin/applications/forums/modules_admin/forums/forums.php admin/applications/forums/skin_cp/cp_skin_forums.php admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/post/classPost.php admin/applications/forums/modules_public/moderate/moderate.php Templates Edited: Post Screen -> postFormTemplate Moderation -> editTopicTitle Click here to download this file Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. We have made two sections of resources available on our site: Official and Community. Official Resources These are resources made by IPS staff and include everything from getting started guides to developer documentation. We are still populating our database of documentation and appreciate your feedback on what sort of information you might be looking for. What seems easy to IPS staff can often be confusing to those not living our products daily as we are so please speak up regarding specific areas you need to have better documentation. Thanks! Community Resources Made by the community of IPS customers and include tips, skins, hooks, applications, and more. There is a great number of interesting articles and fun downloads to choose from there. Try one our or submit your own. Visit: Customers Resources Zobacz całą wiadomość
  11. Supports IP3X Download Manager all images included in zip file as well as banner Join make two posts and you can download this from the download manager free as a Trial Subscription will be given to you once the two posts are made. This promotion is for all new members joining till October 7 to celebrate my Grand Opening. Lots of free (2 posts) and Subscription Themes have been added for Grand Opening. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Разобрался, что блог создается сначала как Черновик.. (Отстутствие тут возможности перевода интерфейса на русский сказывается). Не очень удобно располагается эта самая кнопочка "Publish Entry". К тому же она без какой-либо графической символики. На разных языках крайне сложно будет ориентироваться. Zobacz całą wiadomość
  13. Оказалось интуитивно непонятным, где же можно найти информацию о блоге пользователя. Вкладка Blog в профиле не выдает пока ничего ( No blog entries ). Может быть потому, что ставил опцию - локальный блог. Сейчас полезу разбираться. Zobacz całą wiadomość
  14. Создал блог просто ради эксперемента. Очень интересно посмотреть, на что способен движок от IPB. Буду тут делиться своими впечатлениями от работы с ним. Хочу сразу заметить, что я не пользовался блогами ранее, являюсь только активным пользователем форума. Zobacz całą wiadomość
  15. Okkkkkkkkk ok o ok Zobacz całą wiadomość
  16. Testezinho! Zobacz całą wiadomość
  17. File Name: (IM) Messenger Captcha File Submitter: m4rtin File Submitted: 23 Sep 2009 File Category: IPB 3.0.x Mods File Information Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0 (10000) Compatibility: IP.Board 3.0 Description Messenger Captcha is a hook that shows the captcha while composing a new personal message, for members with X amount of posts, or less. As long as the hook is enabled, it will show the captcha regardless of the global antispam setting. Click here to download this file Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. File Information Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0 (10000) Compatibility: IP.Board 3.0 Description Messenger Captcha is a hook that shows the captcha while composing a new personal message, for members with X amount of posts, or less. As long as the hook is enabled, it will show the captcha regardless of the global antispam setting. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. File Name: (IM) Messenger Captcha File Submitter: m4rtin File Submitted: 23 Sep 2009 File Category: IP.Board v3.0.x Mods Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0 File Information Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0 (10000) Compatibility: IP.Board 3.0 Description Messenger Captcha is a hook that shows the captcha while composing a new personal message, for members with X amount of posts, or less. As long as the hook is enabled, it will show the captcha regardless of the global antispam setting. Click here to download this file Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. We are pleased to announce Subscriptions Manager and MSSQL Database Drivers are now available. The first supported versions of the the Subscriptions Manager application and MSSQL database drivers for IP.Board 3 are now available to license holders in the client area. IP.Subscriptions 1.0.0 IP.Subscriptions is an application that allows you to set up purchasable subscriptions for your community. If you are upgrading from IP.Board 2.3.6 then you will enjoy the new features: Numerous bug fixes Ability to set 'Protected Groups' for member groups that are protected from the change of primary member group when promoting and demoting Ability to set a secondary group instead of updating the primary group Ability for members to cancel a recurring payment without losing their current subscription Enhanced interface for members Sidebar hook to show current subscription and when the next payment is due And much more... IP.Subscriptions is available to all IP.Board active license holders and IPS community hosting customers at no charge. MS-SQL Database Driver The MSSQL driver will enable you to install a fresh copy of IP.Board 3 or perform an upgrade from 2.3.x on Microsoft SQL Server 2005+ or SQL Express. Full text searching is also available. Unlike previous releases, all the files for all applications are contained in the one ZIP file for ease of use. Zobacz całą wiadomość
  21. This is the purchasable subscriptions manager for IP.Board. 3. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Visio Brown is now out for release. You can use this forum for release discussion Nice clean and light professional style. You can see a demo here, if you need or would like a custom logo, just let us know. Click the discussion URL to purchase. The link for review and other opinions are within this post, thanks for considering on purchasing this, there will be many more coming soon! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Supports IP3X Download Manager Lots more free and halloween skin themes available at my brand new site. Please join. Running a promotion right now. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. File Name: (IM) Login Captcha File Submitter: m4rtin File Submitted: 21 Sep 2009 File Updated: 21 Sep 2009 File Category: IPB 3.0.x Mods File Information Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0 (10000) Compatibility: IP.Board 3.0 Description Login Captcha is a hook that shows the captcha during log in. As long as this modification is enabled, it will show the captcha regardless of the global antispam setting. Click here to download this file Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. File Information Resource Type: Hook Version: 1.0 (10000) Compatibility: IP.Board 3.0 Description Login Captcha is a hook that shows the captcha during log in. As long as this modification is enabled, it will show the captcha regardless of the global antispam setting. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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